Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Unit 1. Words of Greeting .

Unit 1. Words of Greeting.

How to say “Hello”                                                How to say “Bye”

Hello                                                                  Goodbye

Good morning                                                    Have a good trip

Good afternoon                                                  Have a good day

Good evening                                                     Wish you all the best


How to be polite

Thanks [th = C]                                                  You are welcome 

Thank you very much                                           Not at all

                                                                           That’s Okay [th = З]


Excuse me                                                        Sorry


Yes / No / Please



I – Я                                      

My – мой, моя, моё              

You – ты, вы

Your – твой, ваш

It – он, она, оно – неодушевленное


Essential vocabulary

Trip = ride = journey = pass

Ticket (s) - билет

Ticket office – касса

Ticket gates/ ticket barrier – турникет

Ticket machine – билетный автомат

Cash machine/ATM – банкомат

Metro map – схема метро

Yellow terminal device/ yellow box – желтый терминал

Information column – информационная колонна

Information desk – информационная стойка

Exit - выход

Entrance - вход

Vestibule/ entrance hall – вестибюль, зал

Station – станция

Platform – платформа

Train – поезд

Carriage / car – вагон


Professional Verbs

Buy – покупать

buy a ticket


Check – проверять

check a Troika card / a metro map / check my route (маршрут)


Use – использовать, воспользоваться

use a ticket machine / a metro map / the yellow terminal device


Top up (= recharge) - пополнять

top up a Troika card / my travel card


Put – класть

put money on a Troika card


Can – мочь, уметь

Can I check …?


Should – должен, следует (рекомендация)

You should use the map


Need ( to + Verb ) – нужно (нужно сделать что-либо)

I need to top up my card


Is – имеется, является, находится - ед.ч.

Are – имеются, являются, находятся - мн.ч.

Как задать вопрос: W - Words?

Where? – где?   

When? – когда?

What? – что?

Which? – какой, какая, который?

Why? – почему, зачем?

How? – как, каким образом?

How much? – сколько? (неисчисл.)

How many? – сколько? (исчисл.)

Useful phrases

1) Could you speak slowly? – Вы могли бы говорить помедленнее?

2) Could you speak loudly (= speak up)? – Вы могли бы говорить громче?

3) Could you repeat, please? – Вы могли бы повторить, пожалуйста?

4) Sorry, I don’t know. Ask at the information desk / ticket office. – Извините, я не знаю. Спросите на информационной стойке/ в кассе.

Read the dialogues


Passenger: Good morning.    

Inspector: Good morning, sir.       

Passenger: I need to buy a ticket.

Inspector: Could you speak slowly?       

Passenger: Yes, sure. I need a ticket.

Inspector: You can buy a ticket at the ticket office or at the ticket machine.            

Passenger: Thank you. Goodbye.                              

Inspector: You are welcome. Have a nice trip.



Passenger: Hello, sir, can you help me?

Inspector: Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger:  Where can I check my Troika card?

Inspector: Could you repeat, please?

Passenger: I need to check Troika.

Inspector: Check at the ticket office or at the yellow terminal device.

Passenger: Thank you.                                               

Inspector: You are welcome.                             



Passenger: Excuse me, sir. Help me, please.

Inspector: Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger: How can I check my route?     

Inspector: Check the map, please.                              

Passenger: Where is the map?         

Inspector: Sorry, could you speak loudly?

Passenger: Yes, sure. WHERE IS THE MAP?                                        

Inspector: It is on the wall (стена).

Passenger: Thank you. Goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome. Goodbye.



Passenger: Hello, excuse me, can you help me?

Inspector: Hello, yes, I can. What can I do for you?

Passenger: Where can I top up my Troika card?

Inspector: You can top up it at the ticket office or at the ticket machine.

Passenger: Where can I check my card?

Inspector: At the ticket office or at the yellow terminal device

Passenger: Thank you for your help.

Inspector: You are welcome. Have a nice day.


Passenger: Hello, how do I use my ticket?

Inspector: Hello, you should put your ticket on the yellow circle (желтый круг).

Passenger: Thank you, where can I buy a metro map?

Inspector: Sorry, could you repeat, please.

Passenger: I need a metro map.

Inspector: You can take (взять) a free metro map at an information desk.

Passenger: Thank you for your help.

Inspector: You are welcome. Wish you all the best.



Translate the dialogues.

Пассажир: Доброе утро, не могли бы вы мне помочь?

Инспектор: Доброе утро, чем могу помочь?

Пассажир: Где я могу проверить свою карту?

Инспектор: Вы можете проверить карту в кассе или на желтом терминале.

Пассажир: А как воспользоваться билетом?

Инспектор: Просто приложите его к желтому кругу.

Пассажир: Спасибо, до свидания.

Инспектор: Не за что. Хорошего дня.



Пассажир: Добрый день, пожалуйста, помогите мне?

Инспектор: Добрый день, чем могу помочь?

Пассажир: Где я могу проверить свой маршрут?

Инспектор: Вы можете воспользоваться схемой метро на стене.

Пассажир: А где я могу купить схему метрополитена?

Инспектор: Вы можете взять ее бесплатно на любой стойке информации.

Пассажир: Спасибо, до свидания.

Инспектор: Не за что. Всего наилучшего.





English numbers / 1



Cardinal English numbers/ numerals - количественные числительные.

