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Времена группы Indefinite (повторение)

(Indefinite Tenses. Revision )


  Утвердительная форма  
Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
1. I ask 2. You ask 3. He She asks It 1. We ask 2. You ask 3. They ask 1. I asked 2. You asked 3. He She asked It 1. We asked 2. You asked 3. They asked 1. I shall ask 2. You will ask 3. He She will ask It 1. We shall ask 2. You will ask 3. They will ask
  Вопросительная форма  





Does she ask?







Did she ask?


I Shall ask? we you he, she it they


  Отрицательная форма  
I You do not ask We (don't) They He She does not ask It (doesn't) I You He She did not ask It (didn't) We They I shall not ask We (shan't) You He She will not ask It (won't) They






I. Express requests using the models:


A. Model: Ask (tell) your friend to shut the door.

- John, shut the door, please.


Ask your friend …

… to give you a call after five;

… to buy a birthday present;

… to take the book to the library;

… to lay the table for supper;

… to buy some bread on his way home.


B. Model: Ask (tell) your friend not to shut the door.

- John, don't shut the door, please.


Ask your friend …

… not to speak so loudly;

… not to read at lunch;

… not to send him a telegram;

… not to come home so late;

… not to waste money on sweets.


II. Make the following imperative sentences negative:

1. Give this letter to your boss. 2. Invite your boyfriend to the party. 3. Read the text aloud. 4. Smile when you are talking to me. 5. Take her to your parent's place. 6. Wait for him for an hour. 7. See this film. 8. Take a taxi. 9. Get up! 10. Forget about it.


III. Express polite requests instead of commands:

Model: Come here!

- Will (would) you come here, please?


1. Make me a call at three! 2. Go shopping after classes! 3. Meet me at the station! 4. Wash up the dishes! 5. Speak to your teacher at school! 6. Turn on the light! 7. Explain it to me! 8. Stay at home on Saturday! 9. Tell me the truth! 10. Move out of the way! 11. Remember to post the letter! 12. Go to bed at once!


IV. Recommend your friend not to do what he does.

Model: You smoke too much.

- Don't smoke too much.


Use the following phrases:

to talk on the phone too much;

to read too late at night;

to come home too late;

to work on Sunday too much;

to play tennis too much;

to go to the pictures too often;

to eat and sleep too much.


V. Change the sentences according to the model. Express disagreement and give a better idea.

Model: St1: What about going to the pictures?

St2: Don't go to the pictures. Let's go to the theatre.


1. What about going skiing on Sunday? 2. What about going to the country at the week-end? 3. What about going for a walk after dinner? 4. What about listening to the radio now? 5. What about watching TV after tea? 6. What about reading a book?


B. Discuss the plans for the week-end according to the model given above.


VI. A. Make up rules for hotel guests. Start with:

Keep the room clean.

Put out the light when you go out.

Don't forget to leave the key with the receptionist…


B. Tell your friend how to bake an apple pie. Start with:

Take 400 gr. of flour…

VII. A. Read the following:

How to Be Fit

Don't stay in bed in the morning too long.

Don't forget to do morning exercises.

Don't eat your breakfast.

Don't be late for classes.

Don't take lunch to the University.

Don't eat sandwiches in class.

Don't sit in one place during the breaks.

Don't drink too much water and other drinks.

Don't say you are hungry when you are.

Don't eat chocolates or cakes.

Don't take a bus when you can walk.

Don't go to parties where they serve good food.

Don't smoke or drink alcohol.

Don't use drugs.

Don't visit doctors unnecessarily.

Don't lie on the sofa when you watch TV.

Don't go to bed during the day.


B. Give similar recommendations to your friend about:

a) how to make a good career;

b) how to become a famous scientist;

c) how to marry successfully.


VIII. A. Your mother is away on a business trip. When you come home after classes you find a note with her instructions which are as follows:

Don't miss classes.

Come straight home after classes.

Wash up after every meal.

