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Nazi organizations in Ukraine
As already mentioned above, the organization of coups d’é tat in various countries is carried out by the U.S. by the same established schemes, differing only in the color of ribbons and the names of " sacred sacrifices." Their technologies are elaborated to the level of universal standards both in terms of schedules of consistent tension escalation, and of ways to arrange funding of revolutionary forces. At the same time, the technology of preparing and organizing the seizure of power by pro-American Nazis in Ukraine, as well as the methods of their nurturing, deserve special attention. The work on Ukraine involved a whole network of U.S. and EU organizations engaged in " export of democracy." An analysis of the accumulated information shows that the main foreign centers that developed a strategy for influencing the development of the socio-political situation in Ukraine were the following: · Albert Einstein Institution (Sharp and Helvey)[107]; · Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (the U.S.); · The International Crisis Group (Soros); · Office for Free Elections and Democracy (Warsaw, Poland); · Center for Democracy Foundation (Belgrade, Serbia); · Center for Applied Nonviolent Actions and Strategies. At the same time, the main non-resident donors that financed the activities of Ukrainian non-governmental organizations that participated in the implementation of strategic plans on " reforming" civil society were: · National Endowment for Democracy USA (Duke); · The International Republican Institute (the U.S.); · The National Democratic Institute (the U.S.); · The Open Society Foundation (Soros); · The World Bank. Freedom House, funded by the U.S. government[108]; · The Eurasia Foundation, which is considered private, but is supported by the United States Agency for International Development; · The foundations of K. Adenauer, F. Naumann, H. Seidel, F. Ebert (Germany). The available information makes it possible to identify the main coordination link in the distribution of funds directly in Ukraine – the U.S. Embassy. The main flow of resources for " democratization" went through the U.S. and German embassies, the U.S. Agency for International Development (subordinated to the U.S. Department of State), and to a lesser extent, through the German, Swedish and Canadian international development agencies. Obviously, it was the U.S. Department of State that developed the strategy of seizing power in Ukraine, while the current planning and management of the military campaign was performed by the U.S. embassy in Kiev that coordinated the activities of other embassies and various missions of NATO countries. By joint efforts they created an extensive network of non-governmental organizations and influence agents, penetrating into all power structures, the media, educational institutions and public organizations in all regions of Ukraine. Two decades of digging around the Ukrainian democratic meadow have revealed several echelons of foreign financing recipients. There are many notorious names of various structures who were (and still are) most greedy for overseas grants, engaged primarily in analytical, consulting and information activities. The bulk of them in a " democratic frenzy" and the desire to please the sponsors (as the fate of the following tranches depends on this) conducted an unprecedented propaganda campaign to hammer into the Ukrainian mass consciousness the non-existent advantages of associative membership in the EU[109]. The most notable of them are: Razumkov Centre, Institute of World Politics, Institute for Mass Information, Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kiev International Institute of Sociology, International Center for Advanced Studies, Centre of Policy and Legal Reform, Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research, School of Political Analytics, Centre UA, etc. By way of an illustration of the scope of their activities, let us review the list of grants provided to the Ukrainian NGOs in 2012 by the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy alone: Center for Humane Technologies AHALAR ($35, 230); Resource Center ANGO ($30, 086); Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors on Law Enforcement ($44, 900); Bakhchysarai Center for Regional Development " Top-Kaya" ($15, 526); Bukovina Agency ($48, 295); Center for International Private Enterprise ($359, 945); Center for Political Research and Analysis ($27, 940); Center of Progressive Young People " Apelsin" ($25, 000); Donbass Social Prospects Research Center ($39, 776); Center for the Study of Social Processes and Humanitarian Issues ($30, 060); Cherkassy Committee of Voters of Ukraine ($34, 993); Chernigov Youth Educational Center " Initiative" ($27, 930); Chernovtsy Committee of Voters of Ukraine ($29, 920); Information and Analytical Center " Civic Space" ($31, 535); Civil Initiatives Support Center ($48, 486); Donetsk Committee of Voters of Ukraine ($52, 930); Foundation for Promotion of Civil Activity ($27, 130); Human Rights Training Center ($19, 370); Independent Association of Broadcasters ($39, 271); Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation ($48, 120); Institute of Political Education ($47, 994); Institute of the Republic ($29, 990); Kharkov Human Rights Protection Group ($47, 200); Kherson Committee of Voters of Ukraine ($40, 890); Lugansk Business Club " European Choice" ($32, 000); National Democratic Institute for International Affairs ($345, 000); Odessa Committee of Voters of Ukraine ($41, 851); Razumkov Centre for Economic and Political Studies ($39, 990); Sumy Regional Committee of Youth Organizations ($56, 260); Ukrainian Catholic University ($35, 000); Ukrainian Youth Association ($42, 900); Vinnitsa Youth Organization " Nashe Podillya" ($52, 046), along with many other grants and organizations[110]. As has been already indicated, only according to the official confession of the U.S. Department of State, more than $5 billion were spent on indoctrination of the Ukrainian public consciousness. Table 1 shows the budget of individual U.S. organizations in respect of Ukrainian projects, the total number of which exceeded one thousand. Table 1. The budgets of individual U.S. organizations in respect of Ukrainian projects
