Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
To provide – provision – provisional – provisional government essence – essential – essential goods – essentials
Conscious – consciousness – conscience – conscientious
k Make sentences of your own with the following words and expressions:
l Translate into English using the following words: to be a party to the (Convention) 1 Они являются одной из сто-.................................................................... рон, подписавших Конвенцию..................................................................... 2 Кто является участниками................................................................... данного договора? .................................................................... 3 Я не знаю, кто является сторо-.................................................................... нами, подписавшими это со-.................................................................... глашение........................................................................ 4 Дополнение (amendment) должно...................................................................... быть подписано обеими сторо-...................................................................... нами, заключившими контракт....................................................................... To be subjected to smth 1 Он подвергался пыткам........................................................................ 2 Если он будет молчать, его....................................................................... могут подвергнуть пыткам........................................................................ 3 Почему ее подвергали нечело-........................................................................ веческому обращению? ........................................................................ 4 Мне кажется, его подвергли........................................................................ унизительному наказанию......................................................................... It was in violation of smth 1 Это было нарушением статьи 3........................................................................ данной Конвенции......................................................................... 2 Это было нарушением Консти-......................................................................... туции.......................................................................... 3 Он заявил, что это нарушение.......................................................................... общих условий (General Conditions) контракта.......................................................................... 4 Я думаю, что это не было на-......................................................................... рушением соглашения.......................................................................... There had been (torture) 1 Он заявил, что имели место........................................................................... пытки............................................................................ 2 Он сказал, что распространи-........................................................................... лись слухи (rumours) о ее аресте............................................................................. 3 Газеты писали, что распро-............................................................................ странились слухи об их развo-............................................................................ де (divorce).............................................................................. 4 Участники договора заявили, .............................................................................. что имели место определенные.............................................................................. нарушения..............................................................................
m What's your opinion?
Which human right protected by the European Convention seems most important to you? 2 Why do you think Britain did not incorporate the Convention into its domestic law? 3 Do you think it is very good that there is a real case here showing how human rights are exercised and protected? Text 2
Here are a few extracts from the Court's judgement on the Tyrer case:
In the Tyrer case, The European Court of Human Rights sitting, in accordance with Article 43 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as 'the Convention') and Rule 21 of the Rules of Court, as a Chamber composed of the following judges: Mr. G. Balladore Pallieri, President, Mr. J. Cremona, Mrs. H. Pedersen, Mr. Thor Vilhjalmsson, Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, Mr. P.-H. Teitgen, Mr. F. Matscher, and Mr. H. Petzold, Deputy Registrar, having deliberated in private room from 17 to 19 January and on Hand 15 March 1978, delivers the following judgement, which was adopted on the last-mentioned date: PROCEDURE 1. The Tyrer case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as 'the Commission'). The case originated in an application against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission on 21 September 1972 under Article 25 of the Convention by a United Kingdom citizen, Mr. Antony M. Tyrer. ................................................................................................................................................................................... AS TO THE FACTS ................................................................................................................................................................................... A. The applicant punishment 9. Mr. Antony M. Tyrer, born on 21 September 1956, is a resident in Castletown, Isle of Man. On 7 March 1972, being then aged 15 and of previous good character, he pleaded guilty before the local juvenile court to unlawful assault occasioning actual bodily harm to a senior pupil at his school. The assault, committed by the applicant in company with three other boys, was apparently motivated by the fact that the victim had reported the boys for taking beer into the school, as a result of which they had been caned. The applicant was sentenced on the same day to three strokes of the birch in accordance with the relevant legislation. See paragraph 11 below. He appealed against sentence to the Stuff of Government Division of the High Court of Justice of the Isle of Man. The appeal was heard and dismissed on the afternoon of 28 April 1972; the court considered that an unprovoked assault occasioning actual bodily harm was always very serious and that there were no reasons for interfering with the sentence. 10. Mr. Tyrer was birched late in the afternoon of the same day. His father and a doctor were present. The applicant was made to take down his trousers and underpants and bend over a table; he was held by two policemen whilst a third administered the punishment, pieces of the birch breaking at the first stroke. The applicant's father lost his self-control and after the third stroke «went for» one of the policemen and had to be restrained. 11. The applicant was sentenced pursuant to section 56 (1) of the Petty Sessions and Summary Jurisdiction Act 1927 (as amended by section 8 of the Summary Jurisdiction Act 1960) of the Isle of Man, whereby: 'Any person who shall – (a) unlawfully assault or beat any other person; (b) make use of provoking language or behaviour tending to a breach of the peace shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding thirty pounds or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months and, in addition to, or instead of, either such punishment, if the offender is a male child or male young person, to be whipped.' The expressions 'child' and 'young person' mean, respectively, an individual of or over the age of 10 and under 14 and an individual of or over the age of 14 and under 17.
§ Vocabularly notes
Words and Grammar
a Explain the use of articles and make short sentences with the following words:
the Tyrercase............................................................................................................................................... Article 43..................................................................................................................................................... the Isle of Man............................................................................................................................................. the Rules of Court........................................................................................................................................ the last mentioned date................................................................................................................................ a United Kingdom citizen............................................................................................................................
b Write down questions for the following answers:
1................................................ He was held by two policemen ................................................. whilst a third administered the ................................................. punishment. 2................................................ If the offender is a male child or ................................................ male young person he shall be whipped.
с Underline the predicates in the following sentences and say in what forms (Tense and Voice) the verbs are used:
1 The judgement was adopted on 15 March, 1978. 2 The Tyrer case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights. 3 As a result they had been caned. 4 The father had to be restrained. 5 In these cases any grown-up offender shall be liable to a fine or be imprisoned.
d Underline the Participles and translate the following sentences into Russian:
1 The Court as a Chamber composed of seven judges delivered the following judgement. 2Having deliberated in private for five days they delivered the following judgement. 3 The Tyrer case was referred to the Court by the European Commission for Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as «the Commission»). 4 The case originated in an application lodged with the Commission. 5 On 7 March 1972, being then aged 15, he pleaded guilty to unlawful assault. 6 The pupil had reported the four boys for taking beer into the school.
e Translate the following into Russian:
assault occasioning bodily harm................................................................................... behaviour tending to a breach of the.................................................................................... peace.................................................................................... a fine not exceeding thirty pounds..................................................................................... a term not exceeding six months..................................................................................... the number of strokes to be inflicted.................................................................................... reasons for interfering with the................................................................................... sentence................................................................................... as soon as practicable...................................................................................
f Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are:
1 He pleaded guilty to unlawful assault.............................................................................................................. 2 The assault committed by the applicant was motivated by a very peculiar fact.............................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 The court considered that an unprovoked assault occasioning bodily harm was very serious........................ .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Any grown-up who shall unlawfully assault another person shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment.......... ..............................................................................................................................................................................
Suggested activities
g Write down the answers to the following questions:
h Say what new facts, if any, you learned from the text about the Tyrer case.
i Reread paragraphs 9 and 10, and complete the following plan:
1 Mr. Antony M. Tyrer, together with three other boys took beer into the school. 2 A senior pupil saw that and reported the boys. 3 The four boys assaulted the senior pupil occasioning actual bodily harm. 4 On 7 March 1972 Mr. Antony M. Tyrer pleaded guilty before the local juvenile court. 5 Mr. Tyrer was sentenced to three strokes of the birch. 6 He appealed against sentence to the High Court of the Isle of Man. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
j Retell all the details of the case and the father's behaviour when his son was being punished.
k Reread paragraph 11 and find the answers in the text:
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