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¨ Compare the first two agency agreements with the one below. Is there any difference?

¨ Enumerate the clauses you encounter in all the agreements.

¨ Comment on the definition below. Give its gist in English.



Под агентским договором понимается договор о совершении одним лицом (агентом) действий по поручению и за счет другого лица (принципала). Агентский договор может быть направлен на совершение агентом как юридических, так и фактических действий, конечной целью которых является установление договорных обязательств между принципалом и третьим лицом. Как правило, агент действует от имени принципала и, следовательно, заключенные им или при его содействии сделки создают права и обязанности непосредственно для принципала. Судебная практика допускает и другие способы вступления агента в отношения с третьими лицами при осуществлении возложенного на него принципалом поручения. Но независимо от того, как выступает агент в отношениях с третьими лицами, экономический результат совершенных им сделок падает на принципала.








An Agreement made on______ between A.B. Company Ltd. (“the Company”) and C.D. (“the Agent”).




1. In this agreement

“the Goods” means the whole range of products contained in the “A.B. Catalogue”;

“the Territory” means [place or other description of territory];

“the Customer” means all customers and potential customers for the Goods.




2. This agreement shall commence on … and shall remain in force until terminated by not less than [3] months’ prior written notice by either party to the other.




3. The Agent is appointed the [sole] agent of the Company in the Territory for the sale of the Goods on terms and subject to the conditions set out below.




     4.0. The Agent shall:

     4.1. use his best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goods throughout the Territory to all Customers and work diligently to obtain orders for them;

     4.2. promptly submit to the Company all enquiries or orders from Customers obtained by the Agent for the Goods within the Territory in sufficiently full and accurate detail to enable the Company with the least possible delay to respond to them effectively;

     4.3. in all matters act loyally and faithfully to the Company and obey its orders and instructions and in any case where it is not possible to obtain such orders or instructions in relation to any particular matter act in such manner as he reasonably considers to be most beneficial to the Company’s interests;

     4.4. not engage or be interested either directly or indirectly as principal, agent, partner, director or employee in the production, sale or advertising of goods of any description or kind similar to or competitive with the Goods without obtaining the previous consent in writing of the Company;

     4.5. refer to the Company all inquiries for the Goods from addresses outside the Territory;

     4.6 take part in meetings with representatives of the Company;

     4.7. visit Customers at such intervals as the Company requires;

     4.8. defray all expenses of and incidental to the agency;

     4.9. not to make directly or indirectly a profit or benefit from the sale of the Goods other than the commission mentioned below;

     4.10. arrange for all import licences or permits to be obtained which are necessary for importation of Goods into the Territory.




     5. The Company shall at its own expense supply to the Agent such amount of samples, patterns, catalogues and advertising material (which shall at all times remain the property of the Company) as it considers reasonably sufficient with a view to promoting sales of the Goods within the Territory.




     6.0. The Company reserves to itself the right notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement:

     6.1. to quote for or supply Goods to any Buyer in the Territory or any Buyer outside the Territory for delivery to the Territory;

     6.2. to make changes in the design, production or finish of the Goods;

     6.3. to specify from time to time sales targets for Goods or particular types of Goods within the Territory.






     7.1. During the continuance of this agreement the Agent shall be paid by the Company a commission on the … day of every month in respect of the Goods sold in the Territory of the Company and invoiced to its Customers during the last complete month preceding the Commission Day.

     7.2. The commission shall be calculated on the total invoice price of the Goods so sold in each month less the total in each month of credit notes relating to the Goods issued by the Company to Customers in the Territory at the following rates: … .

     7.3. If any Customer fails within three months from date of an invoice to pay the amount due under an invoice in respect of which the commission has been paid to the Agent the amount of commission attributable to that invoice shall be refunded by the Agent to the Company on the next Commission Day after the expiry of that period of three months and whenever practicable the refund shall be by way of deduction from any commission then payable.




     8.1. Without prejudice to any other remedies the Company may have against the Agent the Company shall have the right at any time by giving notice in writing to the Agent to suspend the performance of or terminate all or any of its obligations and the Agent’s rights under this agreement immediately in any of the following events: 

8.2. if the Agent commits a breach of any of the terms of this agreement;

     8.3. if the Agent dies, becomes bankrupt or insolvent, compounds with his creditors or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of debt or goes into liquidation voluntary or compulsory;

     8.4. if from any cause the Agent is prevented from performing his duties under this agreement for a continuous period of [2] months;

     8.5. if the Agent purports to assign the benefits or charge the benefits of this agreement.




     9.0. Upon termination of this agreement from any cause or at any time the Agent shall at his own expense promptly return to the Company all samples, patterns, catalogues, advertising material, specifications and other material, documents sent to the Agent and relating to the business of the Company which the Agent has in his possession.

     10. Except as expressly provided in this agreement the Agent shall on its termination or expiration have no right to any compensation for goodwill, customers, expenses or any other payment of any nature.




     11. The waiver by the Company of any term of this agreement shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of that term and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach.

     12. This agreement embodied the entire understanding of the parties in respect of the matters contained or referred to in it and there are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations oral or written expressly or implied other than those contained in this agreement.

     13. All previous agreements and arrangements if any relating to the sale of the Goods made between the Company and the Agent are superseded.

