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The concept of socially conservative synthesis as the basis of a new world order ideology
Before we understand the outline of this ideology that represents an alternative to the existing one, based on the special " messianism" of the U.S., we should analyze the root system of the latter. According to the leading research associate of the RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology K. Tsekhanskaya[180], after the collapse of the USSR at the turn of the century, the whole world entered a new geopolitical reality, that is, the era of globalism, which, according to A. Zinoviev, marks a new phase of human development – the phase of the projected history[181] under the leadership of the U.S. Indeed, for the time being, Washington is the chief manager of the global international relations system. It is increasingly evident that Western European countries have lost by the end of the 20th century both independence in matters of their own security, and opportunities for independent geopolitical maneuvers[182]. The U.S. strategy has reached new frontiers, behind which Europe is no longer a central axis, but merely a closed chapter of globalization[183]. The above-mentioned messianic conviction in their predestination is a historically established feature of the American national self-awareness. As noted by A. Utkin, their belief in the righteousness of their actions is phenomenal[184]. And this is natural, because from the Puritan leaders up to the reign of J. Kennedy America was officially called " God's chosen New Israel", where Washington was associated with Jerusalem, and citizens of the country, with God's chosen people[185]. Throughout the 20th century, this tradition of quasi-biblical faith in the divine destiny of America was confessed by almost every master of the White House – T. Roosevelt, W. Wilson, F. Roosevelt, D. Eisenhower, G. Truman, R. Reagan. For example, Wilson believed that " God helping her [i.e. America], she can do no other." Reagan went even further in his assessment of " being chosen by God": after the end of the Cold War, he called America " the shining city upon a hill, " clearly likening it to a renewed earthly Jerusalem, transformed by a victory over the " empire of evil, " that is, the USSR. As pointed out by K. Tsekhanskaya, in order to substantiate its claims to the exclusive role in world processes, the U.S. actively implements various religious and political theories in the public consciousness of Americans. The most questionable of these is dispensationalism. The term itself contains several meanings[186]. Dispensationalism declares that God's providence is to entrust the Anglo-Saxon race prior to the end of world history with the mission of the God-chosen people called upon to control the destinies of all mankind. Protestants, according to this theory, should create a " New Israel" to patronize the peoples, preparing them for repentance at the Last Judgment. Along with widely known Scofield Bible[187], the same ideas are being propagated in our time in the opus of the Protestant preacher Hal Lindsey, The Late, Great Planet Earth (with a circulation of 18 million copies). The book describes not only the future Armageddon arranged by Soviet Russia in Israel, but also the actions of Jesus Christ, who will take command of the defense of Israel and reduce to ashes both evil Russians and the Earth in its entirety. Obviously, Russia is destined in the eschatological fantasies of religious America to fulfill a sinister role, becoming a pole of evil, or as R. Reagan put it, " the evil empire." The same behests, apparently, are followed by Hollywood which uses every opportunity to demonstrate the " crassness" and " barbarity" of Russia and the Russians in its action movies. The current master of the White House, who publicly lowered the status of Russia to the level of a regional power, obviously remains faithful to the same ideas, in spite of their origin. Thus, delivering an address on June 15, 2014 before cadets of West Point, Obama recalled that the U.S. should lead the world, being the dominant and the one indispensable nation that extends peace and prosperity around the globe. He ended his speech with the phrase " I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being." [188] Thus, saturated with the spirit and dogmas of pseudo-Christian teaching, the U.S. without a shadow of doubt considers itself to be the God-chosen state, having a sacred right to rule the entire world community. And, judging by the insights of Protestant theologians, which are followed by the majority of the U.S. leaders, the biggest problem in the full and unconditional implementation of the U.S. " divine potential" lies in Russia. This is clearly expressed in the doctrine of Z. Brzezinski, mentioned more than once in this book. He openly (which finds a lively response from the U.S. practicing elites) calls for fending off a revival of the Eurasian empire, for it would be capable of preventing the U.S. geostrategic goal, that is, the formation of a larger Euro-Atlantic system[189]. Speaking at the meeting of the American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee on the occasion of being awarded the title of " Honorary Citizen of Lvov, " Z. Brzezinski openly stated, " The new world order is being created against Russia, at Russia's expense, and on the shards of Russia, under U.S. hegemony! " [190] Actually, with this capacious proclamation he disclosed all the goals and tasks of the U.S. geopolitics. The author of an interesting study of the origins of the American policy of " exceptionalism" [191] stresses that the expansionism of the collective West in the foreseeable future was not limited to Russia alone. A most strong civilizational pressure was exerted on all the largest nations of the world that had a traditional, closed, and therefore non-civilian type of society (for example, Imperial China or Ottoman Turkey). In the book mentioned above[192], A. Utkin convincingly revealed the mechanisms of the Western strategy of global governance. Its essence is a rigid technogenic dictatorship challenging the rest of the