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To neutralize the U.S. aggression

To prevent the world war, it is necessary to stop its driving forces, which are the U.S. ruling elite, the Eurocracy and the U.S.-created neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine. The first of these is primary, the other two are derived. One can wage a bloody war with the Nazis, but if their funding and support are not stopped, they will involve more and more of their citizens in the massacres. Talk all you want to the EU commissioners about the flawedness of their " Eastern Partnership" policy, but while they are manipulated by the U.S. through the controlled media, personal influence networks, espionage and blackmail systems, no rational criteria would work. Therefore, it is possible to prevent war only by stopping the domination of the U.S. in Europe and in the world. To do this, it is necessary to undermine the economic, informational, political and ideological foundations of their influence.

For all the power of the U.S., its economic superiority is based on a financial pyramid of debt that has long gone beyond stability. For its collapse, it is enough for the main creditors of the U.S. to dump the accumulated dollars and treasury obligations on the market. Of course, the collapse of the U.S. financial system due to explosion of the " thermonuclear debt bomb" will entail serious losses for all holders of the U.S. currency and securities. But, firstly, these losses will be much less for Russia, Europe and China than the damage caused by the next world war that is being unleashed by the U.S. geopoliticians. Secondly, the sooner we quit the financial pyramid of U.S. obligations, the less will be the loss. Thirdly, the dollar pyramid collapse will finally provide an opportunity to reform the global financial system on the premises of justice and mutual benefit.

The domination of the American oligarchy in global and national media of the countries that are open to U.S. investment is a key factor of influence. The U.S. has created a very effective information filtering system, designed to justify any actions of the U.S. authorities and its allies. Despite the formal freedom of speech, the leading media broadcast only the point of view that meets the interests of the ruling elite and supports its policies. In this case, objectivity is sacrificed to political expediency. Everything that the U.S. does in the world is presented as good. Everything that counteracts the U.S. foreign policy is presented as evil. A deliberately distorted world view is being built, in which the crimes committed by the U.S. authorities against entire nations look like feats done for the benefit of these nations, and the responsibility for the massacres of their citizens is allocated to the adversary. The dominant position of the American media in interpreting all the events that take place in the world allows the U.S. authorities to manipulate public opinion and commit global iniquity, arranging conflicts, perpetrating crimes, appointing and punishing the culprits, declaring the winners of wars and elections.

The information environment is the main battlefield in the chaotic world war. Real battle action takes place at the last stage, as a means of inevitable punishment to those countries and national leaders who dared to spin out of the U.S. control and venture an independent policy. Prior to this, the global public opinion should be convinced that the U.S. pursues a policy of good in the interests of the nations they punish, the leaders of which represent universal evil that must be destroyed at any cost. Unlike previous world wars, where the opposing powers and their coalitions conducted an understandable propaganda condemning the actions of enemies and justifying their own, there are no obvious enemies in the chaotic war conducted by the U.S., since no country is interested in a world war or tries to provoke it. The American oligarchy itself appoints enemies and determines their overcomers. U.S. political psychologists and media create an image of the enemy, U.S. diplomats and influence agents set the neighbors on it, and the military helps them defeat this enemy. In the process, any methods of influencing people's consciousness are utilized, including Hollywood staging of non-existent events, false reports with invented characters, deliberate distortion of the meaning of the events shown.

The policy of the American media is not to provide an objective coverage of the world events, but to interpret them in the way necessary for the U.S. By shaping public opinion, the media influence the assessment by the majority of citizens of both the events and actions of political leaders. Thus they have a decisive influence on the elections to government bodies. In a democratic society, this is used to achieve control over the will of voters, which allows manipulating the behavior of politicians as well. The latter should act as suggested by the media controlled by the American oligarchy. In so doing, the more formalized are the democratic institutions, the more effective is the manipulation of policies pursued in a given country.