Essential vocabulary:

A hundred – сотня

Open – открывать

Close – закрывать

Number – номер, количество


1. Read aloud. ( 1 - 19) + teen

one (уан) – один               - eleven (элэвэн) – одиннадцать

two (ту: ) – два                 - twelve (туэлв) – двенадцать

three ( фри: ) – три           - thir + teen ( сётиин) – тринадцать

four (фо: ) – четыре          - fourteen (фо: тиин) – четырнадцать

five (файв) – пять                       - fifteen ( фифтиин) – пятнадцать

six (сикс ) – шесть            - sixteen (сикстиин) – шестнадцать

seven (сэвэн) – семь          - seventeen (сэвэнтин) –семнадцать

eight (эйт) – восемь           - eighteen (эйтиин) – восемнадцать

nine (найн) – девять          - nineteen(найнтиин) –девятнадцать

ten (тэн) – десять                  



2. Read aloud. (20 – 100) + ty


- twen + ty - 20

- thirty   - 30

- forty    - 40

- fifty     - 50

- sixty             - 60

- seventy - 70

- eighty  - 80

- ninety  - 90


A hundred [ хандрэд ] - сотня


One hundred

Two hundred

Three hundred

Four hundred

Five hundred

Six hundred

Seven hundred

Eight hundred

Nine hundred 


Complex numbers/ numerals


twenty + one = twenty-one   

fifty + five = fifty-five

one hundred + sixty-four = 164

five hundred + eleven = 511

Read the following numbers.

36, 5: 30, 55, 611, 60, 47, 13, 34, 218, 747, 110, 360, 8 3 0, 415.

A.m. – 0: 00 – 12: 00

P.m. – 12: 00 – 24: 00

Read the dialogues.

Passenger: Excuse me, sir. When does the metro open?

Inspector: Hello, the metro opens at 5: 30 a.m.

Passenger: When does it close?

Inspector: Sorry, could you repeat, please.

Passenger: Yes, sure. When does the metro close?

Inspector: The metro closes at 1 a.m.

Passenger: Thank you for your help.

Inspector: You are welcome. Wish you all the best.



Passenger: Excuse me, sir. What is the number of this line?

Inspector: Hello, this is line number 9.

Passenger: I need bus number 625, where is the bus stop?

Inspector: Sorry, could you repeat the bus number?

Passenger: It is 625

Inspector: Alright, the bus stop is 50 meters away from the station.

Passenger: Thanks a lot.

Inspector: You are welcome.


English numbers / 2


Ordinal numerals/numbers (-th) – порядковые числительные.


the first – 1-й                                   the next – следующий

the second – 2-й                            the last – последний

the third – 3-й         



Последующие порядковые числительные образуются при помощи - th

the four + th = fourth

the fifth

the sixth

the seventh…

Essential vocabulary:

way/ track – путь, дорога

the terminal station – конечная станция

go / leave / run / depart – отправляться, отъезжать, ехать

time interval – временной интервал

get to – добираться до


When? What time? How long?


Read the dialogues.

Passenger: Excuse me, sir. Which way (track) is it to the city center?

Inspector: Hello, You need the second track.

Passenger: What time does the next train go?

Inspector: In 3 minutes.

Passenger: When is the last train?

Inspector: The last train is at 1 a.m.

Passenger: Thank you very much.

Inspector: You are welcome. Have a good trip.

Passenger: Good evening, sir. Where can I check my route?

Inspector: Hello, use the metro map. It’s on the wall.

Passenger: Which way (track) is it from the city center?

Inspector: You need the first track.

Passenger: What time does the first train leave at this station?

Inspector: The first train runs at 5: 45 a.m.

Passenger: Thanks.

Inspector: Not at all.



Passenger: Good afternoon, sir. How can I get to Red Square?

Inspector: Good afternoon, take the third track.

Passenger: Which exit is it to the square?

Inspector: You need the second exit.

Passenger: What time does the first train leave at this station?

Inspector: At 5: 37 a.m.

Passenger: How long is the interval between trains?

Inspector: The interval is 1 minute.

Passenger: Thank you.

Inspector: Not at all.

Answer the questions

What time does the last train go/ leave/ depart/ run?

What time does the first train go/ leave/ depart/ run?

When is the first train?

When is the last train?

When is the next train?

How long is the time interval between trains at your station?

When does the metro open?

When does the metro close?



Metro staff

1) Policeman (police officer)

2) Ticket lady (booking clerk/ ticket agent)

3) Inspector of the security service

4) Station assistant

5) Station supervisor

6) Inspector of the mobility service

7) Metro worker (metro employee)

Unit 2. Where is …?


To – « направления» - на, в, к, до (Куда? )

At – «по местности» - в, у, на

In – «внутри» - в, на

On – «на поверхности» - на

Objects inside the station

Essential vocabulary:


pharmacy/ drugstore                       

police office                                    

kiosk / newsstand                                     

lost-and-found office                       

gift shop / souvenir shop

first-aid post

exchange office / bank

Remember: passage (= transfer) – переход ( туннель, по которому переходят )

- there (= over there) – там (вон там)

- here (= right here) – здесь (прям тут)

- on the wall / on the glass – на стене, на стекле

- opposite (across from the metro / in front of you) – напротив (напротив метро, перед вами)

- near / at / next to – рядом, у, возле

- between – между            

- behind – позади, за       

- across the street (= across the road) – через дорогу

- over the bridge – через мост

- through the ticket gates – через турникет

- in the middle of the platform – в середине платформы

- in the center of the vestibule / entrance hall – в центре вестибюля (зала)

- at the end of the platform – в конце платформы

- on the left of the ticket office – слева от кассы

- on the right of the police office - справа от полицейского участка

- on your left – слева от вас

- on your right – справа от вас

- round the corner / at (on) the corner / in the corner – за углом, на углу, в углу

- outside – снаружи (на улице)

- inside – внутри

- Far from the station? – Далеко от станции?

- not far 2 minutes on foot (= walking) – недалеко, 2 минуты пешком

1. Read the dialogues. Where is …? It is …

Passenger: Excuse me, sir, I need to check my route.

Inspector: You need to check a map.

Passenger: Where is the map?

Inspector: It is on the wall. Over there.

