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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
In IMO Maritime Safety Committee in May / June 2009 further amendments to SOLAS regulation V/19 were made to make the carriage of ECDIS mandatory on vessels engaged in international voyages with an expected date of entry into force of 1st January 2011.
The implementation schedule for the carriage of ECDIS on new and existing vessels is as follows:
• New passenger vessels of 500 GT and upwards constructed on or after 1st July 2012. • New tankers of 3,000 GT and upwards constructed on or after 1st July 2012. • New cargo ships, other than tankers, of 10,000 GT and upwards constructed on or after 1st July 2013. • New cargo ships, other than tankers, of 3,000 GT and upwards but less than 10,000 GRT constructed on or after 1st July 2014. • Existing passenger ships of 500 GT and upwards constructed before 1st July 2012 not later than the first survey on or after 1st July 2014. • Existing tankers of 3,000 GT and upwards constructed before 1st July 2012 not later than the first survey on or after 1st July 2015. • Existing cargo ships other than tankers of 50,000 GT and upwards constructed before 1st July 2013 not later than the first survey on or after 1st July 2016. • Existing cargo ships other than tankers, of 20,000 GT and upwards but less than 50,000 GT constructed before 1st July 2013 not later than the first survey on or after 1st July 2017. • Existing cargo ships other than tankers, of 10,000 GT and upwards but less than 20,000 GT constructed before 1st July 2013 not later than the first survey on or after 1st July 2018.
There are no mandatory carriage requirements for existing cargo ships of less than 10,000 GT. Vessels may be exempted from the requirements of the new regulation by their Flag State when the vessel is to be permanently taken out of service within two years of the implementation dates noted above.
Refer Flag State Circulars in Supplementary documents in QDMS
The User Manual for every ECDIS installed on board should be kept along with this Manual.
This is to certify that
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………. Rank: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Passport / CDC No: ………………………………………………………………………… Has completed a period of Familiarization and Training in the operational use of the ECDIS system available onboard:
From (Date): ……………………………… To (Date): ………………………………
Familiarization and Training includes but is not limited to the following:
9 Capabilities and limitations of ECDIS equipment 9 P r actical knowledge of the various features of the ECDIS 9 P assage Planning and Monitoring using the ECDIS 9 How to update charts in the ECDIS 9 S etting up and configuring of ECDIS for sensor input and information outputs | ||||||||||||||||||
S ignature of Trainee |
S ignature of Trainer | S ignature of Master | ||||||||||||||||
S hip Stamp Date: | ||||||||||||||||||
Note : Original To be retained in the Officers personal Certificate File. Copy to be sent to Office by email. | ||||||||||||||||||
V essel | |
O ffic e r name | |
ECD IS Maker / Type | |
D ate and time training commenced | |
D ate and Time training completed | |
N ame / Rank of officer providing the on-board training |
1 | INITIAL PREPARATION | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
1.1 | Establish whether there are Bridge Instructions concerning the use of equipment and ensure that these are followed | ||
1.2 | Establish whether the equipment is a flag‐approved ECDIS. If not, paper charts must be used as the primary charting system | ||
1.3 | Identify the primary ECDIS equipment and the facilities for back‐up. If the back‐up is a second ECDIS of a different type to that of the primary installation, then Sections 2 to 6 of this familiarisation checklist must be repeated for both systems | ||
1.4 | Establish whether emergency charts are carried as a final level of back‐up. If so, determine their location and their suitability for the voyage. | ||
1.5 | Establish whether an emergency computer such as a laptop running ECS software is available. If so determine its whereabouts and how to switch on and access the ECS package. | ||
1.6 | Establish whether there is an on‐board approved familiarisation training package for the equipment, whether as computer based training, an inbuilt training mode or as a book or digital image of a book (eg. PDF file). Use this before completing the check list items here | ||
1.7 | Determine whether the user manuals for ECDIS and its back‐ up are located ‐ an electronic version of these may be available on each unit | ||
1.8 | Establish whether any passwords are needed for the operation of the system and, if so, obtain the details. Passwords for system settings should remain in the possession of the master to ensure consistency. | ||
1.9 | Determine where Base and Update CDs are stored on the ship | ||
1.10 | Determine the procedures to obtain additional chart permits | ||
1 | INITIAL PREPARATION | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
1.11 | Determine and understand the position‐fix systems that feed the ECDIS. Determine the method of switching between sources, such as primary and secondary position‐fix systems | ||
1.12 | Determine what other systems feed into the ECDIS, such as radar (tracked targets and/or raw), AIS, water speed logs, echo sounders, etc. For each, establish the reference framework, eg. ground ‐, water‐ or ship‐stabilised (relative) |
2 | B A S IC OPERATION | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
2.1 | Determine how to switch the ECDIS on and off | ||
2.2 | Establish the function(s), position and general operation of the physical controls and switches , including cursor control, and the access and selection of menu items | ||
2.3 | Understand how to access the main menu and select menu options | ||
2.4 | Determine the methods for setting day/night viewing modes, brightness, contrast and colour correction (if available) | ||
2.5 | Determine how to switch between traditional and simplified symbology | ||
