Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Advanced Computer Appliances and Technologies

Advanced Computer Appliances and Technologies


Методические указания

к практическим занятиям № 1 – 5

по дисциплине «Английский язык»

для студентов II курса специальностей

8.091401 «Системы управления и автоматики»

8.091501 «Компьютерные системы и сети»

8.080401 «Информационные управляющие системы

и технологии»

дневной формы обучения



УДК.629.123 + 656.61.052

Новейшие компьютерные устройства и технологии = Advanced Computer Appliances and Technologies. Методические указания к практическим занятиям № 1 – 5 по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов II курса специальностей 8.091401 «Системы управления и автоматики», 8.091501 «Компьютерные системы и сети», 8.080401 «Информационные управляющие системы и технологии» дневной формы обучения / Сост. Е.С. Солодова. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2010 – 40 с.

Методические указания предназначены для формирования у студентов умения и навыков чтения литературы по специальности на английском языке и ведения беседы, связанной с компьютерами и новейшими технологиями в компьютерной области, для развития навыков устной монологической речи, для обеспечения усвоения слоя общенаучной лексики.

Методические указания рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры ПРГЯ (протокол № 10 от 01.04.2010 г.).


Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.

Рецензент: Скидан О.Г.. к. филол. н., доцент кафедры Теории и практики перевода Севастопольского национального технического университета.



Unit 1………………………………………………………………………………….5

Text «Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device»…………………………………………6

Unit 2………………………………………………………………………………...10

Text «What is a Netbook? »………………………………………………………….11

Unit 3………………………………………………………………………………...15

Text A «How Does a Touchscreen Work? »…………………………………………16

Text B «How do touch-screen monitors know where you're touching? »…………...19

Unit 4………………………………………………………………………………...23

Text A «What is a Graphics Tablet? »……………………………………………….23

Text B «Operation of Graphics Tablet»……………………………………………..26

Unit 5………………………………………………………………………………...30

Text «Apple iPod touch 32 GB»………………………………………………….…31


Тестовые задания…………………………………………………………………...36

Ключи к тестам……………………………………………………………………..38


Библиографический список………………………………………………………..40


Методические указания предназначены для практических занятий студентов II курса технических вузов специальностей факультета «Автоматики и вычислительной техники».

Методические указания состоят из пяти уроков, каждый из которых включает предтекстовые упражнения, тексты для чтения, перевода и последующего пересказа, лексические упражнения, а также задания, связанные с активизацией устной речи.

Цель занятий – подготовить студентов к пониманию научно-технических текстов по специальности, систематизировать и обобщить лексический материал, обучить монологической речи, а также ведению бесед на тему современных компьютерных технологий.

Тексты уроков имеют познавательную ценность, информативную значимость и представляют интерес для данного этапа обучения не только в языковом, но и в содержательном отношении.

В процессе работы над текстами решаются задачи по овладению навыками речемыслительной деятельности, восприятию языковых средств и их точного понимания в тексте, моделированию речевых ситуаций, краткому изложению текстов. Данные задачи решаются на предтекстовом, текстовом и послетекстовом этапах работы с данными текстами.





Exercise 1. Look through the words and word combinations, which will help you to understand the text.

to highlight – подчёркивать, выделять, отмечать в тексте маркером

to vary – менять(ся); изменять(ся); варьировать

power adapter – адаптер источника питания, силовой адаптер

to enable – давать возможность

to purchase – покупать

enhanced – улучшенный, усовершенствованный, с расширенными возможностями

ink – чернила

crisp = sha rp – чёткий, резкий

glare – блики

font size – кегль, размер шрифта

margins – поля

exhaustive – полный, исчерпывающий

apps = applications – приложения


Exercise 2. Explain the following words and word combinations, translate them into Russian.

o graphic-rich books

o on the go

o easy-to-use

o ready to use

o wall charging

o re-download

o shades of gray

o readability

o portrait/landscape mode

o hands free


Exercise 3. Read and try to remember the following abbreviations.

PDF (Portable Document Format) – формат переносимого документа, PDF-формат

HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) – язык разметки гипертекста, язык HTML способ описания документов в WWW.