Passenger: Thank you very much.

Inspector: Not at all.

Passenger: Hello, excuse me, where is an ATM in the station?

Inspector: Good afternoon, it is over there, opposite the ticket gates.

Passenger: Where is a toilet in the station?

Inspector: Sorry, no toilet in the metro. It’s outside, on the left of the metro.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, goodbye.



Passenger: Excuse me, where is a pharmacy in the station?

Inspector: Hello, good morning, it’s in the corner, next to the exit.

Passenger: Where can I exchange my money here?

Inspector: The bank is on the right of the ticket office.

Passenger: Alright, do you have a first-aid post for passengers?

Inspector: Sorry, no first-aid post for passengers.

Passenger: Anyway thank you for help, goodbye.

Inspector: Don’t mention it.


Passenger: Good evening, where do I buy a map in the station?

Inspector: Good evening, you can buy a metro map at the kiosk, it is across the street.

Passenger: Do you know where I can top up my card?

Inspector: You can recharge your Troika at the ticket machine.

Passenger: Where’s it?

Inspector: It’s in the corner, near the entrance.

Passenger: Thanks, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, goodbye.



Passenger: Hello, excuse me, where’s a lost-and-found office?

Inspector: It’s in the passage at Kotelniky station.

Passenger: Where is a police office here?

Inspector: It is over there, between the exchange office and the ticket gates.

Passenger: Do policemen speak English?

Inspector: Sorry, I don’t know. Ask at the information desk.

Passenger: Where is the information desk?

Inspector: The info desk is round the corner on the left.

Passenger: Thanks a lot, goodbye.

Inspector: Not at all, goodbye.



Passenger: Hello, excuse me, where is a souvenir shop in the station?

Inspector: Hello, you can buy souvenirs outside.

Passenger: Where exactly (именно)?

Inspector: The gift shop is across from the metro station.

Passenger: How far is the shop?

Inspector: Not far, 2 minutes on foot.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, goodbye.



Objects outside the station


Essential vocabulary:


The Bolshoi theatre

The Tretyakov gallery

Red Square

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The Kremlin

The Lenin's mausoleum

The Russian state library (The Lenin state library)

The Pushkin museum


Read the dialogues.


Passenger: Hello, could you tell me how to get to the Bolshoi Theatre?

Inspector: It is right behind that building

Passenger: Where is Red Square?

Inspector: It is on the right.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, have a good day.



Passenger: Hello, excuse me, is there a bank near here?

Inspector: Hello, yes, there’s one across the road, next to the bookshop.

Passenger: Is it open today?

Inspector: I’m sorry, I don’t know, ask at the information desk.

Passenger: Where is the info desk?

Inspector: It is over there, round the corner.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, goodbye.



Passenger: Hello, excuse me, where’s a bus stop here?

Inspector: Hello, it is outside, across from the station.

Passenger: Is the bus stop far from the metro?

Inspector: No, 2 minutes on foot.

Passenger: Thank you for help.

Inspector: You are welcome, bye.


Answer the questions

Where is The Bolshoi theatre?

Where is The Tretyakov gallery?

Which station is Red Square at?

Which station is The Cathedral of Christ the Savior nearby?

Which station is The Kremlin at?

Translate the dialogues.

Пассажир: Добрый день, извините, где находится Библиотека имени Ленина?

Инспектор: Здравствуйте, она находится на улице справа от входа в метро.

Пассажир: Как далеко отсюда?

Инспектор: Рядом с метро. 20 метров от входа.

Пассажир: Она открыта сегодня?

Инспектор: Извините, я не знаю. Спросите на информационной стойке, она за углом.

Пассажир: Спасибо большое, до свидания.   

Инспектор: Пожалуйста, хорошего дня.



Пассажир: Здравствуйте, извините, где находится Третьяковская галерея?

Инспектор: Добрый день, она находится на станции Третьяковская.

Пассажир: Скажите, как далеко находится галерея от станции?

Инспектор: Примерно 8 минут пешком.

Пассажир: Где я могу купить карту города?

Инспектор: Вы можете купить карту города в киоске, он находится слева от выхода, рядом с обменным пунктом.

Пассажир: Спасибо большое за помощь, до свидания.

Инспектор: Не за что, до свидания.

Read the dialogues

Passenger: Hello, excuse me, where is an ATM in the station?

Station supervisor: Good afternoon, it is over there, opposite the ticket gates.

Passenger: Where is a toilet in the station?

Station supervisor: I’m sorry, no toilet in the metro. It’s only outside, on the right of the metro.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Station supervisor: You are welcome, goodbye.



Passenger: Good morning, excuse me, where is a pharmacy in the station?

Station supervisor: Hello, good morning, no pharmacy in the station. It’s in the street, opposite the metro.

Passenger: Where’s a police office in the station?

Station supervisor: The police office is behind the ticket office.

Passenger: Where is a metro map?

Station supervisor: It’s on the wall, on your left.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Station supervisor: You are welcome, goodbye.


Passenger: Good evening, where’s a kiosk in the station?

Station supervisor: Good evening, no kiosk in the station, it is only outside, opposite the exit.

Passenger: Where is a Info column in the station?

Station supervisor: it is in the middle of the platform.

Passenger: Where’s an information desk in the station?

Station supervisor: It’s in the corner, opposite the escalator.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Station supervisor: You are welcome, goodbye.



Passenger: Hello, excuse me, where’s a lost-and-found office?

Station supervisor: It’s in the passage, in front of the entrance to the metro.

Passenger: Where is a terminal device?

Station supervisor: It is on the wall, between the ticket office and the police office.

Passenger: Where is a gift shop / souvenir shop in the station?

Station supervisor: Sorry, no gift shop in the station. The gift shop is in the street, round the corner.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Station supervisor: You are welcome, goodbye.