2.6 | Determine how to put equipment in route‐monitoring mode and route‐planning mode | ||
2.7 | Determine the methods for scrolling and zooming charts, including determining the current scale of displayed charts and setting the display to a particular scale | ||
2.8 | Determine how to select the Display Base and Standard Display | ||
2.9 | Determine how to add display other information from ENCs, including the display of All Other Information | ||
2.10 | Determine how to check that information concerning own ship, such as dimensions are correct | ||
2.11 | Determine how to select the safety contour and safety depth | ||
2.12 | Determine how to select two‐ or four‐colour contour mode | ||
2.13 | Determine how to select deep and shallow area display options | ||
2.14 | Determine how to set all other parameters condering the safety domain | ||
2.15 | Establish how alarms and other alerts are given by the ECDIS and the procedure needed to acknowledge them |
3 | CHARTS | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
3.1 | Determine how to access the chart directory and to identify whether charts are ENCs, RNCs or private data | ||
3.2 | Determine how to select a chart for display on the screen | ||
3.3 | Determine how to load new chart licence keys | ||
3.4 | Determine how to load base data | ||
3.5 | Determine how to check the update status of loaded charts | ||
3.6 | Determine how to update charts using the normal cumulative update procedures | ||
3.7 | If applicable, determine how to apply non‐cumulative or electronically‐transmitted updates | ||
3.8 | Determine how to apply manual updates |
4 | N A VIGATION TOOLS AND FUNCTIONS | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
4.1 | Determine how to display the legend of general information | ||
4.2 | Determine how to select information about an object (Pick report) | ||
4.3 | Determine how Zone of Confidence (CATZOC) information can be displayed | ||
4.4 | Determine how to access the Presentation Library | ||
4.5 | Determine what Marine Information Overlays are available and how to access them. (Radar and AIS covered in Section 6 below) | ||
4.6 | Determine the 'single operator action' needed to remove MIOs from the display | ||
4.7 | Determine the 'single operator action' needed to set the Standard Display setting | ||
4.8 | Determine how to view, add, edit and delete Mariners' Notes | ||
4.9 | Determine how to access all navigational elements and parameters, such as past track, vectors, position lines, etc | ||
4.10 | Establish the facilities provided for the measurement of range and bearing (eg EBLs and VRMs) and determine their use | ||
4.11 | Determine the method(s) used for inserting Parallel Index lines | ||
4.12 | Determine what other navigational tools are available and how to access them | ||
4.13 | Determine how to switch to using the back‐up system | ||
5 | ROUTE PLANNING | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
5.1 | Determine how to load existing routes and enable for editing | ||
5.2 | Determine how to initiate a new route plan | ||
5.3 | Determine how to initiate and plan alternate routes | ||
5.4 | Determine how to save route plans | ||
5.5 | Determine how to add, delete and adjust graphically the position of waypoints | ||
5.6 | Determine how to add, edit and delete critical points | ||
5.7 | Determine how to display time varying objects relevant for the timing of the planned voyage | ||
5.8 | Establish all the features available for planning routes, such as of straight and curved segments and inserting pilotage aids | ||
5.9 | Determine the ship's procedures for displaying MSI, T&P Notices and other relevant notes into the voyage plan | ||
5.10 | Determine how to use the facilities for checking the planned route | ||
5.11 | Determine how to load the planned route and alternatives into the back‐up system |
6 | ROUTE MONITORING | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
6.1 | Determine how to load a pre‐planned route | ||
6.2 | Determine how to select the primary or an alternate route and how to distinguish between them on the display | ||
6.3 | Determine the single operator action that selects the charted display of own ship's position | ||
6.4 | Determine the available display orientation modes and how to switch between them (eg. North Up, Head Up, Course Up) | ||
6.5 | Determine the available display motion modes and how to select them and change the parameters, such as the position of own ship on the display when Relative Motion is selected | ||
6.6 | If radar or AIS targets can be displayed on the ECDIS, determine what target vector modes are available and how to switch between and differentiate them | ||
6.7 | Determine how to create time labels along the ship's track | ||
6.8 | Establish familiarity with the Route Monitoring display, including the display of position, heading, course, speed and time | ||
6 | ROUTE MONITORING | Initials Trainee | Initials Trainer |
6.9 | Determine how to set the length of own ship's vector and intermediate time marks | ||
6.10 | Determine how to display radar and AIS MIOs, if available | ||
6.11 | Determine how to use the ECDIS as the input to a track‐ keeping autopilot. This will also need reference to the autopilot handbook | ||
6.12 | Determine how to input LOP to form the reference for an estimated position | ||
6.13 | Determine how to configure the ECDIS to use this reference (6.8) for subsequent Eps | ||
6.14 | Determine how to use the review facilities of the voyage recorder (not essential knowledge prior to sailing) |
Once the watch officer has completed the familiarization and the familiarization is verified by the master Appendix V of the Company ECDIS manual is to be completed and the signed and scanned copy of the Appendix to be sent to the responsible crewing staff in the office. Only when all items of the above checklist are fully understood by the officer can he stand a bridge watch alone.
Signature Officer being Trained
Signature of Officer providing training
Signature of the Master
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