TXT (text) – текст

RTF (Rich Text Format) – (файловый) формат RTF, расширенный текстовый формат

JPEG (Joint Photography Experts Group) – 1) Объединенная группа экспертов в области фотографии 2) разработанный данной группой метод сжатия изображений и соответствующий графический формат JPEG (формат хранения графических файлов, сжатых посредством алгоритма JPEG)

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) – формат обмена графическими данными, формат GIF

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) – переносимая сетевая графика, графический формат PNG

BMP (от bitmap) – формат BMP стандартный формат растровых графических файлов



Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless)


“Three years ago, we set out to design and build an entirely new class of device – a convenient, portable reading device with the ability to wirelessly download books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers. The result is Amazon Kindle”. – The Amazon Kindle Team

Kindle DX Features

Advanced Design. Kindle DX is as thin as most magazines. Just over a third of an inch in profile, you'll find Kindle DX fits perfectly in your hands. Kindle DX's large display is ideal for a broad range of reading material, including graphic-rich books, PDFs, newspapers, magazines, and blogs. Whether you're reading the latest bestseller or a financial report, text and images are amazingly sharp on the 9.7" screen. By simply turning the device, you can immediately see full-width landscape views of maps, graphs, tables and Web pages. Native PDF support allows you to carry and read all of your personal and professional documents on the go. With Amazon's Whispernet service, you can send your documents directly to your Kindle DX and read them anytime, anywhere. Kindle DX has an easy-to-use 5-way controller, enabling precise on-screen navigation for selecting text to highlight or looking up words. Kindle DX is completely wireless and ready to use right out of the box – no setup, no cables, no computer required.

Long Battery Life. With Kindle DX's long battery life, you can read on a single charge for up to 4 days with wireless on. Turn wireless off and read for up to 2 weeks. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as shopping the Kindle Store and downloading content. Kindle DX supports wall charging via the included Kindle DX power adapter, and charging from your computer via the included USB 2.0 cable. Kindle DX fully charges in approximately 4 hours.

Wireless Access with Whispernet. Whispernet utilizes Amazon's optimized technology plus Sprint's national high-speed (3G) data network to enable you to wirelessly search, discover, and download content on the go. Your books and periodicals are delivered via Whispernet in less than 60 seconds. Kindle DX's national coverage includes cities and areas in all 50 states.

Carry Your Library in a Profile As Thin As a Magazine. Kindle DX is as thin as a magazine and holds up to 3, 500 books, newspapers, magazines, and documents. Books you purchase from the Kindle Store are backed up online in your Kindle book library at Amazon.com. You can wirelessly re-download books available in your library for free.

Enhanced Reading. Utilizing the latest in electronic-ink display technology, Kindle DX provides a crisp black-and-white 9.7-inch diagonal screen with the same appearance and readability of printed paper. The screen works using ink, just like books and newspapers, but displays the ink particles electronically. And unlike a laptop or smart phone, Kindle DX never gets warm so you can comfortably read as long as you like. Kindle DX's high-resolution screen boasts 16 shades of gray, so images and photos are sharp and clear. Whether you prefer reading in portrait or landscape mode, images and photos display crisply on Kindle DX and can be zoomed to the full size of the 9.7" screen. Kindle DX's screen reflects light like ordinary paper and uses no backlighting, eliminating the glare associated with other electronic displays. Kindle DX has six adjustable font sizes to suit your reading preference.

With its Text-to-Speech feature, Kindle DX can read to you. Pages automatically turn while the content is being read, so you can listen hands-free. You can speed up or slow down the reading speeds or choose a male or female voice. By using the QWERTY keyboard, you can add annotations to text, just like you might write in the margins of a book. And because it is digital, you can edit, delete, and export your notes. Using the 5-way controller, you can highlight and clip key passages and bookmark pages for future use.

Kindle DX makes it easy to take your personal documents with you, eliminating the need to print. Each Kindle has a unique and customizable e-mail address. This allows you and your approved contacts to e-mail Word, PDF documents, and pictures wirelessly to your Kindle for a small fee. Kindle supports wireless delivery of unprotected Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML, TXT, RTF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PRC and MOBI files. In addition, DOCX conversion is supported as an experimental feature.

Kindle DX includes The New Oxford American Dictionary with over 250, 000 entries and definitions. Simply move the cursor to the word and the definition will automatically display at the bottom of the screen. Kindle DX also includes free built-in access to the world's most exhaustive and up-to-date encyclopedia – Wikipedia.org. Kindle DX makes it easy to search within a book, across your library, in the Kindle Store, or even the Web. To use the Search feature, simply type in a word or phrase you're looking for, and Kindle DX finds every instance in your book or across your Kindle library. With free Kindle for PC and Kindle for iPhone apps, you can read Kindle books even if you don’t have your Kindle with you.

Whispersync technology saves and synchronizes your reading location across your Kindle(s), iPhone and PC. With Kindle DX, you are able to download and enjoy more than 60, 000 audio titles from Audible.com, including bestselling audio books, radio programs, audio newspapers and magazines.

Experimental Features. Read-to-Me; Basic Web Browser; Listen to Music & Podcasts (Transfer MP3 files to Kindle DX to play as background music while you read. You can quickly and easily transfer MP3 files via USB by connecting Kindle DX to your computer)


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is Kindle? (find the definition in the text)

2) What can you read on the 9.7" screen of Kindle DX?

3) Is Kindle DX’s battery life long? In what way is it possible to charge Kindle?

