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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Is there a great demand for such houses in this country?

What kind of houses do you produce?

How many houses do you put on the domestic market every month, quarter?

Is there a demand for modular houses on the international market?


Самостоятельная работа № 2.

Вариант 1.

1. Соотнести слово и его перевод.


1.Consulting firm                                а) внутренний рынок

2.To estimate                                       б) внешний рынок

3.Advertising campaign                      в) акция

4.The product sells well                      г) акционер

5.Initial capital                                     д) старший партнёр

6.Stock exchange                                е) процент

7. Shareholder                                     ж) реклама

8. Domestic market                             з) рекламная кампания

9. Percentage                                       и) оценивать

10. To stand at 10%                         к) продавать

л) начальный капитал

м) иметь 10%

н) фондовая биржа

о) консалтинговая фирма

п) товар пользуется спросом


2. Составить как можно больше предложений из следующих слов.


Bradly produces its market share
Dell, Ltd. are very high
Our sales can afford top-quality tools
This product may increase extensive research and development.


Вариант 2.


1. Соотнесите слова с их переводом.


1) to capture the market            а) одержать победу в конкурентной

2) to do market research            борьбе

3) senior partner                        б) пользоваться спросом

4) to increase market share       в) заниматься тем же бизнесом

5) projected                                г) быть знаменитым

6) foreign market                       д) выпускать акции

7) productivity                           е) товар пользуется спросом

8) to issue shares                        ж) активный рынок

9) to beat competitors               з) общий рынок

10) to be in demand                и) проводить исследование рынка

к) захватить рынок

л) старший партнёр

м) внешний рынок

н) производительность

о) предполагаемый

п) процент


2. Составить как можно больше предложений, используя следующие слова.


Parker is on the domestic market
Eno, Inc. must concentrate in the market in winter
The competition will come out modern TV-sets
These companies produce very high.

Lesson 6. Retailer and Wholesaler.


Not to be in - отсутствовать

To be out - отсутствовать

To buy from - покупать у

Commercial - рекламный ролик

To conduct business - вести дело

To cost - стоить

To deal in something - торговать чем-либо

Discount - скидка

To do business - вести дела, состоять в деловых отношениях

To be engaged - быть занятым

To expand business - расширять дело

To go with companies - вести дела с компаниями

To go out of business - выйти из дела

To launch a product - запустить продукт в производство

Mark-up - наценка

Minor company - мелкая компания

To offer - предлагать

Price - цена

Profitable - прибыльный

To put through - соединять ( по телефону)

Raw materials - сырьё

Regular supplier - постоянный поставщик

Retailer - розничный торговец

To run business - руководить делом

Selling price - продажная цена

Wholesaler - оптовик


1. to make


To produce                                                                                     is used with abstractions

a) She makes beautiful skirts.

b) She made an effort and passed the exams.

To do = to make


To do business                                                                   to make money

To do market research                                                                    to make profit

                                                                                                       to make a deal

                                                                                                       to make an offer

We do business with several western Europeans partners.

We made a very profitable deal with our suppliers in Germany.


a b
British American
Limited (Ltd.) Incorporated (Inc.)

a) Europe Trust, Ltd. Has its headquarters in London.

b) Calaxo, Inc. has its headquarters in California.


2. Read the text and put the companies in the right order. The first are the companies which sell raw materials. The last is the company which produces goods.


Marion Ashley is the market leader in producing clothes. It is reluctant to go with minor companies and usually does business with well-established ones.

Color Life is a large and well-established company. It produces paints and sells them all over Britain.

Woolmark deals in fabrics. It has its regular suppliers too and it never buys from any other firms.

Bobbin Realm has a large share of threads market and it sells its products to fabric manufacturers.








3. Make up sentences using the words from columns 1,2,3,4.

1 2 3 4
Bradly   Parker   Eno,Inc.   Our company   We goes with   shall make   deals in   buys   does business with a breakthrough   raw materials   five firms   several minor companies   laptop computers on the European market   from Siberia   in France   on the West Coast


4. Imagine that your friend is a businessman and talk to him.

a) Ask him when he entered the business.

Who helps him to conduct it?

Is it a small or a big business?

Is it a private business?

Is it a new or a long-established business?

Is it a profitable business?

Is his business expanding?

Is he going to sell his business?


b) Ask your partner when he launched his business.

Does his family help him to run the business?

Is his business enterprise large or small?

Does he meet a lot of problems?

Does he meet any troubles?

Is he often away on business trips?

Does he intend to go out of business?



5. Put the words into 4 groups. There should be 5 words in each group.

Accountant, packing, manager, telex, order, company, secretary, president, materials, letter, business, enterprise, employee, assembly, testing, corporation, equipment, firm, report, contract.

Business people production Business document Business organization
accountant packing telex company


Crossword puzzle.


t e s t i n g s c d s
r e t a i l e r o f a
a c c o u n t c s g p
d i s t r i b u t o r
e d i s c o u n t h i
z x s u p p l i e r c
c o m m e r c i a l e
p q w e r t y u i o p
w h o l e s a l e r l

8 words in line, 3 vertically.


6. Read the text and decide the problems.   

Retailer and Wholesaler.

Mr. Jackson owns a shop. Mr. Jackson buys and sells all sorts of bicycles - cross - country bicycles, tandems and even a tricycles for small children. He makes his profit by buying bicycles at a low price from the bicycle factory and selling them at a higher price to his customers. Mr. Jackson is a retailer and he runs a retail shop. It means that he buys small numbers of bicycles and sells them to individual customers.

Mr. Johnson is a wholesaler. He buys and sells clothes. He buys clothes from the factories that make them. He buys large quantities of clothes and gets a discount for that. He sells large quantities of clothes - coats, shirts, dresses - to big department stores at greater prices. Thus he makes his profit.



1. Mr. Jackson bought 10 bicycles for 180 $ each. He sold them with a 20% mark-up. What was the selling price of each bicycles? What profit did he get for all the bicycles?

2. Mr. Johnson came to the factory making jeans. Every pair of jeans cost 20$. He bought 1000 jeans and got a 5% discount for every pair. How much did every pair cost him?

He sold them to the department store at $25 for a pair. How high is the wholesaler's mark-up a) in dollars; b) in percentage?

Дополнительное задание к уроку 6.



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