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The object can be expressed by:

  1. a noun in the common case, e.g. Peter wrote three letters yesterday.
  2. a substativized adjective, e.g. It is difficult to believe in the supernatural.
  3. a pronoun, e.g.

· Sarah gave him a book. (personal pronoun in the objective case)

· Ask somebody about the way to the station. (indefinite pronoun)

· I can see my bag, but I don’t see yours. (absolute form of the possessive pronoun)

· I didn’t know that. (demonstrative pronoun)

· David told nothing. (negative pronoun)

  1. a numeral, e.g.

· Where are my textbooks? - I saw two of them in the wardrobe. (cardinal numeral) And I found the third under the bed. (ordinal numeral) Who could have put them there?

  1. a gerund or a gerundial phrase, e.g. I love laughing. But I hate being laughed at.
  2. an infinitive or infinitive phrase, e.g. What would you like to do in the evening? – I prefer to go to the theatre. Len refused to go with us.
  3. an object clause, e.g. I don’t know when she will come from Spain.


TASK 10. I n the sentences given below find the objects and define their types.

1. She pretended not to hear me.

2. What have you got there?

3. I’ve never heard you express that opinion before.

4. He waited for the Roman to speak first.

5. He smiled upon the young men a smile at once personal and presidential.

6. He's going to live his own life and stop letting his mother boss him around like a baby.

7. Do you know anything more about this dreadful place?

8. His part in the conversation consisted chiefly of yesses and noes.

9. The old man felt his legs give way.

10. Mother objected to Aimee being taken away from her game with the boys.

11. You can smile away till you split your cheek, but you still got to do a day's work to earn a day's wages.

12. It is the moon that makes you talk to yourself in that silly way.

13. He stared amazed at the calmness of her answer.


The attribute can be expressed by different parts of speech,

  1. adjectives, e.g. Sandra was a beautiful girl.
  2. pronouns, e.g.

· Dan showed me his photos. (possessive pronoun)

· Give me some apples, please. (indefinite pronoun)

· There was another piece of cake on her plate. (detaching pronoun)

  1. numerals, e.g.

· I’ll come back in three weeks.(cardinal)

· Wednesday is the third day of the week. (ordinal)

  1. nouns,

· in common case, e.g. It was a nice spring day.

· in possessive case, e.g. Ann’s new flat is great!

· prepositional nominal phrase, e.g. It’s only part of the book. She was the angel of a girl. He lived in the city of Bristol.

  1. participles,

· Do you happen to know that laughing girl? (participle I)

· Can you see those lighted windows on the third floor? (participle II)

  1. gerunds and gerundial phrases, e.g. Is there any chance of seeing you again?
  2. infinitives or infinitive phrases, e.g. Jack was the first to come. I have no time to waste.
  3. adverbs, e.g. The voice was heard from the room upstairs.
  4. quotations, e.g. Tina had a good-for-nothing cousin.
  5. attributive clauses, e.g. That was the man I had never seen before.


The apposition is a kind of an attribute that explains or gives another name or definition to the noun or pronoun it modifies. It can be of two kinds:

Close apposition (non-detached) Loose (detached) apposition
titles, military ranks, professions, geographical names, relations, etc – form one whole with the head word = an indivisible word-group forms a separate sense group and gives identification or explanation
· Uncle Tom · the River Thames · Professor Foster · Sir Percival etc · Her father, the local doctor, knows everybody around. · Mr. Trollope, a strong and muscular young man, was taller than the host.


TASK 11. Find attributes and appositions in the given sentences and comment on them.

  1. The first day's journey from was intolerably tedious.
  2. He was always the first to enter the dining-room and the last to leave.
  3. The two men faced each other silently.
  4. Ethel, the youngest, married a good-for-nothing little waiter.
  5. To think that a man of his abilities would stoop to such a horrible trick as that.
  6. Daniel Quilp began to comprehend the possibility of there being somebody at the door.
  7. Oh, that never-to-be-forgotten summer in the Golden Valley!
  8. Still, Pett's happiness or unhappiness is quite a life and death question with us.
  9. He was one of these very, very tall, round-shouldered guys - he was about six four - with lousy teeth.
  10. He had remembered her at once, for he always admired her, a very pretty creature.
  11. I could never stand John’s you-take-me-as-you-find-me attitude.
  12. She had lied about the scullery door being open on the night of the disappearance of the bank-notes.
  13. I doubt whether Major Bell will approve of their plan, so casually outlined.
  14. Thus these two waited with impatience for the three years to be over.
  15. The first thing Martin did next morning was to call the insurance office.
  16. All the people present were deeply shocked by the nature of the crime the defendant was charged with.
  17. The second plane, a huge Boeing, was about to touch the concrete runway brightly lit by spotlights.
  18. I'm afraid there is nothing to safely rely on in his account of the case.
  19. His button of a nose was plastered to the shop window.
  20. Samuel Chealy, the then President of the firm, was definitely against the dubious deal.