4) What is the function of Whispernet?

5) What are the advantages of Kindle DX’s screen?

6) Does Kindle support wireless delivery of files? Name the file-formats.

7) In what way can you search within a book, across your library or in the Web?

8) What is the function of Whispersynch technology?

Exercise 2. Say True or False.

1) The profile of Kindle DX is 1 inch.

2) Texts are very sharp on the screen, while the images are blurred.

3) Native PDF support allows you to read documents on the go.

4) Precise on-screen navigation is available due to 5-way controller.

5) Unfortunately, Kindle is not ready to use right out of the box.

6) You may charge Kindle DX from your computer via USB 2.0 cable.

7) Kindle DX’s high-resolution screen boasts 16 shades of gray, but images and photos are not clear and sharp.

8) Kindle DX’s screen doesn’t use backlighting and reflects light like ordinary paper.

9) To suit your reading preference, Kindle has six adjustable font sizes.

10) Kindle DX includes free built-in access to Wikipedia.

Exercise 3. Match each word with its meaning.

1) out of the box a) forming an integral part of a structure or device
2) wireless b) far on or ahead in development or progress
3) crisp c) able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or conditions
4) available d) describing a newly purchased product that works immediately, without any special assembly or training
5) built-in e) suitable for one's purpose or needs
6) advanced f) modern, current, or fashionable
7) adjustable g) clear; sharp
8) up-to-date h) able to be used or obtained
9) convenient i) lacking or not requiring wires  

Exercise 4. Give the Russian equivalents.


1) convenient portable device

2) wireless usage

3) readability of printed paper

4) enhanced reading

5) full-width landscape view

6) to download content

7) to type in a word

8) wall charging

9) power adapter

10) edit and delete

11) a broad range of

12) to transfer via smth

13) reading speed

14) wireless delivery


Exercise 5. Give the English equivalents.


1) высокое разрешение

2) отображать текст

3) высокоскоростная сеть

4) экспериментальные функции

5) внизу экрана

6) читать на ходу

7) загружать контент

8) впечатать слово

9) легкое в пользовании устройство

10) электронные чернила

11) доступный бесплатно

12) подсветка

11) редактировать и удалять

12) блики на дисплее

13) работа от батареи

14) вертикальная/горизонтальная ориентация

15) ускорять/замедлять

16) двигать курсор


Exercise 6. Answer the questions and discuss the following points.

1) Advantages of portable reading devices.

Can portable reading devices compete with printed books?

What other features besides reading does Kindle have?


2) Advantages of the electronic-ink display technology.

Have you ever read from LCD display in a sunny day out of doors?

What disadvantages do electronic displays have?

Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English.

1) Kindle DX – это удобное, портативное устройство для чтения с возможностью беспроводного доступа в Интернет. В Kindle можно загружать книги, блоги, журналы, газеты и различные документы.

2) Карты, графики, таблицы, веб-страницы отображаются в высоком качестве на сверхчётком черно-белом дисплее с диагональю 9, 7 дюймов.

3) Kindle DX можно заряжать от сети и от компьютера через USB-порт. Зарядка занимает около 4 часов.

4) В Kindle DX применена технология электронных чернил. При этом не используется подсветка, экран отражает свет, как обычная бумага, блики не мешают читать.

5) Изображения отображаются очень чётко как в вертикальной, так и в горизонтальной ориентации. Также возможно менять масштаб изображения.

6) С портативными устройствами для чтения нет необходимости печатать, вы можете загружать документы прямо в само устройство, которое поддерживает большое количество различных форматов файлов.

7) Kindle DX позволяет слушать аудио-файлы. Вы можете слушать радиопрограммы, аудиогазеты, аудиокниги, при этом ваши руки не заняты.

8) Функция поиска позволяет найти необходимую информацию в книге, в библиотеке или даже в сети. Впечатайте ключевое слово или фразу, а ваше устройство найдет все совпадения.


Exercise 8. Sum up the text paying attention to the following points:

- the definition of Kindle DX;

- Kindle DX design;

- the advantages of the electronic-ink display technology;

- Kindle DX features.





What is a Netbook?


Today’s netbooks offer miniaturized tech at a budget pricetag. So why all the hype, and what can you expect from these lightweight mobile PCs?

First, let’s recap a brief history of netbooks: Derived from notebook, the term netbook refers to a miniature and lightweight notebook PC that relies on the use of wireless Internet – thus, netbook. The first mainstream netbook, Asus Corporation’s Eee PC 701, was designed similarly to that of the earlier non-profit OLPC (One Laptop per Child), often referred to as the $100 laptop. The OLPC had a 7.5-inch screen, low-powered AMD Geode 433MHz processor, 1GB Flash-based hard disk drive, 256MB of RAM, wireless Internet access, and ran on a custom, Linux-based operating system. Its 2 cell battery lasted roughly 3 hours on a single charge and a 4 cell battery could last up to 5 hours. It is from this design that Asus built the Eee PC 701 and thus was born the ultra-mobile Internet notebook dubbed netbook.

