Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Give the English equivalents for the following expressions.

1. который может отличать товары и услуги одного предприятия от товаров и услуг других предприятий

2. которые совпадают до степени смешения

3. могут быть зарегистрированы

4. идентичны или сходны с зарегистрированным товарным знаком

5. право обращаться в суд с иском

6. нарушить регистрацию

7. подать заявку на регистрацию

8. представить аргументы

9. предъявить возражения против регистрации

10. выдать свидетельство о регистрации

11. действующие пошлины по товарным знакам

12. поддержание в силе

13. продлить срок действия товарного знака

14. владелец товарного знака

15. исключить из реестра

16. защитить регистрацию

17. пошлина за продление срока действия

18. заявка на международную регистрацию

19. страны, подписавшие соглашение

20. обязательная регистрация

21. обеспечить финансовую поддержку

22. подать иск по поводу нарушения прав

23. судебное разбирательство по поводу ведения дела под чужим именем

24. ввести в заблуждение общественность

25. установить репутацию


Match a line in A with a line in B.

to register a trademark a registered trademark an unregistered trademark registration the Trademarks Registry Trademarks Register Registrable registrability a registrant регистрация отдел регистрации товарных знаков подлежащий регистрации лицо, подающее заявку на регистрацию зарегистрировать товарный знак возможность регистрации зарегистрированный товарный знак реестр товарных знаков незарегистрированный товарный знак


Answer the questions.

1. What is a trademark?

2. Are all trademarks registrable?

3. What rights do registered trademarks bring?

4. How is registration in the UK obtained?

5. How long does it take to register a trademark in the UK?

6. What does the Trademarks Registry charge for a trademark registration?

7. How long can a registered trademark be kept in force?

8. Does a trademark have to be in use before it is registered?

9. Can a trademark be removed from the Register because it is not in use?

10. Does UK registration give protection abroad?

11. Can the Patent Office help exploit a registered trademark?

12. Are users of trademarks required to register them?

13. Why are infringement proceedings simpler than passing off proceedings?

14. Why is registration of a trademark so important?





It is a monopoly right for the outward appearance of an article or a set of articles of manufacture to which the design is applied. It lasts for an initial period of 5 years and may be extended in four 5-year terms up to a maximum of 25 years. It is additional to any design right or copyright protection which may exist automatically in the design. A registered design is a property which, like any other business commodity, may be bought, sold, hired or licensed.



No. Where the aesthetic appearance of an article is not significant or where there is no design freedom because the design of the part is determined by the shape of the whole, then the design is not registrable. Thus purely functional designs are not eligible for registration because their aesthetic appearance is not important, nor can designs such as car body panels be registered because their shape and configuration are determined by the overall design of the car. In other words, registered design protection will only be available for truly aesthetic, stand-alone designs where competitors do not need to be able to copy such designs in order to compete.

There are also other specific exclusions for certain types of designs and these include works of sculpture, medals and printed matter primarily of a literary or artistic character such as bookjackets and calendars. In general, copyright protection is afforded to these excluded designs.





Yes. A design has to be ‘new’ i.e. it must not have been publicly disclosed in the United Kingdom before application for registration is made nor registered on an earlier design application, and it must be materially different from any other published design for the same or any other type of article.



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