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Standing as a candidate at an election


candidate[’kæ ndə ‚deɪ t] кандидат
signature [’sɪ gnə tʃ ə r] подпись
Commonwealth [’kɒ mə n‚welƟ ] Британский союз
bankrupt [’bæ ŋ krə pt] банкрот
imprisonment [ɪ m’prɪ zə nmə nt] тюремное заключение
Disqualification Act дисквалификационный акт
judge [dʒ ʌ dʒ ] судья

1.Read and translate the text:

British elections are usually fought between political parties, not individuals. Therefore, people who want to be elected to Parliament need to be nominated by one of the main political parties.

There is nothing to stop candidates from standing for election. A candidate has only to pay a £ 500 deposit which is lost if he gets less than 5% of the total votes. He or she also must collect ten signatures from residents in the constituency where he wants to stand.

Any man or woman, who is a British citizen, or a citizen of another Commonwealth country may stand as a candidate at an election whether or not he or she belongs to a political party. He or she must be aged 21 or over and not disqualified in any way.

Those disqualified from election are the following:

-Members of the House of Lords including those bishops who are Lords Spiritual gone bankrupts.

-people sentenced to more than one year’s imprisonment;

-persons convicted of illegal or corrupt practices at elections;

-people holding offices listed in the House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975. This includes judges, civil servants, some local government officers, members of the regular armed forces, some members of public corporations and government commissions, and members of the parliaments or assemblies of countries outside Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland.

-‘idiots’ and ‘lunatics’ (in their non-lucid periods) as legally defined.

2.Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases:

выдвигать свою кандидатуру(номинироваться), баллотироваться на выборы, взнос, местный житель, гражданин, коррупционная деятельность, занимать должность, гражданские служащие, правительственные чиновники.

Complete the following text with the words and phrases from the box.

constituency private sector opposition inflation   unemployment general election manifesto

1)The United Kingdom is divided into 650 parliamentary…

2)A…takes place every five years.

3)Before an election, each party prepares a…which outlines their policies.

4)An important Conservative policy was the return of state industries to the…

5)During the period of Conservative government, …fell to 4%.

6)However, …continued to be high.

7)While the Conservatives were in power, Labour formed the official Opposition.

What do the following numbers refer to?: 5, 500, 21, 1975.

5.Imagine that you are going to stand for Election to Parliament. Put all the Election stages you should go through into order:

1) To collect signatures from your constituency residents;

2) To pay a £ 500 deposit;

3) To be nominated by one of the parties.


Think of the General Election in your country. Compare it with General Election in Great Britain and find differences and similarities between them.



UK Political Parties

Major parties in the House of Commons

Give the definition to the word “party”. What are the main political parties in your country? Which of them is currently the leading one? What party would you vote for at General Election and why?


free enterprise [’entə ‚praɪ z] свободное предпринимательство
private ownership[’praɪ vɪ t] [’ə ʋ nə ‚ʃ ɪ p] частная собственность
to lead-led-led возглавлять, руководить
to flourish [’flʌ rɪ ʃ ] процветать
at the expense [ɪ k’spens] за счет
to subordinate [sə b’ɔ: rdə ‚neɪ t] подчинять
an alliance [ə ’laɪ ə ns] союз
be eager for [’i: gə r] жаждать, стремиться

2.Read and translate the text:

The main parties in the UK are the Conservative party (right wing), the Labour party (left wing) and the Liberal Democrats (centre).

The Conservative party goes back to the Tories, who originated in King’s Charles’ reign (1660-1685). The Tories were the party that supported Church and King. The other main party at that time were the Whigs, who were a group eager for political reform.

The Conservative Party was founded in 1834, and was one of two dominant parties in the 19th century, along with the Liberal Party. The Conservative party believes in free enterprise and the importance of a capitalist economy, with private ownership preferred to state control. Conservative prime ministers led governments for 57 years of the 20th century, including Winston Churchill (1940–45, 1951–55) and Margaret Thatcher (1979–90) and the current Prime Minister David Cameron who assumed his office on May 11, 2010.

The Independent Labour Party was founded in 1893. The Labour party believes that private ownership and enterprise should be allowed to flourish, but not at the expense of their traditional support of the public services.

Since 1868 there has been a Liberal Party in Great Britain, when the name was adopted by the Whig party. The Whig party was formed after the revolution of 1688 and aimed to subordinate the power of the Crown to that of Parliament and the upper class.

The Liberal Democrats are the alliance of the Social Democratic party and the Liberal Party. The Liberal Democrats believe that the state should have some control over the economy, but that there should be individual ownership.

3.Answer the following questions:

1.What are the origins of the main political parties in Great Britain?

2.What political priorities do the main political parties in Britain have?

3.If you were a British voter, which party would you vote for and why?

What do the following numbers refer to?: 1843, 1688, 1868, 1951-55, 1660-1685, 57, 1940-45, 1979-90, 2010.

In additional sources find the information about the current major party of the British Government, about their leader and political views they uphold.

Is there a political party in your country upholding similar political views?

Read and translate the text(10 minutes).

The system of political parties in the UK appeared in the 17th century. At first, there were two parties: Tory (the party that supported the King) and Whigs (who supported the Parliament).

Now the main British political parties are the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Party of Liberal Democrats.

Since 1945 the British Government is constantly represented by two political parties: Conservative (who are called " Tory" by their opponents) and Labour (called " Whigs" ).

In 1988 the Liberal Party made an alliance with Social Democrats and the Party of Liberal Democrats was formed.


Divide into 2 groups and think of a party you could organize. Name this party, think of its emblem and choose the leader of your party. State some of the problems you want to figure out as members of this party.

Unit V

Monarchy of the UK



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