Netbooks Today

Today new netbook models are released as often as what seems weekly, as this niche market continues to gain momentum and blur the lines between netbook and notebook. With growing screen sizes, more processing power and the capability of running more familiar operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, even the latest build of Windows 7, netbook sales grew 30% last year, were up seven fold in May 2009, and currently make up nearly 20% of today’s mobile computing market. So what are you waiting for?

Netbook Uses

Sure they’re small, lightweight, inexpensive, portable – cute even, but who uses netbooks and why? After observing several netbook owners, here’s a list of some possible uses:

Mobile office – Netbooks are capable of performing many of the same day-to-day tasks you perform on your workstation PC at the office: Access Company or web email, view PowerPoint presentations, images & videos, log into your VPN, and of course, browse the web.

Entertain a child – Stream full episodes of their favorite cartoons and movies from Hulu.com or turn them loose on their favorite flash-based Internet games.

Stay connected – Wasting time while commuting, waiting in line at the local coffee shop or watching television? Keep a netbook handy to multitask – browse the web, check your email, shop online or chat with friends while sipping your coffee at the local coffee shop or in the comfort of your couch instead of that stiff office chair.

Mobile storage and uploads – You’re on vacation and you’ve filled the memory of your digital camera and camcorder, simply dump the photos and video onto your netbook and capture more memories. Also, find a local hotspot at your hotel or nearby restaurant and blast your photos and video to your friends via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or otherwise.

Reduce risk – Perhaps you already have a performance notebook, but would you want to take your company notebook or portable gaming rig to the beach with you? How about flashing it around to the guys on the subway, bus or train?

Home theater PC – Believe it or not, some of the latest netbooks to market come equipped with HDMI ports. Pull down movies, music and games from your network and stream some high definition 1080p videos to your home theater – all in a silent, mobile netbook.

Budget college PC – Everyone needs a place to start and netbooks make owning your own PC easier than ever – without sacrificing the mobility demands of today’s college students. With 12-inch netbook models now appearing it may be easier on the eyes for those late-night study groups.

Gaming companion –Search item databases, competitor profiles, cheats, hints, and boss strategies using a netbook. Free up your desktop’s system resources to squeeze every possible ounce of performance out of your desktop gaming rig.


Netbook Considerations

Portability comes at a cost and this article wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t bring up some considerations when shopping for a netbook.

Disc Drive – Netbooks will not offer an internal CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc drive. Instead, external drives may be purchased separately and connect via e-SATA, IEEE 1394 Firewire, or USB 2.0.

Screen size – Some applications are not meant to be displayed on such a small screen: spreadsheets, photo editing software such as Photoshop and Photoshop Elements are not able to display fully on such a small screen.

Performance – Typically, today’s laptops operate on 1.3 to 1.66GHz processors and 1GB of RAM. While this is enough for general purpose office use – email, word processing, browsing the web or other light tasks – it is not recommended that you attempt running 3D games, rendering software, or run too many simultaneous operations. Doing so will likely degrade your performance to unbearable freezing, stutters, or crashes. As a general rule, refer to the minimum and recommended system requirements for each piece of software before installing.

Keyboard – Reducing the size of the screen also requires the shrinking of the keyboard. Some of the 7-inch netbooks utilize a keyboard that is roughly 82% the size of a desktop keyboard and have resized or relocated entirely some commonly used keys. As screen sizes increase, so do the keyboards – most 10-inch netbooks are approximately 92-97%% the size of a desktop keyboard.

Trackpad – Various manufacturers have toyed with the trackpad, elongating it and placing buttons to the left and right of the pad or shrinking the size to the point that you must make short, swift movements for your pointer to reach one end of the desktop to the other. This can be adjusted in the Windows control panel, as well as the disabling of the vertical page scroll when using the right-most area of the trackpad, but as with all things, a little time is required to adjust.



Exercise 1.Answer the following questions.

1) What is a netbook? (find the term in the text)

2) What features did $100 laptop have?

3) Are netbooks popular in the market today?

4) What are the possible uses of netbooks? (8 uses)

5) What day-to-day tasks can you perform on your netbook?

6) What can you do with your netbook not to waste time while commuting or waiting?

7) How can you use a netbook to have a good time at home?

8) What features should you be aware of when buying a netbook?





Touch Sensor

A touch screen sensor is a clear glass panel with a touch responsive surface. The touch sensor/panel is placed over a display screen so that the responsive area of the panel covers the viewable area of the video screen. There are several different touch sensor technologies on the market today, each using a different method to detect touch input. The sensor generally has an electrical current or signal going through it and touching the screen causes a voltage or signal change. This voltage change is used to determine the location of the touch to the screen.


