Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Before and After the Workcamp

Ijgd - Workcamps 2018





In General

With our 2018 workcamp program, ijgd welcomes you to send volunteers to our international workcamps in Germany. We offer a wide range of projects in which volunteers get involved in meaningful work and take an active part in the daily decision making processes of group life.



Background and Goals

ijgd is a non-profit, non-denominational organization which has been active in international youth work since 1948. Each year ijgd organizes international youth workcamps in Germany. In cooperation with partner organizations of the Alliance a worldwide network has been created, so that volunteers can participate in workcamps all over the world. However, this program will focus on workcamps in Germany. Our aim is to encourage young people to become aware of existing social and environmental conditions, enabling them to become an active and responsible participant in a democratic society. This learning process leads (among other things) to the examination of one's own cultural norms and values. Consequently it will help break down barriers between people which have been built on cultural, social and ethnical differences. This development of international understanding is regarded as a contribution to the furtherance of world peace.



Ijgd Workcamp Conditions

Ш Each workcamp lasts about three weeks

Ш Participants are usually between 16 to 26 years of age (except Teenage-Camps 14-17 years)

Ш Minors (under 18 years) need written permission (which they must bring to the camp!) from their guardians

Ш Volunteers are expected to work about five hours/day; 25 to 30 hours/week, except Saturday and Sunday

Ш Groups consist of approximately 15 volunteers

Ш Camps are run using the principle of self-organization. Therefore, volunteers are expected to contribute to the daily life of the group by cooking, shopping, organizing free-time activities and day to day running of the whole event

Ш Accommodation is simple (youth hostels, schools, forest huts or tents)

Ш Projects may include renovation, environmental work, play schemes with children, work with elderly, etc.



Group Leaders

Group leaders are usually of the same age as the participants. Usually there are two leaders, trained through ijgd seminars. Due to the principal of self-organization, leaders should not have a leadership role, rather be a participant themselves. They are also responsible for the contact to the project's partners, to take care of administrative details and to ensure self-organization of the group.



Types of Workcamps


Ш Renovation - RENO

Ш Projects with Kids - KIDS

Ш Social Projects - SOCI

Ш Construction - CONS

Ш Cultural Projects – ART & MEDIA

Ш Teenager Camps - TEEN

Ш Study projects - STUDY

Ш Environmental - ENVI

Ш Archaeology – ARCH

Ш Language Camp - LANG

Ш Bi- / tri-laterals - Country abbreviation

Before and After the Workcamp

Before the workcamp season starts, ijgd organizes a preparation weekend for its German participants, in order to clarify expectations, challenges of workcamps and to sensitize volunteers for intercultural differences.

After the workcamp season in autumn, volunteers and camp leaders are invited to an evaluation meeting. You are more than welcome to give us your personal feedback.




- Sorted by Start Date –

Code Location State Start End Nr. of vols Extra Fee Min. Age Max. Age Type Language Special Requirements












For nature lovers. To be able to ride a bike.

18227 Fahren I MV 02.06.18 16.06.18 23


16 26 ART, ENVI, RENO E Be able to swim and ride a bike, be able to speak English.
18218 Norderney NDS 09.06.18 23.06.18 15   16 26 CONS, RENO   The physical work can be demanding.
58404 Arendsee SA 09.06.18 30.06.18 15 16 26 CONS, ENVI   To be able to cycle.
78101 Berlin-Kцpenick B 16.06.18 08.07.18 10


18 26 SOCI   Basic German language skills.
78111 Gahlen I BB 16.06.18 08.07.18 12   18 26 CONS, ENVI    
78103 Berlin-Reinickendorf B 23.06.18 14.07.18 12


18 26 ARCH, LANG   This camp is for participants who do not have German language skills.
18229 Edewecht NDS 30.06.18 14.07.18 16   18 26 KIDS, SOCI G Basic German language skills, to be able to ride a bike.
18201 Heckenbeck NDS 07.07.18 22.07.18 15


16 26 ART E To be able to cycle. Good English language skills.
18205 Fischbeck NDS 07.07.18 28.07.18 12   16 26 ENVI    
18240 Wismar MV 07.07.18 28.07.18 15


18 26 KIDS G  
28336 Traben-Trarbach RP 07.07.18 28.07.18 17


16 26 ENVI   The work can be physically demanding.
28342 Dudenhofen RP 07.07.18 28.07.18 11 18 26 CONS   Only for Girls and Women, aged 18 years or older!
78120 Senftenberg BB 07.07.18 28.07.18 12


16 26 SOCI   Basic German language skills.
28337 Ostbevern NRW 12.07.18 04.08.18 12   18 26 KIDS   Pedagogical skills.
18222 Bremen HB 14.07.18 28.07.18 12