On Monday go to the dry cleaners' to fetch our things.

Go to the greengrocer's and buy some vegetables.

Invite your grandparents to stay with you for the weekend.

Don't waste money on candies and ice cream.

Don't bring home too many friends.

Don't disturb neighbours by loud music.

Stay at home in the evenings, I may call.


B. Imagine that you are in your mother's place. What recommendations would you like to write to a teenage daughter?



IX. A. Imagine you are a teacher having a class in physical training. Give commands to your pupils.


B. Imagine your friend is a dog and you are its master. Give commands to your dog.


X. Translate into English:

1. Перестаньте разговаривать. 2. Снимай пальто и проходи в комнату. 3. Положи сахар и молоко в кофе. 4. Не ешь столько мороженого. 5. Не выходи на улицу. 6. Останься посмотреть телепрограмму с нами. 7. Попроси Ника принести словарь. 8. Пригласи их в гости. 9. Переходите улицу только на перекрестке. 10. Проводи меня домой. 11. Не ссорься с родителями. 12. Не перебивай меня. 13. Вели ей подать кофе. 14. Попроси ее перевести письмо. 15. Спроси полицейского, где почта. 16. Подумайте, прежде чем ответить. 17. Не ешь много на ночь. 18. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.


XI. Translate the sentences:

1. It is 3 o'clock. 2. It was cold in the laboratory yesterday. 3. It is said that he is an experienced engineer. 4. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon. 5. It seems this substance has desirable properties. 6. It is A.S. Popov who invented the radio. 7. It was stuffy in the room. 8. Was it Thursday yesterday?


XII. Complete the following:

1. It is necessary …. 2. It is difficult …. 3. It is important …. 4. It is interesting …. 5. It is hard …. 6. It is pleasant …. 7. It is impossible ….


XIII. Translate the sentences with emphatic construction:

1. It was Mendeleyev who established the periodic table of elements. 2. It is our country that launched the first man into outer space. 3. It was at the end of the 19-th century when scientists discovered most of the chemical elements. 4. It is quality that every car maker strives for. 5. It is the force of attraction which holds the atoms together. 6. It was Lomonosov who founded Moscow University.


XIV. A. Form the new words:

a) with the prefix un-:

equal, happy, important, pleasant, known, official;

b) with the prefix dis-:

to like, to appear, to connect, honest, armament;

c) with the prefix in-. Mind the spelling:

ability, mobile, possible, regular, logical, direct, patient, complete.

B. Translate the words you've got. Consult the dictionary if necessary.


XV. Insert the words given in brackets in the proper places:

1. I look through English magazines (sometimes). 2. He is free at this time (always). 3. He is at home on Sundays (never). 4. I am busy on week-days (often). 5. He is late (always). 6. She comes on time (seldom). 7. I come home at 10 o'clock (usually). 8. This clock keeps good time (never). 9. After classes we go to the library (often). 10. Do you air your room in the morning (usually)? 11. Before and after classes our English language laboratory is full of students (always). 12. She is ill (seldom). 13. Our lectures take place in this hall (usually). 14. She uses my telephone (never). 15. He tries to help us (often).


XVI. Use thecorrect form of the verbs to complete the sentences below:

1. At our University the lessons usually (to begin) at a quarter to eight. 2. Yesterday we (to have) four lessons. 3. My brother (to enter) the University last year. 4. We (to be) engineers in five years. 5. The whole course of studies at a higher school (to last ) four or five years. 6. She (to have) many relatives. 7. He always ( to come) on time. 8. We ( to do) this work tomorrow. 8. It usually (to take) me half an hour to get to the University, but yesterday it (to take) me more than an hour. 9. Sometimes he (to go) home on foot and from time to time he (to take) a bus. 10. You (to like) to read books? 11. What foreign language your friend (to study)? 12. When and where you (to be born)? 13. What your parents (to be)? 14. Who (to be) on duty next week? 15. You (to live) in Tula or in Moscow?


