Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

What is the most important thing you learned in school?

You should talk about the knowledge and skills gained through your education that are applicable to the cabin crew job and to your professional goals.


Do not give details on your grades or other personal aspects.





'The most important thing I learned is how to be organized and prepare in advance. At the end of each semester we had 6 exams to take. It was a lot of information to take in, and I learned that the earlier I started with the preparation for my exams, the more successful was the outcome and the lesser my stress levels.'




























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Why did you choose your major?


Stay positive and talk only about your accomplishments. If your major was not your first choice, do not mention that.


Keep your answer short and neutral.



Because the education requirement for cabin crew is high school only, this question might lead to the next question 'Yourresume su.ests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position. What is your opinion? '




'I chose my major because it provided me the skills and knowledge to successfully achieve my career goals.'

































©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position. What is your opinion?

Emphasize your interest in establishing a long -term association with the airline.


Observe that experienced people are always a premium.



Suggest that since you are so well qualified, the employer will get a fast return on their investment.




'I assume that when performing well on the job, new opportunities will open for me. I believe that a strong company needs strong staff. A growing and visionary airline such as ABC Airways can never have too much talent! '





























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?

Talk only about your career goals, and mention how you will achieve the next steps towards it.


Do not talk about hobbies or interests that are not directly related to your professional life.


Do not give personal information that you wish you had not revealed.




'I would like to pursue an aviation security course. This has been a dream of mine for quite some time. Also, I would like to take a beginner Arabic language course. I believe this will help me in better understanding the life in Dubai, as well as my future customers.'


























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


If you had enough money to stop working right now, would you?

This is a hypothetical question, and as much as honesty is appreciated, a yes answer might bring a diff erent image than the one you are aiming for.


Do not start talking about how much money is enough money.



Reinforce your passion for a cabin crew career.





'Having enough money is quite a relative concept. I appreciate a steady income, but that you can get from any job. I want to become a flight attendant because I am passionate about flying and experiencing diff erent cultures and I want to learn to deliver the 5* customer service that your company is well known for.'


























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Do you have any language abilities that might assist you in performing this job?

Mention only the languages you are confident about at conversational level.


When answering this question, do not consider language courses you took in high school or during one semester in college.


Be honest, you never know what languages the person in front of you can speak.




'I am born in an American-Swedish family, so I spoke at home English and Swedish and I am proficient in both. I also took some Spanish classes, however I am just a beginner in this language.'


























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant



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