The fundamental importance of information weapons is most obviously manifested in Europe. Over the past two decades, the U.S has organized several regional wars on this continent, inflicting enormous damage on Europeans. The war in Yugoslavia caused enormous sacrifices and costs, entailed legalization of Albanian terrorist organizations and criminal communities, worsened the conditions for European integration, provoking the fall of the euro that had just been introduced. Civil wars and conflicts in North Africa led to destabilization of an important region for the EU and to a dramatic influx of refugees, undermining the fundamental faith of Europeans in tolerance and a single labor market. Finally, the Ukrainian crisis destabilized the energy market in Europe and put it before the need to support the collapsing Ukrainian economy, involving Europe in sanctions against Russia ruinous for the European business.

All of this does not prevent politicians and officials of European countries not only from supporting the unleashing of these wars that are contrary to their interests, but also from taking a direct part in them, as well as paying the bulk of the expenses. Through a focused media policy, U.S. political engineers manage to achieve zombification of European public consciousness and, thereby, to subordinate the political leadership of European countries to their influence, forcing these countries to pursue a policy that is suicidal for them.

At the same time, the effectiveness of the use of information weapons has its limits. Lies, and more than this, monstrous lies used by the media controlled by the U.S. oligarchy, do not have an all-out impact. The higher the level of education and culture in a particular country, and the more developed the information environment in it, so much the less is this impact. The rules of political competition dictate to the opposition the need to criticize the actions of the authorities which run counter to national interests. This gives hope that it will be possible to nail to the wall the European politicians who perform the role of U.S. influence agents against the national interests of their states.

As Prince Alexander Nevsky said, " God manifests himself not in Might, but in Truth." The flow of lies and falsifications, which is globally broadcast by U.S.-controlled global media, should be countered by an objective information flow through social networks, regional and national television. Of course, this will require considerable effort. But with a creative approach, the truth will win its way through. The public subconscious of European peoples, especially the people of Ukraine, will remember the horrors of the last war with the correct formation of an associative array of modern and genuine fascists and their accomplices. The Ukrainian Nazis fostered by U.S. geopoliticians look no better than Hitler's storm-troopers. Therefore, the objectively represented information about Ukrainian Nazism will quickly cause a feeling of disgust and fright in the European man in the street. Besides, the Ukrainian Nazis will definitely fail to trigger any good vibes in all the peoples of Eurasia, which suffered a great deal during the last world war

The most effective efforts to prevent a new world war could be made within the U.S. itself. Whereas TNC oligarchy needs these wars to dump debts and misappropriate assets, ordinary citizens get nothing out of them but the dead and disabled, along with fear of terrorist attacks. The above measures to undermine the U.S. monopoly on issuance of the world currency, which would reveal the default state of the U.S. financial system and lead to a sharp reduction in their government spending, could help spread the negative attitude towards Washington's military ventures. Then the American politicians will have to choose between continuation of the chaotic world war and preservation of an acceptable standard of living.

Finally, the U.S. dominance in global politics is based more on the routine habit of their allies to submit to Washington's pressure than on the actual dependence of European and Japanese politicians on their U.S. curators. As soon as the dollar financial pyramid begins to fall apart, the Americans will be left with nothing to pay for the maintenance of their military bases and the media. Germany and Japan will be able to free themselves from the oppressive sensation of being among the occupied territories, and to take a more independent position. As the truthful information about the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis spreads, the monopoly position of the U.S. media will be eroded, and the effectiveness of their propaganda will be reduced. In the event of further deterioration in the level and quality of life in the EU due to deterioration of relations with Russia, the pressure of business and society on European politicians will increase. The above factors, with their skillful use, will operate to weaken the U.S. political dominance in the world. But their effect will be inadequate if Russia remains in the role of the main victim, in the fight against which and for the resources of which the U.S. will build a coalition of its allies in the chaotic world war. The aggressor can be stopped only by fear of unacceptable losses. Just as the aspiration of American geopoliticians for the establishment of world domination after the end of the Second World War was stopped by the threat of using the Soviet atomic weapons. Otherwise, the plans of Truman and Eisenhower on the atomic bombings of Korea and the Soviet Union could well be actualized, with understandable consequences for all mankind. The current situation, however, differs from the Cold War era in that the U.S. administration does not regard Russia as an equal opponent, trying to get us back to a state of vassal territory, as it was in the first decade after the collapse of the USSR. The American advisers of both the current and past Ukrainian leadership tirelessly persuaded the latter of their total superiority over Russia, which they depicted as a completely dependent country. Having crossed Russia's name after the collapse of the USSR off the list of independent powers, U.S. geopoliticians perceive it today as their rebellious colony, the leadership of which must be punished, and the country itself must be dismembered and pacified forever as the peripheral territory of their empire. They proceed from the non-viability of Russia in the context of the economic sanctions they impose, clearly overestimating the extent of their influence. This overestimation of opportunities, on the one hand, gives American geopoliticians and their influence agents a sense of impunity and permissiveness, creating the risk of a global catastrophe. However, on the other hand, it is the source of their weakness when faced with real resistance, for which they are not ready both morally and politically.