16 26 ART, STUD   You can only arrive on Saturday the 14th of July and leave on Saturday the 28th of July, to be interested in filming, technology and editing.
18243 Kiel SH 14.07.18 04.08.18 16   18 26 KIDS G  
28326 Ingelheim RP 14.07.18 12.08.18 14


18 26 ENVI   For nature lovers.
28333 Bielefeld NRW 14.07.18 04.08.18 16


16 26 CONS   The work partly is physically demanding. This camp is NOT suitable for people suffering from hay allergy!
28339 Homberg (Efze) HE 14.07.18 04.08.18 15 16 26 RENO   The work can be physically demanding.
58401 Barleben SA 14.07.18 28.07.18 12 16 26 CONS, ENVI   To be able to ride a bike.
78117 Potsdam BB 14.07.18 05.08.18 12 16 26 ENVI    
78104 Berlin-Reinickendorf B 15.07.18 05.08.18 12


18 26 ARCH, LANG G Basic German language skills.
28346 Hermeskeil RP 17.07.18 07.08.18 15   16 26 ENVI   The work is physically demanding. For nature lovers.
28334 Linz am Rhein RP 20.07.18 03.08.18 14 16 26 ENVI, RENO   The work can be physically demanding.
18206 Hildesheim NDS 21.07.18 04.08.18 13


16 26 ART, STUD   Good English language skills.
18209 Schulenberg NDS 21.07.18 11.08.18 15   16 26 ENVI   For nature lovers.
18210 Goslar NDS 21.07.18 04.08.18 15 16 26 ENVI    
18215 Wildemann NDS 21.07.18 11.08.18 14 16 26 ENVI    
28306 Georgensgmьnd BY 21.07.18 11.08.18 16


18 26 ART, ENVI, STUD   Basic English language skills, the work can be physically demanding!
28307 Ehingen BW 21.07.18 04.08.18 11


16 26 ENVI   To be able to cycle. The work can be physically demanding. For nature lovers.
28330 Merzig SL 21.07.18 06.08.18 12


16 26 CONS, KIDS, SOCI G Basic German language skills.
78102 Berlin-Heiligensee B 21.07.18 05.08.18 12


16 17 ARCH, TEEN    
78113 Rangsdorf BB 21.07.18 12.08.18 15   16 26 ENVI   To be able to cycle!
18212 Schwafцrden NDS 22.07.18 04.08.18 23


14 17 ENVI, STUD, TEEN   For nature lovers. To be able to ride a bike.
18214 Wolfsburg NDS 28.07.18 11.08.18 12   16 26 ENVI   You have to fit enough for physically demanding work.
18225 Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg HH 28.07.18 11.08.18 15


16 26 ART, SOCI, STUD E Good language skills in English, be interested in filming, technology and editing.
28302 Freising BY 28.07.18 24.08.18 9   16 26 ENVI   The work is physically demanding. To be able to cycle.
28303 Ursensollen BY 28.07.18 18.08.18 16 16 26 CONS, ENVI, RENO    
28309 Veitshцchheim BY 28.07.18 12.08.18 14 16 26 KIDS, SOCI, TRI G Basic German language skills.
28316 Weinsberg BW 28.07.18 18.08.18 14 18 26 KIDS, SOCI   Basic German language skills and some pedagogic skills.
28318 Marktheidenfeld BY 28.07.18 11.08.18 16


16 26 ENVI    
58400 Nationalpark Harz SA 28.07.18 05.08.18 15 16 26 CONS, ENVI    
78119 Heiligengrabe BB 28.07.18 11.08.18 12


16 17 TEEN, TRI    
78114 Gahlen II BB 29.07.18 17.08.18 12   18 26 CONS, ENVI    
28325 Iserlohn NRW 03.08.18 25.08.18 16 16 26 ENVI    
18220 Hamburg-Fischbek HH 04.08.18 25.08.18 14 16 26 ENVI   To be fit enough for physical labor.
18234 Flensburg SH 04.08.18 18.08.18 15


16 26 ART, STUD    
28332 Bad Oeynhausen NRW 04.08.18 27.08.18 12   18 26 KIDS G Good German language skills and pedagogic skills.
28343 Trassem RP 11.08.18 01.09.18 15 16 26 ENVI    
28340 Herten NRW 11.08.18 25.08.18 12