Passenger: Hello, excuse me, where is a first-aid post in the station?

Station supervisor: Sorry, no first-aid post in the metro.

Passenger: Where is a pharmacy in the station?

Station supervisor: It’s at the exit.

Passenger: Where is a ticket machine in the station?

Station supervisor: It’s near the police office.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Station supervisor: You are welcome, goodbye.



Unit 3. Which way …?

Read the dialogues


Passenger: Good morning, sir.

Inspector: Good morning.

Passenger: What is the shortest (самая короткая) way to Smolenskaya street?

Inspector: Go this way, please.


Passenger: Excuse me, ma’am.

Inspector: Yes, what can I do for you?

Passenger: Where is the way out?

Inspector: It is over there.



Passenger: Which way should I go to Fili station?

Booking clerk: That way, please.

Pa ssenger: Is it the shortest way to get there?

Booking clerk: Yes, this way is the shortest one.


How to ask for direction.

1. How can I get to the other … platform/ exit/ station/ line/entrance …?

2. Which way should I go to get to ( чтобы добраться до ) the other …?

3. Could you tell me how to get to the …?

4. Do you know how to get to the …?


Essential vocabulary:

- Go straight ahead ( = straight on) – идите прямо, вперед.

- Go to the left – идите налево

- Go to the right – идите направо

- down – вниз

- up – наверх

- go downstairs (= go down the stairs) – спуститесь по лестнице

- go upstairs (= go up the stairs) – поднимитесь по лестнице

- go up the escalator – поднимитесь по эскалатору

- go down the escalator – спуститесь по эскалатору

- go along the platform – идите по платформе

- go past ( = pass by) – пройдите, идите мимо

- go through the ticket gates (ticket barrier) – пройдите через турникет

- turn to the left ( = turn left) – поверните налево

- turn to the right ( = turn right) – поверните направо

- follow the signs следуйте указателям

- go up the street

- go down the street

- go along the street


Read the dialogues

Passenger: How can I get to the red line?

Inspector: Go down the escalator then straight ahead. In the middle of the platform turn left.

Passenger: Thank you very much.

Inspector: You are welcome.



Passenger: Excuse me, sir, can you help me?

Inspector: Yes, what can I do?

Passenger: How do I get to the exit?

Inspector: You should go to the right and straight ahead at the end you see the exit

Passenger: Thanks a lot.

Inspector: You are welcome.

Passenger: - Excuse me. I’m looking for an information desk

Booking clerk: - There is one straight ahead. See that red-blue column? You can’t miss it.

Passenger: - Where is it? I can’t see it from here.

Booking clerk: - Go straight ahead. Down the escalator and you will see it in the middle of the platform.

Passenger: - Thank you so much.

Booking clerk: - You are welcome. Have a good day!


Translate the sentences

1) Go straight ahead and downstairs then in the middle of the platform turn left and upstairs to get to the other line

2) You should go down the escalator and straight on then up the escalator and to the right. There you can see the exit.

3) The information column is in the middle of the platform opposite the first way. Go straight on, you can’t miss it.

4) Look, at first go up the escalator and turn right, then go along the passage and at the end of the passage go upstairs. Your track is on the left

5) It is not so far, turn round the corner and go straight ahead up to the end of the street.

6) Вам нужно идти прямо, вверх по эскалатору и затем повернуть направо.

7) Спуститесь по эскалатору, затем в середине платформы поверните налево и поднимитесь по ступенькам, чтобы перейти на другую платформу.

8) Билетный терминал находится слева от кассы. Поднимитесь по эскалатору и поверните направо. В конце зала находится билетный терминал.

9) Желтый терминал находится возле кассы напротив входа. Идите прямо и поверните налево.

10) Сейчас выйдете из метро и поверните направо. Пройдите 50 метров и перейдите дорогу. Вход находится справа от банка.



Translate into English.

- вам следует идти                - туда

- направо                                - там

- справа от вас                       - здесь

- в середине платформы       - сюда

- спуститься по эскалатору - напротив входа

- повернуть налево                - наверх по ступенькам

- переход на другую линию         - слева

- добраться до выхода          - проверить по карте

- подняться по эскалатору   - идти прямо



5. Watch the video and do the exercises


1) Episode 1

2) Episode 2 (draw your map)

3) Episode 3 (listening)

Synonymic phrases:

Get on a train = board a train = enter a train = take a train

Get off a train = exit a train = leave a train = alight a train

How to start your answer.

For example:

A: - How can I get to Spartak stadium?

B: - This is Fili station, you need Spartak station. Go to K. station and change (= transfer) to (for) K. station, the Moscow central circle, then go to Kh. station and change (= transfer) to (for) P. station and go to S. station.


How to get to the station.


C «Смоленская» (голуб) до «Трубная»

С «Марксистская» до «Библиотека им. Ленина»

С «Курская» (кольцо) до «Китай город» (оранж)

С « Варшавская» до «Охотный ряд»

С « Полянка» до « Новокузнецкая»

С «Кунцевская» до «Чистые пруды»

С «Охотный ряд» до «Шелепиха»

С «Проспект мира» (кольцо) до «Достоевская»

С «Третьяковская» (желтая) до «Выставочная»

С «Добрынинская» до «Международная»


Read the dialogues.

Passenger: Excuse me, sir, what station is it?

Inspector: Hello, this is Kuznetsky most station.

Passenger: How can I get to V airport?

Inspector: You can get there by aeroexpress train.

Passenger: All right, can you explain me?

Inspector: At first you should go to B station and change to Kr. Station. Then go to Kievskaya. Exit the metro and take an aeroexpress train to V airport at Kievsky railway station.

Passenger: How far is the rail terminal?

Inspector: Oh, it’s not so far. It is across from the shopping mall near the metro.