     14. No variation or amendment of this agreement or oral promise or commitment related to it shall be valid unless committed to writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.






to commence

начинать(ся) ¨ to commence on – начинать, приступать к чему-либо

to terminate

истекать; прекращать ¨ to terminate an agreement – прекратить действие договора



предшествующий; предварительный ¨ prior to – раньше, прежде, до


to appoint an agent


назначить агента ¨ to appoint sb as agent(s) – назначить кого-либо агентом


to use endeavours


прилагать усилия ¨ to use one’s best endeavours – приложить все свои усилия

to extend


зд. расширять SYN.: to expand


юр. старательно; усердно




согласие ¨ consent to sth – согласие на что-либо ¨ without written consent – без письменного согласия ¨ by mutual consent — с обоюдного согласия

incidental to sth


связанный с чем-либо; свойственный или присущий чему-либо

to defray (expenses)


оплачивать, брать на себя (расходы, издержки) SYN: to incur; to bear; to pay 




несмотря на; вопреки

NOTE: стилистически употребление данного предлога ограничивается письменной официальной речью

to the contrary

наоборот, в обратном смысле


отделка; полировка SYN: polish

sales target


(плановое или целевое) задание по реализации продукции




продолжительность, длительность; протяжение SYN: duration; endurance

to invoice

выписывать счет-фактуру

credit note

кредитовое авизо


причитающийся (о денежной сумме) ¨ due and payable – причитающийся и подлежащий оплате ¨ when due – когда наступит срок платежа

attributable to sth

могущий быть приписанным чему-либо, отнесенным к чему-либо

to refund


возвращать, возмещать (денежные суммы) ¨refund of the initial payment – возмещение первоначального платежа


окончание, истечение срока SYN: expiration; lapse ¨ expiry date – дата окончания; истечение срока действия контракта


осуществимый, возможный; реальный ¨ whenever practicable – когда это возможно


without prejudice to sth

юр. без ущерба для чего-либо ¨ without prejudice to sb’s rights – без ущерба для чьих-либо прав


юр. средство защиты права

to suspend sth

приостанавливать, временно прекращать SYN: to postpone sth

to commit a breach



юр. нарушать (например, обязательства, контракт) SYN: to breach; to break; to infringe; to violate


неплатежеспособный SYN: bankrupt; broke; impecunious

to compound

приходить к компромиссу с кредитором; частично погашать долг

to go into liquidation

обанкротиться SYN: to go bankrupt; to go bust


принудительный; вынужденный; обязательный

to purport

иметь целью; подразумевать, означать

to assign


закреплять; приписывать; передавать (права и обязанности)


to have sth in possession

владеть чем-либо SYN: to be in possession of sth 


юр. положительным образом, словесно, в прямой форме; однозначно; четко


репутация фирмы, престиж фирмы; гудвил; ценность фирмы, определяющаяся ее клиентурой



юр. отказ (от права, требования)


юр. принудительное применение (права, закона); правоприменение; принудительное проведение в жизнь; принуждение к выполнению требований ¨ enforcement of law – применение права, закона; обеспечение правопорядка ¨ by enforcement – принудительным путем

to supersede

юр. отменять, заменять собой (о законе по отношению к другому закону)


обязательство SYN: obligation; liability NOTE: commitment носит, как правило, оттенок «добровольное обязательство»; obligation – юридическое обязательство; liability, чаще всего, – финансовое обязательство


1. This agreement shall commence on … and shall remain in force until terminated ... Действие этого соглашения начинается ... и остается в силе, пока не будет прекращено ...
2. ... subject to the conditions set out below ... ... при условии действия нижеприведенных положений ...
3. ... expenses of and incidental to the agency ... ... расходы по и связанные с данным агентским соглашением ...
4. Without prejudice to any other remedies ... Без ущерба для других средств защиты права ...
5. ... if the Agent commits a breach of any of the terms of this agreement ... ... если Агент нарушит какое-либо из условий соглашения ...
6. Except as expressly provided in this agreement ... Кроме тех случаев, о которых прямо говорится в данном соглашении ...




1. Делать все возможное – to do one's utmost/to use one’s best endeavors;

2. Полировка – finish;

3. нести издержки - to defray expenses;

4. оставаться в силе – to remain in force;

5. описание товаров – the description of the goods;

6. срок действия соглашения – term of agreement;

7. без предварительного письменного уведомления – without preliminary written notice;

8. усердно работать – to work hard;

9. без согласия Принципала – without the consent of the Principal;

10. относящийся к чему-либо – in respect to something;

11. несмотря на что-либо – notwithstanding anything.


1. Дата окончания – expiry date;

2. неплатежеспособный – insolvent;

3. четко оговаривать – to stipulate expressly;

4. рассчитывать комиссию – to count commission;

5. выставлять счет-фактуру – to invoice;

6. кредитовое авизо – credit note;

7. компенсировать – to compensate;

8. без ущерба – without prejudice;

9. обанкротиться – to go into liquidation;

10. принудительное банкротство – compulsory bankruptcy;

11. последствия прекращения действия соглашения – effects of expiry date;

12. репутация компании – goodwill;

13. нарушать условия контракта – to commit a breach.


1. The Agent shall use his best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goods throughout the Territory to all Customers.

2. The Agent shall promptly submit to the Company all enquiries or orders from Customers obtained by the Agent for the Goods within the Territory in sufficiently full and accurate detail to enable the Company with the least possible delay to respond to them effectively.

3. This agreement shall commence on May 1, 20... and shall remain in force until terminated.

4. The Agent shall defray all expenses of and incidental to the agency.

5. The Company reserves the right to specify sales target for the Goods or particular types of the Goods within the Territory.

