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Read the text. Answer the questions. Also the nuclear detonations would also produce a great amount of oxides of nitrogen that would then deplete the ozone layer around the Earth. Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

A Nuclear summer is a hypothetical scenario resulting from a nuclear war that would follow a nuclear winter. In this scenario, after the nuclear winter the amount of water in the stratosphere would" increase, causing greenhouse warming of the surface. It would happen because thick clouds of soot and smoke over burning cities would reflect the major amount of sunlight that would be generated in the stratosphere, accumulating water.

Also the nuclear detonations would also produce a great amount of oxides of nitrogen that would then deplete the ozone layer around the Earth. It is a common knowledge that this layer screens out sun ultraviolet radiation, which causes geneticdamage to life forms on the surface. The absorption of ozone also results in a heating of the stratosphere, which results in a further contribution to greenhouse heating.

1) What is a nuclear summer?


Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1) Sunlight

2) Surface

3) Earth

4) Just in case

5) I can`t tell


Extention topic

1) Where did you spend your time last summer?



Ticket №18

Read the text. Answer the questions.

The world's population is an important issue. For hundreds of thousands of years, the human population grew at a low but steadily increasing rate. Then, in less than last 200 years, the world population went from several hundreds of millions to more than 6 billion people.

The Earth has certain limitations and in particular, there are limits to growth of things that consume the Earth resources.

Many people believe that these resources, both the Earth and the human intellect are endless and population growth can continue and that there is no danger that we will ever run out of anything. "Yet, many people had predicted catastrophic shortages of natural resources that would follow, because of continued population growth. Countries try not to raise this subject to the public much, because they do not want to raise panic.

Nowadays they have to do something about it before it gets out of hand. They try to censor it and sometimes lie. Do you know that the USA itself consumes 50 per cent of all electricity produced on the Earth? The population of the USA is just around 285 millions people. It is an interesting fact.

1) How many people live on the Earth today?

2) Why is overpopulation an important issue?


Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1) To grow

2) Rate

3) To get out of hand

4) Are you serios

5) Like what


Extention topic

1) Can you tell about overpopulation in China?



Ticket №19

Read the text. Answer the questions.

Overpopulation is destroying our environment, lowering the standard of living, and generally degrading the quality of life.

Overpopulation also causes more violence, environmental pollution that reflects on land degradation, tropical forest destruction, global warming and destruction of coral reefs. 6 billion member society has to get a huge food infrastructure, so society start producing genetically made food, which is cheaper than ordinary one but might reflect in the nutrient balance.

The planet urgently needs population control. Birth control, abortion and quotas need to be supported, if the planet is to remain habitable in the long term.

Every second five people are born and two people die, so there is a gain of three people. At this rate, the world population is doubling every 40 years and would be: 12 billions in 40 years, 24 billions in 80 years and 48 billions in 120 years. But the Earth could provide food only for 20 billions people.

1) . How much time does it take to double the Earth's population?

Translate following words or sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1) Violence

2) To degrade

3) Urgently

4) You are very kind

5) Be my guest


Extention topic

1) How many people are there in your family?



Ticket №20


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