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The Sun of our solar system a typical star of intermediate size and 1… (luminous). It's radius is about 696000 km, and it rotates with a period that increases with latitude from 25 days at the equator to 36 days at poles. For 2 … (practice) reasons, the period is often taken to be 27 days. Its mass is about 2 x 1030 kg, 3…(to consist) mainly of hydrogen (90%) and helium (10%). The Sun emits radio waves, X-rays, and 4… (energy) particles(cosmic rays) in addition to visible light. The total energy output, 5… (sun) constant, is about 3.8 x 1033 ergs/sec. In the core of the Sun a continuous 6… (nucleus) fusion is converting hydrogen into helium at a temperature of about 16 million degrees of Kelvin. Overlaying this core region are the radiative and convective zones. The Sun has a very complex surface magnetic field created by convective flow of the electrically 7…(to conduct) solar material. The 8…(vision) solar surface over the convective zone, called the photosphere, is at a temperature of about 6000 K. The cool (< 4000 K) regions in it are seen as sunspots. Above the photosphere are two transparent layers. The chromosphere, visible during eclipses, extends some 10000 km above the photosphere and has a temperature of the order 10 000 K. The corona at 1-5 x 106 (or even 100 x 106) K is 9… (to observe) beyond chromo-sphere for more than 106 km (having no apparent termination). The 10… (to escape) hot coronal plasma is called the solar wind. It carries the solar magnetic field to space, forming the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and defining the heliosphere. The magnetic field of the Sun is 11… (extreme) complicated. However, most of the complications don't extend very far from the surface, and the magnetic field of the outer corona can often be described by a dipole or quadrupole. This is the reason behind the 12… (surprise) simple two-sector or four-sector polarity structure of IMF at 1 AU so often observed.
8. Translate the text into English: Источником радиоактивности атмосферного воздуха являются космические лучи, проникающие из мирового пространства, и излучения, возникающие при радиоактивном распаде (radioactive decay) естественных и искусственных радиоактивных элементов. Находясь в основном в почве, особенно в горных породах, естественные радиоизотопы обусловливают природный естественный фон радиоактивности (natural background radiation), который не оказывает на человека вредного действия. При попадании в атмосферу искусственных радиоизотопов в виде радиоактивных отходов атомных реакторов, промышленных предприятий и учреждений, работающих с радиоактивными веществами, а также в результате испытаний атомного оружия, природный радиоактивный фон может повыситься. Образующееся при взрывах радиоактивное облако, распространяясь вокруг Земного шара, будет служить на своем пути источником радиоактивного загрязнения воздуха, водоемов и почвы за счет выпадения радиоактивных осадков (fallout). Эти осадки способны накапливаться в растениях, рыбах, поступать в молоко животных и стать потенциально опасными для человека при употреблении пищевых продуктов.
Read the text and write a summary.
Khlopin Radium Institute
After World War II a group of scientists led by V.Khlopin developed the domestic technology for separation of V.G. Khlopin plutonium for irradiated uranium, which enabled to produce weapon-grade uranium on commercial scale.
The staff of the Khlopin Institute was involved in the emergency work after the accident at Chernobyl NPP. The specialists of the Institute took an active part in the investigations in the aftermath of the explosion at the 4th reactor block in the 30km zone around Chernobyl NPP (nuclear power plant), which provided valuable data for analysis. The research of radioactive fall-out and contaminated area around Chernobyl NPP enabled the scientists to come up with measures designed to mitigate the adverse impacts of the Chernobyl accident and to design preventive and emergency measures in order to ensure Vladimir I. Vernadsky safety of nuclear power plants operation. The Institute staff that numbers over 1000 empolyees are actively involved in international cooperation through participation in the projects run by the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC). Methods of gamma-spectrometry measurement of radiation developed at the Khlopin Institute were used by Russian cosmonauts to measure radiation in space. The Institute is involved in development of the technology for reprocessing of the spent nuclear fuel capsules (so called nuclear waste). The deep-sea manned submersible Mir developed by the Institute was used to take and investigate the samples at the site of the sunken nuclear submarines Komsomoletz and Kursk.
In the last decade the equipment for measurement of xenon radioanuclides in the atmosphere (ARIX system) was designed, developed and successfully used by the Institute staff within the framework of the George A. Gamov Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). The activities of this international organization are aimed at establishing the global network of monitoring stations in order to control and eventually prevent testing of nuclear weapons throughout the world.
It’s interesting to know! · In 1913, Marie Curie established a research laboratory for radioactivity, which became known as the Paris Radium Institute. She was closely involved in the design of the building, ensuring that the laboratories were large and airy and properly equipped unlike her first laboratory that was set up in a dark and dusty storeroom at the Sorbonne School of Physics.
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