6. The Company shall have the right to supersede the performance of its obligations in the following event.  

7. The Agent shall arrange for all import licences or permits to be obtained which are necessary for importation of Goods into the Territory.

8. The waiver by the Company of any term of this agreement shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of that term.

9. All previous agreements and arrangements if any relating to the sale of the Goods made between the Company and the Agent are superseded.

10. The Company reserves to itself the right notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this agreement to make changes in the design and production of the Goods.

11. Commission shall be calculated on the total invoice price of the Goods so sold in each month less the total in each month of credit note issued by the Company to Customers.

12. Without prejudice to any other remedies the Company may have against the Agent the Company shall have the right to suspend the performance of its obligations in any of the following events. 



1. The Agent shall (use his best endeavours) to promote and extend the sale of the Goods throughout the Territory to all Customers.

2. This agreement (embodied) the entire understanding of the parties (in respect) of the matters contained or referred to in it and there are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations oral or written expressly or implied other than those contained in this agreement.

3. The Company reserves to itself the right (notwithstanding) anything to the contrary contained in this agreement to make changes in (in the design and production) of the Goods.

4. The Agent shall not engage in the production, sale or advertising of goods of any kind similar to the Goods (without obtaining the previous consent in writing) of the Company.

5. (Without prejudice to) any other remedies the Company may have against the Agent the Company shall have the right (to suspend) the performance of its obligations in any of the following events.

6. The Company shall have the right to suspend the performance of this agreement if the Agent purports (to assign the benefits) or charge the benefits of this agreement.

7. (The waiver) by the Company of any term of this agreement shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of that term.

8. The Company shall have the right (to suspend) the performance of its obligations if the Agent (to commit a breach) of the agreement.

9. The Agent shall (defray) all expenses (of and incidental to) the agency.

10. (Except as expressly provided in this agreement) the Agent shall on its termination or expiration have no right to any compensation for (goodwill), customers, expenses or any other payment of any nature.

11. All previous agreements and arrangement made between the Company and the Agent (are superseded).

12. The Company reserves the right to specify (sales target) for the Goods.

13. (Upon termination) of this agreement (from any cause) or at any time the Agent shall at his own expense promptly return to the Company all (samples), patterns, catalogues, advertising material, specifications and other material, documents sent to the Agent and relating to the business of the Company which the Agent (has in his possession).

14. No variation or (amendment) of this agreement or oral promise or (commitment) related to it shall be valid unless committed to writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.

15. The Company shall have the right to terminate its obligations if the Agent becomes bankrupt or (insolvent).      



1. The agreement shall remain in force until terminated by not less 3 months’ prior written notice by either party to the other.

2. The Agent is appointed the agent of the Company in the Territory for the sale of the Goods on terms and subject to the conditions set out below.

3. The Agent shall promptly submit to the Company all enquiries or orders from Customers obtained by the Agent for the Goods within the Territory in sufficiently full and accurate detail to enable the Company with the least possible delay to respond to them effectively.

4. The Company shall supply the Agent with such amount of publications as it considers reasonably sufficient with a view of promoting sales of the Goods.

5. The Agent shall refer to the Company all inquiries for the Goods from addresses outside the Territory.

6. The Agent shall use his best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goods throughout the Territory to all Customers and work diligently to obtain orders for them.

7. The Company reserves the right notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement to specify sales targets for the Goods.

8. The Agent shall not engage as the principle, agent or employee in the production or sale of Goods similar to the Goods without obtaining the previous consent in writing of the Company.

9. The Company reserves to itself the right to make changes in the design, production or finish of the Goods.

10. The Agent shall in all matters act loyally and faithfully to the Company and obey its orders and instructions and in any case where it is not possible to obtain such orders or instructions in relation to any particular matter act in such manner as he reasonably considers to be most beneficial to the Company’s interests.


1. Without prejudice to any other remedies the Company may have against the Agent the Company shall have the right to suspend the performance of its obligations if the Agent commits a breach of any of the terms of the agreement.

2. If a Customer fails within three months from date of an invoice to pay the amount due under an invoice in respect of which the commission has been paid to the Agent the amount of commission attributable to that invoice shall be refunded by the Agent.

3. Except as expressly provided in this agreement the Agent shall on its termination or expiration have no right to any compensation for goodwill, customers, expenses or any other payment of any nature.

4. The Company shall have the right at any time to suspend the performance of this agreement if the Agent commits a breach of any of the terms of this agreement.

5. The commission shall be calculated on the total invoice price of the Goods so sold in each month less the total in each month of credit notes relating to the Goods issued by the Company to Customers in the Territory.

6. No variation or amendment of this agreement or oral promise related to it shall be valid unless committed to writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.

7. The Company shall have the right at any time to suspend the performance of this agreement if the Agent dies, becomes bankrupt or insolvent, compounds with his creditors or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of debt or goes into liquidation voluntary or compulsory.

8. During the continuance of this agreement the Agent shall be paid by the Company a commission on the fifth day of every month in respect of the Goods sold in the Territory of the Company.

9. Upon termination of this agreement from any cause or at any time the Agent shall at his own expense promptly return to the Company all samples, patterns, catalogues, advertising material, specifications and other material, documents sent to the Agent and relating to the business of the Company which the Agent has in his possession.

10. The Company shall have the right at any time to suspend the performance of this agreement if the Agent purports to assign the benefits or charge the benefits of this agreement.



