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Ethics in modern management. Teaching ethical behavior.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 11 из 11
If we talk about the ethics of management, then we are talking about the norms of behavior of a manager, the requirements of a cultural society to its style of work, the nature of communicating with people, and social appearance. Ethics of management is a science that examines the actions and behavior of a person acting in the sphere of management, in the aspect in which the actions of a manager correspond to universal ethical requirements. It focuses on a wide range of behaviors of managers and subordinates. Her focus is on the goals and means used to achieve them by both. Modern management has an impact on society - on the direction of its development, culture, the system of spiritual values, aspirations, the system for assessing lifestyle, living standards, etc. thus, besides other conditions, depends on the level of ethical functioning of such a powerful social institution, which it is in the 21st century. management. Employment by such work as management is prestigious, as it implies a high level of education, professionalism, and a fairly high salary. All this makes the importance of the moral and ethical side of the manager’s activities indisputable. The reasons for this: 1. The manager serves as an example of the attitude to his service duties for ordinary employees and other managers; violation of ethical norms can be perceived by ordinary employees as a kind of " signal rocket" - you can do what is impossible. And, since the manager is in the center of attention, ethical violations on his part serve as a bad example to a greater degree, something similar to the ordinary actions of the ordinary employee. 2. Any action, the act of the manager have not only a momentary effect. With his ethical (or unethical) actions, for some time, he forms a complex of moral values of the people around him: subordinates, consumers (customers or customers), suppliers and even competitors. In fulfilling the educational role, the manager forms the culture of the attitude of the employees to the products they produce or the service they provide, the rules for communicating with each other, the fundamentals of the “manager-slave” contacts, etc. If we talk about the external environment, then managers, especially top managers form standards for relations with competitors, suppliers, business partners, etc. In this regard, the modern manager himself must show the samples of morally impeccable behavior and bring up the same qualities from his subordinates and from his partner. In the end, it depends on us how people speak to us. The ethical behavior of employees is determined by two groups of factors: 1. The complex of ethical principles that a person owns from birth, the idea that there is a good that is evil, that is, his own ethical code with which a person lives and works, what kind of position he was engaged in and what he would not do the work. 2. Requirements that are given to a person from the outside: this can be the ethical code of the organization, where the person works, internal regulations, oral requirements of a higher level manager. According to R.N. Botavina, ethics plays the role of a peculiar filter in the implementation of methods, management style, in the creation of a management structure, in making decisions. In any of these processes, the “ethical - unethical” rating scale should work. It should be borne in mind that, unlike codes of legal norms, ethics is based on culture, public opinion, traditions and habits. The norms of ethics are expressed in general fixed ideas (commandments, principles) about what should be done. Ethics are principles that separate right from wrong behavior.Another approach taken by organizations to improve ethical behavior is to teach ethical behavior among managers and employees. At the same time, employees are introduced to business ethics and increase their susceptibility to ethical problems that may arise in front of them. Embedding ethics as a subject in business courses at the university level is another form of teaching ethical behavior, so that students begin to better understand these problems. According to a study by the Center for Business Ethics, " corporations are much more concerned about ethics today than in the past, they have taken concrete steps to incorporate ethics into their practice." At the same time, daily newspapers are replete with examples of unethical and illegal behavior of employees of organizations of any type; however, we believe that the organizations themselves do not lack the opposite examples of the ethical actions of their employees. While continuing to implement the various programs and methods described above, and ensuring that high-level managers serve as role models for proper ethical behavior, organizations should be able to raise their ethical standards.
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Test questions: 1. What is the essence of the ethical behavior of a manager? 2. What are the differences between the concepts of “legal responsibility” and “social responsibility”? 3. How do you understand the social role of the manager? 4. What are the main distinctive qualities of social responsibility? 5. How is ethical behavior training done?
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