XVII. Answer the following questions:

1. Where did you go last summer? 2. What did you eat last night? 3. When did you get up yesterday? 4. How did you feel this morning? 5. What did you do at the last lesson? 6. Did you watch TV last night? 7. What did your mother cook for dinner last Sunday? 8. How long did it take you to get to the University yesterday? 9. Did it rain or snow the day before yesterday? 10. When did your lessons begin last Monday?


XVIII.Make the sentences a) negative; b) interrogative. Put different types of questions:

1. My friend wants to enter the medical faculty of our university. 2. My brother entered the university two years ago. 3. They will be highly qualified engineers in five years.


XIX. Respond the following using the models:

Models: I went home after classes.

- So did I.

She wasn't here on Friday.

- Neither was I.

1. I studied Psychology last year. 2. We didn't like the TV show. 3. I went to the country for the weekend. 4. I didn't' have lunch today. 5. I understood the task. 6. We didn't hear the knock at the door. 7. I was busy the whole day yesterday. 8. We had a very good time last Saturday. 9. I didn't learn English last year. 10. She had a lot of dolls in childhood. 11. They were at home in the evening. 12. I wasn't angry.


XX. Use the correct tense form:

1. If you (to see) this film, we (to discuss) it later. 2. If she (to have) a problem, I (to help) her. 3. If we (to travel) by car, we (to save) a lot of money. 4. If he not (to give) her flowers once a week she (to be) offended. 5. If they (to blame) him, it (to serve) him right. 6. When the children (to come) home for Christmas, the parents (to be happy). 7. When the summer season (to come), there (to be) a lot of tourists here. 8. When you (to go) shopping, use your credit card. 9. You (to feel) better, after you (to take) the tablet. 10. We (to buy) their car after father (to get) his salary. 11. I not (to try on) this dress before I (to know) how much it (to be). 12. I (to wake) you up as soon as I (get up). 13. They (to make) an announcement about the plane as soon as it (to land). 14. As soon as Tom (to fix) the engine we (to continue) our journey. 15. As soon as he (to write) to me I (to let) you know. 16. We (to lie) in the sun and (to swim) in the warm sea unless the weather (to change) for the worse. 17. She not (to marry) him unless he (to give up) his bad habits. 18. You not (to lose) weight unless you (to eat) less. 19. We (to have) a good time while our holiday (to last). 20. I (to keep) you here, until you (to tell) the truth.


XXI. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets:

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for the University every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for the University yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for the University tomorrow? 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (not to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o clock. 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? No, I.... 15. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? - I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.


XXII. Use the verbs in the Past Indefinite. Render the extract. Think of the end of the story.

The castle (to stand) high on the rocky hill above the village. It (to cast) a cold shadow over the houses and fields. None of the villagers ever (to go) near the castle. At night they (to stay) close to their fires and (to keep) their doors locked.

The castle (to be) nearly in ruin. It (to be) a rotting jumble of stone and timber. But someone (to live) there. One man. He (to live) there alone.

Who (to be) this man? Nobody really (to know). Some people (to say), he was half man, half wolf. Most people (to think) he (to be) a vampire. Everyone (to fear) him.

Late one night a stranger (to come) to the village inn. He (to say) the vampire in the castle (to be) dead. The villagers (not to believe) him. They (to think) vampires (to live) forever.

That night there (to be) a violent storm. Lightning (to flash) across the howling sky, thunder (to shake) the roofs of the houses. The storm (to stop) quite suddenly. At that moment the lid of the big coffin of the vampire (to begin) to open. As the coffin (to open), the storm (to die) to a whisper. The body in the coffin (to take) the violent energy of the night. The vampire (to be) back.

The next day (to be) bright and sunny. Birds (to sing) in the trees. The castle (to look) beautiful in the dawn light. People (to get up) early and (to clear) away the debris from the storm. There (to be) many cracked slates and broken windows. The villagers (to put) back the chimney pots and (to mend) their fences. Life (to go on).