Thus, U.S. geopoliticians failed to counter the decisive actions of the Russian leadership to repel the U.S.-Georgian aggression in South Ossetia, and to reunite with the Crimea under the threat of Crimeans genocide by the U.S.-grown Ukrainian Nazis. Faced with the resolute resistance of Assad, the U.S. and its European allies ultimately failed to occupy Syria. They won only where the victim could not offer real resistance either by loss of morale and betrayal of the ruling elite, as in Iraq or Yugoslavia, or by the total superiority of the aggressor's forces, as was the case in Libya.

The doctrine of a world chaotic war actually implemented by the U.S. does not imply either the possibility of a defeat of the U.S. military, or warfighting on soil of the U.S. itself. Therefore, before attacking another victim, the U.S. deprives it of the chances to resist, creating a massive superiority with the aid of the allies and paralyzing the adversary with information, economic and political weapons. In the event of a real possibility of military defeat even in a local conflict, or of hostilities relocation to the U.S. soil, American geopoliticians will have to refrain from confrontation, as happened 40 years ago with the Caribbean crisis. The same applies to their allies, as no European leader would provoke a war understanding the risk of its transfer to one's own ground.

The fear of defeat or even stubborn resistance stems from the philosophy of superpower, implicitly implemented by the American ruling elite. As shown by T. Sergeitsev[196], superpower does not endure the threat of prolonged resistance and does not accept defeat by definition. A prolonged resistance raises doubts about unlimited might of the superpower, while defeat turns this doubt into confidence, undermining thereby its essence. All armed conflicts instigated by the U.S. after the collapse of the USSR were characterized by such superiority of the U.S. and its allies, which in essence excluded the possibility of defeat or even prolonged resistance of the enemy, let alone the transfer of warfighting to the American soil. With no confidence in a quick and unquestionable victory, the U.S. oligarchy will not dare to unleash a conflict fraught with the loss of the superpower image.

This image was created by the American intellectual elite after the Second World War, when the U.S. managed to seize the global leadership that was put into practice:

· in respect of Western Europe, through the mechanism of the so-called Transatlantic Unity, institutionalized in NATO and the vassal common market, and later, in the European Union;

· in respect of the socialist camp in Eastern Europe and the USSR, through imposition of military confrontation that diverted resources and hindered improvement of the living standards, and after the fall of the USSR, through the expansion of NATO, the European Union, and their influence, as well as through external administration of the post-Soviet territory via puppet governments and international organizations;

· in respect of China and India, through an unofficial economic union based on the industrialization of these countries (primarily China that had a spat with the USSR).