1. The Agent shall defray all expenses of and incidental to the agency.

2. The Company shall at its own expense provide the Agent such an amount of publications as it considers reasonably sufficient with a view of promoting sales of the Goods in the Territory.

3. This agreement shall commence on January 1, 20… and shall remain in force until terminated by not less than 3 months’ prior written notice by either party to the other.

4. The Agent is appointed the sole agent of the Company in the Territory for the sale of the Goods on terms and subject to the conditions set out below.

5. The Company reserves the right to make changes in the design, production and finish of the Goods.

6. The Agent shall promptly submit to the Company all enquiries or orders from Customers in full and accurate detail to enable the Company with the least possible delay to respond to them effectively.

7. The Agent shall use his best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goods throughout the Territory to all Customers and work diligently to obtain orders for them.

8. The Agent shall refer to the Company all enquiries for the Goods from addresses outside the Territory.

9. The Company reserves the right notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement to quote for the Goods to any Buyer outside the Territory.

10. The Agent shall submit to the Company all orders from Customers obtained by the Agent for the Goods within the Territory.

11. The Agent shall act loyally to the Company and in such manner as he reasonably considers to be most beneficial to the Company’s interests.

12. The Company reserves the right to quote for or supply Goods to any Buyer in the Territory or any Buyer outside the Territory for delivery to the Territory.



1. The commission shall be calculated on the total invoice price of the Goods so sold in each month at the following rates.

2. The Company shall have the right to suspend the performance of its obligations if the Agent becomes bankrupt or insolvent or goes into liquidation voluntary or compulsory.

3. This agreement embodied the entire understanding of the parties in respect of the matters contained or referred toin it and there are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations oral or written expressly or implied other than those contained in this agreement.

4. Upon termination of this agreement from any cause the Agent shall at his own expense return to the Company all samples, advertising material and specifications relating to the business of the Company.

5. Without prejudice to any other remedies the Company may have against the Agent the Company shall have the right to suspend the performance of its obligations in any of the following events.

6. During the continuance of this agreement the Agent shall be paid by the Company a commission on the third day of every month in respect of the Goods sold in the Territory of the Company.

7. No variation or amendment of this agreement shall be valid unless committed to writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.

8. All previous agreements and arrangements if any relatingto the sale of the Goods made between the Company and the Agent are superseded.

9. The Agent shall on its termination or expiration have no right to any compensation for goodwill, customers, expenses or any other payment of any nature.

10. If any Customer fails within three months from date of an invoice to pay the amount due under an invoice inrespectof which the commission has been paid to the Agent the amount of commission attributable to that invoice shall be refunded by the Agent to the Company on the next Commission Day after the expiry of that period of three months and whenever practicable the refund shall be by way of deduction from any commission then payable.

11. The Company shall have the right by giving notice in writing to the Agent to terminate all its obligations if from any cause the Agent is prevented from performing his duties for a period of 2 months.

12. Except as expressly provided in this agreement the Agent shall on its termination or expiration have no right to any compensation for goodwill, customers, expenses or any other payment of any nature.



1. Под термином «территория» понимается место или описание территории, где работает Агент. - The term “territory” means the place or description of the Territory where the Agent works.

2. Агент организует получение необходимых лицензий и разрешений по настоящему соглашению и несет все расходы в связи с этим. - The agent arranges for obtaining the necessary licenses and permits under this agreement and bears all costs in connection with this.

3. Агент должен регулярно направлять Принципалу все поступающие запросы с адресов, находящихся за пределами Территории. - The Agent shall refer to the Company all ч for the Goods from addresses outside the Territory.

4. Агент и Принципал регулярно встречаются для обсуждения продаж Товаров на Территории. - The Agent and Principal meet regularly to discuss the sale of the Goods in the Territory.

5. Агент не получает прямо или косвенно никаких доходов от продажи Товаров, кроме комиссионного вознагрждения, причитающегося ему. - The Agent not to make directly or indirectly a profit or benefit from the sale of the Goods other than the commission mentioned below.

6. Агент незамедлительно предоставляет Компании запросы от Покупателей на Территории для того, чтобы Компания могла в самые короткие сроки направить свой ответ или Товары. – The Agent promptly submits to the Company all enquiries or orders from Customers obtained by the Agent for the Goods within the Territory in sufficiently full and accurate detail to enable the Company with the least possible delay to respond to them effectively.

7. Несмотря на положения, содержащиеся в данном Соглашении, Компания оставляет за собой право поставлять Товары любому покупателю на Территории и вне ее. - The Company reserves to itself the right notwithstanding to quote for or supply Goods to any Buyer in the Territory or any Buyer outside the Territory for delivery to the Territory.

8. Агент должен действовать лояльно по отношению к Принципалу и соблюдать его распоряжения. The Agent shall in all matters act loyally and faithfully to the Company and obey its orders and instructions.

9. Агент не должен проявлять заинтересованность в качестве агента или принципала при продаже или рекламе любых товаров, аналогичных товарам Компании. - The Agent shall not engage or be interested either directly or indirectly as principal, agent, partner, director or employee in the production, sale or advertising of goods of any description or kind similar to or competitive with the Goods without obtaining the previous consent in writing of the Company.

10. Компания поставляет Агенту за свой счет такое количество образцов, каталогов и рекламных материалов (которые все время остаются собственностью Компании), которое она считает достаточным для содействия сбыту Товаров на Территории. - The Company shall at its own expense supply to the Agent such amount of samples, patterns, catalogues and advertising material (which shall at all times remain the property of the Company) as it considers reasonably sufficient with a view to promoting sales of the Goods within the Territory.


