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Exercise 4. Complete the sentences choosing the right variant.

1. The object of this mechanization is…

a). automatic control;

b). better information;

c). collected data.


2. Data gathering and information presentation are…

a). I/O functions;

b). processing functions;

c). control functions.


3. Off-line applications of information systems must concern…

a). control theorists;

b). decision- makers;

c). control engineers.


4. In this concept the information system is … of this system.

a). “hands’’;

b). “brains’’;

c). “heart”.


5. Mechanized information systems are used in…

a). business and industry, military operations;

b). business, management, marketing;

c). industry, agriculture, military operations.


Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main functions in the information systems?

2. What are the applications of the information systems?

3 .Why does the information system enter the control system and control engineering?

4. How can every function in the information system be mechanized?

5. What does a new concept comprise?


Exercise 6. Explain the term ”current” information.


Exercise 7. Define the object of mechanization.


Exercise 8. Explain why off- line applications of the information systems concern control engineers.

Exercise 9. Prove that the information system is the ”brains” of the control system.

Exercise 10. Discuss the text according to the points:

1. Applications of the information systems.

2. Principal functions in the information systems.

3. New concept of the general control system.


Exercise 11. Translate in writing the last passage of the text (6).



1. customer billing - обробка рахунків покупців;

2. off - line applications - невиробничі галузі застосування;

3. feasible – придатний;

4. inventory control- облік матеріальних цінностей;

5. missile guidance – управління ракетами;

6. checkout defense warning – відбій бойової тривоги;

7. compatible – сумісний;

8. open / close loop operations – замкнуті (незамкнуті) цикли операцій.






1. Life in the automated factory is based on communicati­ons. Sensors gather data, computers send commands, PCs control machines, and management makes decisions based on data from these devices. Sensors, computers, processors, and man must all talk to each other.

2. There have been a number of recent developments in mac­hine-to-machine interfaces. Networks, hardware, and soft­ware that allow various processors to share and exchange data, are moving into the factory. These networks are con­necting whole processes together, allowing more flexibility and control of manufacturing.

3. A major problem with networks, though, is interfacing processors that do not use the same language. Rules are being developed that will make it easier for these different proces­sors to communicate.

4. Man-to-machine communications have seen dramatic de­velopments. The computer is no longer an unyielding, unfor­giving device that insists you conform to its method of work­ing. The computer has become friendly, even inviting. Com­plex mnemonics and performing functions in a specific sequ­ence have been replaced with graphic representations   of commands and a cursor device known as a mouse. Now, get­ting a computer to perform a function is as easy as pointing your finger to the graphic representation of the function you want performed and pressing a button on the mouse. And programs exist for all types of business needs including tea­ching someone unfamiliar with computers how to run one.

5. A new technology that's also making it easier for man to interface with machines is speech recognition. Here, you enter information into a machine with your voice; a device in the machine translates the sounds into signals the compu­ter or machine can work with. This method of entering data is faster and more accurate than using a keyboard to enter information.


Exercise 1. Find the synonyms in the text to the following words:

1. collect (1)                                                                  5. correspond (4)

2. basic (3)                                                                     6. instruction (4)                                                                   

3. to simplify (3)                                                           7. link (2).  

4. unknown (4)                                                          


Exercise 2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

1. speech recognition

2. machine – to – machine interface

3. business needs

4. control machines

5. networks

6. hardware and software

7. cursor device

8. sequence.


Exercise 3. Say if the statements re true or false:

1. A man shouldn’t talk to sensors, computers, processors.

2. The networks connect the whole process in the automated factory.

3. The computer is no longer an unyielding, unforgiving but even inviting device.

4. Graphic representations of commands haven’t replaced performing functions in as specific sequence.

5. A new technology of speech recognition allows enter information into machine with your voice.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences choosing the right variant:

1. Networks, hardware and software allow various processors…

a). to perform functions

b). to share and exchange data

c). to interface with a man.


2. Life in the automated factory is based on…

a). management

b). communications

c). interfacing.


3. A major problem with networks is interfacing…

a). processors

b). men and machines

c). computers.


4. Networks are connecting the whole processes together, allowing more…

a). effectiveness of manufacturing

b). reliability of manufacturing

c). flexibility of manufacturing.


5. Sensors… data, computers… commands.

a). get…. give

b). process… get

c). gather… send.


Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:


1. What is the major problem with networks?

2. What technology makes it easier for man to interface with machines?

3. Why do the networks allow more flexibility of manufacturing?

4. What are the recent developments in machine – to – machine interfaces? What are their advantages?

5. What method makes entering data faster and more accurate than using a keyboard?



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