Despite the fundamental ideological and political economic differences, all the way down to the opposites, the USSR, China and India were functionally building a consumer society, the advanced model of which was being created by the U.S. at an outperforming rate. Differences in the ideological framework of such building do not have a decisive civilizational significance. As T. Sergeitsev stated in his study[197], the global monetary and financial system created by the U.S., free from any natural backing, became the unified world condition for this political economic creativity, which allowed it to be applied to the global scale of economic activity and political influence, including in it all regional currencies (including the ruble) as derivatives. The fact that the global monetary and financial system is formed by the U.S. allowed the latter to create a mechanism for the concentration of all world capital on its territory, deriving direct financial colonial rents from the entire world economy, including the economy of the USSR. This, and not the notorious TNCs or oil, as justly asserted by the author, is the basis of modern (that is, post-war) global capitalism.

Such superpower, that is, power not limited by any form of state and states, power over the states themselves, including the U.S. itself as the " manager" element in the " manager-managed" configuration predicted by Nietzsche and accurately described as a phenomenon by the first Russian-Soviet post-Marxist Zinoviev, is the total reality of the post-war world order, sums up T. Sergeitsev. Its ideological justification was self-destruction of the imperial states of the Old World on their own continent during the two world wars[198].



Liberation of Ukraine

The Ukrainian crisis poses a great threat to the U.S.-centric image of superpower due to Russia's ability not only to resist, but also to inflict unacceptable damage on the U.S. Therefore, U.S. diplomacy is struggling to put into the Russian leadership the fear of defeat in the event of military intervention to suppress the Nazi riot in Ukraine. Building up politico-psychological pressure by threats of economic sanctions and international isolation of Russia, the U.S. at the same time supports and strengthens the Nazi junta in every possible way, encouraging it to escalate the conflict further. In this way the U.S. tries to paralyze the political will of the Russian leadership to take decisive action until the Nazi regime is strong enough to confront the Russian military and gain the ability to inflict unacceptable damage on Russia. Or, until the U.S. convinces its European allies to send in their troops to protect the Ukrainian Nazis from the resistance of the people of Ukraine.

The tactics used by the U.S. to suppress the political will of the enemy before creating the necessary conditions for its defeat without risk for America is based on the ideological domination of the U.S. as the main carrier and interpreter of the basic values of modern civilization, which include the rights of man, democratic freedoms, the rule of law, scientific, technical and social progress. This ideological domination creates an image of infallibility characteristic of the superpower, on which the U.S. relies for manipulating the enemy's consciousness. And, strangely enough, many experienced politicians give in to this suggestion, sincerely believing that Americans are not capable of banal deception due to their moral authority. Before Yanukovych, the victims of a naїve belief in the honesty of Americans were Qaddafi, Hussein, Miloš ević and many leaders of developing countries who believed the promises of the U.S. ambassadors, officials and politicians.

The need to free Ukraine from the rule of the Nazis placed by the U.S. in power is a necessary condition for escaping the escalation of the conflict towards a peaceful solution of the contradictions that arise in connection with the transition from the American to the Asian cycle of capital accumulation. This liberation will give an impetus to curtailment of the most aggressive directions of the U.S. imperialism, opening the way for the advancement of the antiwar coalition ideology.

The practical embodiment of the sustainable development paradigm and the concept of socio-conservative synthesis is objectively hampered by the interests of both the global oligarchy of the TNCs hiding behind the U.S. hegemony, and of the aggressive influential social groups based on denial of the fundamental moral values, primarily the LGBT community, racist, Nazi and radical religious organizations. Quaintly enough, the Ukrainian Nazi junta in Kiev relies on all these social groups. This instills the Ukrainian conflict not only with a political, but also with an ideological global character. This is evidenced by the principled position of the Union of Orthodox Citizens of Ukraine, consistently opposing European integration and deciphering the EU < " ES", in Ukrainian or Russian transcriptionTN> in no other way as the Euro-Sodom.

It is hardly feasible to hope for a voluntary renunciation by these social groups of their identity, as well as for renunciation by the American oligarchy of its claims to world domination. The showy stupidity and ridiculous comments of the speakers of the White House and the U.S. Department of State, which set the tone for the coverage of Ukrainian events by the world media, are intended to emphasize the irrelevance of any discussions and disputes over the policy pursued by the U.S. leadership, leaving no doubt about the serious intentions of the American ruling elite to unleash a world war against Russia.

