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Look through the sentences and decide which of them are True (T) or False (F). Match the words from the left column with their definitions from the right.

a) Time management gives one an opportunity to spend time doing the things that help you achieve goals and the things that one personally prioritizes and values.

b) In order to begin to organise your time you have to apply all your creativity.

c) Rank aspects of your life according to their priorities for you.

d) Main goals are usually defined as long-term ones.

e) A systematic approach gives people opportunity to see their strengths and single out improvements that can be made.

f) When one knows and realizes how they spend the time they can see if they use it productively.

g) There is no reason to buy an organiser or a notebook, you can keep all in your head.

h) You may divide and rank your activities in order 1-10 in terms of importance and urgency.

i) In the real pursuit of a goal try not to include time to relax and socialize.

j) Do all the tasks at once so that you don't feel so daunted by dividing into portions.


2) Try to remember the main idea of the text and put the sentences into the correct order.

a) Start by keeping a diary.

b) Divide your activities into categories.

c) When someone asks you to do something, see it in terms of taking time away from something else.

d) Before you begin to organise your time you need to think in a structured way.

e) List the things you have to do, such as lectures, paid work, child care arrangements etc.

f) Divide a realistic amount of time to each.

g) Reviewing the way you spend time may have revealed time wasted on tasks which were low on your list of priorities.

h) Major goals often need to be divided up into several steps which can be redefined as short-term goals.

i) Avoid being a “yes-man”.

j) Try to give yourself rewards.


Match the words from the left column with their definitions from the right.

1. time management A. activity performed at fixed or regular intervals
2. degree B. occurring in or relating to a relatively short period of future time
3. prioritize C. relating to one thing and not others
4. short-term D. an item or implement used for a specific purpose
5. perfectionist E. working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way
6. specific F. to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring
7. routine G. systematic, priority-based structuring of time allocation and distribution among competing demands. Since time cannot be stored, and its availability can neither be increased beyond nor decreased from the 24 hours, the term 'time budgeting' is said to be more appropriate one  
8. tool H. to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first
9. procrastinate I. an academic award conferred by a university or college on successful completion of a course
10. efficiently J. a person who wants everything to be done in the best possible way and demands the highest standards possible


Fill in the gaps using the word-combinations from the text.

(routine, procrastinate, tools, short-term goals, diary, prioritize, unmanageable, time management, overwhelm, tackle)

a) If the aim of managing your time was to spend time achieving your goals, you would (….) the things you do.

b) If you were able to (….) this problem, our company wouldn`t havelost the money.

c) If John planned the amount of time he spent on work, he wouldn`t regard the task as (….) one.

d) If I didn`t postpone the meeting, we could (….) our investors unpleasantly because we weren`t ready with the presentation.

e) Most of the goals in our office can be redefined as (…).

f) If you started to keep a (…) you wouldn`t forget anything at the conference.

g) If she didn`t put it off, the assignment wouldn’t seem such a (….).

h) Start your (….) process by buying an organiser and use it.

i) If Jack defined what is important to him he wouldn`t have to buy special (….) for achieving his goals.

j) Our firm wouldn`t go bust if our accountant didn`t (….) her assignments.



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