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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) How many basic systems for recognizing a person’s touch do you know? Name them.

2) Of what components does the resistive system consist?

3) What is the structure of the capacitive system?

4) Why does the charge on the capacitive layer decrease?

5) In what way are the transducers placed in the surface acoustic wave system?

6) In what other area do the systems differ?

7) What is the cheapest system? What is the most expensive system?

Exercise 2. Say True or False.

1) In the resistive system the electrical current runs through conductive and resistive metallic layers while the monitor is operational.

2) The coordinates of the point of contact are calculated by the computer because of change in the electric field.

3) In the capacitive system, a layer that stores electrical charge is placed under the glass panel of the monitor.

4) When a user touches the monitor with his or her finger the charge on the capacitive layer increases.

5) Resistive system transmits almost 90 percent of the light from the monitor, whereas the capacitive system only transmits 75 percent.

6) In the surface acoustic wave system, reflectors reflect light.

7) 100-percent light throughput and perfect image clarity make the surface acoustic wave system best for displaying detailed graphics.

8) The resistive system and surface acoustic wave system allow a touch with almost any object.

Exercise 3. Match each word with its meaning.

1) coordinate a) the maximum amount that something can contain
2) capacity b) a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates
3) throughput c) any of a set of numbers that defines the location of a point in space
4) axis d) a device that converts variations in a physical quantity, such as pressure or brightness, into an electrical signal, or vice versa
5) transducer e) the quality of being easy to see or hear; sharpness of image or sound
6) clarity f) the amount of material or items passing through a system or process

Exercise 4. Give the Russian equivalents.

1) scratch-resistant layer

2) in the exact spot

3) electrical field

4) point of contact

5) to decrease

6) x and y axes

7) to locate

8) perfect image clarity

9) detailed graphics

10) rubber ball

10) to make contact

10) image clarity

Exercise 5. Give the English equivalents.


1) поверхностная акустическая волна

2) заряд передаётся пользователю

3) проводящий слой

4) изменение в электрическом поле

5) расположенные в каждом углу

6) относительная разность

7) отражать электрический сигнал

8) снижение качества

9) чёткость изображения

10) замыкать контакт

11) ёмкостная система

12) датчик и отражатель



Exercise 1. Work in pairs. Choose a topic and make up a short dialogue.

1) Touch sensor

2) Controller

3) Software driver

4) Resistive system

5) Capacitive system

6) Surface acoustic wave system

Exercise 2. Translate the following abstracts from Russian into English.

1) Сенсорный экран – это устройство ввода, которое представляет собой стеклянную или пластиковую панель с реагирующей на прикосновение поверхностью. Основные компоненты сенсорного экрана: сенсорный датчик, контроллер, программный драйвер.

2) Существует два типа сенсорных экранов: накладной и встроенный. Накладной сенсорный экран представляют собой панель, которая одевается на существующий монитор компьютера. Встроенные сенсорные экраны – это компьютерные дисплеи со встроенной сенсорной функцией. Оба типа экранов работают одинаково – как устройство ввода, т.е. как мышь или сенсорная панель ноутбука.

3) Все сенсорные экраны выполняют функции мыши. Установите программный драйвер для сенсорного экрана, и экран будет эмулировать функции мыши. Прикоснуться к экрану – это то же самое, что кликнуть мышкой в этом месте на экране. Вы прикасаетесь к сенсорному экрану пальцем или любым указывающим устройством, а курсор мышки пододвигается к этому месту и происходит щелчок мыши.

4) Существует три основных системы, которые используются для распознавания прикосновения: резистивная, ёмкостная и система поверхностных акустических волн.

Exercise 3. Sum up the information given in Text A and Text B.




Exercise 1. Look through the words and word combinations, which will help you to understand the text.

graphics tablet – графический планшет

suited – подходящий, соответствующий

jerky – двигающийся рывками

repetitive strain injury – травма от повторяющихся нагрузок (различные повреждения мышц, вызванные многократным повторением одних и тех же движений)

carpal tunnel syndrome – кистевой туннельный синдром (болезненное ощущение в запястье после долгой работы на неэргономичной клавиатуре)

range – ряд, линия

to target –выбирать в качестве целевой аудитории, предназначать

to ramp up – расти, увеличивать(ся)

pressure sensitivity – чувствительность к давлению

attached – прикреплённый, присоединённый

tether – привязь

stylus (pl. styli) – стилус, перо


Exercise 2. Read and translate the synonyms.

a tablet – a pad

to utilize – to use

to manipulate – to move

attached – corded

to consist of – include – be composed (of)

a range of sizes – a size spectrum


What is a Graphics Tablet?

A graphics tablet is an input device used by artists which allows one to draw a picture onto a computer screen without having to utilize a mouse or keyboard. A graphics tablet consists of a flat tablet and some sort of drawing device, usually either a pen or stylus. A graphics tablet may also be referred to as a drawing tablet or drawing pad. While the graphics tablet is most suited for artists and those who want the natural feel of a pen-like object to manipulate the cursor on their screen, non-artists may find them useful as well. The smooth flow of a graphics tablet can be refreshing for those who find the mouse to be a jerky input device, and repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome are less likely when using a graphics tablet.

A graphics tablet may come in a range of sizes, from smaller 3" by 4" (7.6 by 10.2 cm) models to larger 7" by 9" (17.8 by 22.9 cm) ones. Even larger graphics tablets exist, up to enormous 14" by 14" (35.6 by 35.6 cm) tablets targeted towards professional designers and architects. Size is the major factor in determining cost for a graphics tablet, however, and one should expect prices to ramp up dramatically at the high end of the size spectrum. A good range of pressure sensitivity in the drawing surface of your graphics tablet is also something to look for. High pressure sensitivity, ideally at least 512 levels, allows you to control a number of aspects of your drawing, including color and line thickness, simply by pressing the stylus more or less heavily, mimicking drawing with an actual pen.

The stylus included with a graphics tablet is also an important consideration for the consumer. A stylus may be either attached to the tablet by a cord or tether-free. Corded tablets do not require batteries, but many people find the cord severely limiting to their range of motion. A good stylus will also have function buttons on the side, so that you can perform common actions, such as switching a tool in a drawing program from paint to erase, without having to use the mouse or keyboard.




Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is a graphics tablet?

2) Is it handy to draw with a mouse?

3) What are the standard sizes of graphics tablets?

4) Is pressure sensitivity an important consideration for consumers? Why?

5) What types of stylus do you know?

Exercise 2. Say True or False.

1) Graphics tablets are used to draw onto a computer screen without a mouse or a keyboard.

2) A graphics tablet can’t be referred to as a drawing pad.

3) Mouse is a jerky input device, but repetitive stress injuries are also likely when using a graphics tablet.

4) Graphics tablets 7" by 9" are targeted towards professional designers.

5) Color and line thickness can be controlled by pressing the stylus more or less heavily.

6) Stylus is always tether-free.



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