The controller is a small PC card that connects between the touch sensor and the PC. It takes information from the touch sensor and translates it into information that PC can understand. The controller is usually installed inside the monitor for integrated monitors or it is housed in a plastic case for external touch add-ons/overlays. The controller determines what type of interface/connection you will need on the PC. Integrated touch monitors will have an extra cable connection on the back for the touchscreen. Controllers are available that can connect to a Serial/COM port (PC) or to a USB port (PC or Macintosh). Specialized controllers are also available that work with DVD players and other devices.

Software Driver

The driver is a software update for the PC system that allows the touchscreen and computer to work together. It tells the computer's operating system how to interpret the touch event information that is sent from the controller. Most touch screen drivers today are a mouse-emulation type driver. This makes touching the screen the same as clicking your mouse at the same location on the screen. This allows the touchscreen to work with existing software and allows new applications to be developed without the need for touchscreen specific programming. Some equipment such as thin client terminals, DVD players, and specialized computer systems either do not use software drivers or they have their own built-in touch screen driver.





Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What are the main components of a basic touchscreen?

2) What is a touch sensor?

3) What is the general touch sensor technology?

4) What is the function a touchscreen controller?

5) How is the touch event information interpreted?

6) Touching the screen is like mouse clicking you mouse, isn’t it? Why?










What is a Graphics Tablet?

A graphics tablet is an input device used by artists which allows one to draw a picture onto a computer screen without having to utilize a mouse or keyboard. A graphics tablet consists of a flat tablet and some sort of drawing device, usually either a pen or stylus. A graphics tablet may also be referred to as a drawing tablet or drawing pad. While the graphics tablet is most suited for artists and those who want the natural feel of a pen-like object to manipulate the cursor on their screen, non-artists may find them useful as well. The smooth flow of a graphics tablet can be refreshing for those who find the mouse to be a jerky input device, and repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome are less likely when using a graphics tablet.

A graphics tablet may come in a range of sizes, from smaller 3" by 4" (7.6 by 10.2 cm) models to larger 7" by 9" (17.8 by 22.9 cm) ones. Even larger graphics tablets exist, up to enormous 14" by 14" (35.6 by 35.6 cm) tablets targeted towards professional designers and architects. Size is the major factor in determining cost for a graphics tablet, however, and one should expect prices to ramp up dramatically at the high end of the size spectrum. A good range of pressure sensitivity in the drawing surface of your graphics tablet is also something to look for. High pressure sensitivity, ideally at least 512 levels, allows you to control a number of aspects of your drawing, including color and line thickness, simply by pressing the stylus more or less heavily, mimicking drawing with an actual pen.

The stylus included with a graphics tablet is also an important consideration for the consumer. A stylus may be either attached to the tablet by a cord or tether-free. Corded tablets do not require batteries, but many people find the cord severely limiting to their range of motion. A good stylus will also have function buttons on the side, so that you can perform common actions, such as switching a tool in a drawing program from paint to erase, without having to use the mouse or keyboard.




Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is a graphics tablet?

2) Is it handy to draw with a mouse?

3) What are the standard sizes of graphics tablets?

4) Is pressure sensitivity an important consideration for consumers? Why?

5) What types of stylus do you know?

Exercise 2. Say True or False.

1) Graphics tablets are used to draw onto a computer screen without a mouse or a keyboard.

2) A graphics tablet can’t be referred to as a drawing pad.

3) Mouse is a jerky input device, but repetitive stress injuries are also likely when using a graphics tablet.

4) Graphics tablets 7" by 9" are targeted towards professional designers.

5) Color and line thickness can be controlled by pressing the stylus more or less heavily.

6) Stylus is always tether-free.





Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.


1) What types of technologies used for graphics tablets do you know?

2) How do the wires operate in passive tablets?

3) What signal allows the tablet to sense the stylus position?

4) In what component do the active tablets differ from the passive tablets?

5) What is the main principle of the optical tablet?

6) What is the main feature of the acoustic tablet?

7) What tablet works by generating and detecting an electromagnetic signal?

8) What signal is used in the capacitive tablets?

Exercise 2. Say True or False.

1) The tablet can use the received signal to also determine the distance of the stylus from the surface of the tablet.

2) Compared to touch-sensitive touchscreens, a graphics tablet generally offers lower precision.

3) The passive tablet doesn’t generate an electromagnetic signal, which is received by the LC circuit in the stylus.

4) Unfortunately, modern designs are not able to read position in three dimensions.

5) Acoustic tablets operate by a very small digital camera in the stylus.

6) A small sound generator is mounted in the optical acoustic tablet stylus.

