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Of maintaining global dominance

The U.S. global dominance is based on a combination of technological, economic, financial, military, information and political superiority. Technological leadership allows the U.S. corporations to appropriate intellectual rent, financing through it the R& D projects to outstrip competitors on the on the broadest possible frontage of scientific-technological progress. Holding a monopoly on the use of advanced technologies, the U.S. companies provide for themselves a competitive advantage in world markets both in terms of production efficiency and offer of new products.

Economic superiority creates a basis for the dominant position of the U.S. currency, which is protected by military and political methods. In turn, due to the appropriation of the global seigniorage from issuance of the world currency, the U.S. finances it general government deficit preconditioned by bloated military expenses. The latter currently exceed by an order of magnitude the Russian ones and surpass the aggregate volume of ten countries following the U.S. put together (Fig. 5).

Having an advantage in these areas, the U.S. easily ensures its superiority also in the information sphere, monopolizing the distribution and production of information products and controlling global information networks and communication channels. Dominating the market of cultural and information services, the U.S. forms the system of values and images that it needs to manipulate the public consciousness of the peoples of the entire planet. Having control over global communication channels, it can collect information about tens of millions of people who shape the policy of their countries, and influence the decisions they make. Control over global information networks allows the U.S. to see everything that matters to it in all corners of the world.

On the basis of technological, economic, financial, military and information dominance, the U.S. secures for itself a global political hegemony. It relies on personal control over loyalty of the political leaders of other countries to the U.S. values, compliance of the ruling parties with them, manipulation of public opinion through the media, bribery and cultivation of influential people with the help of a huge number of " shelling" non-governmental organizations, recruitment and blackmail of key figures in power structures, as well as on use of violence against other-minded individuals, social groups and entire nations.

During the period of technological paradigm change, all these components of the U.S. domination are subjected to strength tests. The catching-up countries get the opportunity to " nick in" during this period, saving on fundamental and exploratory research by imitating the achievements of advanced countries. Since the latter are burdened with significant investments in the production facilities of the dominant technological paradigm, that give a considerable inertia to the production and technological structure, the catching-up countries have a chance to pursue a preemptive tactic during replacement of technological paradigms, concentrating their investments in promising growth areas of the new technological paradigm. This is how China, India and Brazil are trying to make a technological leap today.


Fig. 5. The share of leading countries

in world military expenditure

(Source: S.M. Rogov, RAS Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, 2013)

Having sufficient scientific and educational potential to copy the scientific and technical achievements of advanced countries and train their personnel in the best design and engineering practices, the BRIC countries are able to get ahead on supersession of technological paradigms and timely to " ride" a new long wave of economic growth. According to the available forecasts, by 2020, the aggregate GDP of Brazil, Russia, India and China will reach 30% of the world total[36].

China has already taken the global lead in export of high-tech products. Together, the BRIC countries have a 1/4 share in the global production of high-tech products, with the prospect of increasing this share to 1/3 by 2020[37]. Expenditure on scientific research and development is increasing, with the aggregate amount of the BRIC countries approaching 30% of the global scope. They already possess a sufficient scientific, production and technological background to accomplish a technological leap.

Conversely, the U.S. share in the world market is constantly decreasing, which undermines the economic basis of its global dominance. Currently, this dominance is maintained mainly due to the monopoly of the dollar in the global monetary and financial system. It accounts for about 2/3 of world money turnover[38]. The U.S. is trying to equilibrate the erosion of the economic foundation of its global dominance with increasing military and political pressure on the competitors. Using a global network of military bases, information monitoring, electronic intelligence, NATO structures etc., the U.S. is trying to keep a lid on the whole world, stopping the attempts of individual countries to bluster their way out of dollar dependence. However, it becomes increasingly more difficult for the U.S. to accomplish this. The inertia of investments constrained in obsolete fixed assets, as well as the giant financial pyramids of private and public obligations, hinders implementation of the structural changes necessary for retaining leadership. To alleviate this rapidly increasing burden and maintain a monopoly position in the world monetary and financial system, , the U.S. is objectively interested in wiping out its liabilities, the best way for which has always been a world war. The U.S. is trying to compensate for the impossibility of pulling it off the usual way because of the risks of mass destruction weapons employment by unleashing a series of regional wars, which together form a global chaotic war between the U.S. and the whole world.

By creating " controlled chaos" through instigation of armed conflicts in the area of natural interests of the world’s leading countries, the U.S. initially provokes these countries to be pulled into the conflict, and then conduct campaigns to knock together coalitions of states against them to confirm its leadership and legitimize the conflict results. In so doing, the U.S. receives unfair competitive advantages, cutting off the countries that it does not control from promising markets, creating for itself the opportunity to ease the burden of public debt by freezing the dollar assets of losers and to justify the multifold increase in their government spending on developing and promoting the new technologies necessary for the growth of the U.S. economy.

In terms of global economic and political development cycles, the period of 2014-2018 corresponds to the period of 1939-1945, when the Second World War broke out. Therefore, the conflicts in North Africa, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine can be viewed as the beginning of a whole series of interrelated conflicts initiated by the U.S. and its allies, which aim to solve their economic and socio-political problems through the " managed chaos" strategy, in much the same way that the U.S. was solving its problems during the Second World War, called " the Good War" in the U.S.[39]

Historical experience shows that the wars in Europe were the most important source of economic ramp-up and political power of the U.S. The latter became a superpower due to the First and the Second World War, which resulted in a huge flight of capitals and intellects from the belligerent European countries to America. The third world war that remained a " cold" one, culminated in the collapse of the world socialist system, which gave the U.S. an inflow of more than three trillion dollars, hundreds of thousands of specialists, many tons of plutonium and other valuable materials, many unique technologies. All these wars were unleashed with the active participation of the American " fifth column" in the defeated countries, represented by spies, oligarchs, diplomats, officials, businesspersons, experts and public figures controlled, funded and backed by the U.S. secret services. Today’s public consciousness manipulation technologies allow to multiply the effectiveness of these networks of influence agents, which enables waging a war not only without proclaiming it, but also maintaining partnership relations with the victim.

The new tactics of warfare was effectively applied by the U.S. in Ukraine, the leadership of which until the very last moment was so confident in partnering with the U.S. that allowed its secret services to take control over management of the power structures, the media and the finances of Ukraine, and to paralyze the will of its president. At the same time, the U.S. dominance in the information, political and financial space of Europe allowed it to give the military activities a veneer of a legitimate political action by the EU and Ukraine, and to legitimize in the global public opinion the actual occupation of Ukraine and the military and political crimes they masterminded. Manipulating the global public opinion, the U.S. deflects attention to Russia, making it out to be the aggressor and consolidating own periphery by creating an anti-Russian coalition. The effectiveness of this tactics deserves special analysis.



The U.S. tactics


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