The key link in the networks of American influence is the media. The largest Internet portal Ukrainian Truth was set up by the U.S. for the " orange revolution" as far back as in 2004. For the coup of 2014, Internet television channels Gromadske Telebachennya, espresso.tv and spilno.tv were created, which operated as direct American agents. For example, the project Gromadske Telebachennya (one of which employees was Mustafa Nayem, at whose behest the EuroMaidan began) for several months concealed its sources of funding, and only under the pressure of the anti-Maidan public opinion it was forced to disclose them. It turned out that 90% of the funds were received from abroad, including directly from the slush funds of the U.S. Congress[111], as well as from a number of foreign embassies. The American guidance of the preparations for the coup d’é tat and the activities of the current Ukrainian authorities is evident in the stylistics of statements made by politicians and officials of the Kiev regime. Many of them are written in a language which is not typical for either Russian or Ukrainian orthography. Some phrases are built according to typically English canons, and when translated from English into Ukrainian sound unnatural or even completely meaningless. Phrases like " I see no-one" < the relevant Ukrainian or Russian phrase calls for double negation – TN> constantly slip in the statements of officials of the Kiev regime, especially in their written versions. Also, nouns are often capitalized, which is not common in either Russian or Ukrainian. It means that Ukrainian officials are not independent even in the preparation of their own speeches, and are forced to read from paper the texts written by their American curators. The nature of the conduct of the punitive operation in the Donbass also indicates that the real direction of the military operations is carried out by the U.S. military advisers. The Soviet school of warfare implies a " combined-arms battle" with coordinated employment of all available military branches. This is how the militiamen are fighting, many of whom served in the Soviet Army. The punitive force of the Kiev regime fights in an absolutely different way. They try their hardest to avoid close-quarter firefight, concentrating their efforts on shelling residential areas of populated zones from the maximum possible distance. This style of combat is typical for the U.S. military that have demonstrated it in Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. The direct U.S. management of the Ukrainian authorities is especially vivid in their active list. To begin with, the distribution of key positions in the new government was carried out strictly in accordance with the words of Victoria Nuland in the well-known intercepted telephone conversation: Poroshenko – the president, Yatsenyuk – the prime minister, Klitschko – the mayor of Kiev. Given that two out of the three positions are elective, it is clear that the " election" was in fact a farce with a pre-known result. All the latest appointments in the government are likewise conspicuous. Many key positions in the Ukrainian Cabinet and regional government agencies were given to the famous American " proxies" from among the Georgian and Baltic activists of the previous " color revolutions, " as well as to former employees of the U.S. Department of State having Ukrainian origin. The construction of the anti-Russian Nazi state is conducted by the U.S. secret services with the help of technologies of manipulating the mass consciousness, education of youth on fictitious myths about the eternal struggle of Ukrainians for liberation from the Russian yoke, creation of Nazi death squads for intimidating and reducing the common citizens to submission, open violence towards other-minded people, physical elimination of resistance leaders, direct control over the activities of public authorities, politicians and officials. Consciousness manipulation is the most important battlefront of the U.S. aggression. Propaganda of the Kiev regime, carried out with the help of several large media holdings, like in the kingdom of crooked mirrors or in the story The Magic Voice of Gelsomino by Gianni Rodari, turns all the facts around, calling white things black, calling aggression defense and vice versa, calling victims criminals, and executioners heroes. The media used the term " peaceful protesters" in respect of the militants armed with batons and Molotov cocktails who attacked police officers in Kiev. Participants of an unconstitutional coup on February 22 were " Constitution defenders" for them. The Nazis manipulated by the U.S. were called " patriots, " and opponents of Eurofascism were branded " traitors." After seizure of power and establishment of the pro-American regime, political technologies underwent radical changes. While before the coup d’é tat the emphasis was laid on criticizing the Yanukovych government in defense of " European values, " after the seizure of power, the main task of the U.S. was to legitimize violence, political repression and genocide of the Russian population committed by Ukrainian Nazis. Millions of Ukrainian citizens risk being stigmatized as enemies of the people, criminals, traitors