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Mining Education in Great Britain
(continued) At present in Great Britain there are a number of universities and colleges which give instruction in mechanical engineering, mining, metallurgy, etc. These institutions provide full-time and part-time education. It should be noted that technical colleges confer diplomas' on college graduates. A university graduate leaves with the degree of Bachelor of For example, the University in Cardiff has become one of the largest in Wales. It is one of the four colleges which together with the Welsh National School of Medicine form the University of Wales. There is the Mining Engineering Department in the University of Wales. The Department deals with the whole range of extractive industries such as coal and metalliferous mining, quarrying and oil technology. After graduating from the college a student can be recommended for entry to the university by a college authority and he can apply for admission to the university.3 At the Mining Department students may take several courses such as geology, mining engineering, mine surveying, quarrying, management studies and others. It has become a tradition that the courses are based on an intensive tutorial system. It means that students are allotted4 to members of the teaching staff5 for individual tuition separately in mining, in quarrying and in mine surveying. The system is founded on that* of the older universities of Great Britain. At the Department of Mining Engineering of the Newcastle University mining has now become a technically advanced profession. The Department of Mining Engineering trains industrially experienced engineers through various advanced courses in rock mechanics and surface excavation. For many years the Mining Engineering Department at Newcastle has recognized the need for highly-qualified engineers and realized that the courses in rock mechanics and surface excavation are of great importance for mining engineers. At the University a student studies for three or four years. The Students course is designed on a modular basis. Modules are self-contained 'units' of study, which are taught and assessed independently of each other. When a student passes a module, he (she) gains a credit. All modules carry a number of credits. At the end of the term, the number of credits a student gets, determines the award he (she) receives. Each module is continuously assessed by coursework and/or end-of-term examinations. Admission to the British universities is by examination and selection. The minimum age for admission to the four-year course is normally 18 years. Departments usually interview all the candidates. The aim of the interview is to select better candidates. Just over half of all university students live in colleges, halls of residence, or other accommodation provided by their university, another third lives in lodgings or privately rented accommodation; and the rest live at home. ПОЯСНЕНИЯ К ТЕКСТУ 1. confer diplomas — присуждают дипломы 2. Bachelor of Arts — бакалавр искусств; Bachelor of Science — бакалавр наук — ученые степени, присуждаемые в Англии и США оканчивающим университет 3. to apply for admission to the university (college) — подать заявление о приеме в университет (колледж) 4. are allotted — распределяются 5. teaching staff — профессорско-преподавательский состав 6.... on that of the older universities — на системе (that — слово, замещающее " the system" ) более старых университетов УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 22. Определите, капе предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. 1. At present there are about a hundred technical institutions in 2. It should be noted that British colleges confer degrees. 3. As a rule a college authority recommends the graduates for 4. At the Mining Engineering Department of the University of 5. At the Mining Engineering Department the courses are based 6. The Mining Engineering Department at the Newcastle Univer 23. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. Are there man> technical institutions in Great Britain? 2. What is the difference between colleges and universities? 3. Is the Mining Engineering Department the only one/in the 4. Does the Mining Engineering Department deal only with 5. Can a student enter the university after he has graduated 6. What courses are of special importance for mining engi 7. What do you know about the organization of the academic 8. When do the students take their examinations? 24. а) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов: 1. the mining engineering а) курсы по расширенной department программе 2. the college authority б) рудоносные отложения 3. advanced courses в) средства производства 4. metalliferous deposits г) горный факультет 5. to encourage students д) открытые горные 6. to meet the requirements работы of the University e) опытный инженер 7. means of production ж) администрация колледжа 8. management studies з) поощрять студентов 9. surface excavation и) отвечать требованиям к) наука об управлении б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов: * 1. зависеть от условий a) the manager of a colliery (mine) 2. значить, означать б) rock mechanics 3. признать необходимость в) the only quarry (чего-л.) г) annual output 4. ежегодная производи- д) to be of particular importance 5. начальник шахты ж) to found a department 6. добывающая промыш- (school, system, etc.) ленность з) to recognize the need (of) 7. представлять особую и) to mean (meant) важность к) extractive industry 8. механика горных пород 9. единственный карьер (школу, систему и т.