world and forcing this non-Western world either to submit to the leadership of the West (for which read, the U.S.) by accepting its scale of values, or to enter a parallel competition with it through the intensely boosted modernization of the national socio-economic system. It is from this that it is necessary to proceed in justifying alternative approaches to forming up of the world order. The undermining of the U.S. ideological leadership is a key direction in the fight against American aggression. After losing the image of the infallible legislator of behavior norms and patterns, the U.S. will lose the ability to indoctrinate other countries with the inferiority complex and to assert its moral right to interfere in their internal affairs. This will sharply reduce the effectiveness of the U.S " soft power" policy, without which the methods of military and political coercion will not work either. It is impossible to challenge the ideological leadership of the U.S. in the frame of reference imposed by it. Attempts to catch U.S politicians and officials in cynical swindle, fraud and crimes against whole nations do not produce the proper effect, given the domination of the American oligarchy in global media and information networks. The U.S ideological domination can only be undermined by overthrow of its underlying value system. As shown, for example, by T. Sergeitsev[193], the value system underlying the image of the American superpower, the personification of which is the global dominance of the U.S.-centric oligarchy, comes from the postmodern concept of the liberation of man from God and his moral limitations. Absolutization of human arbitrariness ultimately results in the rule of force, which is demonstrated by the U.S. oligarchy trying to govern the whole planet at its discretion, in reliance on the world currency issuance monopoly appropriated by it. Limitation of this arbitrariness is possible only on the basis of a superior system of values that limits the freedom of the human will. The position above the will of man and human society can only belong to objective laws of the universe, recognized by rational thinking, as well as to the moral precepts established by the Almighty and recognized by religious consciousness. The former are established on the basis of the scientific paradigm of sustainable development, while the latter should be accepted as axioms in the system of global lawmaking. All major religions limit the freedom of human arbitrariness by compliance with a certain system of moral standards. The modern post-Christian Western civilization no longer acknowledges the absolute nature of these Standards, interpreting them as relative and outdated, which can be violated if opportunities permit and circumstances require. The U.S. oligarchy has the potential for global domination to the extent that international circumstances permit. These circumstances can be changed, limiting the possibilities of the U.S. by expanding the capabilities of its competitors. This change can be achieved within the framework of the existing world order through a world war. To avoid it, it is necessary to change the world order itself, introducing absolute restrictions on the arbitrariness of both the human person and any human communities, including states and their associations. In so doing, the very basis for the existence of a superpower threatening the security of mankind will be eliminated. The ideological basis for a new world order can be the concept of a socio-conservative synthesis uniting the system of values of world religions with the achievements of the social state and the scientific paradigm of sustainable development[194]. This concept can be used as a positive program for establishing a global anti-war coalition, which should offer universally understandable principles for the ordering and harmonization of socio-cultural and economic relations on a global scale. A harmonization of international relations can be achieved only on the basis of fundamental values shared by all major cultural and civilizational communities. These values include the principle of non-discrimination (equality of people) and the love for one's neighbor declared by all religions, without dividing mankind into " friends" and " foes." Within such understanding, these values can be expressed in terms of justice and responsibility, as well as in legal forms of civil rights and freedoms. However, to achieve this, the fundamental value of the human person and the equality of rights of all people, regardless of their religion, national, class and any other affiliation, must be recognized by all confessions. The basis for this, at least in monotheistic religions, is the understanding of the unity of God and the fact that every creed shows its own way of saving man, which shall have the right to exist. Through the lens of this understanding, it is possible to eliminate the forced violent forms of interreligious and interethnic conflicts, translating them into the plane of ideologically free choice of each person. To do this, it is necessary to develop legal forms for the participation of confessions in development of social life and resolution of social conflicts. This would make it possible to neutralize one of the most destructive technologies of the U.S. strategy of waging global chaotic warfare, that is, the use of interconfessional contradictions to stir up interreligious and interethnic armed conflicts that transform into civil and regional wars. Involvement of confessions in the formation of international politics will provide a moral and ideological basis for the prevention of ethno-national conflicts and create the prerequisites for the translation of interethnic contradictions into a constructive channel, their removal through various instruments of public social policy. In its turn, involvement of confessions in establishing the social policy will create a moral basis for governmental decisions. This will help curb the spirit of permissiveness and debauchery, which dominates today in the ruling elite of the developed countries, and restore the understanding of the social responsibility of the authorities to