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Not long ago the article below appeared in a national daily.

Read it quickly and say what section of the paper it could have been published in.


During the past few weeks my three children and I have been waiting for an important letter from the Home office. It will bring us news — we hope — which will change the children's status for the rest of their lives.

When I married a German national 17 years ago, I never dreamed, that, one day, my children could be British nationals through me. They were born in Germany and until last year only children of British fathers or those, who were born to British mothers in Britain, had a right to British nationality. Now a Brit­ish woman can be given permission to pass on her nationality to her children even though the family lives abroad.

Some may ask; why when my children have perfectly good German nationality, we should also want to be British. Anyone who has spent an indefinite period outside Britain will under­stand what a blessing and a privilege it is to be British. Without wanting to sound jingoistic, being British isn't merely being a certain nationality. So far as I'm concerned, it is still best — even though, in the face of Britain's declining economic strength and political importance in the world, those of us, who follow in the footsteps of the men and women, who made Britain great, ought to be conscious of our mission to retain the respect of the outside world for the country they made great.

Those British who stay at home all their lives are naturally not conscious of how right many British priorities are. Germany, on the face of it, is an extremely successful country. Its economy is thriving. Yet, it is still experiencing growing pains in getting priorities right. Here, the effort, a child puts into his schoolwork, does not count: only his achievement is of any consequence. A hard working child can easily have his enthusiasm swiftly nipped in the bud when all his school tests are marked low.

Germany is the prime example of a country where money maketh man. There is little admiration for a person with humour and generosity or an interesting hobby if he is not also success­ful in his career.

Why be glad of being British? Because our society is light years ahead of any other, whatever its shortcomings. I hope, one day my children can contribute a little towards building that so­ciety for the future.


1. Home Office — The British government department under the control of the Home Secretary, responsible for justice and controls on people entering Britain (министерство внут­ренних дел);

2. jingoistic — unreasonably enthusiastic about the supremacy of a particular country, especially in support of a war against another country (ура-патриотический);

3. to nip in the bud — to stop something before it has properly started (пресечь в корне);

4. to retain — to keep possession of, avoid losing (сохранить).

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the message of the article in one sentence?
  2. Why is the woman glad to be British?
  3. Does she believe that Britain has no faults?
  4. Which of the following best summarizes her attitude to Ger­many?

a. Successful in Germany usually means economically suc­cessful.

b. Priorities in Germany are not the same as in Britain.

c. There is no sufficient individuality in Germany.

As a group discuss the following questions:

1. Is the article in any sense nationalistic?

  1. Are you sympathetic to the author's point of view?
  2. Are you proud of your nationality?


Now read an article published recently and compare it to the one you have read before.


The Times

A third of people living in England now see themselves as more English than British, the British Social Attitudes survey says today. That proportion has risen from a quarter two years ago. The survey, which concludes that a "modest English back­lash" is taking place, comes a month after a Runnymede trust report suggested that the word "British" was tainted with racism and called for a rethinking of national identity.


1. backlash — a strong but delayed feeling of opposition or a sudden strong reaction (ответная реакция);

  1. taint — to be regarded with a lack of trust, to spoil, under­mine, besmirch (запятнать, опозорить, подорвать репутацию).

In pairs discuss the questions:

1. What could have happened to the British nation, and why do some people prefer to see themselves as more English rather than British?

  1. Can the words "English" and "British" be used interchange­ably?
  2. How can you explain the difference between the two if there is any?
  3. Can the words «русский» and «российский» be used inter­changeably?
  4. How can you explain the difference between the two if there is any?

Exercise 1

Write a letter to the editor of the Times that published the note above to say what you think of the attempt undertaken by politi­cians to force people to rethink their identity (Approximately 250- 300 words).

Exercise 2

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases in the correctforms, using the reading notes to both articles.

1. The rebels are fighting _____ some independence.

2. The resignation of three key Ministers was seen as a _____ against the Prime Minister's usurpation of power.

3. The unfortunate incident _____ his political career.

4. CNN broadcast numerous scenes of Palestinians singing _____ songs, waving flags when Americans were mourning the victims of the terrorist attack.

5. Only four members of the original Cabinet _____ next year.

6. The chairman was convicted of corruption and his reputa­tion _____ forever.

7. The rise of the Hippie movement was a _____ against the war in Vietnam.

8. The report _____ heavily with racism.

9. The country managed _____ some degree of dig­nity in defeat.

  1. It is much better _____ problems _____ as soon as they arise, than let them escalate into something serious.

Exercise 3

Translate into English .

1. Даже находясь в плену, ему удалось сохранить чувство собственного достоинства.

1. Активные действия полиции спровоцировали яростную ответную реакцию местного населения.

2. Среди избранных депутатов нет ни одного, чья репута­ция была бы запятнана.

3. Правительство полно решимости подавить в зародыше недовольство экономическими реформами.

4. Если Вы желаете сохранить у себя оригинал документа, пожалуйста, пришлите нам его копию.

5. Категорически выступая против любых проявлений ра­совой дискриминации, некоторые политические партии, тем не менее, пытаются представить ряд обоснований резких нападок на выходцев из африканских стран.

6. Руководство запятнало себя связями с мафией.

Exercise 4

Render the following passage into the English language.

Все говорят о национальной идентичности. Этот термин производит на публику впечатление некой теоретической весомости, научной добротности. Он, между прочим, при­глянулся (go down well with) и современному политическо­му истеблишменту.

Те, кто в эпоху империи не очень пеклись (fret about) о чи­стоте своей национально-культурной идентичности, в эпоху демократии отождествляются с маской (assume the mask) представителя той или иной «коренной» нации. Один нашел себя украинцем, другой — чувашем, третий — русским. Для этого надо отделить себя от Другого (another), увидев его в качестве изначально и неисправимо Чужого (alien). Эту роль в русском случае успешно играет воображаемый ев­рей, в украинском — столь же воображаемый русский.

Фигура Чужого — всегда конструкт. Нет Чужого самого по себе — без того, для кого он чужой. Нельзя быть чужим, им можно только представляться. Чужое не только лицезреют, его показывают, демонстрируют. Феномен чужого часто оказывает вредное влияние. Так «поверхностный» и «легкомысленный» француз, будучи не чем иным, как образом, созданным англичанами и немцами, (именно так представ­лявших себе француза) в определенный момент начинает активно представляться таким.

Так же как и французы в свое время не смогли противо­стоять данному им описанию, русские согласились принять на свой счет характеристику «варвар» (barbarian). «Да, ски­фы мы»... Пытаясь постоять за (fend for) себя, мы преврати­ли «Русского медведя» из неуклюжего зверя в простоватого силача (hulk) — или добродушного медвежонка, ставшего символом Олимпийских игр 1980, но образ начал функцио­нировать как заместитель «русского». «Чужим» становятся незаметным для себя образом.


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