and " agents of Putin" only because they do not support forced European integration and severance of relations with Russia. While before the coup d’é tat the ruling regime was branded as anti-popular and oligarchic, thereafter it began to be presented as democratic and responsible without no changes in its essence. Propaganda lies of the " hidnist[112] revolution" know no limits. Not even a single commitment of the pro-American " revolutionaries" has been fulfilled. They promised a visa-free regime with the EU, but a visa to the EU countries has become for a Ukrainian much harder to get. They promised a fivefold increase of wages and pensions, but real wages decreased almost fourfold, and the amount of pensions sinked below the subsistence line. They promised to remove the oligarchs from power, as a result, the most infamous of them became governors, and one, even became the president of Ukraine. They promised " European education, " the result of it being a plan to reduce the number of universities from 802 to 317. They promised honest and fair courts, but got the arbitrariness of ultra-right factions and political police pursuing other-minded people. They promised a 15-year prolongation of life, but got an increase in retirement age and the risk of not living long enough to see one’s pension. They promised huge Western investments, but got a massive flight of capital from Ukraine. They promised new jobs, but got an increase in unemployment. Lying is the core of all consciousness manipulation technologies used by Americans. People are indoctrinated with false ideas about real interrelations in society, economy, politics. The mythology necessary to Americans is implanted in their mind, often directly contradicting the reality. In the case of Ukraine, it’s the mythology of the eternal oppression of the Ukrainian people by Russia, the genocide of Ukrainians by Moskals under the Soviet regime, the salvational role of European countries caring for unhappy Ukrainians. In this mythology, everything is turned inside out. In historical reality, Ukraine flourished only as a part of one country with Russia, Ukrainians were never discriminated against by Russia, unlike Poland, Austria-Hungary and Germany, under oppression of which Ukrainians were powerless serfs treated no better than beasts of draught. Soviet power began with the creation of Ukrainian statehood in the territory of Malorossiya and Novorossiya and forced Ukrainization of the resident Russian population. One has to marvel at the effectiveness of American technologies of manipulating the consciousness of millions of educated people. Ukrainian Nazis are so imbued with a false understanding of historical reality that they are enthusiastically demolishing monuments to Lenin, the founding father of Ukrainian statehood. They destroy monuments to Soviet soldiers of the four Ukrainian battlefronts, who at the expense of their lives liberated Ukraine from the Nazis that drove to Germany and killed millions of Ukrainians. And they eat out of hands of German, Polish and American politicians, who traditionally treat Ukrainians as subhumans, forcing them to do the dirty work. In peacetime, to clean up the mess after the European masters and to sweat one’s guts out for them for a pittance, and in wartime, to kill their compatriots who resist the Western invaders. The amazing results of applying the U.S. technologies that allowed over the past two decades to transform a significant part of Ukraine’s population from highly educated and law-abiding citizens into an aggressive pack of obedient militants ready for any crimes require the professional analysis of psychologists. As things stand now, we can state the following obvious things. First, the indoctrination of public consciousness was conducted on a systemic and professional basis, with the aim of introducing into the Ukrainian mind the above myths about oppression of Ukrainians by Russia and their rescue from this oppression by the West. Secondly, this mythology was supplemented on a subconscious level by the guidelines for supremacy of the West and humiliation of Russia. A complex of inferiority to Americans and Europeans and a complex of superiority to Russians were hammered in the minds of people. Simultaneously, a guilt complex was being developed in Russians. Since both Ukrainians and Russians belong to the same civilization and are in fact one people, these complexes should have put each person before the choice, either to be proud of oneself as a Ukrainian and a potential European, or to acknowledge oneself with shame as a Russian repenting for the alleged oppression of Ukrainians by Moskals. Such was the choice induced by the symbols, which the political engineers used to introduce into the consciousness the appropriate understanding of superiority of the Ukrainian over the Russian. For example, St. George ribbon, a sacred symbol for all peoples of the former USSR, was blasphemously defiled by comparison with the Colorado beetle imported from America. This instilled a sense of shame for accomplishment of the greatest feat of our people in history, the Great Victory over the fascism that came from Europe. Defilement of symbols that testify to the moral and physical superiority of Russian civilization was necessary to persuade Ukrainians of the opposite. Mockery of the common victory removes the psychological barrier to oppress the winners. A European lackey suddenly begins to feel like an overman with regard to a similar person not cringing before the West. Thirdly, the taboo on the use of violence was removed in the minds of people. While prior to the coup, its use against law enforcement officers was justified by the struggle for freedom from a corrupt oligarchic state for " European choice, " after