1. Принципал выплачивает Агенту комиссионное вознаграждение на 10-й день каждого месяца. - The Company pays the Agent a commission on the 10th day of each month.

2. Компания вправе в любое время незамедлительно путем письменного уведомления Агента приостановить или прекратить исполнение им любого или всех его обязательств или лишить Агента прав, которыми он пользуется по данному соглашению. - Without prejudice to any other remedies the Company may have against the Agent the Company shall have the right at any time by giving notice in writing to the Agent to suspend the performance of or terminate all or any of its obligations and the Agent’s rights under this agreement.

3. Стороны подтверждают свое полное взаимопонимание в отношении данного Соглашения. - The Parties confirm their full understanding in relation to this Agreement.

4. Комиссионное вознаграждение рассчитывается по общей фактурной стоимости проданных Товаров в каждом месяце за вычетом ежемесячной суммы кредитового авизо, выданного Компанией на Территории по указанным выше ставкам. - The commission is calculated on the total invoice value of the Goods sold in each month minus the monthly credit memo issued by the Company in the Territory at the rates indicated above.

5. При расторжении Соглашения Агент возвращает Компании все образцы и каталоги, а также всю имеющуюся у него документацию. - Upon termination of this agreement from any cause or at any time the Agent shall at his own expense promptly return to the Company all samples, patterns, catalogues, advertising material, specifications and other material, documents.

6. Комиссия начисляется за все Товары, проданные на Территории в течение предыдущего месяца. - Commission is charged for all Goods sold in the Territory within the previous month.

7. Никакое изменение или исправление данного Соглашения или устное обещание или обязательство по отношению к нему не будут иметь силы, если оно не будет зафиксировано в письменной форме и подписано обеими сторонами или от их имени. - No change or correction of this Agreement or an oral promise or commitment in relation to it will be valid unless it is fixed in writing and signed by both parties or on their behalf.

8. Все предыдущие соглашения и договоренности аннулируются и не имеют силы. - All previous agreements and arrangements are canceled and have no effect.

9. Соглашение может быть рассторгнуто, если Агент не выполняет свои обязанности по Соглашению более трех месяцев. - The Agreement may be terminated if the Agent has not fulfilled his obligations under the Agreement for more than three months.

10. Отказ Компании исполнить любое условие данного Соглашения не исключает последующего выполнения этого условия и не является оправданием любого последующего нарушения контракта. - 10. The refuse of the Company to fulfill any condition of this Agreement does not exclude the subsequent fulfillment of this condition and is not an excuse for any subsequent breach of contract.


1. Агент обязуется оказывать содействие продвижению товара Компании с использованием рекламных материалов, поставляемых Компанией. - he Agent undertakes to assist in the promotion of the Company's products using promotional materials supplied by the Company.

2. В соответствии с предметом настоящего Соглашения Компания обязуется обеспечить Агента необходимыми рекламными материалами. - In accordance with the subject matter of this Agreement, the Company undertakes to provide the Agent with the necessary promotional materials.

3. Настоящее Соглашение может быть расторгнуто путем предоставления письменного извещения Компанией в случае, если Агент нарушил какое-либо из условий соглашения. - This Agreement may be terminated by providing a written notice to the Company in case the Agent has violated any of the terms of the agreement.

4. В течение срока действия Соглашения Агенту будет выплачиваться комиссионное вознаграждение в отношении товаров, проданных на территории Компании, и за которые были выставлены счета Клиентам в течение последнего полного месяца, предшествующего дню выплаты комиссии. - During the term of the Agreement, the Agent will be paid a commission in respect of goods sold on the territory of the Company and for which invoices were issued to Customers during the last full month preceding the day of payment of the commission.

5. Агент будет оплачивать все расходы, связанные с выполнением агентского соглашения. - The Agent will pay all costs associated with the implementation of the agency agreement.

6. Компания будет за свой собственный счет снабжать Агента таким количеством образцов, каталогов и рекламных материалов, которое она считает достаточным с точки зрения продвижения Товара в пределах Территории. - The Company will, at its own expense, supply the Agent with as many samples, catalogs and promotional materials as it deems sufficient from the point of view of promoting the Goods within the Territory.

7. Компания сохраняет за собой право вносить изменения в конструкцию или отделку Товара. - The company reserves the right to make changes in the design or decoration of the Goods.

8. Компания имеет право приостановить выполнение своих обязательств, если Агент станет неплатежеспособным или будет иметь проблемы с кредиторами. - The Сompany has the right to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations if the Agent becomes insolvent or has problems with creditors.

9. Все изменения или дополнения к данному Соглашению будут иметь силу, если они сделаны в письменной форме и подписаны обеими сторонами. - All changes or additions to this Agreement will be valid if they are made in writing and signed by both parties.

10. По окончании срока действия данного Соглашения Агент обязан вернуть Компании находящиеся у него рекламные материалы. - At the end of the term of this Agreement, the Agent is obliged to return to the Company advertising materials held by him.

11. Компания сохраняет за собой право устанавливать объемы продаж Товара в пределах Территории. - The Company reserves the right to establish sales volumes of the Goods within the Territory.