It follows from the above that the only way to stop the U.S. policy of unleashing a chaotic world war is to take a tough stand against the U.S. and its allies, outlining the limits of their aggression, the violation of which would automatically lead to the threat of using military force to protect Russia's national security. To do this, it is necessary to build the correct frame of reference and accurately determine the actions of all parties to the conflict.

The theater of the Fourth World War has the following configuration:

· the U.S. is the aggressor country provoking the chaotic world war to retain world domination;

· the provocation of the world war is being directed against Russia, which the U.S. is trying to represent as the aggressor in order to consolidate the Western world in order to advocate the U.S. interests;

· U.S. Geopoliticians have placed their stake on cultivation of the Russophobic Ukrainian Nazism, in continuation of the German and English traditions of weakening Russia;

· the U.S. has subordinated Ukraine through the coup d'é tat and establishment of the Nazi junta regime under its control;

· the EU is trying to colonize Ukraine by drawing it into an association under its jurisdiction by means of imposing an illegitimate international treaty with the illegitimate leadership;

· European countries are being drawn by the U.S. and the Eurocracy into the war against Russia against their national interests.

Within such framework of reference, the historical significance of the present conflict in Ukraine, which actually is a civil war, and the reasons for the insane ferocity of the Kiev junta in an attempt to win at any cost, up to the physical extermination of the Donbass residents, become evident. If the people's militia will succeed in defending themselves against the Nazi junta and liberate Ukraine from it, this will mean inflicting lethal damage to the superpower embodied in the U.S. aggression, which will lose its magical image. The historical precedent of the Donbass resistance is the defense of Stalingrad, after which the superpower of German-European fascism slackened, and creation of the anti-Hitler coalition has became possible.

Resisting the Ukrainian Nazis, the Donbass militia defends Russia against American aggression, and the whole world, against the Fourth World War. The Ukrainian Nazis cannot make a move toward the Crimea and unleash a war with Russia while they are bound with their punitive operation in the Donbass. Without capturing the Donbass, they will not be able to retain power in Ukraine, which is doomed to an economic catastrophe by the severance of economic ties with Russia. Against the background of a humanitarian catastrophe, the Nazi psychosis will gradually disperse, and the population will again become receptive to objective information. This will destroy the socio-psychological basis of the Nazi regime, which can exist only in conditions of victorious war with Russia at the expense of unlimited assistance from the U.S. and the EU. Consequently, in order to stop the world war, it is necessary to limit this assistance by eliminating the military component.

However, nursing the Ukrainian crisis into the world war against Russia, the U.S. is forced to play an all-or-nothing game. They cannot allow defeat and lose the image of the superpower controlling the world. If the Nazi regime created by them collapses and its crimes against civilians become widely known, and the crime of destroying the Malaysian aircraft is solved, then the infallible image of the U.S. in Europe would be shaken. Russia's proof of its rightness in this conflict would cause in many European countries a crisis of confidence in the current political elite, which, together with the growth of anti-American sentiments, would undermine the U.S. dominance in the EU and would restrict it within NATO. The war would be avoided, and it would be possible to create a single space for economic cooperation from Lisbon to Vladivostok proposed by the President of Russia.

This course of events is unacceptable for the American oligarchy strategists. They would be unable to replace the war in Europe against Russia with something similar in its global effect. Neither the war in the Middle East, nor the Sino-Japanese conflict over the islands, nor even the war in Central Asia can cause such tension and such a consolidation of NATO allies as the war in Ukraine against Russia. Therefore, the American aggression in Ukraine will build up. The pressure on the Nazi junta will increase to further escalate hostilities in the Donbass. Kiev leaders will be forced to wage war to the last Ukrainian, regardless of the massacres of civilians. They will be demanded to carry out ever larger armed provocations against Russia in order to provoke retaliatory actions by the Russian military.