the coup it was allowed to physically eliminate everyone not agreeing with this choice. Persons affected by a complex of inferiority to Europeans and a complex of superiority to the Russian people were given weapons and a mandate for killing their own kind. In so doing, the stake was placed on youth. A yesterday’s mugger who dragged out a miserable existence and was deprived of life prospects, hiding from the militia and grabbing things one could lay one’s hands on, suddenly felt like a hero commanding the lives and property of respectable citizens, whom he could not approach yesterday. Regular use of violence became the basis for the social organization of Ukrainian neo-Nazis. There is a lot of information on crimes committed in EuroMaidan during the period from November 30, 2013 to February 22, 2014. In particular, in the Kiev Trade Union House seized by Maidan activists, torture chambers were made, and the assassinations of EuroMaidan opponents were conveyorized. An arrested militant of National Guard testified that he personally killed ten people shooting them in the back of the head, and the total number of victims that he knew of, whose corpses were taken out and buried in the forest in Brovary, was at least 99 persons (it being only the number of known victims)[113]. There are accounts of eyewitnesses and photo facts confirming acts of torture and humiliation, when Maidan activists wrote insulting inscriptions on people’s foreheads, forced them to kneel, poured them over with cold water at sub-zero temperatures in the open air and so on. For example, an elderly blogger Sergey Rulev, who was an opponent of the Euro-Maidan, was tortured for several hours in the Trade Union House, beaten, needles were driven under his nails, and pliers were applied to him. Clear historical parallels can be automatically made with activities of the punitive bodies of the Austrian and German occupation of Ukraine during the First and the Second World War[114]. Our history has already had periods of similar transformation of the consciousness of large masses of people. In 1917, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, vast masses of pauperized youth from the same Galicia and other places of the " pale of settlement, " having broken away from the traditional way of life, took advantage of the freedom they received and joined the army of revolutionaries. After getting weapons and power, they furiously began to shatter the old world, mercilessly destroying the yesterday’s elite of society. A study by S. Kunyaev uncovers the reasons for the incredible cruelty of the Bolshevik punitive forces, who were reveling in mass executions not only of white officers, but also of priests, noblemen, petty bourgeois, and simply wealthy people who stood above them on the social ladder. Kunyaev explains the sadism of young revolutionaries who tore themselves loose from the ghetto by the intolerable conditions of their former hopeless life in overpopulated musty towns on the outskirts of the empire, and by the foreignness for them of the Russian civilization, the culture of which they did not know and did not appreciate[115]. It is interesting that the leaders of the ruling Nazi junta in Ukraine include many direct descendants of the Bolshevik punishers who shot their Russian neighbors in 1918-1921, and then conducted dekulakization of prosperous peasants of Malorossiya and Novorossiya, with forced agricultural collectivization. The list of names of the organizers of the so-called " Holodomor" (famine genocide) has next to no Russian surnames[116], which did not prevent the author of this myth, the head of the Department of British Intelligence MI-6 R. Conquest[117] from inventing a legend about the fault of Russians and Moscow for the death of millions of Ukrainians, who allegedly died of hunger in 1932-1933. At that time, however, it did not occur to the victims of epidemics of typhus, malaria and cholera to call themselves Ukrainians. Many of the citizens of Ukraine after the cessation of forced Ukrainization called themselves Russians in the next census, and therefore official statistics missed several million Ukrainians attributed by Conquest to the " Holodomor victims." Extremely cruel were gangs of anarchists, rampaging in Ukrainian villages and consisting mainly of criminal elements and antisocial youth. Taking advantage of impunity, they killed and plundered everyone who happened to be around. It does resemble " volunteer battalions" terrorizing the Russian population of Eastern and Southern Ukraine, doesn’t it? In the countryside, the Bolshevik power rested upon hastily created Committee of Poor Peasants that consisted mainly of loafers and drunkards who did not want to work and envied their more prosperous neighbors. They gladly took on the task of their dekulakization, taking away property and helping NKVD troops in the expulsion of resisting families. Just about the same is done today by activists of the " Right Sector, " finking on their respectable neighbors to the SBU. Another period of mass crimes against the people of Ukraine is associated with the German fascist occupation. It will be hardly possible to find at least one formerly wealthy person among the policemen and collaborators who committed the mass executions of their compatriots on the orders of the Hitlerites. Their main mass consisted of semi-literate dropouts who hated Soviet power for compulsion to work. Having received from Nazis the power over their compatriots, they gladly began to bully all those who lived better than them and was higher in social status, settling personal scores. It is precisely the period of the German fascist occupation that serves as an example for Ukrainian neo-Nazis to be followed. They both bluntly copy the names of German