Passenger: Thanks a lot.

Inspector: You are welcome.


Passenger: Excuse me, sir, how can I get to V airport?

Inspector: Hello, you can get there by aeroexpress train and by bus.

Passenger: How can I get there by bus?

Inspector: Ok, go to Park Kultury and change for the red line then go to Salarievo station. Exit the metro and take bus number 911

Passenger: How much time will it take me?

Inspector: It will take you 30 minutes on the metro and 17 minutes on the bus.

Passenger: How far is the terminal from the bus stop?

Inspector: I guess not so far.

Passenger: Thank you very much.

Inspector: You are welcome. Nice to help you.


Phrases of precaution:


Stand on the right – стойте справа

Pass on the left – проходите слева                                               

Be careful – будьте осторожны

Watch your step – не споткнитесь (смотрите под ноги)

Hold (on to) the handrail – держитесь за поручень


Read the dialogues

Passenger: Hello, excuse me, can I take photos in the metro?

Inspector: Hello, yes, you can.

Passenger: Can I travel with a bike on the metro?

Inspector: Yes, but only with a folding bicycle.

Passenger: How about my dog?

Inspector: You can travel with your dog but your dog must be in a transportation bag and on the lead. 

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, goodbye.

Passenger: Hello, excuse me, can you help me?

Inspector: Hello, yes, how can I help you?

Passenger: Can I take my bike on board the train?

Inspector: Yes, you can take a folding bike only.

Passenger: Can I take photos in the metro?

Inspector: Yes.

Passenger: Can I film in the metro?

Inspector: Yes, but not with a professional video camera.

Passenger: Thanks, goodbye.

Inspector: Not at all, goodbye.

Passenger: Hello, where can I take money out of my card?

Inspector: Hello, go up the escalator, go along the ticket gates. The cash machine is on your left.

Passenger: Do you have the Internet in the metro?

Inspector: Yes, but only on trains.

Passenger: Is it pay?

Inspector: No, it’s free.

Passenger: Can I ride a skateboard along the platform?

Inspector: No, it is prohibited.

Passenger: Can I travel with a bicycle?

Inspector: Yes, you can, but only with a folded bicycle.

Passenger: Thanks a lot, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, goodbye.

Inspector: Excuse me, you can’t roller-skate in the metro. It’s dangerous.

Passenger: Sorry, I’m in a hurry.

Inspector: Be careful, you can hurt somebody.

Passenger: Where can I withdraw money from my card?

Inspector: At a cash machine.

Passenger: Where is a cash machine?

Inspector: Go up the escalator, go past the metro map and the police office, it’s behind the SOS-Info column.

Passenger: How can I get to Red Square?

Inspector: You need “Ploschad Revolyutsii’’, this is “Kievskay”, the light-blue line. Change for the blue line and go to “Ploschad Revolyutsii”.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector: You are welcome, goodbye.


Answer the questions.

a) Can I transfer my dog on the metro? How?

b) Yes, but …


a) Can I ride a scooter along the platform?

b) No, because …


a) Can I film (shoot a film) in the metro?

b) Yes, but …


a) Can I travel with a bicycle on the metro?

b) Yes, but…


a) I’ve dropped my phone on to the tracks. Who can help me to get my phone back from there?

b) Contact …


a) I got tired, can I sit on the moving stairs?

b) No, it is …


a) Who can help me to get my buggy down the escalator?

b) Contact …


a) Which side should I stand on going up or down the escalator?

b) Stand …

Translate the sentences

1) Вы не можете кататься в метро на велосипеде.

2) Собака должна быть в сумке-переноске.

3) Только со складным велосипедом.

4) Вы не можете сидеть на ступенях эскалатора.

5) Вы не можете кататься в метро на роликах.

6) Где я могу снять деньги с карты в метро?

7) Можно, но только не на профессиональную камеру.

8) Не катайтесь на велосипеде, это запрещено.

9) Где я могу воспользоваться Wi-Fi в метро?

10) Бесплатный Wi-Fi есть только в вагонах поездов.


Safety instructions

a) Information on trains.

- The next train is in 4 minutes.

- No boarding the (arriving/ incoming) train.

- The train terminates here.

- The train is going to M. station.

- The train is going to the train yard/depot.

b) Boarding rules.

- Mind the (closing) doors.

- Mind the gap.

- Do not lean against the doors. Do not lean on door

- The boarding is over, step back (from the edge of the platform.)

- Stay away from the edge of the platform.

- Do not obstruct the doors.

- Do not leave your properties in cars.

- Please, leave the cars.

- The last station. The terminal station.


Continue the sentences.

- The last train...

- The next train is in 4 minutes.

- No boarding the...

- The train doesn’t...

- The train goes to...

- Mind the...

- Do not lean...

- The boarding is …

- Do not obstruct …

- Do not leave your …

- Do not approach...

- Do not sit …

- Going up the …

- Do not ride a …

- Do not litter...

- It is prohibited to …


Unit 4. Engineering works


Essential words:

Repair works and maintenance – ремонт и обслуживание

closed due to – закрыта по причине

replacement M – buses – автобусы на замену

planned engineering works – плановые ремонтные работы

parts of the defective rails – части дефектных рельсов

over the weekends – в течение выходных

via the other entrance – через другой вход

keep on riding – продолжайте движение

a backward direction train – поезд обратного направления


Metro worker: Excuse me, sir, the entrance is closed.

Passenger: Why? What’s happened?

Metro worker: The northbound platform is under reconstruction.

Passenger: Alright. How can I get to the city centre?

Metro worker: You need the second entrance.

Passenger: Where is it?

Metro worker: It is on the other side of the street. You need to cross the road and turn left then go straight ahead. The entrance is on the right.

Passenger: What should I do next?