society. The values of the social state that are currently faltering would receive a powerful ideological support. In their turn, political parties will have to recognize the importance of fundamental moral restraints that protect the foundations of human existence. All this will contribute to realization of the global responsibility of political leaders and leading nations for the harmonious development of international relations, and contribute to the success of the antiwar coalition. The concept of socio-conservative synthesis provides an ideological basis for reforming international monetary, financial and economic relations based on the principles of justice, mutual respect for national sovereignties, and mutually beneficial exchange. Their implementation requires a significant restriction of freedom of the market forces, which constantly generate discrimination for the majority of citizens and countries on access to social benefits. Liberal globalization has undermined the ability of states to influence the distribution of national income and wealth. Transnational corporations obtained the opportunities for uncontrolled movement of resources previously controlled by states. The latter were forced to reduce the degree of social protection of citizens, in order to preserve the attractiveness of their economies to investors. At the same time, the efficiency of public social investments, the consumers of which had been freed from national identity, has decreased. As a result of the appropriation of a growing part of the revenues generated in the world economy by the U.S.-centric oligarchy, the living standards of the majority of countries with an open economy are declining, and the differentiation of citizens in access to social benefits is intensified. To overcome these destructive tendencies, it is necessary to change the entire architecture of international financial and economic relations by imposing restrictions on the movement of capital, in order to block the possibility of its avoidance of social responsibility, on the one hand, and equalizing the costs of the social policies of national states, on the other hand. The restriction of the ability of capital to evade social responsibility includes the elimination of offshore zones that allow capital to escape tax obligations, and recognition of the right of national states to regulate the cross-border movement of capital. Equalization of social costs of different states will require the formation of global minimum social standards, which would provide for a faster increase in the level of social security of the population of relatively poor countries. To do this, international mechanisms for equalizing the living standards of the population must be activated, which implies the creation of appropriate instruments for their financing. Proceeding from the concept of socio-conservative synthesis, the anti-war coalition could set the task of establishing the global mechanisms of social protection. For example, a tax on currency exchange transactions may be introduced to finance their activities, at the rate of 0.01% from the amount of transactions. This tax should be levied on the basis of an appropriate international agreement within the framework of national tax laws, and be should be transferred to authorized international organizations. Such organizations include the Red Cross (for the purpose of preventing and overcoming the consequences of humanitarian disasters caused by acts of God, wars, epidemics, etc.); WHO (for the purpose of preventing epidemics, reducing child mortality, vaccinating the population, etc.); ILO (for the purpose of establishing a global system for monitoring of labor migration, implementation of safety standards, compliance with generally accepted labor legislation requirements, including wages not lower than the subsistence level, and prohibition of the use of child and forced labor); the World Bank (for the purpose of organizing the construction of social infrastructure facilities (water supply, roads, sewerage, etc.)); UNIDO (for the purpose of organizing technology transfer to developing countries); UNESCO (to support international cooperation in science, education and culture, protection of cultural heritage), etc. The spending of these funds should be conducted on the basis of appropriate budgets, the approval of which can be delegated to the UN General Assembly. Another field of the anti-war coalition activities could be the creation of a global environmental protection system financed by its pollutants. For this purpose, it is advisable to conclude an appropriate international agreement entailing introduction of universal standards of fines for environmental pollution and their transfer for environmental purposes in accordance with national legislation and under supervision of an authorized international organization. A part of these funds should be used to conduct global environmental activities and to organize environmental monitoring. An alternative mechanism can be arranged on the basis of the turnover of pollution quotas by expanding and launching the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms. The most important direction of the positive program of the anti-war coalition should be the creation of a global system for eliminating illiteracy and ensuring access for all citizens of the planet to information and modern education. The creation of such a system should ensure unification of the minimum requirements to universal primary and secondary education, with subsidies for their achievement to underdeveloped countries at the expense of funds collected through the tax proposed above. A system of providing higher education services by the leading universities of developed countries should also be created, accessible to all citizens of the world. The latter could, at their own discretion, allocate quotas for the admission of foreign students recruited through international competition, with payment of education from the same source. In parallel, a global system of distance education services should be deployed by the universities participating in this system, open to all citizens of the world with