Such military interference by Russia could reverse the situation and stop the aggression of the Nazi junta. However, it will simultaneously result in involvement of the EU in the Ukrainian conflict, which under the Association Agreement has assumed an obligation to lead Ukraine in resolution of regional conflicts. This will entail further internationalization of the conflict and will be another step towards unleashing the world war. Apparently, the provocation to destroy the Malaysian Boeing with passengers from the EU, carried out by the U.S. special services, was aimed precisely at this. The Ukrainian Nazi junta stands ready for any crimes, including those committed against their own citizens, in order to draw European countries into the war with Russia.

Russia's actions should not fit into the American scenario of unleashing the world war. On the contrary, this scenario should be disrupted. In particular, the internationalization of the Ukrainian crisis should not be allowed. To do this, it is necessary to block the U.S. intentions to draw European countries into the conflict and provide military assistance to the Nazi junta. Such attempts should be regarded as entering the war against Russia, with all the ensuing consequences. In order for this counteraction to be effective, it is necessary to declare as quickly as possible, publicly and openly, the Russian position about the inadmissibility of sending in any foreign military units and delivering any military equipment to Ukraine. The ruling elite and the broad public of the U.S. and European countries should understand that in the event of direct assistance to Ukrainian Nazis in their civil war with the people's militia, they will get unacceptable damage.

Thus, in order to prevent transition of the Ukrainian crisis into the world war against Russia, it is necessary, firstly, to exclude the possibility of defeat of the people's militia and mopping up the Donbass by the Nazis. Secondly, extensive information, public and diplomatic activity should be launched to explain the essence of the catastrophe ongoing in Ukraine as a consequence of the U.S.-arranged coup d'é tat with the Nazis coming to power. Thirdly, a tough stance should be adopted about the inadmissibility of U.S.-European military support for the punitive operations of the Ukrainian Nazis, which Russia will consider to be a declaration of war. Fourthly, a broad international coalition of countries should be created against the U.S. policy of unleashing the world war, proposing the concept of socio-conservative synthesis as the ideological basis for teaming up. Fifthly, the liberation of Ukraine from the U.S.-established Nazi regime should be achieved by the people of Ukraine themselves. This requires extensive work to explain the true aims of the pro-American Nazi junta, which uses Ukrainian citizens as cannon fodder for fomenting the world war against Russia.

It might be possible that the entire set of these actions will not be sufficient to prevent the U.S. aggression. Therefore, it is necessary to take simultaneous measures to strengthen the system of national and international security that would rule out the defeat of Russia or the destabilization of its internal state. But before proceeding to the implementation of an effective multi-vector policy to protect Russia's internal and external interests, it is necessary to give a clear legal definition of the ruling Kiev junta, especially given the fact that on the international arena Ukraine, not without support of its patrons, has launched a judiciary war against Russia.

Thus, on November 25, 2014, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) accepted two inter-state complaints filed by Ukraine against Russia. Ukrainian authorities assert that in March-September 2014, Ukrainian military servicemen, law enforcement officials and civilians were killed as a result of the illegal annexation of the Crimea and Russia's support for armed groups of separatists in eastern Ukraine.

This complaint is part of the focused work being carried out by the NATO countries within the framework of the special program, The strategy for non-recognition of Crimea's accession to Russia. An international team of highly skilled experts is working on the implementation of this program. The satisfaction of this complaint is given special importance, since it will legally consolidate the position of the NATO countries on the illegality of the Crimea's accession to Russia, and will give the legal foundation to its international isolation, imposition of sanctions and raising of territorial claims. In support of this position, A. Yatsenyuk announced at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 9, 2014 the filing of a lawsuit by Ukraine to the UN International Court of Justice regarding violations of the antiterrorist convention by the Russian Federation.