punitive bodies (Gestapo, SS), and widely use Nazi symbols – swastika, wolfsangel, double lightning bolts, Celtic cross, etc. These historical analogies shed light on the technology used by the U.S. to create neo-Nazi gangs. They are formed, mainly, from illiterate unemployed youth who do not have life prospects for self-realization in a normal professional activity. Playing up their complexes of inferiority and envy, recruiters attract them by prospects of dissipated life of heroes dominating the lives of common people, who just yesterday stood immeasurably higher than today’s neo-Nazis. In exchange for the right to rule over the compatriots, neo-Nazis faithfully serve their U.S. curators who gave them the mandate for use of force. This is the same psychological set of complexes of inferiority and superiority that the Hitlerites used for recruiting policemen and punishers to control the population of the occupied territories. The continuity of psychosocial techniques applied by the U.S. and the Hitlerites is not accidental. The U.S. secret services took out from the occupied Germany not only the escaped Ukrainian collaborators, but also German psychologists and social scientists who were developing the consciousness manipulation technology for the Hitler regime. They were used by the U.S. secret services to wage information and psychological war against the USSR, and the groundwork that was created for Hitler is used to brainwash modern Ukrainians. Hence the surprising similarity of the propaganda methods employed by the current Nazi regime in Kiev and the Goebbels’ techniques of propaganda in fascist Germany. The U.S. curators of the Ukrainian Nazis widely used the experience of fascist Germany, right up to a direct resort to the texts of Hitler, Goebbels, Lane, Mikhnovsky and other recognized ideologists of Nazism and racism. This is easily seen by reading, for example, the articles of such leaders of the nationalist party " Svoboda" as Andrei Illenko and Yuri Mikhalchishin, who are often openly quoting Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg and Joseph Goebbels[118]. The same can be traced in the articles of other ideologists of Ukrainian Nazism. Simultaneously, in all social networks and on political sites there was an active falsification of history coupled with Russophobic propaganda, exhibiting Russia as a bellicose " empire of evil" that dreams of conquering the whole world, and depicting Russians (including residents of southeastern Ukraine) as genetic slaves, all-out alcoholics, degradants, lowlifes. And the term " Asian hordes" applied to the Russian people is openly borrowed from the propaganda articles of Joseph Goebbels. Propagandistic activities aimed at dehumanization of Russians, whom the journalists schooled by the U.S. secret services depict as aggressive subhuman beings, made it possible to lift a moral ban on murder of " inferior Colorados" for a large part of uneducated Ukrainian youth. It should be noted that throughout the entire post-Soviet period, the Ukrainian authorities did not suppress neo-fascist and neo-Nazi activities, organized and funded by the U.S. secret services. It was conducted almost openly (Nazi symbols, Nazi and racist articles and appeals, declarations and action guidelines were placed in the press, on Internet sites and free social networks not only under the rule of American neo-Nazi agents led by Yushchenko, but also in times of Kuchma and Yanukovych who were considered pro-Russian. This extremist activity did not encounter any reaction from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the SBU and other power-wielding agencies. Moreover, ultra-right groups were created with the knowledge and active participation of the Security Service of Ukraine, and their activities were constantly supervised by its officials at the highest level. At the same time, the SBU purposefully defended members of these ultra-right groups from criminal prosecution on charges of extremism and incitement to hatred. For example, the well-known Ukrainian neo-Nazi Biletsky, who coordinated and carried out a series of attacks against foreigners, was convicted under articles of illegal possession of weapons, with no ideological component in the charge. In 2009, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress stated that " the refusal of law enforcement agencies to see acts of violence and vandalism with a distinct ideological component as hate crimes is a serious problem in Ukraine." [119] An important role in the Nazization of Ukraine was played by the so-called fan movement. As I. Kildyushov puts it[120], the veering of a significant part of soccer fans to the right took the form of voluntary and conscious " self-Banderization", that is, adoption and assimilation of cultural codes, speech and discursive practices of Hitler’s collaborators, the personified symbol of which is S. Bandera. It is important to note that the process of fan Banderization took place with the complete rejection of this historical character by the majority of residents of the Ukrainian South-East. The phenomenon of the emergence of young neo-Banderites in the anti-Banderite environment is explained by the information and educational policy that was conducted in Ukraine during the years of independence. During all the years of Ukraine’s independence, its education system consistently abolished Russian language and culture, with de-Russification of schools[121] and perversion of history. The methods of teaching history, developed with U.S. funding, abounded in attacks against Russia, imposed the mythology of its hostility towards Ukraine, contrasted the two parts of one people, depicting their joint historical creativity as an endless process of struggle between highly civilized Ukrainians with