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At midnight on the same day, there were four e-mails waiting on Alan Marshall’s server.

Subject Author Time Date
Where were you? You’re a genius! Disaster! Please write Elizabeth Marshall Daisy Farrow Pete Bradley Daisy Farrow 8: 56 14: 28 18: 54 23: 00 12.12 12.12 12.12 12.12


Subject: Where were you?

From: Elizabeth Marshall


Hi Alan!


Mum is really angry about yesterday’s lunch. Why didn’t you phone? I know it’s not my business, but with all that communication technology in your flat…

Did you see the article in the Sunday News on “Kill the Enemy! ”? A lot of people really hate it! They say it’s violent and awful. What goes on in your head, Alan? You used to be such a sweet little boy!


Love, Elizabeth


Subject: You are a genius!

From: Daisy Farrow


Dearest Alan,


I’m sending you this article about “Kill the Enemy! ”. I found it on the Interactive News website (www.interactivenews.com).




PS I’m sending it to everyone. It says you’re a genius!



I have just seen Alan Marshall’s latest game, “Kill the Enemy! ”. The game is the work of a genius – but an evil genius. The graphics and the 3-D images are great and special effects are spectacular. It’s the most interactive game on the market.

The idea of the game is really very simple. You follow the enemy, trap him and kill him. This takes the player into some dangerous situations in which only brutality and a lot of luck can help him. And there is a lot of violence and a lot of blood.

So far, so good. But the problem with the game is that is the worst possible taste. At the start of each game, the player chooses his favourite enemy from a list which encourages sexism, racism and any every other –ism I can think of. There is also a long list of ways of killing your enemy, but these are too violent for me to describe in this article.

This game is not only violent, but in my opinion, evil and dangerous. Finland has banned “Kill the Enemy! ”. I hope the whole world bans it.


Subject: Disaster!

From: Pete Bradely


Hey Alan!


What a terrible day! The technician says my computer is finished … a complete write-off. There’s a new virus that kills off computers and my computer has it. The virus probably came from e-mail. I’m sending you this from my neighbour’s computer. Tomorrow I’m going shopping for a new machine. Phone me!




PS Daisy sent me an article about “Kill the Enemy! ” from the Web – it says you’re an evil genius. Wait till they see the new game!

Subject: Please write

From: Daisy Farrow


Alan sweetie,


I know you said not to e-mail or phone. But I can’t stop. I miss you and your messages. Please write to me – just a few words. I know you don’t want us to meet, but please … don’t disappear from my life.




At midnight on Tuesday 13th December, there were six more messages on Alan Marshall’s answerphone.


Tuesday 7: 54

Alan answer the phone! I know you never leave home before ten o’clock in the morning. Oh … I hate speaking into these answerphones. I want to talk to you about Christmas. Elizabeth and Michael are coming here for three days from the twenty-third. What are your plans? Please phone me today!

Tuesday 9: 05

Mr. Marshall, this is Terry Watts of Mad House Music. The music for your new game “Kill Everybody! Destroy Everything! ” is ready. That’s a great title! Cheers.


Tuesday 9: 25

Alan, it’s Pete. Sorry about the noise and the horrible line. I’m in Oxford Street. I’m going to choose a new computer. if you hear this message in the next half hour, call me on my mobile. It’s working again!


Tuesday 15: 58

This is Stefi Rosen. Did you forget your lunch with Mr. Prince and the Japanese producer? They waited for you at the Four Stars until half past three. Mr. prince has asked me to give you this message. “Where exactly were you for lunch and where exactly are the interactive designs? ” Mr. Prince didn’t exactly use the word “exactly”, but personally I don’t use this kind of language…


Tuesday 18: 37

Alan, Pete. Where are you? It’s really difficult to talk to you. I know you always keep your answerphone on, but like, hey …it’s me, your friend, Pete! I’m at home, with my new machine. I’ll e-mail you when it’s working. Phone me – or I’ll send you a horrible virus!


Tuesday 22: 20

Alan, it’s me Daisy. I know you’re here. Maybe you’re sitting at your computer, working on your great new game. I can see you in my mind’s eye. I know, I know.. I’ve never met you, never seen you, but I have a picture of you in my head. Please pick up the phone and say “Good night” to me … Please? …OK, sorry. It doesn’t matter. Good night.


Alan is, in fact, sitting at his computer. But he isn’t working on his new game “Kill Everybody! Destroy Everything! ” He’s dead. He died early on Sunday morning when he made a wrong move. He wanted to kill everyone in Finland.

Soon – but not very soon – someone will find him there. And for a short time, he will be really famous. His new game really was interactive. It killed him. He was the first person to be killed by an interactive computer game. But there will be more …



Text 1


We expect other drivers to observe the rules of the road and the same is true as we travel through cyberspace. Here are a few pointers to help you out:

  • Avoid writing e-mail messages or posting in newsgroups using all caps. IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE SHOUTING!
  • To add humor and personality to your messages, use smileys, also known as emoticons, expressions you create from the characters on your keyboard. A few popular ones include:
: -) Happy   : -e Disappointed
: -( Sad   : -< Mad
: -o Surprised   : -D Laughing
: -@ Screaming   ; -) Winking
: -I Indifferent      
  • Keep your communications to the point. Some people pay for Internet access by the hour. The longer it takes to read your messages, the more it may cost them. This is true whether you post messages to a newsgroup or a mailing list.
  • Remember that anything you post to a newsgroup or type during a chat session is a public comment. You never know who's reading it, or who may copy it and spread it around.
  • When posting a message to a public bulletin board, forum, or newsgroup, stick to the topic. Don't indiscriminately post unrelated comments, or worse--advertisements--to every newsgroup you can think of. This practice, known as spamming, will quickly lead to another unpleasant Internet practice, flaming. What is flaming? Sometimes you might offend someone unintentionally. Be prepared to receive some angry e-mail or be treated rudely in a public discussion. This is called being flamed. If you attack back, you will spark a flame war. To contain the heat, the best response usually is no response at all.
  • If you post an ad to a newsgroup, or send it in an e-mail, clearly identify it in the subject line. That way people who aren't interested can delete it.
  • To keep messages short, use some common abbreviations:

“BTW” means " by the way."
A “G” enclosed in brackets indicates grinning.
A good one to keep handy in case you're worried about offending someone is “IMHO” ― In My Humble Opinion.
One of our favorites is “ROTFL”, which stands for Rolling on the Floor Laughing.

  • FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are handy documents to read before asking questions. Always consult them whenever available.

Netiquette isn't something you learn overnight, so don't let your fear of not knowing cyber-protocol hold you back. For an informative guide, visit Arlene Rinaldi's Netiquette Home Page.


Internet English

Text 2


  1. In small groups, look at the word and phrases in the box. Tick ( P ) the words you understand and explain them to the other students in your group.


attachments   download (e-mail messages)   modem Internet Service Provider   access (the Internet)   computer text file   sound file   e-mail program   image file open attachments   e-mail messages   e-mail address   Internet


  1. Read the text below. Use the words from the box to fill in the gaps making any necessary changes.


Cindy Lewis is a journalist. She works for Gender, a weekly magazine on the (a)...... Cindy writes the problem page for the magazine. Cindy has two young children so she doesn’t work in the magazine office every day, she works at home using her (b)....

Every morning she checks her (c).....She switches on her computer and her (d).... She starts Outlook Express. This is the (e)... which Cindy uses. She (f)... her e-mail messages. She usually receives about 35 messages every day.

Most of the messages come from Gender office, but she also gets messages from friends and colleagues around the world. They send messages to her (g).... Sometimes they just send messages with (h)..... Some friends send longer pieces of writing in a (i)...., or photographs in an (j)...., or even music in a (k).... Cindy can (l)... these.... and see the texts, pictures or listen to the recordings.

Cindy’s e-mail address is cindylewis@demon.co.uk. Demon is a company which Cindy uses to (m).... her e-mail and the Internet. Demon is an ISP, an (n).....


  1. Look at the different parts of Cindy e-mail address. Can you name the different parts?




a. “at” b. This shows that Demon is a commercial organization. c. The User. d. Domain name (sometimes called the “host”). e. Demon is in the United Kingdom (Britain).   _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


  1. What’s your e-mail address? In your groups find out everyone’s e-mail address.


Text 3

Effective E-mail ― How to communicate powerfully by e-mail

As with all written communications, your emails should be clear and concise. Sentences should be kept short and to the point.

This starts with the e-mail’s subject line. Use the subject line to inform the receiver of EXACTLY what the e-mail is about. Keep in mind, the subject line should offer a short summary of the e-mail and allows for just a few words. Because everyone gets e-mails they do not want (SPAM, etc.), appropriate use of the subject line increases the chances your e-mail will be read and not discarded into the deleted email file without so much as a glance.

Because e-mails have the date and time they were sent, it is not necessary to include this information in your e-mail correspondences. However, the writing used in the e-mail should liken that used is other business writings. The e-mail should be clear and concise, with the purpose of the e-mail detailed in the very first paragraph.

The body of the e-mail should contain all pertinent information and should be direct and informative.

Make sure to include any call to action you desire, such as a phone call or follow-up appointment. Then, make sure you include your contact information, including your name, title, phone and fax numbers, as well as snail-mail address. If you have additional email addresses, you may want to include these, as well.

If you regularly correspond using e-mail, make sure to clean out your e-mail inbox at least once each day. Of course, the exception here may be on days you do not work, such as weekends and holidays.

Make sure you return e-mails in a timely manner. This is a simple at of courtesy and will also serve to encourage senders to return your e-mails in a timely manner.

Internal e-mail should be treated as regular e-mail, following the same rules as outlined above. However, internal e-mail should be checked regularly throughout the working day and returned in a much quicker manner as much of these detail timely projects, immediate updates, meeting notes, etc. Nonetheless, internal e-mails, just like e-mails, should not be informal. Remember, these are written forms of communication that can be printed out and viewed by others than those originally intended for.

By Kellie Fowler, Mind Tools Contributor, FowlerKel@aol.com

1. Read the e-mail message and answer the questions. Then turn the reported instructions into direct speech.

To: Frank@notor.co.uk



Subject: Tom Billings-new offices

Dear Frank,

Just a quick note to check that I gave Tom Billings the correct instructions concerning the new offices.

I told him to make sure there are phone lines in each office i.e. asked him to order computers for all the offices. I also told him to finish the decorating by next week.

Hope I didn’t forget anything.

Karen Briggs

1. Who sent the message?

2. What is it about?

3. Are the layout and style the same as for a letter?

2 . Phil Crawley gave Janet Black these instructions.

- Collect all the documents and leave them with the receptionist.

- Don’t send the cheque to the Crawley Street Office yet.

- Call Mr. Robinson to arrange a meeting for next Friday.

Now he is sending an e-mail to Kim Phelps to check that the instructions were correct. Complete his message to Kim.

To: Kim@notor.co.uk



Subject: Robson case

Dear Kim,

Just a quick note to check that I gave Janet Black the correct instructions concerning the Robson case.


Hope, I didn’t forget anything,

Phil Crawley

Enterprise-2 Student’s Book

Text 4



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