7) The signal in the capacitive tablet is generated in the grid of wires.

8) Many multi-touch tablets use capacitive sensing.


Exercise 3. Match each word with its meaning.

1) grid a) a complete path through which an electric current can flow
2) stylus b) an electrical device consisting of a length of wire arranged in a coil for converting the level of a voltage, producing a magnetic field, or adding inductance to a circuit
3) wire c) a slope or angle
4) coil d) metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible thread or rod
5) circuit e) a penlike device used to input handwritten text or drawings directly into a computer or for input on a touch-sensitive monitor
6) tilt f) a network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares or rectangles





Product Description

iPod touch is a great iPod, a great pocket computer, and a great portable game player. Listen to a mix of songs automatically put together by the new Genius Mixes feature. Watch a movie. Surf the web. View rich HTML email. Find your location and get directions with Google Maps. Discover games and apps you're sure to love with new Genius recommendations for apps. Read Kindle Books.



Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is the main advantage/feature of the new iPod?

2) What possibilities does the iPod touch give to the users?

3) What should you do to start the music?

4) Where can you buy movies and TV shows for the iPod touch?

5) Is it possible to download new applications to iPod? How should you do this?

6) In what way can you control the music playback?

7) Can you see web on iPod touch the same way you see it on a computer? How is it possible?

8) Is writing an e-mail fast and easy? Why?

9) Can you find points of interest with the help of iPod touch? With the help of what feature is it possible?

10) Does iPod touch have useful applications and interesting features? What are they?

Exercise 2. Say True or False.

1) It is impossible to pair Bluetooth stereo headphones with iPod touch.

2) To start the music you should only tap the track from the list.

3) Tap once to switch between widescreen and fullscreen.

4) New applications can’t be downloaded wirelessly.

5) Before buying a song you may play a preview of it.

6) Voice Control gives you ability to control music playback in 15 languages.

7) For quick access to games and applications you may create up to 11 Home screens.

8) Built-in wireless access to the web allows you to search with Yahoo! and Google.

9) You should tap twice to switch keyboard between portrait to landscape.

10) Voice Memos will record even when you are surfing the web.

Exercise 3. Give the Russian equivalents.


1) to tap the display

2) available update

3) high-quality video

4) built-in Wi-Fi capability

5) music playback

6) to scroll though thumbnails

7) «shuffle» and «pause»

8) advanced web browser

9) intelligent keyboard

10) to switch from smth. to smth.

11) to find smth. by keywords

12) to communicate wirelessly

13) accessibility

14) useful applications

15) to adjust the volume

16) to arrange the icons


Exercise 4. Give the English equivalents.

1) карманный компьютер

2) просматривать сеть

3) загружать подкасты

4) давать доступ

5) возможность контролировать

6) воспроизведение музыки

7) прокручивать

8) расположить иконки

9) быстрый доступ

10) портативное устройство

11) ключевое слово

12) встроенный беспроводной доступ

13) проверять почту

14) записывать информацию

15) вырезать, копировать и вставить

16) совместимость


Exercise 5. Match each word with its meaning.

1) to scroll a) permit small alterations or movements so as to allow a desired fit, appearance, or result to be achieved
2) to arrange b) read or survey (data files), typically via a network
3) to adjust c) transfer (a program or data) into memory
4) to browse d) to put into a proper, systematic, or decorative order
5) to search e) modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task
6) to customize f) try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly
7) to zoom in g) move displayed text or graphics in a particular direction on a computer screen in order to view different parts of them
8) to rotate h) to increase rapidly the magnification of the image of a distant object by means of a zoom lens
9) to load i) move in a circle around an axis or center

Exercise 6. Compare the technical details of the 1st Generation iPod and the 2nd Generation iPod. What are the advantages of the second iPod.


1) … is portable reading device with the ability to wirelessly download books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers.

a) iPod touch b) iPhone c) Kindle DX d) Wacom Intuos4

2) … is a computer input device in the form of a small panel containing different touch-sensitive areas.

a) Kindle DX b) touchpad c) graphics tablet d) mouse

3) … is a rapidly evolving category of small, light and inexpensive laptop computers suited for general computing and accessing web-based applications.

a) laptop b) notebook c) tablet PC d) netbook

4) While the … is most suited those who want the natural feel of a pen-like object to manipulate the cursor, non-artists may find them useful as well.

a) touchpad b) graphics tablet c) tablet PC d) trackpad

5) In the … tablets a small sound generator was mounted in the stylus.

a) acoustic b)optical c) capacitive d) passive

6) By using … signals passive tablet is able to sense the stylus position without the stylus having to touch the surface.

a) electromagnetic b) radio c) electrostatic d) acoustic

7) On the monitor of a … system, two transducers (one receiving and one sending) are placed along the x and y axes of the monitor's glass plate.