wild Russians. The monstrosity of falsifications of Russian history and the inculcation of hatred towards everything Russian, even at the biological level, was manifested in many works of the fresh " nativists." Thus, a certain P. Shtepa (who was in the interwar period a member of the OUN and the Ukrainian Military Organization) in his book Muscovitism: its origin, content, forms and historical extension explains in a very peculiar way the " insurmountable differences" between Russia and Ukraine: " Ukrainians are round-head, whilst Muscovites are long-headed, Ukrainians are tall (179 cm), whilst Muscovites are of short stature (160 cm), Ukrainians have long legs (54.6 cm), whilst Muscovites have short legs (50.1 cm). Muscovites have at least 80% Asiatic blood. A Muscovite has a weak brain system, and the Muscovite nation has not yielded a single creative idea." [122] The book was published in a long run in 1968 in Canada, where this writer of articles for Ukrainian emigration went off in 1927. Primitivization of education is intended to consolidate the Nazi ideology in Ukrainian society for a long-term future. New generations of Ukrainians should know English, worship the United States and hate Russia[123]. To intimidate the " over-educated" other-minded persons and push them out of the social and information space, specially trained units of Nazi militants operating outside the right field are used. The mass crimes committed by them against people whom they do not like are not stopped by law enforcement agencies and even legalized. With the connivance of the Ukrainian authorities, even before the coup d’é tat the U.S. secret services created a network of militant neo-Nazi organizations, the main role among which belonged to the " Right Sector." It operated under the cover of the Security Service of Ukraine, fully accountable to the U.S. secret services. This organization became the main " talent pool" for manning the territorial punitive battalions that committed mass killings of the Russian population and crimes against humanity in Eastern and Southern Ukraine. The " Right Sector" was created by the U.S. secret services to serve the needs of a coup d’é tat, which was apparently planned for the time of the presidential elections in the spring of 2015. In the same way, the youth organization " Pora" was established for the needs of the " velvet revolution" of 2004. But unlike " Pora, " which was taught to carry out " non-violent protests" by the guidelines of Gene Sharp, the " Right Sector" was originally created as a combat organization designed to provide the coup d’é tat with militants. It was formed by consolidation of four racist and neo-Nazi organizations that already existed by that time: " White Hammer, " " Social-National Assembly" (SNA), " Patriot of Ukraine" (PU) and " Trizub" (named in honor of Stepan Bandera). All these ultra-right groups have legally existed for a long time, despite the numerous facts of their extremist and terrorist acts directed against foreigners, migrants, representatives of the Negroid race, Jews or Caucasian nationals. They attacked and intimidated foreign students, desecrated Jewish cemeteries and synagogues, drew Nazi symbols on walls of the buildings where " interlopers" lived, burned their living quarters and religious buildings, etc. Along the way, they widely propagandized hatred and ethnic discord, both through the Internet and spreading extremist and racist printed materials, as well as widely using the Nazi symbols of the Third Reich. For several years these groups conducted regular drills of militants, where they were trained in hand-to-hand and knife fighting, small-arms target practice, tactics of urban and forest guerrilla. The appointed head of the Right Sector was D. Yarosh, an assistant to V. Nalyvaichenko, a CIA agent and concurrently the head of the Security Service under the pro-American authorities of Ukraine. The basis of modern American technology for the management of controlled territories is HR policy. The U.S. secret services select leaders of law enforcement structures, foreign and internal affairs agencies, monetary authorities, leaders of leading political parties in the territories subordinate to them, not to mention the candidacies for elected posts of the head of state, government and parliament. Already at the time of Yushchenko, the U.S. secret services established control over the Security Service, the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the highest officials and officers of which completed internships in the Pentagon. For example, the then Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko, who was one of the first to call for bringing weapons and ammunition to the " peaceful" EuroMaidan. Or the infamous propagandist and " military expert" Dmitry Tymchuk, who frightened the public many a time over the past year with " Russian incursions." For several years he has been taking a special course on information wars in West Point, the elite U.S. military academy. After coming to power, Yanukovych did not purge the intelligence structures and the Ukrainian Armed Forces from foreign agents. Yanukovych also retained Yushchenko’s cadres in other power structures, as well as in the Foreign Ministry, in the government and even in his own Administration, appointing as its head another American agent of influence who managed to convince his American masters that he could reliably look after Yanukovych and to strengthen anti-Russian attitude in him. The Americans " kept their eyes on the ball" with the help of their representative Paul Manafort, a political scientist, political engineer and campaign manager of the Party of Regions, who also consulted with a group of Americans Yanukovych personally. Manafort and his team are still