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Give an example of excellent customer service you provided.

Talk about going above and beyond the call of the job. Do not be shy.


Give the full story of how pleased your customers were and exactly what you did to accomplish that.


Talk about the reaction of your colleagues or supervisor.





'I was working in a department store and I had a customer, an elderly lady who was looking to buy a wallet. The store was on 7 levels and not very easy to navigate. I off ered to take the lady myself to the counter where she could find wallets and I helped her out in choosing one, explaining what is the diff erence between the wallets, the country where they were produced and the type of leather used. She said that nobody takes the time nowadays and everybody is in a rush to sell. She was extremely pleased that I took my time and showed her the way to the correct floor as well as helping her find the exact wallet that she wanted. At the end she gave me a hug and every time she stopped by the store she came to say hello to me.'



















©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


How can you deal with an upset guest in the plane?

Emphasize your customer service skills such as active listening, empathy and problem solving.


Think about the fact that you are in the air, with limited access to resources.


It is a hypothetical question and you should be creative, but do not overdo it by off ering solutions that you can not possibly fulfill.




'I believe that the most challenging aspect of customer service in the plane is the limited resources that we have available. Therefore, I would use my soft skills and listen to the customer's complaint, use positive body language and open ended questions. I would ask him to give me a solution to solve his issue and to the best of my ability and in accordance to the airline's policy I will try to fulfill it. I would keep on checking on him throughout the flight to make sure that he is ok and he feels taken care of.'



















©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


If I spoke to your boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Mention three or four strengths relevant for the cabin crew position and one minor weakness.


Do not start to elaborate your answer.



Make sure that you have an answer on how you are addressing your weakness.




'He would tell you that I am a dedicated employee, eager to learn and be the best in my job, a good listener and organized. He will also mention that my attention to detail sometimes takes priority over the big picture and that has an impact on my effi ciency.'




























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


What do you expect from a supervisor?


Be specific and give couple of traits that you appreciate in a manager.


Focus on team spirit and integrity.



Do not start talking negatively about your previous supervisors.




I expect him/her to offer guidance and support. I also appreciate a supervisor who is fair, honest and encourages the professional development of each individual in the team.’

































©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Do you think a manager should be feared or liked?

This is a trick question. Managers and subordinates do not need to be friends in order to achieve the goals of the company.


Do not mention any negative aspects about your previous managers during the job interview.


Do not give examples for this answer and keep your answer short and professional.




'I think it is not important whether a manager is feared or liked. What matters is that the manager is eff ective and fair and he/she promotes what is the best for the company, for the employees and also for the customers. I know that managers have to make calls sometimes that are tough and not agreed by all.'

























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant



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