a secondary education free of charge. Creation and maintenance of an appropriate information infrastructure can be entrusted to UNESCO and the World Bank with funding from the same source. The anti-war coalition should put forward its program of world economy stabilization based on optimizing global financial and economic relations on the principles of mutual benefit and fair competition, which would exclude the possibility of monopolizing certain functions of international economic exchange regulation in someone's private or national interests. The growing gap between poor and rich countries, which threatens the development and very existence of mankind, is reproduced and supported by the appropriation of a number of international economic exchange functions by the national institutions of the U.S. and its allies that act proceeding from their private interests. They have monopolized issuance of the world currency, using its revenues in their own interests and providing their banks and corporations with unlimited access to credit. They have also monopolized the establishment of technical standards, supporting the technological superiority of their industry. They have imposed on the entire globe the rules of international trade that are favorable for them, forcing other states to open their commodity markets and drastically limit their own ability to influence the competitiveness of national economies. They have forced most countries to open their capital markets, ensuring the dominant position of their financial oligarchy that relies on its monopoly of the unlimited issuance of the world currency. Ensuring the socio-economic development that would be sustainable and successful for humanity as a whole involves elimination of the monopolization of the international economic exchange functions in anyone's private or national interests. For the sake of sustainable development of mankind and harmonization of global public relations, and elimination of discrimination in international economic exchange, its global and national restrictions may be introduced. In particular, in order to prevent a global financial catastrophe, urgent measures are needed to create a new safe and efficient architecture of the world monetary and financial system based on a mutually beneficial exchange of national currencies, excluding the appropriation of global issuance revenues in anyone's private or national interests. The commercial banks servicing international economic exchange should be required to conduct transactions in all national currencies. In so doing, their exchange rates should be established according to the procedure agreed by the national banks within the framework of the relevant international treaty. As necessary, the role of the universal equivalent can be assumed by gold, IMF SDRs, or other international units of account. Accordingly, the functions and management system of the IMF should be changed. It could be responsible for monitoring the exchange rate formation of national currencies, and assume the role of the world currency issuer used for emergency lending of temporary deficits in payment balances of individual states and their national banks, to prevent regional and global monetary crises and maintain stable conditions for international economic exchange. Together with the Basel Institute, the IMF could also function as a global banking supervisor, setting mandatory standards for all commercial banks that are servicing international economic exchange. To do this, it is necessary to democratize the IMF's governance system, and all its participating states should receive equal rights. This is also necessary to give the IMF the right to suspend banks and states that violate the established norms of monetary and financial relations from the global system of international settlements. This would not only ensure the immunity of the international economic exchange system to arbitrariness of individual states, but also would protect it from currency speculators, making it possible to close offshore zones used for money laundering, international crime financing and tax evasion. In order to equalize the opportunities for socio-economic development, it is necessary to ensure free access of developing countries to new technologies, provided that they do not use the received technologies for their own purposes. The states that would agree to this restriction and provide access to information on their military expenditures should be released from the constraints of international export control regimes. They should also be assisted in obtaining the necessary new technologies for their development. To this end, the activities of UNIDO (including creation of an appropriate information network) and the World Bank should be intensified. The latter should provide credit resources issued by the IMF with a view to long-term financing of investment projects necessary for developing countries in the field of mastering modern technologies and creating infrastructure. Access to these resources on the same terms of refinancing should also be provided to international regional development banks. In order to ensure fair competition, it is necessary to introduce an international mechanism for suppressing abuse by TNCs of their monopoly position in the market. The relevant antimonopoly policy functions may be entrusted to the WTO on the basis of an international agreement, binding on all member states. This agreement should provide the right for entities of international economic exchange to demand elimination of abuses by TNCs of their dominant position in the market, as well as a compensation for losses caused by them through introduction of the relevant sanctions. Such abuses should also include, along with over- or underpricing, falsification of product quality and other typical examples of unfair competition, the underpayment of labor relative to the regional subsistence minimum confirmed by the ILO. Regarding natural global and regional monopolies, procedures should be established to regulate prices at a reasonable level. In conditions of inequivalent economic exchange, states should be left with sufficient freedom to