No Type of Adverbial Modifier Questions/ Prompts Examples
1 Place · direction · destination · distance Where? Where to? How far? Where from? · In London they stayed at their friends’. · He moved from Glasgow to London in search of a job. · Their search took them far inland.
2 Time · time · frequency · duration · time relationship When? How often? How long? · In the evening it still rained. · We met only from time to time. · They’ve been friends for years. · Have you done it yet?
3 Manner How? In what way? By what means? prepositions and conjunctions: with; without; by; by means of; with the help of; so; like this/that; thus · Tessa walked with quick short steps. · Debby looks very much like her mother. · Jessica sang badly at the concert yesterday. · The blocks are raised by means of pulleys.
4 Cause / reason Why? For what reason? prepositions: because of; thanks to; due to; owing to; on account of; for the reason of · He had to retire because of ill health. · Some ski resorts opened early, thanks to a late-October snowstorm. · The tower is closed for reasons of safety.
5 Purpose What for? For what purpose? prepositions: in order to; so as; for · Samuel trained every day in order to improve his performance. · I drove at a steady 50 mph so as to save fuel. · I reserved this place for you to sit closer to me.
6 Result / consequence No identifying questions. It is usually expressed by the infinitive or an infinitive phrase. Very often used with adverbs of degree such as “too; enough; so… as” · The apples are not ripe enough to eat.  · We are too clever to believe him.  · He was so fortunate as to get the first prize.
7 Condition In what case? On what condition? prepositions and conjunctions: but for; except for; without;‘if; unless · Unless some extra money is found, the theatre will close. · I might never have got to university but for you. · She felt fine except for being a little tired. · Without faith there can be no cure.
8 Concession In spite of what? prepositions and conjunctions: in spite of; despite; for all; with all;‘thought · Despite all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it. · Though she's almost 40, she still plans to compete. · Clearly, for all his reputation, he was out of date. · With all his faults, I love him.
9 Attendant circumstances and subsequent events No identifying questions. It expresses some fact that accompanies the event presented by the modified part of the sentence.     · He sat quietly in his armchair smoking his pipe. (attendant circumstances - He sat and smoke) · Fred said something to her, receiving no answer. (subsequent events – He said something to her but only after that did not receive any answer.)
10 Comparison (may overlap with other adverbilas like manner or purpose) No identifying questions. conjunctions: than; as … as; as if; as though; like” · Jason is much taller than his father. · His hands were as black as soot. · She behaves as if she were a child. · He speaks German like a native speaker.
11 Degree and measure How much? How long? To what extent? To what degree? · The girl was very excited. · It is pretty much the same story I’ve heard. · It is rather problematic. · Now you may laugh to your heart’s content.
12 Exception Except what? prepositions: but, but for, save for; except for, apart from · We had nothing but hope. · They bought everything except cheese. · Apart from the ending, it's a really good film. · Everyone went out except for Scott and Dan. · She answered all the questions save one. (formal)

TASK 12. Find adverbial modifiers in the given sentences and comment on them.

1. The people in the bus remained silent till the end of the ride.

2. In spite of their lively talk, each of them had something in reserve.

3. The lady lived in a large gloomy house in one of London's high­er class squares.

4. The fire that was merrily burning in the grate at­tracted the newcomers like a magnet.

5. Bill was much too exhausted from his night vigil to be of any further help.

6. I paused while she took off her coat

7. The room was empty save for a small boy playing with his toys in a corner.

8. But for sheer coincidence, you would hardly be likely to run across him in this busy place.

9. The motorcycle rushed past like a lightning leaving a cloud of smoke and a few stunned passers-by behind.

10. In case of any emergency, press the red button on your right.

11. Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar. (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

12. The wisest mind has something yet to learn. (George Santayana)

13. Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. (Confucius)

14. Harry had been looking forward to learning to fly more than anything else.

15. She came out into the garden only to find that it was as hot there as inside.


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