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Kazakhstan during I World War and February revolution 1917. “Alash” party.

1. Kazakhstan became commodity market and spring of raw materials for industry of Russia. Economical relations of Kazakhstan with Russia increased. To Kazakh’s aul penetrated market relations. There were raised role of towns, trade and fairs in economical and political life of region. In Kazakhstan was formed industrial undertakings and new class of workers. Aggravation of social contradictions forms led to struggle against pressing. Kazakhstan during the Russian revolution 1905-1907.

    After abolishing of serfdom the migration of Russian peasants began to eastern regions. Why? So,

1. Russian government weakened agrarian problem.

2. Russian government weakened revolutionary movement.

In 1868 was proclaimed “Provisional Statute about peasant’s migration to Semirechye”. According to Statute settlers had the great privileges:

1. They were released from taxes (about 15 years)

2. They received lands about 30 desyatin (for 1 man)

3. They received loans.

Article 120 of the “The Steppe Statute of 1891” stated that all land in “excess of Kazakh needs” was to be given for the control of the ministry for state property. Each Kazakh household was entitled to 15 des. (about 40 acres) of land for their personal use or for use in common with other members of their aul.

In the end of 1892 the construction of Trans-Siberian railroad began and “Committee of Siberian railroad” was founded. In July 1893 the governor-general of the steppe declared a procedure for seizing lands along the Trans-Siberian railroad where Russian settlements established.  

 During 1871-1897 328 thousand settlers migrated to Kazakhstan. The number of Kazakh population   reduced from 73, 4% to 67, 7%. In 1885-1893 251779 des. of land were seized and 24 villages with 10940 male settlers were formed.

After seizing land farms were spread in region. Cattle - breeding were preserved only in Syrdarya, Central Kazakhstan, Betpak-Dala, Mangystau, Semipalatinsk and Akmolinsk regions.

In 60-s of XIX c. Russian capitalists exported capitals for development industry in Kazakhstan. What did the foreign capital attract in Kazakhstan?

- Variety and non-exploitation of natural resources.

- Abundance and cheap labor force.

- Possibility of deriving the high profits in completely absence of working movements and trade-union organizations.

Russian capitalists bought up rich deposits. For example, Zhezkazgan deposit was bought for 100 rubles. Merchant Ushakov bought Karaganda coalfield for 255 rubles and Saransk coalfield for 114 rubles.

In Kazakhstan the foreign joint-stock companies owned the largest industrial enterprises as mining industry and oil industry. In the hands of the largest international companies were: “The Joint-Stock Company of Spassky Copper Ore”

(In Karaganda), “The Joint-Stock Company of Atbasar Copper Digations” (near Zhezkazgan), “The Ridder Mining Industry of Joint-Stock Company” and others.

The holders of shares were the representatives of England, France, USA, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Spain and others countries.

Banking and credit system of Kazakhstan as a part of the financial system of the Russian Empire consisted of the Department of the State Bank, some commercial bank-offices, banks for middle society. The Departments of the State Bank in Kazakhstan area were founded in centers of trade-industry activities: Uralsk (1876), Petropavlovsk (1881), Semipalatinsk (1886), Omsk (1895), Vernoye (1912). The Siberian Trade Bank which was founded in 1879 had the most number of offices on the Kazakhstan area among the nine largest Petersburg commercial banks. The seven of its 57 offices functioned in Kazakhstan that was 12, 3%. The second place by number of offices was taken by the Russian Trade-Industrial Bank, which had large investment in crediting of commercial working capital.

Towns and trade. Fairs played the main role in Kazakh-Russian trade relations. The first fair was opened in 1832 in Western Kazakhstan. More than 70 fairs worked in Eastern Kazakhstan in 80-s of XIX c. One of the largest fair was opened in 1848 in the place Taldy-Koyandy of Karkaralinsk uezd – Koyandinskaya or Botovskaya fair (founder merchant Botov V.). Merchants from China, Middle Asian states and Russia brought goods to Botov’s fair. Others fairs: Karkarinskaya (in Semirechensk uezd), Oilsk (in Uralsk oblast), and Charsk-Ekaterinensk (in Semipalatinsk oblast). The trade was non-equal.

In the beginning of XX c. 19 new towns were founded in Kazakhstan. According to the census of 1897 Uralsk – 33446 people, Vernyi – 22744, Semipalatinsk – 20216, Petropavlovsk – 19688, Zharkent – 16094, Kustanai – 14275 were the biggest towns of Kazakhstan.




экономические Политические общественные
1. Развитие местной промышленности 2. развитие промыслов(рыбная ловля, добыча соли) 3. развитие горно-добывающей промышленности (цветные металлы,             Каменный уголь) 4. расширение торговли со     среднеазитскими ханствами, Сибирью, Китаем 5. Появление новых Городов: -Петропавловск (Кызылжар)- ему не было равных в торговле со Ср.Азией. -Акмолинск -Уральск (Теке) -Семипалатинск (Семей) -Бухтарма (Буктырма) -Оренбург (Орынбор) -Омск (Омбы) -Урда (Западный Казахстан) в 1822 здесь открылась первая официальная ярмарка   1. Приспособление хозяйства Казахстана к нуждам экономического развития Российской империи. 2. Участие казахов в крестьянской войне п.п Е.Пугачева. 3. Восстание Сырыма Датова 4. Слабость ханской власти, ее антинародная политика. Ханская власть не обеспечивала проведение царской политики. 5. Политическое дробление Среднего и Младшего жузов 6. Появление оппозиций, выступавших против колониальной политики (Султан Каратай в Младшемжузе) 7. Отмечается процесс возрастания политической зависимости казахских жузов от России Изменение социальной структуры (общественное настроение), т.е. совокупность классов и социальных групп общества:   - рабочие казахи в горнодобывающей промышленности   -рабочие казахи – в мелких промыслах   -жатаки, их увеличилось с 6, 5 тыс (1820г.) – до 8, 4 тыс. (1824) (отходники- сезонные рабочие).   - казахи, занимающиеся земледелием.   -казахи, охраняющие транзитные караванные пути.




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