in Kiev. In particular, the American political engineer was advisor for the project of Sergei Levochkin’s Development Party. He also supervised the creation of Yuri Boyko’s Opposition Block, that managed to get into the new Verkhovna Rada. The U.S. secret services pursued their HR policy in the Ukrainian executive authorities immediately after the collapse of the USSR. An important role in its organization was played by Claire Chumachenko, the wife of President Yushchenko and a staffer of the U.S. special services. Grown up in the family of Ukrainian Nazis sheltered by the U.S., she joined the Ukrainian Youth Association (SUM), a radical ultra-right nationalist youth organization created under the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists of Stepan Bandera – OUN-B. At Georgetown University, at the School of Foreign Service, her tutor was Lev Dobriansky, chairman of the Committee of the Ukrainian Congress of America (CUCA), co-author of the " Captive Nations Resolution" and a founder of the Captive Nations Committee. In 1983, C. Chumachenko became the executive director of this Committee, taking thereafter a job in the U.S. Department of State as an aide to its Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. In April 1988, she was appointed to the White House as associate director of the Office of Public Liaison. Since 1991, she established the US-Ukraine foundation and was introduced into Ukrainian political and business community. During one of the trips connected with training of bank personnel, she " accidentally" met Viktor Yushchenko and became his wife in 1998. The descendants of Hitler’s collaborators have found each other, forming a reliable channel of influence of the U.S. secret services on the formation of the Ukrainian state[124]. In the first instance, it concerns the placement of cadres who have been leading Ukraine for more than a decade already. Today, the new leaders of the Nazi coup once again are no random people[125]. As the Vice-President of the Association of Special Services " Berkut" General Valery Malevany said with knowledge of the facts[126], " Poroshenko, Tyagnybok, Turchynov, Yatsenyuk, Avakov, Kolomoyskyi, Parubiy, they are all CIA agents. In Kiev, the top floor of the SBU building is occupied by CIA and NATO personnel. Access there is denied even to Ukrainian officers. It’s from there that they run the 'independent Ukraine'." Almost all prominent politicians of Ukraine had close ties with the United States. The former Defense Minister I. Tenyukh, known for his campaign against the basing of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in the Crimea, was trained in the middle of 1999 in the U.S. Department of Defense. Another Ukrainian figure, B. Tarasyuk, who was responsible for European integration issues in the Ukrainian government, founded the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation by assignment of the U.S. P. Sheremet, the Minister of Economy of Ukraine until recently, spent almost half his life in the UK. Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister A. Deshchytsia studied in Canada, then coordinated the program of the Polish-Ukrainian-American initiative on cooperation in Ukraine. The actual head of the Ukrainian state after the coup organized by the Americans was the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. As noted by the person well informed in Ukrainian events, journalist I. Prokopenko, in his book The whole truth about Ukraine [127] , the U.S. Ambassador Pyatt in January 2014 manipulated the Nazi militants who carried out his instructions to capture and vacate government buildings, including Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the premises of which were seized by the Nazi organization " Spilna Sprava" (Common Cause), led by A. Danilyuk. It was the U.S. Embassy that determined the candidacy of the president of Ukraine and ensured his victory in the " elections, " approved lists of parties at the elections to the Verkhovna Rada and distributed seats among them, and appointed members of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers from among the persons controlled by the U.S. secret services. Natalie Jaresko, U.S. citizen and co-founder of the investment company Horizon Capital, became Finance Minister. Lithuanian Aivaras Abromavič ius, partner of the Swedish investment company East Capital, was appointed Minister of Economic Development and Trade. Sandro Kvitashvili, Minister of Labor, Health and Social Policy of Georgia, was appointed Minister of Health of Ukraine. On the day of appointment, each of them received a Ukrainian passport. In addition to these examples, there are many other facts of a pull of the U.S. secret services on the activities of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, from recruitment of their employees to the notorious floor in one of the Kiev hotels on Khreshchatyk, fully occupied during the EuroMaidan by CIA officers who provided methodological and coordinated support for the coup. In particular, in Ukraine during the " revolution" were active such experienced American specialists in the methodology and practice of coups d’é tat as Eric Johnson and Tim Timmons. The first of them provided media support for overthrow of the ruling regimes in Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, fabricating a positive image of the Rose Revolution, the Orange Revolution, the Tulip Revolution, and the EuroMaidan. The fact worth a special mention is the role of various totalitarian cults and destructive sects in U.S. intelligence activities and implementation of the coup in Ukraine. Practically in every major city in Ukraine has an active Mormon sects, who are considered in the U.S. to be the " FBI sect, " since many of its high-ranking officials