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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the text. Answer the questions. Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian. Read the text. Answer the questions.

Ticket №1

Read the text. Answer the questions.

The term “Ecology” was coined by Earnst Haeckel in 1869. It is derived from the Greek words Oikos- home + logos- study. Ecology deals with the study of organisms in their natural home interacting with their surroundings. The surroundings or environment consists of living organisms (biotic) and physical (abiotic) components.

Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1) Just in case

2) Wonderful

3) That`s ok

4) The party is over

5) Easy does it

Extention topic

1) What are your three most favorite subjects at university?


Ticket № 2

Read the text. Answer the questions.

 Modern ecologists believe that an adequate definition of ecology must specify some unit of study and one such basic unit described by Tansley (1935) was ecosystem. According to other definition-an ecosystem is a self-regulating group of biotic communities of species interacting with one another and with their non-living environment exchanging energy and matter. Now ecology is often defined as “the study of ecosystems”.

Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1) Mind your manners

2) Don`t push me

3) I suppose it is right

4) Not at all

5) Check it out

Extention topic

1) What are you thinking about EXPO?



Ticket №3

Read the text. Answer the questions.

Ecology starts many powerful philosophical and political movements - including the conservation movement, wellness movement, environmental movement, and ecology movement we know today. When these are combined with peace movements and the Six Principles, they are called green movements. In general, these put ecosystem health first on a list of human moral and political priorities, as the way to achieve better human health and social harmony, and better economics.

People with these beliefs are called political ecologists. Some have organized into the Green Parties, but there are actually political ecologists in most political parties. They very often use arguments from ecology to advance policy, especially forest policy and energy policy.

Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1) Handsome

2) Of course

3) You`re welcome

4) Cheers

5) All set

Extention topic

1) What time do you get up and why?


Ticket № 4

Read the text. Answer the questions.

In nature, plants do not live by themselves. Always associated with them are small and large animals belonging to different levels of food habits and evolutionary scale. As in the case of plants we have animal populations and communities. The plant and animal communities of any region influence and interact with one another and together constitute a biotic community. There is inter­dependence between plants and animals of a biotic community and an interchange of materials takes place between them. Thus a tree provides food and oxygen to animals. The animals on the other hand supply CO?for photosynthesis to green plants

Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1) Speak up

2) I`m beat

3) Exactly

4) What

5) Listen

Extention topic

1) What are your hobbies?


Ticket № 5

Read the text. Answer the questions.

Local government may be loosely defined as a public organization authorized to decide and administer a limited range of public policies within a relatively small territory which is a subdivision of a regional or national government. Local government is at the bottom of a pyramid of governmental institutions, with the national government at the top and intermediate governments (states, regions, provinces) occupying the middle range. Normally, local government has general jurisdiction and is not confined to the performance of one specific function or service

Extention topic

1) Introduce yourself


Ticket № 6

Extention topic

1) Why did you choose this profession?



Ticket №7

Extention topic

1) Your opinion about pollution in Kazakhstan?


Ticket №8

Extention topic

1) Tell us about your pets



Ticket №9

Extention topic

1) What do you think about the new campus of our university?

Ticket №10

Extention topic

1) Tell about your friend

Ticket №11

Extention topic

1) Who` s your favorite writer and why?



Ticket №12

Extention topic

1) Who` s your favorite actor?


Ticket №13

Extention topic

1) Would you like to travel to another country?

Ticket №14

Extention topic

1) Describe yourself


Ticket №15

Extention topic

1) What do you think about the English language?


Ticket №16

Extention topic

1) What’s your favorite pastime?



Ticket №17

Extention topic

1) Where did you spend your time last summer?



Ticket №18

Extention topic

1) Can you tell about overpopulation in China?



Ticket №19

Extention topic

1) How many people are there in your family?



Ticket №20

Extention topic

1) What is your dream?



Ticket №21

Extention topic

1) Why do you choose your profession?



Ticket №22

Extention topic

1) Why do people learn foreign language?


Ticket №23

Extention topic

1) Do you like western movies?



Ticket №24

Extention topic

1) What is your child dream?



Ticket №25

Extention topic

1) Where do you like to spend time with your friends?



Ticket №26

Extention topic

1) Do you like travelling?


Ticket №27

Extention topic

1) Why do people mostly travel by air than water? And why?



Ticket №28

Extention topic

1) What is your favorite subject in the university?


Ticket №29

Extention topic

1) What are you thinking about EXPO in our economic system?


Ticket №30

Extention topic

1) What kinds of sports are popular in your country?



Ticket №31

Extention topic

1) What is your favorite kind of sport?


Ticket №32

Extention topic

4. What is your favourite book?


Ticket №33

Extention topic

1) How many members are there in your family?



Ticket №34

Extention topic

1) What ‘s your favorite business?


                                      Ticket №35

Extention topic

1)  If you have your own restaurant business, what will be your special points?



Ticket №36

Political system

2) Governmental matters

3) Terrible

4) Legislation

5) Great


Extention topic

1) Talk about my childhood



Ticket №37

Extention topic

1) What are your plans for the future?


Ticket №38

Extention topic

1) What is your favorite city? Why?


Ticket №39

Extention topic

1) What about last film that you saw?


Ticket №40

1.  Read the text. Answer the questions.

My name is Ilya and I’m 15 years old. I’m often asked these days what I want to become in the future. It’s not an easy question to answer, because there are so many interesting professions. My parents tell me I should choose what’s best for me. At school I’m rather good at algebra, geometry, computer science and PE. Perhaps, computer programming would be a good choice in the era of computing, but I’ve decided to become an economist. In my opinion, it’s one of the most demanded and prestigious professions nowadays. It involves lots of self-education, research and analyzing, which can be interesting for me. Studying economics I can learn a lot about current state of our country in the world market. Things have changed in this field lately and I want to stay up-to-date and well-informed. Economists exercise many useful functions. For example, they can calculate costs and probable profits, provide business forecasts, monitor taxation levels, determine enterprise structures, investigate international economic situation, etc. All these activities seem to be rather exciting. I understand that I need some personal qualities to succeed in this profession, such as analytical mind, logical thinking, ability to be concise both in writing and speaking. Thus, I will work hard to achieve better results. If I get a chance, I will spend a year abroad doing the internship program. It can be good experience for me. Moreover, knowledge of foreign languages, especially of English is appreciated in the field of economy

Extention topic

1) Where do you want to go?



Ticket №1

Read the text. Answer the questions.

The term “Ecology” was coined by Earnst Haeckel in 1869. It is derived from the Greek words Oikos- home + logos- study. Ecology deals with the study of organisms in their natural home interacting with their surroundings. The surroundings or environment consists of living organisms (biotic) and physical (abiotic) components.


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