NATO's position, according to the official publication, is based on the legitimacy of the Ukrainian parliament, the legality of its decisions and the indispensability of their strict implementation. The actions of the authorities of Russia and the Crimea, as well as support for the southeast of Ukraine, are respectively declared illegal. It is not difficult to show that NATO's position is a juristic fraud. The Constitution of Ukraine contains a special provision that concerns the usurpation of power by state bodies (Part 3, Article 5). The Constitutional Court of Ukraine in its Resolution N 6рп/2005 dated October 5, 2005, provided the interpretation that usurpation includes, among other things, the appropriation of the right to amend the Constitution of Ukraine in a way that violates the procedure established by the Basic Law.

On February 21, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, outside its powers and in violation of the procedure established by Section XIII of the Constitution of Ukraine, adopted in its final form the Law " On the reinstatement of certain provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine." This falls under the aforementioned resolution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which determined that " usurpation of state power means its unconstitutional or illegal seizure by state authorities." On February 21, 2014, there happened an unconstitutional and illegal seizure of state power in Ukraine by its state authority, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Consequently, all laws and decrees adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine after February 21, 2014, including the appointment of the acting President, Prime Minister, the government members, the appointment and holding of presidential elections on May 25, the election of Verkhovna Rada deputies on October 26, the passing of the resolution to carry out the " anti-terrorist operation, " are illegal and unconstitutional.

This analysis based on Ukrainian constitutional law shows that after February 21 of this year, there is no legitimate power in Ukraine: state authorities are managed by illegitimate officials who were appointed (and elected) in violation of the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. Moreover, there is no Basic Law in force in Ukraine, as the 1996 Constitution was declared repealed and does not actually operate, and the 2004 Constitution is illegal and does not exist from a legal point of view. Understanding of these legal grounds, as well as mass appeals to Russian government institutions of victims of the actions of the criminals who have usurped power in Ukraine, allow Russia to launch a counteroffensive, seeking the bringing of leaders of the Nazi junta before an international criminal court. This will fundamentally change the attitude of world public opinion towards this war, cutting off any legal grounds for imposing sanctions against us and allowing to avoid international isolation. On the contrary, all facts would point to the criminal nature of the Nazi junta, which should automatically discredit its officials and their supervising politicians in the NATO countries.

Then again, the Nazi regime in Kiev succeeded in the matter of discrediting itself as in no other endeavor. By adopting the laws on the OUN-UPA heroization and on decommunization, it de jure threw stones on the glass house in which it settled as a result of the power usurpation a little over a year ago. While until now, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, the events that have occurred in Ukraine were interpreted as usurpation of power by the Verkhovna Rada, and war crimes committed by the leaders of the military and secret services, as well as the genocide of the Russian population, were perpetrated irrespective of the historical context, now the category of historical succession[199] arises. In the legal aspect, the regime ruling in Ukraine by adoption of laws on " decommunization" renounced the succession to the Soviet Union, and therefore, to the Ukrainian SSR, which had had its statehood exclusively within the Soviet Union. Both from the legal and political point of view, Ukraine had not existed as a state until emergence of the Ukrainian SSR within the Soviet Union. The current Ukraine, as is known, appeared as a result of the collusion of the three presidents of the USSR republics, who announced the denunciation of the treaty on the formation of the USSR that was legally void at that time. The legal basis for existence of the current Ukrainian state is the referendum and other legal acts adopted by the authorities established long ago within the framework of the Ukrainian SSR. If the Nazi rulers of Ukraine reject this historical succession, then the legal identity of the territory controlled by them becomes lost. From the legal point of view, they become not simply criminals, but a terrorist gang that has seized territory not belonging to them. This gang is not much different from the Islamic State proclaiming its succession to the Prophet Muhammad.

Moreover, having in mind the adopted law " on the heroization of the UPA and the OUN", it turns out that the ruling Nazi junta is a successor not to the Ukrainian SSR, but to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which it recognized as fighters for Ukraine's independence. Inasmuch as these organizations and their leaders were institutions of the Hitler regime, and their leaders were Hitler's collaborators, as proved by the Nuremberg Tribunal with adoption of the relevant legal acts, the current power regime in Ukraine is legally the successor to the occupation authorities of fascist Germany.

