Review the grammar material «The Participle». Use any grammar source you like. Remember the forms of the Participle.
| Active
| Passive
| Indefinite Participle (I)
| building
| being built
| Perfect Participle (I)
| having built
| having been built
| Past Participle (II)
| _
| built
Exercise 9
The main patterns of the Participle in the function of an attribute are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.
One early historian said that Stonehenge meant hanging stones, because they seem to hang in the air.
| Один древний историк сказал, что Стоунхендж означает висящие камни, так как кажется, что они висят в воздухе.
| The house being constructed in the garden is a new city library.
| Дом, строящийся в саду, – это новая городская библиотека.
| People undid part of the construction done by workers of Stonehenge I.
| Люди разобрали часть конструкции, построенной во время I стадии Стоyнхенджа.
| The Beaker people, called so because of a type of pottery they made, worked on the second phase.
| Мастера керамики, названные так по имени изготовляемых ими керамических изделий, работали над созданием 2-ой фазы.
Exercise 10
Put the verbs in brackets into the form of the Participle, following the examples. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.
A person (to stand) in the center of Stonehenge at sunrise on 21 June and (to look) down the Avenue would see the sunrise above the Heel Stone.
| It consisted of double circle of 82 bluestones, (to bring) from Prescelly Hills in Wales.
| He didn’t like people (to live) at the friends’ expense.
| The article (to be written) by a famous scientist is worth reading.
| Nobody noticed a man (to stand) quietly at a distance.
| The case (to investigate) by the detective brought him respect of his colleagues.
| She took the letter (to forget) by her husband on the table.
| Do you know the lecturer (to report) on the latest political events?
| He is the writer (to know) all over the world.
| The monument (to be constructed) by the workers will be the main sight of the city.
Exercise 11
The main patterns of the Participle in the function of an adverbial modifier are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.
The first Stonehenge was
constructed over a period of 700 years, (to begin) about 2800 BC
and (to finish) about 2100 BC.
| Первая фаза Стоунхенджа была сооружена за 700 лет, начиная с примерно 2800 до н.э. и кончая 2100 до н.э.
| Others have made further studies, continuing this approach.
| Другие провели дальнейшие исследования, продолжая данный подход.
| Being built with great skill and enthusiasm, the monument is still admired by people.
| Построенный с огромным мастерством и энтузиазмом, памятник продолжает восхищать людей.
| Having completed the first research, scientists came to the second phase.
| Завершив первое исследование, ученые перешли ко второй фазе.
| Having been constructed many centuries ago, the Stonehenge continues to be one of the wonders of the world.
| Построенный много веков назад, памятник продолжает быть одним из чудес света.
Exercise 12
Put the verbs in brackets into one of the forms of the Participle. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.
He retired (to leave) his work in the hands of his talented successor.
| (To hear) some noise downstairs, he stood up and got worried.
| (To know) the English language well, he can translate newspaper articles without a dictionary.
| (To have lived) in London for many years, he knew the city very well.
| (To be asked) many questions, he was unable to concentrate on the main topic of his report.
| (To have been completed) before the war, the building continued to be one of the main sights of the city.
| (To arrive) at the station in time for the train, he had some time to call home.
| He sat in the armchair (to read) the latest issue of a newspaper.
Exercise 13
Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.
Получив необходимые сведения, экспедиция отправилась в путь.
| Написанная известным автором, книга была с восторгом принята читателями.
| Приехав в Шотландию, они не сразу смогли понять язык местных жителей.
| Письмо, которое печатается сейчас вашей машинисткой, должно быть отправлено завтра.
| Путешествуя по стране, мы знакомились со многими достопримечательностями.
| Увидев, что машина подъехала к дому, она взяла вещи и спустилась вниз.
| История, рассказанная путешественниками, была полна интересных приключений.
| Ничего не зная об опасности, путники продолжали свое путешествие.
| Будучи очень усталыми, туристы отказались идти на новую экскурсию.
| Большая ветка, сломанная ветром, лежала поперек дороги.
| Предупрежденные о новом шторме, моряки повернули судно к берегу.
| Книги, прочитанные в детстве, кажутся самыми интересными.
| Восходящее солнце было закрыто тучами.
| Ребенок всегда с удовольствием слушал сказки, рассказываемые няней.
| Переходя через мост, он увидел вдалеке знакомую деревню.