regulate national economies, in order to equalize the levels of socio-economic development. In addition to the mechanisms adopted by the WTO to protect domestics market from unfair external competition, the tools for such equalization are various mechanisms to stimulate scientific and technological progress and state support for innovation and investment activity; establishment of a state monopoly on the use of natural resources; introduction of currency control standards to restrict the export of capital and neutralizing speculative attacks against the national currency; retaining of the national control over most important sectors of the national economy; other forms of increasing national competitiveness. Of particular importance is the maintenance of fair competition in the information sphere, including the mass media. Access to the global information space should be guaranteed to all people of the world acting both as consumers and providers of information. To maintain the openness of this market, strict antimonopoly restrictions should be applied, disallowing any country or group of affiliated persons to dominate the global information space. Simultaneously, favorable conditions should be created for representatives of different cultures to gain free access to the market of information services. The necessary support can be provided by UNESCO from the proceeds of the above tax on currency exchange transactions and payments for access to restricted information resources (some of which, including points for launching communications satellites into orbit, could be provided to this organization). At the same time, international regulations should be adopted to prevent the spread of information that threatens social stability. To ensure compliance of all participants in the international economic exchange with the established international and national standards, a universally binding regime of sanctions for their violation should be adopted. To this end, an international agreement must be concluded to enforce judgments passed against participants in international economic exchange, regardless of their national identity. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the opportunity for lodging an appeal to the international court, the decision of which should be binding on all states. The introduction of standards universally binding on all parties to international economic exchange, as well as of sanctions for their violation (including sanctions for violating the norms of national legislations) presupposes the primacy of international agreements over national legislation. The states that violate this principle should be restricted in their rights to participate in international economic exchange. In particular, their national currency should not be accepted in international settlements, economic sanctions may be applied to their residents, and their activities in the world market may be limited. If the U.S. and the EU refuse to reorganize the world economic order on the above principles, the countries of the anti-war coalition should be prepared to establish their own international institutions, alternative to the IMF, the World Bank and the Basel Institute. This can definitely be done on the basis of the consolidated position of the BRICS countries. The anti-war coalition ought to be powerful enough to achieve the principal changes in international relations described above. It will be resisted by the U.S. and the G7 countries that derive enormous benefits from their monopoly position in the world market and in international organizations. In fact, the U.S. is waging a world chaotic war to preserve this position, punishing all those who do not agree with their abuse of the dominant position in the global financial and economic system. To win this war and rebuild the world economic system with a view to harmonious development, the anti-war coalition should be ready to apply sanctions against the U.S. and other countries that refuse to recognize the priority of international obligations over national standards. The most effective way to force the U.S. to cooperate may be abandonment of using the dollar in international settlements. The anti-war coalition should put forward a peaceful alternative to the arms race in stimulating the development of the new technological paradigm. This alternative should be based on broad international cooperation in solving global problems that require the concentration of resources in actualization of breakthrough scientific and technological research. For example, the problem of protecting the Earth from space threats does not have at present a technical solution[195]. To obtain it, scientific and technical breakthroughs are needed on the basis of integration of intellectual potentials of the leading countries of the world and joint large-scale financing of relevant international programs of scientific and technical development. Instead of confrontation and competition, the paradigm of sustainable development relies on partnership and cooperation as mechanisms to concentrate resources in the promising areas of scientific and technological progress. As a scientific and organizational basis for the management mechanism of the formation of the new technological paradigm, it stands much higher than the arms race. There is all the more reason for this as the main consumers of the products generated by the new paradigm are health care, education and culture, the development of which is poorly stimulated by military expenditures. At the same time, these sectors of the non-production sphere, taken together with science, will account for up to half of the GDP of developed countries in the near future. Hence the need to transfer the stress of state stimulation of scientific and technological progress from defense to humanitarian research, primarily in medical and biological fields. Since the state provides more than half of the expenditure on health care, education and science, such a transfer would help to strengthen the consistent basis in the management of social and economic development.
The course of action |
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