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The Golden Age of Public Administration

Early practitioners were confident, assured of their theories and, above all, believed that the improvement of government and its administration offered the promise of a better life for all. Public administration in its Golden Age, from around 1920 to the early 1970s, was a worthy enterprise, with government and public service offering the hope of improving society. Public administration was responsible for some major achievements in this time, ranging from administering the New Deal4, to building dams and running the nascent welfare systems of developed countries as well as entire economies during World War II.

It seemed that all that was needed was to establish a set of nostrums, follow them exactly and the outcome would be all that could be desired. One variation was the ‘POSDCORB’ set of functions where this acronym stood for:


Planning: goal setting techniques/methods applied by executives as a means of preparing future courses of organizational action;

Organizing: arranging the organizational structure and processes in an appropriate manner essential to achieving these ends;

Staffing: recruiting and hiring personnel to carry out the essential agency work;

Directing: supervising the actual processes of doing the assignments;

Coordinating: integrating the various detailed elements of these tasks in cooperation with other units and people in government;

Reporting: tracking and communicating the progress of the work within the organization;

Budgeting: fiscal and financial activities necessary to economically support the completion of these programmes, services, or activities.


As early as the 1940s, POSDCORB was attacked as being counter to the human relations movement. POSDCORB and other classical approaches ‘were viewed as attempts to exploit, control, and manipulate workers.’


Notes to Case Study 1

1. The Westminster system is a democratic, parliamentary system of government modelled after that of the United Kingdom system, as used in the Palace of Westminster, the location of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The system is a series of procedures for operating a legislature. It is used, or was once used, in the national legislatures and/or sub-national legislatures of most Commonwealth and ex-Commonwealth nations, beginning with the Canadian provinces in the mid-19th century. There are other parliamentary systems whose procedures differ considerably from the Westminster system (Western European Parliamentary Model, Hybrid Model)

Вестминстерская система - демократическая система государственного устройства, организованная по примеру Великобритании и используемая во многих странах Содружества наций, напр., в Канаде, Австралии, Сингапуре, Ирландии, Новой Зеландии и Индии


2. Richard J. Stillman is Professor of public administration at the University of Colorado at Denver.

3. Мэйо, Элтон (1880-1949) - американский социолог, один из основоположников школы человеческих отношений, известен благодаря Хоторнским экспериментам. Human relations school of management - школа человеческих отношений - направление в теории менеджмента, рассматривающее нематериальные стимулы как основные факторы повышения производительности труда работников.


4. the New Deal - "Новый курс" - экономическая и социальная политика президента Ф.Д. Рузвельта 30-х гг., направленная на преодоление Великой Депрессии 1929 - 1933 гг.


1. What are the main characteristics of the early administrative systems?

2. What are the inherent problems of the earlier forms of administration?

3. What is the importance of the 19th century public service reforms in the UK and the United States?

4. Why is Weber’s theory of bureaucracy the most important theoretical principle of the traditional model of administration?

5. How did Weber specify the position of the individual official?

6. What is the essence of the theory of dichotomy? Can politics and administration be separated?

7. What was the influence of Taylor’s scientific management theory on the traditional model of administration?

8. What impact did the human relations school have on the management of the public sector?

9. What was the significance of the ‘POSDCORB’ for management in the public sector?



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