are Mormons. Among the sectarians controlled by the Americans is Baptist Alexander Turchynov, who acted as the chieftain of the Nazi junta, and Scientologist Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was appointed to manage the Ukrainian government. The priests of the Uniates, the Greek Catholic Church and various Evangelical sects actively supported the EuroMaidan, regularly performed their services there, gave the Nazi militants their blessing for murder and crime. A significant role in the zombification of Kiev residents was played by the sect of Sunday Adelaja, which has many thousands of followers in the capital of Ukraine. Kiev also became the center of mass sabbaths of other sects that supported the neo-Nazi coup and glorified the junta leaders. Psychologists draw attention to numerous elements of NLP and other consciousness manipulation methods in the control of Ukrainian consciousness. At the EuroMaidan, consciousness of the crowd was manipulated both through verbal aggression and newspeak (the so-called " Martian language, " understood only by members of the sect), and through various chants, recitatives, labeling and evaluative judgments, repeatedly shouted slogans and other forms of suggestive influence that create perception bypassing conscious critical thinking. An invariable feature of the methods used by Americans is legal nihilism and a cynical attitude towards morality standards. The activities of Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations fall under the definition of war crimes, the actual organizers and accomplices of which are the officers of the U.S. secret services stationed in Ukraine, as well as numerous consultants and experts paid by the U.S. government. The latter include many American and European politicians, who would do well to recollect the definition of a war crime. According to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, to which Ukraine has acceded and must accede for certain episodes under the Association Agreement with the EU, " the term " war crimes" means, in the case of an armed conflict not of an international character, any of the following acts committed against persons taking no active part in the hostilities: c) i) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; ii) committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; iii) taking of hostages; iv) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgement pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all judicial guarantees which are generally recognized as indispensable. e) i) intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities; ii) intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport, and personnel using the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions in conformity with international law; iii) intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict; iv) intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not military objectives; v) pillaging a town or place, even when taken by assault; vi) committing rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, and any other form of sexual violence; x) declaring that no quarter will be given; xi) subjecting persons who are in the power of another party to the conflict to physical mutilation. As follows from the above review, the militants of the Right Sector, the National Guard, the volunteer battalions, as well as the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and SBU officers directing punitive operations, commit all the crimes mentioned in this document against the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. It specifically stipulates that the said article applies, inter alia, " to armed conflicts that take place in the territory of a State when there is protracted armed conflict between governmental authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups." There is no doubt that the Ukrainian military commit war crimes against their own compatriots. Of course, many, or even most of them commit these crimes by coercion, being mobilized by order of the Ukrainian leadership. There are many evidences of violent mobilization under pain of imprisonment, as well as the facts of forced coercion to participate in punitive operations under pain of execution. Whereas the guilt of military personnel who were forcibly mobilized and participated in punitive operations against their will is disputable, the accusation of war crimes seems obvious in respect of their commanders. And the political leaders of the Nazi junta should be brought to justice also on charges of genocide of the Russian population of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. According to the same document, " 'genocide' means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: a) killing members of the group; b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." Of course, clarification of the degree of guilt should be conducted by the investigative authorities, and the verdict on it should be passed by a judicial authority. Or, for instance, by an international criminal court, or a specially created International Tribunal to investigate crimes committed by the Nazis in Ukraine. There are more than enough facts for this[128]. But while this tribunal has not been established, and the victims of war crimes cannot turn to the International Criminal Court, it is still worth while examining whose will is expressed by the leaders of the Nazi junta, giving orders to use the armed forces against residents of the Donbass. Now, after clarifying the reasons, the main participants and technologies of organizing the Ukrainian catastrophe, one can give a generalized description of the internal mechanism of the crisis that led to it.
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