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Primary activities of the teacher

First of all, conducting process of training, and also educational impact on pupils. Within educational work the teacher helps pupils to become the personality who will be able to be in harmony with society. Educational process is carried out by means of various methods allowing to operate activity of pupils. And educational activity helps to develop its informative abilities.

To be fair It should be noted that to combine educational and pedagogical activity very not easy. From the teacher special knowledge and skills will be required. One of pluses of a profession of the teacher can call that thanks to his work formation of the personality, the real Person is possible. Finally, the teacher is obliged to inform not simply, and to teach the child independently her to look for, to master and draw conclusions. That is to help it to gain skills which it will use throughout all life. And the teacher has to be able to make out the potential put in the child, but not to estimate it by the standard criteria and norms.

Personal qualities of the teacher

Perhaps, the most irreplaceable and obligatory qualities for the teacher are: emotional steadiness, self-control and cheerfulness. It is very important that the teacher was friendly in relation to the pupils, irrespective of their attitude towards him.

This profession also means ability of the teacher to settle any conflicts, without resorting to pressure. Also the teacher has to be capable to various styles of communication: formal and informal. It is very important that he could become the true friend for the pupils; the person who is credible. Certainly, to deserve similar reputation from the teacher many efforts will be required. However, it is worth it. You shouldn't forget that development of this profession insufficiently simply of desire and some skills, requires calling. Especially it is important to consider it that who chooses a profession of the elementary school teacher. All the matter is that they should make special efforts to come into contact with children, to make educational process not simply useful, but interesting. And the educational role of the teacher in this case is more important.

You shouldn't neglect opportunity to keep up to date also. For this purpose such qualities as inquisitiveness and desire to study are necessary for the teacher. Besides, ability to recognize, that fact can be demanded from the teacher that not on each question he knows the answer. This quality will allow it to gain authority and trust of pupils.

Education (that it is necessary to know? )

The profession of the teacher can be received at numerous teacher training colleges and universities. Until recently teacher training colleges were also demanded though, as a rule, after its termination graduates preferred to continue education already in absentia in a higher educational institution. Educational process means concrete specialization (the mathematics teacher, drawing and so on).

Place of work and pit

Primary place of employment of the teacher, as a rule, are the public comprehensive schools, however today the qualified teachers can find a job at private schools (with other level of compensation). The teacher of foreign languages can conduct without effort specialized courses or (at the sufficient level of own knowledge) to work as the translator. Periodically the teacher has to pass certifications which are subdivided on obligatory and voluntary. Upon termination of certification process to it can be appropriated the second, first or highest qualification categories. The category is valid on an extent five years, and then recertification again is required.

Lecture 2

Theme: Teacher Education

The qualities necessary for effective work a teacher — nowadays one of the most widespread public professions which arose owing to as need of education and training of the next generations for more successful and their fast entry into public life, and growth of public opportunities for the maintenance of the certain people who are carrying out these tasks.

Confucius writes:

The teacher's task — to open new prospect to reflections of the pupil.

Teaching and teachers are known since the most ancient times of mankind, however the most widespread profession it became only rather recently.

Only a century ago most of the population even the European countries was compelled to solve problems of education and training mainly means of the national (family) pedagogics which had as positive (about what often forget or even officials from education consciously hold back), and negative sides. And individuals for education, training children were employed only by not numerous well-to-do of the population (tsars, the nobility and clergy etc.) or carried out in the narrowly professional purposes and only as required (military preparation, training in craft etc.).

According to the classification of E. A. Klimov, the pedagogical profession belongs to group of professions which subject is other person. But the pedagogical profession from some other is allocated, first of all, on views of its representatives, an increased feeling of a debt and responsibility. In this regard the pedagogical profession costs independently, being allocated in separate group. Its main difference from other professions like " man to man " is that it treats both a class transforming, and a class of the operating professions at the same time. Having formation and transformation of the personality as the purpose of the activity, the teacher is urged to operate process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, formation of her inner world.

Structure of readiness for pedagogical activity

1. The created pedagogical consciousness: I -concept, V-concept (concept of the pupil), D-concept (concept of activity).

2. Possession of pedagogical technologies of education and training.

3. Possession of pedagogical equipment. Existence of pedagogical abilities: communicative, perceptual, predictive, constructive, didactic, Gnostic, organizing, expressional.

Classification of types of teachers

On nature of valuable orientations (V. N. Soroka-Rosinsk): teachers-theorists, teachers realists, teachers-actors.

On specifics of the intellectual and strong-willed sphere (E. G. Kostyashkin): intellectual type, emotional type, strong-willed type, organizing type.

On personal installations (Ya. Korchak): tutor tyrant, ambitious tutor, reasonable tutor.

On the prevailing orientation of the personality: organizer, subject teacher, subject teacher organizer, communicator, teacher intellectual (educator).

1. Ability to empathy, a sensitive interests and needs of pupils.

2. Ability to give personal coloring to teaching.

3. Installation on creation of positive reinforcements for development of the positive I -concept in pupils.

4. Ability to operate itself and children.

5. Possession of different styles of formal and informal communication with pupils.

6. Emotional steadiness, self-control, self-confidence, cheerfulness.

7. Ability to regulate the conflicts in the nonviolent way.

8. Respect for foreign traditions and beliefs.

9. Creativity.

10. Ability to a reflection.

The teacher preferred by children

1. Personal qualities: kindness, cheerfulness, steadiness, a friendly favor, ability to understand and trust, respect for the personality and human dignity; tolerance, tactfulness, honesty, sense of humour.

2. Organizing qualities: democratic character, collective nature and cooperation, justice, sequence, aspiration to help, enthusiasm, responsibility.

3. Business qualities: ability it is clear and interesting to explain knowledge of the subject, ability to interest.

4. Appearance: it is well dressed, a pleasant voice, the general appeal.


Lecture 3



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