Currently, the Nazi-Russophobic nature of the Ukrainian power has acquired a stable and irreversible character. There are no grounds to hope for its snapping back to reality and returning to the pre-Maidan state of things. The ideology of Ukrainism developed by the West has reached its logical conclusion in radical Russophobia, imposed on part of the Russian world under the pretext of " European choice."

This means that further political interaction with the Ukrainian authorities is senseless. They use negotiations solely to deceive and confuse us, to drag out time for mobilization of the population and concentration of forces. Their strategy for the war with Russia will not change, varying in detail only, from constant shelling of the Donbass cities and provocations against Russia down to terrorist attacks in our territory and a direct armed invasion in case of NATO's readiness to support it. Each day of the rule of the Nazi junta inflicts unacceptable damage to Russia, estimated already in tens of thousands of dead and repressed Russians, millions of Ukrainians converted into Russophobia and Nazi religion, destruction of thousands of cooperative ties and loss of the Ukrainian market, and loss of multi-billion assets. The hopes for the fall of the Nazi regime under the pressure of a sharp decline in the standard of living are hardly justified, both because of its repressive and occupational nature that excludes democratic forms of struggle, and the narcotic influence of Nazi propaganda and rabid Russophobia, with the sacrifice of thousands of young Ukrainians forcibly sent to " war with the Russians."


Section 5


Forced to resist the aggression of the West, Russia is becoming the leading force in global politics. Its resistance against American hegemony objectively accelerates transition from the American to the Asian cycle of accumulation. Not only because Russia has a serious power and economic potential sufficient to uphold its sovereignty, and its role in modern energy and military-technical markets is very significant. But, first of all, because of our country's experience of global leadership, which, due to a special Russian spirit and political tradition to fight not only for oneself, but for all " humiliated and insulted" of this world, proves attractive to a large part of humanity.

At the same time, U.S. geopoliticians realized that they had blundered away the restoration of Russian statehood, and started following their usual " carrot and stick" approach. Although the logic of centennial accumulation cycles and long waves of economic development does not leave the U.S. a chance to retain global leadership, in an effort to preserve it the U.S. is fully capable of unleashing the world war for control over the periphery. They try to bribe the Chinese leadership with the promises of establishing the " Chimerica, " a symbiosis between the two countries through trade and cooperation in the strategic partnership format. With respect to the leaders of

vulnerable countries, a two-course menu is offered, with a choice between complete submission or overthrow. There is no choice for the Russian leadership, since the issue raised is " who beats who? "

In solving this issue, the effectiveness of the public administration system plays a key role. If economic management remains in the current format of a periphery of the U.S. global economic order, subject to the interests of U.S. capital reproduction and the accumulation, then Russia will not be able to resist long enough the aggression of the U.S. that controls the main reproductive circuitry of the Russian economy through manipulation of the financial sector. It is impossible to repulse an attack if the enemy controls the rear, and its officers control the monetary system. The defeat most likely will result in disintegration of the country into national-territorial entities warring with each other under the control of the U.S. administration. An example of such solution is shown by today's Ukraine, where Americans are practicing the methods of launching an internecine war within the Russian World.

To prevent such progression of events, in the first instance it is necessary to understand that the system of state regulation of the economy created in Russia is inadequate to either the challenges of time, or the tasks of ensuring economic security, or the national interests. Firstly, it automatically puts the country's economy in a position of dependence from U.S.-European capital. Secondly, it deprives it of internal sources for development financing. Thirdly, it makes the economy a resource colony of the advanced countries, blocking the possibilities of industrialization and innovative development. Fourthly and finally, it is simply archaic and uncompetitive with respect to the new system of production relations being established in Asia.

This section will discuss its restructuring, which is necessary to strengthen Russia.




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