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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Safety and Emergency Procedures - SEP


This is the most extensive part of the training. In this module you will learn which safety equipment you have in each aircraft, when and how to use them, survival skills in diff erent environments, emergency procedures on-board the aircraft - fire, smoke, decompression and evacuation procedures.


There is a very thick manual to go through and a lot of new information to assimilate.


At the end of each module you will have an exam. Most questions are multiple choice, plus the location of all equipment in the aircraft.


You will also have a practical session on how to open and close the aircraft doors, how to prepare the doors for flight and how to evacuate the aircraft. You will be scored based on your knowledge and confidence.

This training will take 10-15 days.



©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Security Training


In this day and age, airline security is tighter than ever. You will learn how to properly search the aircraft before the passengers embark and also after they disembark.


You will also find out how to deal with potential disruptive passengers and what are people allowed to carry on board the aircraft.


You will need to pass a multiple choice exam at the end of the session.

This training will take 1-2 days.


Aviation Health


This is your basic medical training. You will learn how to help people who are not feeling well in the aircraft, what basic medication is available in the first aid kits and when to administer it, most common health occurrences and how to recognize them, basic life saving procedures, and health precautions.


At the end of this training you will also have an exam and a practical session to show your skills on administering CPR and operating a defibrillator.

This training will last 4-5 days.

Crew Resource Management (CRM)


This training will teach you how to properly communicate with all your colleagues in the aircraft, from your fellow crew members, crew seniors, pursers and pilots. The purpose of CRM is to create an environment of open, eff ective and honest communication regardless of your rank. This training will last 1 day.


Service Training


The service training will last 3-4 weeks. It will be intense to learn everything from scratch. At the end of this training you will be able to deliver the airline’s tailored service at the highest standard. It is diff erent for every flight and there is a diff erent service sequence for a breakfast service, a dinner


©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant

service or just a bar service. You will also get familiar with basic food and beverage knowledge, cocktail preparation and serving suggestions, standards of food hygiene, duty free sales, in-flight entertainment system operation, frequent flier program, airline's tailored customer service and expectations and the company values that you are expected to implement at all times.


Grooming Training


This one day training will teach you the company's standards of grooming. You will learn how to put your make-up, do your hair, take care of your skin while flying, when should you wear your high-heeled shoes or cabin shoes, when to wear your uniform jacket and when you can remove your hat.


It is a fun day and you will get a chance to see how many steps the flight attendants go through to look their best.


All the training will be conducted in the airline's state of the art training academy.


After you complete your training, you will need to operate couple of flights as a supernumerary crew (suppy flights). You will be observing how the job is done in real life, assist in the service and demonstrate that you have the knowledge to operate the equipment in the real environment of the aircraft. You will be overwhelmed by the speed and complexity of the job, but soon enough you will feel very comfortable in the aircraft.


Once you completed the suppy flights, your Cabin Crew Flying License will be released by the Civil Aviation Authority and you will be now a fully qualified Flight Attendant.





©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant

See you up there!


It has been a long journey. There were times when you wanted to give it all up and just put this fantasy in a box to reach only in your imagination. You overcame that and you have reached your dream: You are now a flight attendant!


You life will be filled with excitement. You will see places you only saw on TV or in books. You will meet amazing people. You will stay in luxurious hotels and learn to move around in new cities like they are your second home.


Enjoy every moment of this fantastic journey!



Thank you for letting me help you through this. It has been a great pleasure!


©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant



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