16 26 ART    
28305 Raubling BY 18.08.18 02.09.18 16 18 26 ENVI   The work is physically demanding. To be able to cycle.
28310 Schneizlreuth BY 18.08.18 02.09.18 14 16 26 ENVI   For nature lovers! The work is physically demanding and will happen on steep terrain.
28311 Bдrnau BY 18.08.18 09.09.18 15 16 26 ARCH   The work is physically demanding. All work will take place outside.
28324 Insel Hombroich NRW 18.08.18 03.09.18 12 16 26 ENVI, RENO    
28335 Gelsenkirchen NRW 18.08.18 08.09.18 12 16 26 ART, CONS, RENO    
78122 Heiligengrabe BB 18.08.18 01.09.18 12


16 17 TEEN, TRI    
78116 Felixsee-Bohsdorf BB 19.08.18 02.09.18 12   16 26 CONS   Under 18-year-olds have to bring a bathing permit signed by their parents (unsupervised natural lake).
18233 Mцlln SH 20.08.18 05.09.18 15 16 26 ENVI    
78115 Gahlen III BB 20.08.18 09.09.18 12 18 26 CONS, ENVI    
28317 Blomberg BY 25.08.18 09.09.18 15 16 26 ENVI, TRI   You will be working in an area with steep ground and the work is physically demanding.
28328 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid NRW 31.08.18 22.09.18 15 16 26 ENVI    
28327 Rursee- Feriendorf Woffelsbach NRW 01.09.18 22.09.18 12 18 26 SOCI   You absolutely have to be open-minded towards people with handicaps and should not be afraid of contact.
78123 LцЯnitz SN 01.09.18 15.09.18 10 16 26 ENVI    
28347 Bonn NRW 03.09.18 16.09.18 12


16 22 ART, STUD   You should be interested in media educational work and technical aspects.


- Sorted by Number -



· Camps are usually for volunteers aged between 16 and 26 (no expectations for older volunteers)!

· Volunteers need to reach the age at the beginning of the camp, due to insurance reasons. Should the requested age not be reached at the beginning of the camp, we will have to reject the volunteer (even after confirmation) а Please check before sending the application!

· Volunteers who need a visa have to send with their application their passport number! Please check before sending the application!

· We need an emergency contact from all MINOR volunteers! а Please check before sending the application!



Ijgd - Workcamps 2018





In General

With our 2018 workcamp program, ijgd welcomes you to send volunteers to our international workcamps in Germany. We offer a wide range of projects in which volunteers get involved in meaningful work and take an active part in the daily decision making processes of group life.



Background and Goals

ijgd is a non-profit, non-denominational organization which has been active in international youth work since 1948. Each year ijgd organizes international youth workcamps in Germany. In cooperation with partner organizations of the Alliance a worldwide network has been created, so that volunteers can participate in workcamps all over the world. However, this program will focus on workcamps in Germany. Our aim is to encourage young people to become aware of existing social and environmental conditions, enabling them to become an active and responsible participant in a democratic society. This learning process leads (among other things) to the examination of one's own cultural norms and values. Consequently it will help break down barriers between people which have been built on cultural, social and ethnical differences. This development of international understanding is regarded as a contribution to the furtherance of world peace.



Ijgd Workcamp Conditions

Ш Each workcamp lasts about three weeks

Ш Participants are usually between 16 to 26 years of age (except Teenage-Camps 14-17 years)

Ш Minors (under 18 years) need written permission (which they must bring to the camp!) from their guardians

Ш Volunteers are expected to work about five hours/day; 25 to 30 hours/week, except Saturday and Sunday

Ш Groups consist of approximately 15 volunteers

Ш Camps are run using the principle of self-organization. Therefore, volunteers are expected to contribute to the daily life of the group by cooking, shopping, organizing free-time activities and day to day running of the whole event

Ш Accommodation is simple (youth hostels, schools, forest huts or tents)

Ш Projects may include renovation, environmental work, play schemes with children, work with elderly, etc.



Group Leaders

Group leaders are usually of the same age as the participants. Usually there are two leaders, trained through ijgd seminars. Due to the principal of self-organization, leaders should not have a leadership role, rather be a participant themselves. They are also responsible for the contact to the project's partners, to take care of administrative details and to ensure self-organization of the group.



Types of Workcamps


Ш Renovation - RENO

Ш Projects with Kids - KIDS

Ш Social Projects - SOCI

Ш Construction - CONS

Ш Cultural Projects – ART & MEDIA

Ш Teenager Camps - TEEN

Ш Study projects - STUDY

Ш Environmental - ENVI

Ш Archaeology – ARCH

Ш Language Camp - LANG

Ш Bi- / tri-laterals - Country abbreviation

Before and After the Workcamp

Before the workcamp season starts, ijgd organizes a preparation weekend for its German participants, in order to clarify expectations, challenges of workcamps and to sensitize volunteers for intercultural differences.

After the workcamp season in autumn, volunteers and camp leaders are invited to an evaluation meeting. You are more than welcome to give us your personal feedback.




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