12. Если Клиент не уплачивает в течение трех месяцев от даты счета-фактуры сумму, подлежащую уплате по данному счету и в отношении которой комиссия была выплачена, то сумма комиссии по счету будет возращена Агентом Компании. - If the Client fails to pay the amount due on the invoice within three months from the date of the invoice and in respect of which the commission was paid, the amount of the commission fee on the account will be returned by the Agent of the Company.

13. Без ущерба для других условий, защищающих права Компании, Компания имеет право приостановить выполнение своих обязательств, если Агент нарушит какое-либо из условий этого Соглашения. - Without prejudice to other conditions protecting the rights of the Company, the Company has the right to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations if the Agent violates any of the conditions of this Agreement.

14. Данное Соглашение останется в силе до тех пор, пока срок его действия не будет прекращен посредством письменного извещения одной из сторон, направленного предварительно за 3 месяца. - This Agreement will remain in force until it is terminated by a written notice to one of the parties, sent in advance for 3 months.

15. Агент обязуется не участвовать в производстве, продаже или рекламе товаров, подобных или составляющих конкуренцию Товарам, указанным в данном Соглашении, не получив предварительно письменного согласия Компании. - The Agent undertakes not to participate in the production, sale or advertising of goods similar or constituting to the Goods specified in this Agreement without obtaining the prior written consent of the Company.

16. После окончания срока действия Соглашения Агент не имеет права требовать компенсации расходов по налаживанию взаимоотношений с клиентами. - After the expiration of the Agreement, the Agent is not entitled to claim reimbursement of expenses related to establishing relationships with customers.

17. Агент назначается монопольным агентом Компании на Территории для продажи Товара на условиях, изложенных ниже. - An agent is appointed as the Company's monopoly agent in the Territory for the sale of the Goods on the conditions set out below.

18. Агент будет оперативно направлять Компании все запросы и заказы, полученные от клиентов на Товар в пределах Территории с тем, чтобы Компания могла бы немедленно заняться их исполнением. - The Agent will promptly forward to the Company all requests and orders received from customers for the Goods within the Territory so that the Company can immediately deal with their execution.

19. Агент не должен извлекать прибыль или выгоду от продажи Товара помимо комиссионного вознаграждения упомянутого ниже. - The Agent shall not make a profit or benefit from the sale of the Goods other than the commission mentioned below.

20. Все предыдущие соглашения или договоренности, имеющие отношение к продаже Товара и заключенные между Компанией и Агентом, заменяются данным Соглашением. - All previous agreements or arrangements relating to the sale of Goods and concluded between the Company and the Agent are replaced by this Agreement.




Письмо 1

Уважаемые господа!

Заместитель Генерального Директора нашей компании А.И. Романов планирует прибыть в Лондон 14 марта. Он хотел бы встретиться с Вами, чтобы обсудить все нерешенные вопросы (outstanding questions) с целью подготовки подробного агентского соглашения, а именно: комиссионное вознаграждение и срок действия соглашения.

Мы бы хотели, чтобы Вы ознакомились с приложенным к данному письму проектом и обратили внимание на Пункт 5.5.

Что касается срока действия соглашения, то исходя из нашей обычной практики, срок может составлять от года до трех. Учитывая, что это наше первое соглашение, думаем, что можно ограничиться 12 месяцами. Затем соглашение может быть продлено еще на 6 месяцев.

Просим подтвердить получение.

Начальник отдела сбыта                                         П.Кент

23 февраля 20... года



Letter 1

Dear Sirs

Deputy General Director of our company A.I. Romanov plans to arrive in London on March 14. He would like to meet with you to discuss all outstanding issues with a view to preparing a detailed agency agreement, namely the commission and the term of the agreement.

We would like you to familiarize yourself with the draft attached to this letter and pay attention to Clause 5.5.

As for the term of the agreement, based on our usual practice, the term can be from one to three. Considering that this is our first agreement, we think that it can be limited to 12 months. The agreement can then be extended for another 6 months.

Please confirm receipt.


The Head of Sales                                           P.Kent

February 23, 20 ... years



Письмо 2

Уважаемый г-н Клауди!

Мы с интересом прочитали список вопросов, присланных с Вашим письмом от 5 апреля. Считаем, что эти вопросы могли бы быть обсуждены с Вашими представителями во время их пребывания в Москве в будущем месяце.

Со своей стороны, мы хотели бы знать, какова Ваша практика расчета комиссионного вознаграждения. Если возможно, сообщите нам об этом. Это позволит нам во время визита Ваших представителей обсудить проект агентского соглашения с учетом Ваших пожеланий.

С уважением                               К.Авдеев

12 апреля 20... г.                             


Letter 2

Dear Mr. Claudi

We have read with interest the list of questions sent with your letter of April 5th. We believe that these issues could be discussed with your representatives during their stay in Moscow next month.

For our part, we would like to know what your practice is in calculating the commission. If possible, let us know. This will allow us during the visit of your representatives to discuss the draft agency agreement taking into account your wishes.


Sincerely yours                            K.Avdeev

April 12, 20 ...



А. Мы получили письмо от «Смит энд Кампани». Они заинтересованы в установлении взаимовыгодных отношений с нами. Мы хотели бы навести о них справки. - We received a letter from Smith & Company. They are interested in establishing mutually beneficial relations with us. We would like to inquire about them.

B. As far as I know Smith & Co. are wholesale of textiles and clothes on the British market. They also have a chain of retail outlets. - Насколько я знаю, Smith & Co. заниаются оптовой торговлей текстилем и продажей одежды на британском рынке. У них также есть сеть торговых точек.