a) resistive b) capacitive c) electromagnetic d) surface acoustic wave

8) A touch screen sensor is a clear … panel with a touch responsive surface.

a) plastic b) metallic c) glass d) LCD

9) The resistive system of a touchscreen consists of a normal glass panel that is covered with a … and a resistive metallic layer.

a) capacitive b) conductive c) surface acoustic wave d)scratch-resistant

10) Today’s laptops operate on … to … GHz processors and … GB of RAM.

a) 1.3, 1.66, 1 b) 1, 1.5, 2 c) 2, 2.66, 3 d) 1.3, 1.88, 2

11) External drives to the netbook may be purchased separately and connect via e-SATA, IEEE 1394 Firewire, or ….

a) Wi-fi b) HDMI-port c) USB d) AGP

12) iPod touch has crisp … -inch clour widescreen disolay.

a) 4.5 b) 3.5 c) 2.5 d) 5

13) … is memory that retains data in the absence of a power supply.

a) RAM b) ROM c) memory card d) flash memory

14) … a connection technology for attaching peripheral devices to a computer, providing fast data exchange.

a) USB b) Wi-fi c) SATA d) IrDA

15) Kindle DX has the … display.

a) LCD b) TFT c) CRT d) electronic-ink

16) … a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer.

a) interface b) hardware c) software d) OS

17) Many multi-touch tablets use …. sensing.

a) conductive b) inductive c) electromagnetic d) capacitive

18) Most 10-inch netbooks are approximately … the size of a desktop keyboard.

a) 92-97% b) 80-82% c) 97-99% d) 88-90%

19) … tablets operate by a very small digital camera in the stylus.

a) acoustic b) optical c) electromagnetic d) capacitive

20) … is an electronic visual display that can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area.

a) trackpad b) iPhone c) touchscreen d) tablet PC





1) – c

2) – c

3) – d

4) – b

5) – a

6) – a

7) – d

8) – c

9) – b

10) – a

11) – c

12) – b

13) – d

14) – a

15) – d

16) – a

17) – d

18) – a

19) – b

20) – c




Список аббревиатур


3-D (3-dimensional) – трёхмерный

3G (third generation) – третье поколение

AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) – ускоренный графический порт, шина AGP

BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) – БИОС, базовая система ввода / вывода

BMP (bitmap) – формат BMP стандартный формат растровых графических файлов

CD (Compact Disk) – компакт-диск

CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read Only Memory) – компакт-диск без возможности перезаписи

CD-RW (Compact Disc Read-Write) [многократно] перезаписываемый компакт-диск

CPU (Central Processing Unit) – центральный процессор

CRT (Cathode-Ray Tube display) – дисплей на электронно-лучевой трубке, дисплей на ЭЛТ

DOC ( Document или Documentation) – файл с текстом документа

dpi (dots per inch) – точки на дюйм

DVD (Digital Video Disk) – цифровой видеодиск

EXE (Executable) – перемещаемая выполняемая программа

FIR port (Fast Infrared Port) – быстрый инфракрасный порт, FIR -порт

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) – формат обмена графическими данными, формат GIF

GUI (Graphical User Interface) – графический интерфейс пользователя

HD (Hard Disk) – жёсткий диск

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) – мультимедийный интерфейс высокой чёткости

HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) – язык разметки гипертекста

IMG (Image) – графический файл в пакете GEM; сканированное с высоким разрешением изображение

IrDA = IRDA (Infrared Data Association) – 1) Ассоциация по средствам передачи данных в инфракрасном диапазоне 2) IrDA стандарт, описывающий набор протоколов на инфракрасную передачу файлов, вывод на печать и реализацию одноранговой сети, разработанный ассоциацией IrDA.

JPEG (Joint Photography Experts Group) – 1) Объединенная группа экспертов в области фотографии 2) разработанный данной группой метод сжатия изображений и соответствующий графический формат JPEG (формат хранения графических файлов, сжатых посредством алгоритма JPEG)

LAN (Local Area Network) – локальная сеть

LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) – ЖКД, жидкокристаллический дисплей

MPEG ( Moving Picture Experts Group) – 1) Группа экспертов по видео 2) разработанный Группой экспертов по видео международный стандарт сжатия видео- и аудиоданных, стандарт MPEG

OLPC (One Laptop per Child) – название программы американской некоммерческой организации, созданной с целью предоставить возможности получения образования детям из развивающихся и бедных стран.