Metro worker: Take the southbound train and go 2 stops until the terminal station.

Passenger: Do I need to change trains?

Metro worker: No, you don’t. Don’t exit the train. This train will go in the northbound direction.

Passenger: How much time will it take me to get to the terminal station?

Metro worker: Oh, not much. About 5 minutes.

Passenger: Thank you so much for your help.

Metro worker: Never mind. It’s my pleasure.



Passenger: Hello, ma’am, excuse me. What is going on here?

Metro worker: Hello, don’t worry, there are regular repair work carried out on the track.

Passenger: Oh, it’s so uncomfortable. How can I get to D station?

Metro worker: Ok, I can help you. You see trains do not go only between V and R stations. You can use the circle line to get to L station and change to R station, the red line. After then keep going to D station.

Passenger: How long will the entrance be closed?

Metro worker: About 2 weeks.

Passenger: Are there any alternative ways to get to the station D?

Metro worker: Yes, there are. You need to get to the G station, the green line, then transfer to H station, the purple line, and go to the station M. Then change to B station, the blue line, and go to the red line. Transfer to the red line and keep going to your station.

Passenger: Perhaps, you know how to get to my station on ground transport?

Metro worker: Unfortunately, not. But you can turn to the information desk.

Passenger: Where is it?

Metro worker: It is in the western vestibule. You should go down the escalator and turn left, then go straight ahead and at the end of the platform go upstairs. The info desk is on the right.

Passenger: Oh, thank you so much for your help.

Metro worker: You are welcome. Have a good journey.



Passenger: Hello, sir. How can I get on to the platform?

Metro worker: Hello, for wheelchair user and people who are disabled or less able to walk we have lifts and step-free accesses. But unfortunately this station is not equipped with these kinds of facilities and step-free access is under reconstruction.

Passenger: Well, what should I do now?

Metro worker: Have you left a request for being assisted?

Passenger: No, I haven’t. Could you help me to get down onto the platform?

Metro worker: Sorry, I can’t help you alone. You need the other entrance. There is a ramp on the stairs.

Passenger: Where is it? Is the entrance far from the metro?

Metro worker: Oh, it’s not far, 3 minutes on foot. Look, you need to exit the metro and turn right. Then you go 300 meters along the street and the entrance is on the right on the same side of the street.

Passenger: How can I get any information on which stations are closed due to repair work and which are equipped with lifts, ramps and step-free accesses?

Metro worker: All necessary information you can get on the website of the Moscow metro.

Passenger: Thank you very much for your help.

Metro worker: You are welcome. It’s my pleasure.

Passenger: Goodbye.

Metro worker: Goodbye, have a good day.



Choose the correct word.

Sorry, this entrance is … (closed/ right)

There is regular … on this part. ( first track/ track repair)

The exit will be …. (good soon/ open soon)

You can transfer to the station …(across the other passage/ via the other passage)

Step … the edge of the platform. (back from/ forward to)

The entrance is closed … (due to repair works/ due to the damaged doors)

Use the other... to get inside. (passage /entrance )


The Lost-and-found office.

Essential words


lost-property office                   abandoned property      

ask at                                    unclaimed property       

address                                 lost articles / lost items


hand in (transfer)                             

retrieve (get back)

return (give back)

hours of operation/    working hours          

personal property of passengers           



Read the dialogues

Passenger: - Excuse me, sir. Could you help me?

Inspector: - Yes, what’s happened?

Passenger: - I have lost my baggage and documents. I don’t know what to do.

Inspector: - You can find your baggage in the lost-and-found office at Kotelniki station.

Passenger: - How do I get there?

Inspector: - Please, check a map.

Passenger: - Where is the map?

Inspector: - It’s over there on the wall.

Passenger: - How about my documents?

Inspector: - Ask at the police office. It is on the right of the ticket office.

Passenger: - Thank you very much.

Inspector: - You are welcome. Hope you can find your things.

Passenger – Excuse me, ma’am I’ve lost my suitcase.

Inspector – You need to address the lost-and-found office. It is at Kotelniki station.

Passenger – What should I do there?

Inspector – You have to fill in an application form.

Passenger – But I can’t write in Russian. Do they speak English?

Inspector – I’m not sure. I think they will be able to help you.

Passenger – Can I retrieve my suitcase at once? What document do I need to retrieve my suitcase?

Inspector – You need your passport.  I don’t know. If it is there I guess you can

Passenger – Thank you so much.

Inspector – Don’t mention it.

Passenger: Hello, help me, please.

Station supervisor: Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger: I left my bag in a car, what should I do?

Station supervisor: Calm down, please and don’t worry. Do you remember the number of the car?  

Passenger: I don’t remember.

Station supervisor: Was the car at the front of the train or in the middle of the train?

Passenger: Let me think … it was the last car. 

Station supervisor: When did you leave your bag?

Passenger: A minute ago.

Station supervisor: What station did it happen at?

Passenger: This station. 

Station supervisor: Which direction, to the city center or from the city center?

Passenger: What do you mean?

Station supervisor: Which way did the train go to?

Passenger: Oh, ok, to the city center.

Station supervisor: Wait, I need to inform the dispatcher. If metro workers find your bag they will send (hand) it to the lost-and-found office. This is the telephone number of the office and the opening times of it.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Station supervisor: You are welcome, goodbye.


Lost-and-Found Office.

You can report your item lost in the Moscow Metro by phone. Contact the Lost Property information desk at 8 (495) 622-20-85 during the following hours: from 8 a.m. – to 8 p.m. daily. The earnest request is to call on your landline. The Lost Property office is located at the station of Kotelniki, the eastern vestibule. You will be sent there.


All items found at metro stations, in vestibules or in carriages are transferred to the storage. When a lost item is discovered, the Station Duty Officer together with a police officer fills in a special form and hand in the item to the storage. 