А. Мы бы хотели получить рекомендательные письма от партнеров «Смит энд Кампани» по бизнесу, подтверждающие финансовое положение компании. - We would like to receive letters of recommendation from Smith & Company’s business partners confirming the company's financial position.

В . We have a client. It is a big French company. It deals with Smith & Co. on a regular basis. You can turn to that firm to find out details. - У нас есть клиент. Это большая французская компания. Она работает с Smith & Co. на регулярной основе. Вы можете обратиться к этой фирме, чтобы узнать подробности.

A . Да, спасибо. Мы обязательно напишем письмо этой французской компании. Дело в том, что мы хотим предложить «Смит энд Кампани» представлять нашу фирму в Великобритании. - Yes, thank you. We will definitely write a letter to this French company. The fact is that we want to invite Smith and Company to represent our company in the UK.

B. I see. But I doubt they will get interested. As far as I remember Smith & Co. are the sole agents of Australian Wool. - Понимаю. Но я сомневаюсь, что они будут заинтересованы. Насколько я помню, Smith & Co. являются единственными агентами компании «Australian Wool».

А. Если это действительно так, то нам вероятно придется искать другого агента в Великобритании, чтобы увеличить там объем продаж. - If this is true, then we will probably have to look for another agent in the UK to increase sales there.


А. Прежде чем подписать с Вами агентское соглашение, думаю, что мы должны обсудить все основные статьи. С чего же начать? - Before signing the agency agreement with you, I think that we should discuss all the main articles. Where do we start?

B. Well, I think commission. It is of prime importance for both our parties. As an agent we charge a usual 5 per cent commission on all orders placed through us. - Ну, я думаю, c комиссии. Это имеет первостепенное значение для обеих сторон. В качестве агента мы взимаем обычную 5-процентную комиссию по всем заказам, размещенным через нас.

А . Собираетесь ли Вы взять на себя делькредере по этим заказам и покрывает ли указанный Вами процент это обязательство? - Are you going to take over the del credere on these orders and does the percentage you specify cover this obligation?

B. We will accept the del credere if you agree to an additional 1.5 per cent. Thus our commission will amount to 6.5 per cent. - Мы примем комиссию за делькредере, если вы согласны на дополнительные 1,5 процента. Таким образом, наша комиссия составит 6,5 процента.

А. Думаю, что мы можем согласиться на такие условия. Нас также интересует, будете ли Вы поставлять товары со склада или направлять все заказы непосредственно нам. - I think we can agree to such conditions. We are also interested in whether you will deliver goods from a warehouse or send all orders directly to us.

B. We have spacious warehouses, so we can supply from stock if you don’t mind. - У нас есть просторные склады, поэтому мы можем поставлять оттуда, если вы не возражаете.

А. Мы не возражаем. Нам удобнее поставлять Вам крупные партии товара на склад, поскольку это уменьшит наши складские и транспортные издержки. - We do not mind. It is more convenient for us to supply you with large quantities of goods to the warehouse, since this will reduce our warehouse and transport costs.




Assignment 1

Вы хотели бы назначить агента по продаже оптического оборудования в Скандинавии. Составьте письмо, в котором Вы указываете предлагаемый Вами тип агентства, размер комиссии, а также источник, из которого Вы узнали о компании-адресате. Укажите также в письме о Вашем вкладе в процесс продвижения товара на рынке.


Assignment 2

Вы получили письмо, в котором Вам предлагают выступить в качестве агента по продаже телефонного оборудования. Вы хотели бы уточнить такие вопросы, как срок действия контракта, размер комиссионного вознаграждения, способ расчета с принципалом, а также возможный вид рекламы.



Moskow, December 23, 2018

White and Black

13 Lenina street

Moskow 121500

Russian Federation



Dear Sirs


I am glad to receive your letter dated December 15, 2018 containing your proposals on being agent for the sale of telephone equipment in Russia. I am satisfied with the terms that you offered, but I would like to clarify some details.


I will be pleased to discuss with you the term of the contract, the value of the commission, the method of calculation with the principal, as well as the possible type of advertising.


I hope anyway to cooperate with you further. Looking forward to your early reply.



Faithfully yours

Mary Lyubaskina




Roleplay 1


Card 1. Вы хотели бы назначить агента по продаже Ваших кожаных изделий на рынке Центральной Европы. Вам нужен монопольный агент, действующий на всей территории. Что касается комиссионного вознаграждения, то Вы готовы платить 5% со всех счетов-фактур за товары, проданные через Вашего агента.


Card 2. Вы готовы выступить в качестве монопольного агента на всей территории Центральной Европы. Однако, Вас не устраивает предлагаемый размер комиссионного вознаграждения, и Вас устроили бы 10% комиссионных.

Roleplay 2


Card 1. Вы получили письмо, в котором Вам предлагают выступить в качестве агента по продаже фарфоровых и стеклянных изделий. Вам необходимо уточнить несколько вопросов таких, как вид рекламы, тип агентства и срок действия агентского соглашения.


Card 2. Вы готовы оказать содействие агенту в рекламе и продвижении товара на рынке, предоставив рекламные материалы. Что касается типа агентства и срока действия агентского соглашения, то Вы бы предпочли назначить монопольного агента сроком на 1 год.  



[1] Текст данного соглашения может представлять значительную сложность для студентов-экономистов, поскольку содержит большое количество юридической терминологии. В связи с этим мы сочли необходимым в конце данного урока привести полный перевод текста соглашения на русский язык.