д.) 25. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие слова: Mean means meaning meant 1. Computer technique is one of the... of modern planning and 2. By... of computers and mathematical modelling it is possible 3. Britain is not rich in mineral resources It... that until recently 4. What do you... to do? Are you going to have your practical 5. You know that the word range has several...s. Подберите из списков А и Б близкие по значению слова. А. 1. to obtain Б. a) to establish 2. to call for 6) to combine 3. to understand в) to realize 4. to found r) to get 5. to provide д) to transform 6. to connect e) to set up 7. to consist of ж) to require 8. to change з) to supply 9. bed и) branch
10. field к) to be made of 11. quarry - л) seam 12. to receive м) opencast 13. to demand н) surface mine 27. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод 1. Until the nineteenth century Oxford and Cambridge were the 2. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge provide instruction 3. The Mining Engineering Department is the only one in the 4. The University has only two types of laboratories. 5. At the Mining Engineering Department of the University of 28. Изучите таблицу значений that (those) с примерами, затем переведите That (those)
1. It is known that the scientists have already done considerable 2. The calorific value of coal is 2-4 times greater than that of S.The equipment that the postgraduates have used for carrying out their experiments is of the latest design. 4. It was clear that computers could perform the work that man 5. The geological conditions of Wales differ from those of Scot 29. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие предложения. б) Выберите из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов правильный перевод для глагола-сказуемого. 1. Today mining engineering has become a key industry on which the speed (скорость) of economic development depends, (a. становится, б. стало, в. станет) 1. Experience has helped the engineers to solve the problem of increasing coal output, (а. помог, б. поможет, в. помогает) 3. Research workers have developed an efficient method for 30. Назовите предложены, • жоторых глаголы-сказуемые употребляются I.They have provided the laboratory with the modern equipment for carrying out experiments. 2. These engineers have graduated from the college. 3. The universities have advanced courses in rock mechanics and 4. Mechanization and automation of underground mines and 5. The research workers had made a lot of experiments before 6. N. had worked in the mine for many years before he became a 31. Составьте предложения из следующих слов: 1. much time, the students, in, spent, today, have, the laboratory 2. Moscow, for Great Britain, just, left, the scientist, has 3. already, his, he, finished, work, has, laboratory 4. never, the dressing plant, have, to, we, been 5. has, the institute, graduated from, she, not, yet 32. Прочитайте следующие предложения, определите временную форму а) 1. The engineer has just graduated from the mining engineering department. 2. This year the college authority has introduced a new course 3. Have you ever been in the mine? 4. The group of researchers has not yet solved the problem of 5. Mining has now become a technically advanced branch of 6)1. A group of experienced engineers began to design and construct anew, more powerful mining equipment for opencasts two years ago.This year they have finished their work. (The equipment is ready for use in industry.) 2. Some years ago coal was the only fuel available in Great Britain. в) Until recently Britain's heavy industry was mainly in the centre of England and in the London region. Such towns as Birming- ham, Coventry and Sheffield produced heavy machinery, motorcars and other equipment. These old industrial centres have developed new branches of industry: electronics, radio, the chemical industry and others. 33. Найдите в тексте Б предложения, в которых глагол-Сказуемое 34. Выполните задание по следующему образцу;, Образец: Say what the students have already done (to pass their examinations). The students have already passed their examinations. 1) Say what the students (a group of students) have (has) al 2) Say what the manager (the group of engineers, the authori 3) Say what the students (the geologists, the manager, the col 35. Прочитайте предложения и определите, в каком из них следует To graduate from; to carry out an experiment; to take a postgraduate course; the share of coal; to work out a problem; the number of postgraduates (postgraduate students); to increase; to decrease; to discover; the fuel balance