Lost items are kept for three months and then transferred to the State Fund.

Upon receipt you will have to give your passport and fill in a special form.


a) Find the English equivalents for the following phrases.


- связаться с…

- ежедневно

- городской номер

- передаются в

- заполнить

- потерянная вещь

- хранилище

- госфонд

- при получении


Translate the dialogue.

Пассажир: Здравствуйте, вы мне не поможете?

Дежурный по станции: Здравствуйте, чем могу вам помочь?

Пассажир: Я оставила сумку в вагоне, что мне делать?

Дежурный по станции: Успокойтесь, вы помните номер вагона?

Пассажир: Нет.

Дежурный по станции: В каком вагоне вы оставили её? В первом вагоне или в середине?

Пассажир: Я не знаю. 

Дежурный по станции: Когда вы оставили его?

Пассажир: Я не помню.

Дежурный по станции: На какой станции это произошло?

Пассажир: Я думаю, что на станции ‘’Охотный ряд’’.

Дежурный по станции: Если работники метро найдут его, они отправят его в бюро находок. Здесь телефон бюро находок и время работы.

Пассажир: Спасибо, где находиться бюро находок?

Дежурный по станции: Бюро находок находится только на станции ‘’Котельники’’. Это фиолетовая ветка, конечная.

Пассажир: Они говорят по-английски?

Дежурный по станции: Извините, я не знаю. Думаю, что да.

Пассажир: Бюро находок работает сегодня?

Дежурный по станции: Да.

Пассажир: Спасибо большое, до свидания.

Дежурный по станции: Не за что, до свидания.


Follow the signs

Look at the display

How are you feeling?

Essential phrases

feel bad (= unwell) / good, well

feel sick                    

have a headache / toothache / stomachache / chest pains              

faint / = lose consciousness

dizzy = giddiness                  

twisted an ankle

need fresh air


Inspector’s questions

how are you feeling?                    Call a doctor

what’s wrong with you?               Call an ambulance

what’s happened to you?                   lie on the bench

what’s the trouble?                       sit down on the bench

what’s the matter?                        no pills / medicine

do you want a glass of water?

how can I help you?

Do you need a doctor?



B. Read the dialogues

Passenger: Excuse me, ma’am, I need help.

Station assistant: What’s the trouble?

Passenger: I feel bad. I have a terrible headache.

Station assistant: How can I help you?

Passenger: Do you have some medicine?

Station assistant: Unfortunately, not. You can buy a pill at the first-aid post.

Passenger: Where is it?

Station assistant: The first-aid post is at the exit near the ticket office, over there.

Passenger: Thank you very much for your help.

Station assistant: Not at all. Pleased to help you.


Passenger: Help me, ma’am!

Station assistant: What’s happened?

Passenger: My friend has fainted. What must I do?

Station assistant: Don’t worry. I will give him a glass of water and call a doctor. You hold his head up.

Passenger: Maybe you have a pill?

Station assistant: No, I don’t. You need fresh air. Wait for a doctor he will help you.

Passenger 2: Oh, I feel better. Help me to get outside.

Station assistant: I’ll call a passenger support worker.

Passenger: Thanks a lot.

Station assistant: Don’t mention it.


Train timetable

The Metro

In my opinion, the best way to move around the city is metro. Metro trains are speedy and comfortable. Most of the time, they are not overloaded, however during the rush hours it gets rather stuffy. Some people call the metro the underground and it is easy to see why. Most metro stations are built under the ground, be it in Moscow or in any other major city. In fact, I really like the Moscow underground. They say it is one of the most beautiful constructions in the world. All the stations are well-equipped, exquisite and eye-catching. Some of them are placed above the ground. These are mostly new stations. The trains and their carriages are also worth exploring. Some of them contain the inscriptions of famous Russian writers' works. Others remind an art gallery exhibition, as they contain reproductions of famous paintings. My parents prefer to use metro trains to get to work. At rush hours, they take a mini-bus or a taxi, but the traffic in the city is also heavy. After all, Moscow inhabitants know that the metro is the quickest way to travel around the city. Another advantage of this travel mode is the prices of tickets. Compared to other means of transportation they are not high. As for me, I have a special metro pass, which allows me to travel for free. In my opinion, the only drawback is that it sometimes gets overcrowded. At such moments, I feel uncomfortable there. Some people don’t like the moving staircase, but in my opinion they are fun. I’m quite happy with the services that our metro ensures and I hope that soon there will be even more new stations.


Read the dialogues.

Passenger: Hello, excuse me, can you help me?

Booking clerk: Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger: Where can I check the number of passes on my ticket?

Booking clerk: At a terminal device.

Passenger: Where’s a terminal device?

Booking clerk: It’s on the wall, on your left.

Passenger: Where is a cash machine?

Booking clerk: Go downstairs; turn right, the cash machine is near the gift shop.

Passenger: Do you have metro maps?

Booking clerk: No, but you can take a metro map at the information desk.

Passenger: Where’s an information desk?

Booking clerk: Go straight on, turn left, go past the police office, it’s opposite the exchange office.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Booking clerk: You are welcome, goodbye.

Passenger: Good evening, can you help me?

Booking clerk: Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger: I’m lost. What station is it?

Booking clerk: ‘’Polyanka’’

Passenger: How can I get to Savyolovsky railway station?

Booking clerk: You need ‘’Savyolovskaya’’. Go past 4 stations, the next station is yours.

Passenger: Is it far from the metro?

Booking clerk: I’m sorry, I don’t know. Ask at the information desk.

Passenger: Where is it?

Booking clerk: Turn right at the pharmacy, it’s opposite the exchange office.

Passenger: Do they speak English?

Booking clerk: Yes, they do.