¨ Compare the first two agency agreements with the one below. Is there any difference?

¨ Enumerate the clauses you encounter in all the agreements.

¨ Comment on the definition below. Give its gist in English.



Под агентским договором понимается договор о совершении одним лицом (агентом) действий по поручению и за счет другого лица (принципала). Агентский договор может быть направлен на совершение агентом как юридических, так и фактических действий, конечной целью которых является установление договорных обязательств между принципалом и третьим лицом. Как правило, агент действует от имени принципала и, следовательно, заключенные им или при его содействии сделки создают права и обязанности непосредственно для принципала. Судебная практика допускает и другие способы вступления агента в отношения с третьими лицами при осуществлении возложенного на него принципалом поручения. Но независимо от того, как выступает агент в отношениях с третьими лицами, экономический результат совершенных им сделок падает на принципала.








An Agreement made on______ between A.B. Company Ltd. (“the Company”) and C.D. (“the Agent”).




1. In this agreement

“the Goods” means the whole range of products contained in the “A.B. Catalogue”;

“the Territory” means [place or other description of territory];

“the Customer” means all customers and potential customers for the Goods.




2. This agreement shall commence on … and shall remain in force until terminated by not less than [3] months’ prior written notice by either party to the other.




3. The Agent is appointed the [sole] agent of the Company in the Territory for the sale of the Goods on terms and subject to the conditions set out below.




     4.0. The Agent shall:

     4.1. use his best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goods throughout the Territory to all Customers and work diligently to obtain orders for them;

     4.2. promptly submit to the Company all enquiries or orders from Customers obtained by the Agent for the Goods within the Territory in sufficiently full and accurate detail to enable the Company with the least possible delay to respond to them effectively;

     4.3. in all matters act loyally and faithfully to the Company and obey its orders and instructions and in any case where it is not possible to obtain such orders or instructions in relation to any particular matter act in such manner as he reasonably considers to be most beneficial to the Company’s interests;

     4.4. not engage or be interested either directly or indirectly as principal, agent, partner, director or employee in the production, sale or advertising of goods of any description or kind similar to or competitive with the Goods without obtaining the previous consent in writing of the Company;

     4.5. refer to the Company all inquiries for the Goods from addresses outside the Territory;

     4.6 take part in meetings with representatives of the Company;

     4.7. visit Customers at such intervals as the Company requires;

     4.8. defray all expenses of and incidental to the agency;

     4.9. not to make directly or indirectly a profit or benefit from the sale of the Goods other than the commission mentioned below;

     4.10. arrange for all import licences or permits to be obtained which are necessary for importation of Goods into the Territory.




     5. The Company shall at its own expense supply to the Agent such amount of samples, patterns, catalogues and advertising material (which shall at all times remain the property of the Company) as it considers reasonably sufficient with a view to promoting sales of the Goods within the Territory.




     6.0. The Company reserves to itself the right notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement:

     6.1. to quote for or supply Goods to any Buyer in the Territory or any Buyer outside the Territory for delivery to the Territory;

     6.2. to make changes in the design, production or finish of the Goods;

     6.3. to specify from time to time sales targets for Goods or particular types of Goods within the Territory.






     7.1. During the continuance of this agreement the Agent shall be paid by the Company a commission on the … day of every month in respect of the Goods sold in the Territory of the Company and invoiced to its Customers during the last complete month preceding the Commission Day.

     7.2. The commission shall be calculated on the total invoice price of the Goods so sold in each month less the total in each month of credit notes relating to the Goods issued by the Company to Customers in the Territory at the following rates: … .

     7.3. If any Customer fails within three months from date of an invoice to pay the amount due under an invoice in respect of which the commission has been paid to the Agent the amount of commission attributable to that invoice shall be refunded by the Agent to the Company on the next Commission Day after the expiry of that period of three months and whenever practicable the refund shall be by way of deduction from any commission then payable.




     8.1. Without prejudice to any other remedies the Company may have against the Agent the Company shall have the right at any time by giving notice in writing to the Agent to suspend the performance of or terminate all or any of its obligations and the Agent’s rights under this agreement immediately in any of the following events: 

8.2. if the Agent commits a breach of any of the terms of this agreement;

     8.3. if the Agent dies, becomes bankrupt or insolvent, compounds with his creditors or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of debt or goes into liquidation voluntary or compulsory;

     8.4. if from any cause the Agent is prevented from performing his duties under this agreement for a continuous period of [2] months;

     8.5. if the Agent purports to assign the benefits or charge the benefits of this agreement.




     9.0. Upon termination of this agreement from any cause or at any time the Agent shall at his own expense promptly return to the Company all samples, patterns, catalogues, advertising material, specifications and other material, documents sent to the Agent and relating to the business of the Company which the Agent has in his possession.

     10. Except as expressly provided in this agreement the Agent shall on its termination or expiration have no right to any compensation for goodwill, customers, expenses or any other payment of any nature.




     11. The waiver by the Company of any term of this agreement shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of that term and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach.

     12. This agreement embodied the entire understanding of the parties in respect of the matters contained or referred to in it and there are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations oral or written expressly or implied other than those contained in this agreement.

     13. All previous agreements and arrangements if any relating to the sale of the Goods made between the Company and the Agent are superseded.

     14. No variation or amendment of this agreement or oral promise or commitment related to it shall be valid unless committed to writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.



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