OS (Operating System) – операционная система

PC (Personal Computer) – персональный компьютер

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) – межсоединение периферийных компонентов, шина PCI

PDF (Portable Document Format) – формат переносимого документа, PDF-формат

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) – переносимая сетевая графика, графический формат PNG

RAM (Random Access Memory) – оперативная память

RAW (Raw Data) – файл содержит необработанное изображение

REF (Reference) – файл со ссылками

ROM (Read-Only Memory) – постоянное запоминающее устройство

RTF (Rich Text Format) – (файловый) формат RTF, расширенный текстовый формат

RTF (Rich Text Format) – формат RTF, расширенный текстовый формат

TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) – тонкопленочный транзистор

TXT (text) – текст

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) – система бесперебойного электропитания

USB (Universal Serial Bus) – универсальная последовательная шина

VPN (Virtual Private Network) – виртуальная частная сеть

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) – (" беспроводная преданность" ) стандарт Wi-Fi на беспроводную связь





1. Александрова Л.М. Передовые компьютерные технологии / Л.М. Александрова. – М.: Ринва., 2009. – 276 с.

2. Apple iPod touch 32 GB // интернет-ресурс: http: //www.amazon.com/Apple-touch-Generation-NEWEST-MODEL/dp/B002M3SOC4

3. Graphics tablet // интернет-ресурс: http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_tablet

4. How do touch-screen monitors know where you're touching? // интернет-ресурс: http: //www.howstuffworks.com/question716.htm

5. How Does a Touchscreen Work? // интернет-ресурс: http: //inventors.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm? site=http: //www.touchscreens.com/anatomy.shtml

6. Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device // интернет-ресурс: http: //www.amazon.com/Kindle-Wireless-Reading-Device-Display/dp/B0015TCML0

7. What is a Graphics Tablet? // интернет-ресурс: http: //www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-graphics-tablet.htm

8. What is a Netbook? // интернет-ресурс: http: //www.hhgregglearningcenter.com/what-is-a-netbook-1166/

9. ABBYY Lingvo x3. English-Russian Dictionary on CD-ROM. – 2009.



Advanced Computer Appliances and Technologies


Методические указания

к практическим занятиям № 1 – 5

по дисциплине «Английский язык»

для студентов II курса специальностей

8.091401 «Системы управления и автоматики»

8.091501 «Компьютерные системы и сети»

8.080401 «Информационные управляющие системы

и технологии»

дневной формы обучения



УДК.629.123 + 656.61.052

Новейшие компьютерные устройства и технологии = Advanced Computer Appliances and Technologies. Методические указания к практическим занятиям № 1 – 5 по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов II курса специальностей 8.091401 «Системы управления и автоматики», 8.091501 «Компьютерные системы и сети», 8.080401 «Информационные управляющие системы и технологии» дневной формы обучения / Сост. Е.С. Солодова. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2010 – 40 с.

Методические указания предназначены для формирования у студентов умения и навыков чтения литературы по специальности на английском языке и ведения беседы, связанной с компьютерами и новейшими технологиями в компьютерной области, для развития навыков устной монологической речи, для обеспечения усвоения слоя общенаучной лексики.

Методические указания рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры ПРГЯ (протокол № 10 от 01.04.2010 г.).


Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.

Рецензент: Скидан О.Г.. к. филол. н., доцент кафедры Теории и практики перевода Севастопольского национального технического университета.



Unit 1………………………………………………………………………………….5

Text «Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device»…………………………………………6

Unit 2………………………………………………………………………………...10

Text «What is a Netbook? »………………………………………………………….11

Unit 3………………………………………………………………………………...15

Text A «How Does a Touchscreen Work? »…………………………………………16

Text B «How do touch-screen monitors know where you're touching? »…………...19

Unit 4………………………………………………………………………………...23

Text A «What is a Graphics Tablet? »……………………………………………….23

Text B «Operation of Graphics Tablet»……………………………………………..26

Unit 5………………………………………………………………………………...30

Text «Apple iPod touch 32 GB»………………………………………………….…31


Тестовые задания…………………………………………………………………...36

Ключи к тестам……………………………………………………………………..38


Библиографический список………………………………………………………..40


Методические указания предназначены для практических занятий студентов II курса технических вузов специальностей факультета «Автоматики и вычислительной техники».

Методические указания состоят из пяти уроков, каждый из которых включает предтекстовые упражнения, тексты для чтения, перевода и последующего пересказа, лексические упражнения, а также задания, связанные с активизацией устной речи.

Цель занятий – подготовить студентов к пониманию научно-технических текстов по специальности, систематизировать и обобщить лексический материал, обучить монологической речи, а также ведению бесед на тему современных компьютерных технологий.

Тексты уроков имеют познавательную ценность, информативную значимость и представляют интерес для данного этапа обучения не только в языковом, но и в содержательном отношении.

В процессе работы над текстами решаются задачи по овладению навыками речемыслительной деятельности, восприятию языковых средств и их точного понимания в тексте, моделированию речевых ситуаций, краткому изложению текстов. Данные задачи решаются на предтекстовом, текстовом и послетекстовом этапах работы с данными текстами.







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