Passenger: Do you have the Internet?

Booking clerk: Yes, but only in cars.

Passenger: What time does the metro close?

Booking clerk: At 1 a.m.

Passenger: What time does the metro open?

Booking clerk: At 5: 30 a.m.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Booking clerk: You are welcome, goodbye.

Passenger: Good afternoon, is a 30-day ticket valid to use on ground transport?

Booking clerk: I’m sorry. I don’t know. Ask at the information desk.

Passenger: Where’s the information desk?

Booking clerk: It’s round the corner, on the right of the exchange office.

Passenger: How long is the interval between trains?

Booking clerk: 2 minutes.

Passenger: Where can I withdraw money from my credit card in the station?

Booking clerk: At a cash machine, go straight on, go along the ticket gates, go past the police office and turn left at the police office. The cash machine is near the exchange office.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Booking clerk: You are welcome, goodbye.



Passenger: Hello, excuse me, can you help me?

Booking clerk: Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger: Where can I exchange money in the station?

Booking clerk: Sorry, no exchange office in the station. It’s only outside near the metro.

Passenger: Where’s an ATM here?

Booking clerk: Go down the escalator and turn left. It’s near the gift shop.

Passenger: How can I use my ticket?

Booking clerk: Put your ticket or card on the yellow circle.

Passenger: OK, how can I get to the Kremlin?

Booking clerk: You need ‘’Teatralnaya’’ station. Go to ‘’Chekhovskaya’’ and change to the green line and then go to ‘’Teatralnaya’’.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Booking clerk: You are welcome, goodbye.





Read the dialogues.

Passenger: Hello, excuse me, can you help me?

Inspector – Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger: Where can I check the expiry date of my ticket?

Inspector – Use a terminal device.

Passenger: Where’s the terminal device?

Inspector – It’s on the wall, next to the exit.

Passenger: Where can I top up my travel card?

Inspector – Go downstairs; turn right, the ticket machine is at wall near the ticket office.

Passenger: I’ like to check my route, do you have metro maps?

Inspector – No, but you can take a metro map at the information desk.

Passenger: Where’s an information desk?

Inspector – Go straight on, turn left, go up the escalator it is in the corner. You can’t miss it.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector – You are welcome, goodbye.

Passenger: Good evening, can you help me?

Inspector – Hello, how can I help you?

Passenger: I’ve lost my backpack, what should I do?

Inspector – You need to address the lost-property office.

Passenger: How can I get to the lost-and-found office?

Inspector – You need Kotelniki station. Go past 5 stations, the next station is yours.

Passenger: Is it far from the metro?

Booking clerk: No, it is in the passage.

Passenger – What should I do there?

Inspector – You have to fill in an application form.

Passenger: Do they speak English?

Inspector – I guess they can help you.

Passenger: Can you accompany me to the lost-and-found office?

Inspector – Unfortunately, not. I can’t leave my post.  

Passenger: What time does the metro open?

Inspector – At 5: 30 a.m.

Passenger: Thank you, goodbye.

Inspector – You are welcome, goodbye.



Passenger: Good morning, can you help me?

Inspector – Hello, yes, I can.

Passenger: Where can I withdraw money from my credit card in the station?

Inspector: At a cash machine.  

Passenger: Where is it?

Inspector: Go straight on then go upstairs and turn left, go past the police office. The cash machine is opposite the exchange office.

Passenger: I’m feeling bad where can I buy some medicine?

Booking clerk: Sorry, no pharmacy in the station. It’s outside.

Passenger – How far from the station?

Inspector: Not far. Just 2 minute on foot. You need to go to the right.

Passenger: Alright, got no time for pills. Tell me when is the next train?

Inspector: The next train is in 1 minute.

Passenger: By the way, I’ve noticed a stranger plastic bag over there on the platform.

Inspector: Thanks for the information, I’ll call the police.

Passenger: Thank you for your help, goodbye.

Inspector – You are welcome, goodbye.


Answer the questions.

1) Where is a ticket machine in the station?

2) Where is a first-aid post in the station?

3) Where is a cash machine in the station?

4) Where is an exchange office in the station?

5) Where is a police office?

6) Where is an information desk?

7) Where is a pharmacy in the station?

8) Where is a lost-and-found office?

9) Where is a kiosk in the station?

10) Where is a terminal device?

11) Where is an information column in the station?

5. Help a passenger to:

- Find the way out

- find a map

- find the passage to another station

- check a ticket

- buy and top-up “Troika” card

- get to the Bolshoi Theatre

- change trains

- solve problems with a ticket

Unit 1. Words of Greeting.

How to say “Hello”                                                How to say “Bye”

Hello                                                                  Goodbye

Good morning                                                    Have a good trip

Good afternoon                                                  Have a good day

Good evening                                                     Wish you all the best


How to be polite

Thanks [th = C]                                                  You are welcome 

Thank you very much                                           Not at all

                                                                           That’s Okay [th = З]


Excuse me                                                        Sorry


Yes / No / Please



I – Я                                      

My – мой, моя, моё              

You – ты, вы

Your – твой, ваш

It – он, она, оно – неодушевленное


Essential vocabulary

Trip = ride = journey = pass

Ticket (s) - билет

Ticket office – касса

Ticket gates/ ticket barrier – турникет

Ticket machine – билетный автомат

Cash machine/ATM – банкомат

Metro map – схема метро

Yellow terminal device/ yellow box – желтый терминал

Information column – информационная колонна

Information desk – информационная стойка

Exit - выход

Entrance - вход

Vestibule/ entrance hall – вестибюль, зал

Station – станция

Platform – платформа

Train – поезд

Carriage / car – вагон


Professional Verbs

Buy – покупать

buy a ticket


Check – проверять

check a Troika card / a metro map / check my route (маршрут)



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