1. Они уже провели эксперимент. 2. Они провели эксперимент на прошлой неделе. 3. Этот молодой инженер закончил институт два года тому 4. В этом году он поступил в аспирантуру. 5. После того как геологи открыли природный газ, доля 36. Суммируйте содержание текста Б, используя следующие выражения. to provide full-time and part-time education; to confer diplomas; to take courses; to become a tradition; to take examinations; to interview the students; an intensive tutorial system; to train engineers; a three-term system 37. Побеседуйте по содержанию текста Б по образцу. Используйте Образец: A.: Have you read anything about mining education in Great Britain? В.: Yes, I have. I know that... C.: I agree with you but I'd like to add... D.: I see. Let me say about... 38. Найдите в тексте Б сказуемые, в состав которых входят модальные 39. Выполните задание по следующему образцу. Образец: Say how many subjects you had to take at the entrance examinations. -> I had to take four subjects. Say 1) what subjects you had to take at your entrance examinations; 2) what subjects you are to study in your first year; 3) what specializations your institute offers; 4) what subjects the students must study if they take a course of underground technology; 5) what subjects you study regardless of your specialization. 40. Прочитайте следующий текст и озаглавьте его. В каждом предло In Russia great attention is paid to engineering education. Much depends on today's students. They will be tomorrow's engineers, geologists, designers, economists, etc. They will have to cope with the tasks which the country will set before them. Today a student is to get a much greater amount of new information and this amount is growing all the time. Future specialists must acquire professional knowledge and skills and get modern methods of scientific research, advanced production technology, its organization and management. Engineers of a new type cannot be trained apart from modern production, science and technology. They are to take an active part in accelerating scientific and technological progress. в 41. Прочитайте текст В без словаря. Кратко суммируйте его содержание по-русски. ТЕКСТ В In the USA the basic aim of technical higher education is the training of qualified specialists in a selected field of technology. In the field of technical education they have a three-part programme: 1) The University programme for engineers and scientists. 2) The technical institute 'programme for engineering technicians. 3) The vocational trade programme. The students can get mining education at special colleges and at mining departments of universities. For example, one of the oldest mining schools in the USA is the Colorado School of Mines. Early mining operations in the Territory of Colorado emphasized the need for a college to train mining engineers. The Colorado School of Mines is situated in the mineral-producing area of the Rocky Mountains. The area is rich in non-ferrous metals such as molybdenum, vanadium, zinc and other deposits. Besides, Colorado has processing (dressing) plants, petroleum refineries and steel plants. Many coal mines are in operation throughout the area. The field of study includes earth sciences (geology, geochemistry, geophysics and others) and engineering. The students may specialize in petrology, mineral deposits, mining engineering and other disciplines. Field work is an important part of training. All students take part in a summer field course during their undergraduate programme. Geology laboratories are available within the Department of Geology for study and research. The mining engineering students study the basic sciences, principles and technologies of mineral exploration, underground and surface operations, rock mechanics, mine ventilation, surveying, mine safety and operating research. The Department operates the experimental mine. It is a large and well-equipped laboratory for teaching and research in mining operations. The education is fee-paying. The School collects fees at the beginning of each semester. Semester fees include fees for health service, athletics, student centre and others. A student will not be allowed to take final examinations or be graduated if he (or she) has debts (долги) to the college. During their course of training the students may visit surface and underground mines, oil fields, dressing plants and regions of geological interest. A study of current curricula shows that the average American engineer receives only 10% of geology and 25% of mining in his (or her) undergraduate education in mining. As a rule, mining engineering programmes include: Liberal arts — 20%; Basic sciences — 25%; General engineering — 20%; Geology — 10%; Mining — 25%. 42. а) Выразите основную мысль каждого абзаца текста В одним или б) Найдите в тексте В абзацы, в которых говорятся о характерных особенностях системы высшего образования в США. 43. Определите, какой из трех заголовков наиболее соответствует 1. Education in the USA. 2. Higher Education in the USA. 3. Technical Higher Education in the USA. 44. Составьте 10 специальных и 5 разделительных вопросов к тексту В. ДИСКУССИЯ Проблемы горного образования в России и за рубежом Популярное:
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