But the next night another terrible thing (to happen), an awful cry (to ring) round the village. " Murder! ..."

(After Chris Culshaw)


XXIII. Render the story in Past Indefinite:

James wants to have adventures and see the world but there seems little hope at present. Every day he goes to the Public Library and brings home books about boys who go whale hunting or fly round the world in home-made aeroplanes or who are wrecked on a deserted island, live for a year on fruits and return home on a raft bringing with them treasures they find on the island. However, nothing happens to James. He gets up, eats, goes to school, is good or bad, hopes for adventures, reads more books from the Public Library, comes back home, goes to bed, and gets up and begins all over again, still nothing happens. No strange-looking men speak mysteriously to him in deserted streets, no old women die and leave him a hundred pounds. Life is so dull!


XXIV. Use Present or Past Indefinite. Retell the story in English.

Dickens (to begin) to write when he (to be) very young. " The Pickwick Papers" (to be) his first novel. The history of the novel (to be) very interesting. One day they (to ask) him to write a text to some funny pictures. The pictures (to show) some Englishmen who (to belong) to a sports club. They (to like) to travel and (to go) in for different kinds of sports.

Dickens (to begin) to write. In the beginning it (to be) just a funny story, but very soon the readers (to see) how it (to grow) into a fine novel. When the first part of the novel (to be) ready, the artist suddenly (to die). The man who(to finish) the pictures (to be) H. Brown. " The Pickwick Papers" (to make) Dickens famous. People (to praise) both the author and the artist, the book (to be) a great success.

Readers (to find) the book very interesting and always (to laugh) when they (to think) of Mr. Pickwick's adventures.

" The Pickwick Papers" (to be) one of the best works in the history of English literature. Everybody who (to be) older than six (to enjoy) Mr. Pickwick's story.


Text A. The Use of leisure

By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told - more surely, in all probability, than the way he does his work. For most men, work is necessity in order to gain a living. Vast numbers of men have not been able to choose what work they would do, but have been forced by economic necessity to take the first job that came their way. But in their leisure time, they do what they really want to do and their real selves are reflected in their actions.

Some people are completely passive during leisure hours. If such people go out they go to some place of entertainment where no effort is required by them, a cinema or a dance-hall, and if the latter, they do not dance but simply sit and watch other dancing.

A different type of person hurries home from work full of eagerness to begin on some scheme which he has been planning for his leisure time. Perhaps his hobby is carpentry or model engineering or gardening. This is the creative type of character. For him, his leisure hours are full of promise and he can look back on them with satisfaction when he reviews what he has achieved in them.

Millions of people all over the world like to travel during their holidays. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.

Most people enjoy sports - both playing sports themselves and watching their favourite sports and teams. Major professional sports events - baseball, football, basketball, and hockey, as well as golf and tennis - are witnessed by tens of thousands of fans, and by millions more on TV.

The whole virtue of leisure which brings a change of scene or occupation is that it is only temporary. Sooner or later leisure time comes to an end, and one should go back to his normal life. If he has used his leisure time well, he ought to feel a very deep regret that it is over, and it ought to have refreshed him and filled him with vigour for the true work of his life to which he is now returning.

Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh spirits to battle with the problems of life. Sometimes this freshness comes not from doing anything, but by filling one's mind with fresh springs of beauty. A man gets full value from his leisure by watching nature, listening to music, or reading noble books. By this sort of occupation he makes his own mind a richer and fuller treasure house. This is the true use of leisure.




