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Stages of accession of Kazakhstan to Russia

Stages of accession of Kazakhstan to Russia

1. From the 16th century until the early 17th century - freestyle, spontaneous colonization edge detachments free Cossacks

From 17 to 20 century - the spiritual and ideological colonization:

-Russification policy;

-change in the traditional alphabet in Cyrillic

-the creation of the resettlement committee - increased missionary activity

-separation of the people from the past, depriving him of the historical memory, language, customs and traditions

2 From 17 until the end of the 19th century - military and administrative colonization carried out in the interests of the commercial and industrial capital
3. From the late 19th to the early 20th century - resettlement colonization


Joining of Kazakhstan to Russia in the early 18th century should be seen as a result of the cumulative impact of a number of factors:

economic, political, military, economic, cultural, natural and geographical. The process lasted for 150 years and during that time there have been moments of voluntariness, violence, capture, enslavement.


Reforming of the region - a tool of colonization edge (reform 1822, 1824, 1867-68, 1886, 1891)

Reform - reconstruction of any aspects of social life, not to destroy existing social structures bases

Colonial order - (imperial orders), the colonial policy of the imperial state, aimed at the exploitation and oppression of the peoples of the dependent countries.

STATUTES - uniformly reducible rules governing the activities of the organization and their interaction with other organizations and citizens.


History of Kazak-Russian relationships.

National-liberation movements of Kazakh nation against Russian policy

II. Inner (Bukey) Horde sharua’s uprising (1836-1838)

In 1801 according Ukaz (Order) of Russian tzar Paul I was founded Bukey Horde, which existed till 1845. In 1827 was formed “Khan Council”, which consist of 12 Biis. 12 elders controlled taxes and taxation. Reasons of uprising were increasing taxes for roaming, building Russian fortresses near the Bukey Horde and cessation of roaming to traditional pastures. Declaration of Babadja-uly (son in law of Jangir khan) a ruler of Kazakh clans lived in Caspian region was the last reason of rising people. The main aims of uprising were limiting khan’s power, changing Russian government colonial policy, improving the position of sharua.

Uprising was divided into three stages:

1. 1833-1836 – forming the main reasons of uprising.

2. 1837 – developing of uprising, battles with Russian and khan’s troops.

3. December 1837 – July 1838 – weakening and defeat of uprising.

The main moving forces of uprising were Kazakh sharua, some elders and biis.

The leaders of uprising were Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov. Isatai Taimanov was an elder of Bersh clan and a member of the black bone. Isatai had long struggled against the khan of the Inner Horde, for which he had been arrested in 1817 and 1823. He and his aide and chronicler, akyn (poet) Makhambet Utemisov organized opposition among their own Bersh clan and then picked up support from the other clans of the Horde.

In October 1836 20 auls joined to Isatai. In Oct.24 1837 Isatai surrounded the Khan’s Headquarter. In November 9 1837 khan’s troops and troops of colonel Geke met near the Tastobe settlement, where Isatai’s army was defeated. Finally in July 12 1838 was battle in Akbulak. Strengthened detachment of Russian soldiers and Ural Cossacks was sent in that broke up the resistance (at this time about 2000 fighters). Isatai was killed.  

 Although the uprising was crushed, Russian authorities were reluctant to continue their support of the khan in the Inner Horde. In 1840-1841 a temporary commission considered to abolish the dignity of Khan in the Inner Horde, but resolved to continue it only until the end of Jangir’s rule. Upon his death in 1845 the dignity of Khan was replaced by provisional council.

Stages of accession of Kazakhstan to Russia

1. From the 16th century until the early 17th century - freestyle, spontaneous colonization edge detachments free Cossacks

From 17 to 20 century - the spiritual and ideological colonization:

-Russification policy;

-change in the traditional alphabet in Cyrillic

-the creation of the resettlement committee - increased missionary activity

-separation of the people from the past, depriving him of the historical memory, language, customs and traditions

2 From 17 until the end of the 19th century - military and administrative colonization carried out in the interests of the commercial and industrial capital
3. From the late 19th to the early 20th century - resettlement colonization


Joining of Kazakhstan to Russia in the early 18th century should be seen as a result of the cumulative impact of a number of factors:

economic, political, military, economic, cultural, natural and geographical. The process lasted for 150 years and during that time there have been moments of voluntariness, violence, capture, enslavement.


Reforming of the region - a tool of colonization edge (reform 1822, 1824, 1867-68, 1886, 1891)

Reform - reconstruction of any aspects of social life, not to destroy existing social structures bases

Colonial order - (imperial orders), the colonial policy of the imperial state, aimed at the exploitation and oppression of the peoples of the dependent countries.

STATUTES - uniformly reducible rules governing the activities of the organization and their interaction with other organizations and citizens.



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