leisure, n досуг, свободное время

in all probability по всей вероятности

necessity, n необходимость

to gain a living зарабатывать на жизнь

vast, adj огромный

choose (chose, chosen), v выбирать

force, n сила

v заставлять, принуждать

entertainment, n развлечения, увеселения

effort, n усилие, попытка

require, v требовать

eagerness, n пыл, рвение, желание

hurry, v торопиться, спешить

carpentry, n плотничные работы

model engineering техническое моделирование

gardening, n садоводство

satisfy, v удовлетворять

creative, adj творческий, созидательный

review, v обозревать, осматривать

achieve, v достигать

travel, v путешествовать

ancient, adj древний

discover, v открывать, обнаруживать

quiet, adj тихий, спокойный

bathe, v купаться

laze, v бездельничать, лентяйничать

regret, v сожалеть, горевать

refresh, v освежать, подкреплять(ся)

vigour, n сила, энергия

promise, n обещание

temporary, adj временный

virtue, n добродетель, достоинство, цело- мудрие

spring, n источник, родник

the former …the latter первый … последний (из ряда перечисленных)



I. Read and transcribe the following words. Consult the dictionary:

leisure, scheme, ancient, picturesque, restaurant, quite, quiet, sea, bathe, rhythm, virtue, museum.


II. Guess the meaning of the following international words. Consult the dictionary.

Nouns: character, action, scheme, plan, hobby, model, type, million, continent, ruins, music, gallery, restaurant, sports, visit, baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, occupation, nature, sort.

Adjectives: economic, passive, modern, interesting, exotic, professional, normal.


III. Read the verbs and the nouns derived from them. Translate the nouns:

achieve - достигать achievement -...

refresh - освежать refreshment -...


entertain - развлекать entertainment -...

satisfy - удовлетворять satisfaction -...

occupy - занимать occupation -...


create - создавать creativeness -....


IV. Match the English and Russian words:

entertainment eagerness necessity hurry ancient effort force gardening satisfy achievement discovery spring пыл, рвение торопиться усилие, попытка заставлять, принуждать древний необходимость развлечения достижение открытие источник, родник удовлетворять садоводство


V. Find the opposites to the first word in each line:

to rest / to try, to last, to get, to work;

to leave / to walk, to come, to live, to die;

passive/ creative, interesting, professional, active;

rich / poor, pure, full, beautiful;

to laze / to live, to lie, to work, to look;

ancient / old, typical, different, modern.


VI. Read the text ‘The Use of Leisure’. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

для большинства людей работа - необходимость; по всей вероятности; делать то, что действительно хочется; их подлинное " Я" отражается в поступках; полные стремления начать какое-нибудь дело; творческий тип личности; развалины древних городов; наслаждаться живописными местами; открывать новое; горожане любят тихо проводить отдых у моря; десятки тысяч болельщиков смотрят крупные спортивные состязания; испытывать глубокое чувство сожаления; источники прекрасного.


VII. Read the text ‘The Use of Leisure’ again. Answer the following questions:

1. Can the character of a man be told by the way of using his leisure? 2. What is work for most people? And what about leisure time? 3. What can you say about people who are passive during leisure time? 4. How does a creative type of person use his leisure hours? 5. Do most people like travelling? What is the purpose of travelling? 6. Where do those who live in the country like to go? What about town-dwellers? 7. Do you like sports? Do you prefer going in for sports or watching sports events? 8. What does one feel when he has used his leisure time well? 9. What should leisure be? 10. How does a man get full value from his leisure? 11. How do you prefer to use leisure time?


VIII. Express disagreement with the following utterances. Prove your statements by the facts from the text. Begin your sentences with the following:

I don't agree with you... You are mistaken... As far as I know...

1. All people are passive during their leisure time. 2. In their leisure time people can't do what they really want. 3. It’s not interesting to travel. 4. People can't enjoy sports. 5. Everyone is glad when leisure time is over. 6. The true use of leisure is sleeping or watching TV.

IX. Complete the following sentences:

1. By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told more surely than.... 2. For most men, work is necessity.... 3. In leisure time people do.... 4. Those who live in the country like.... 5. City-dwellers usually like.... 6. The whole virtue of leisure time is that.... 7. Sooner or later leisure time comes to an end and.... 8. A man gets full value from his leisure by....


X. Speak about your own way of using leisure time.




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