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Say what you like and what you don’t like about living in the Russian Federation.Стр 1 из 15Следующая ⇒
Предисловие Уважаемый студент! Добро пожаловать на второй курс! В этом году Вам предстоит научиться применять полученные Вами ранее знания, чтобы грамотно и точно переводить с английского языка на русский тексты по Вашей специальности, извлекать из них информацию как с помощью словаря, так и без него. Недаром теперь наш предмет называется «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере». Для того, чтобы справляться с такого рода заданиями, Вам предстоит овладеть определенной терминологией. Знание такой лексики могут помочь Вам при сдаче экзамена в конце второго курса. Данный сборник состоит из трех частей: первые две части – это непосредственно тексты по специальности, предназначенные для аудиторной работы, а также раздел для самостоятельной работы: «Home reading». Для работы с текстами из третьей части Вам понадобится англо-русский словарь, чтобы выписывать незнакомые слова в тетрадь и их транскрипцию с тем, чтобы подготовиться к хорошему переводу и чтению. В конце каждого из таких текстов указано количество печатных знаков. Таким образом Вы сможете вести учет сданных печатных знаков и фиксировать их в Листе учета прочитанных текстов. Преподаватель ставит оценку и расписывается в листе учета. Образец:
Помимо основных двух разделов в сборнике имеется руководство по написанию эссе (Appendix II) – небольшого сочинения на определенную тему, делового письма и резюме, необходимого при устройстве на работу. На экзамене Вам будут предложены три задания: 1. Чтение и точный письменный перевод текста по специальности на 1000 печатных знаков с использованием словаря (30 минут); 2. Пересказ текста по специальности на 1500 печатных знаков на русском языке без словаря (15 минут); 3. Беседа по одной из тем: «My family»; «My day»; «Our University»; «Russia»; «Great Britain»; «The USA». Желаю удачи! Unit I Unit I.
The Russian Federation 1.Read the words correctly. See the dictionary if necessary: Europe, Asia, an area, climate, resources, highly industrialized, chemical, a cucumber, scientific. Vocabulary
1.Read and translate the text: Russia is the largest country in the world. It is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers. Because of the vast territory the country has different climate in different parts. The landscape of the country is also different. The population of the Russian Federation is about 145 million people. Russia is among the world leaders in mineral resources. It is rich in coal, oil, natural gas, iron, copper etc. Russia is a highly industrialized country. Its oil and chemical industries are well developed. As for agriculture, it is undergoing reforms and changes. There are two main branches of agriculture: animal breeding and crop growing. Farmers of Russia grow such cereals as wheat, rye, buckwheat, barley and oats. They grow vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, onions and cabbage. Animal breeding is developed all over the country. Farmers raise cows for milk and meat; sheep are kept for their wool and meat. Farmers breed poultry: hens, ducks and geese. Farms are provided with tractors, combine-harvesters, trucks and other farm machinery. The chief aim of agriculture is to supply industry with raw materials and population with food. The Russian Federation is a free union of a number of regions, territories and republics called the subjects of the federation. Under the Constitution (1993) Russia is a presidential republic. The capital of the country is Moscow. Founded in 1147 it has become over years the most important political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre of the country and the seat of the government. The Red Square, the Kremlin and lots of other sights attract tourists from all over the world to Moscow. Russia has always played an important role in the world. It is a peace-loving country and a member of many peaceful organizations. 2.Find the English equivalents for: общая площадь, минеральные ресурсы, высоко-промышленная страна, отрасли сельского хозяйства, животноводство, растениеводство, с/х техника, обеспечить промышленность сырьем, президентская республика, научный центр, местопребывание правительства. 3.Say in English: a) Россия - большая страна. b) Климат (ландшафт) России разнообразный. c) Россия находится в Европе и Азии. d) Россия богата минеральными ресурсами. e) Животноводство и растениеводство - отрасли с/х в России. f) Фермеры выращивают злаки. g) Фермеры разводят животных и домашнюю птицу. h) Россия – президентская республика. i) Москва – столица России. 4. Divide the text into parts. Match the parts with the information given in them: a) Agriculture of Russia. b) The capital of Russia. c) Geography of Russia. d) State system of Russia. e) Mineral resources of Russia. 5.Find the key words from each part. Make a plan and try to retell the text using it. For example: I. Geography of Russia. a) situation; b) climate and landscape; c) population; d) main mineral resources. Unit II. Great Britain Give some information about Great Britain. What can you say in connection with?: a) London; b) Oxford; c) Manchester; d) Elizabeth II; e) Shakespeare; f) The Thames; g) The Beatles; h) Big Ben; i) Margaret Thatcher; j) The Tower of London.
Situation: the British Isles Total area: 244, 000sq km Population: 62, 000, 000 Capital: London
1.Read the words using a dictionary: an isle, official, a kingdom, Northern Ireland, Europe, area, a queen, London, the Thames, ideal, scientific, an achievement. Vocabulary
2.Read and translate the text: 1.Britain has several names: Britain, Great Britain, the British Isles, but its official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK). It is situated on the British Isles lying to the west of Europe and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the North Sea in the east and the English Channel in the south. 2.The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The total area of the country is 244 thousand square kilometers, the population is 62 million people. 3.Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the head of the state is a monarch but his power is limited by the Constitution. English queens or kings do not rule the country, it is done by Parliament. 4.The capital of Great Britain is London, the seventh biggest city in the world. It is situated on the river Thames not very far from the sea, and it is an important seaport. 5.Britain is a highly developed industrial country. Its main industries are coal mining, machinery, textiles and clothing, shipbuilding, electronics, etc. 6.Agriculture is a highly developed branch of the British economy. The temperate climate of Great Britain is favourable for vegetable growing. Vegetables are grown in many parts of the country, potatoes are grown everywhere. The south of England is often called “Garden of England” because it is the main area for growing apples, pears, cherries and other fruits and flowers. The most widespread arable crops grown in Great Britain are wheat, barley and oats. The climate of Great Britain is ideal for cattle breeding. England and Scotland have many sheep and cattle farms, where meat, milk, butter and cheese are produced. Pig farms are numerous in the country. The application of scientific and technological achievements has made the economy of the United Kingdom highly productive. Review the topic “The Russian Federation”. Compare two countries – Great Britain and Russia. Divide into 2 groups. Find as many differences between these two countries as you can (5 minutes). Think of which ones are not mentioned in the text. Example: The official language of Russia is Russian. The official language of the UK is English. VOCABULARY
3.Read and translate the text: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. Constitutional monarchy is a form of government that has a monarch, but his powers are limited by law or by a formal constitution. It means that in Great Britain sovereign reigns but does not rule. Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws. In theory, the constitution has three branches: Parliament, which makes laws, the government, which “executes” laws, i.e. puts them into effect, and the law courts, which interpret laws. Although the Queen is officially head of all three branches, she has little direct power. Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has true power. Members of the House of Commons are elected by the voters of 650 constituencies. They are known as Members of Parliament, or MPs. The Prime Minister, or leader of the Government, is also an MP, usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons. The House of Lords consists of the Lords Temporal and the Lords Spiritual. The Lords Spiritual are the Archbishops of York and Canterbury together with twenty- four senior bishops of the Church of England. The Lords Temporal consist of hereditary peers, life peers and the Lords of Appeal (Law Lords). Hereditary peers are those who have inherited their titles. Life peers are appointed by the Queen for various services to the nation. The Lords of Appeal become life peers on their judicial appointments. They serve the House of Lords as the ultimate court of appeal. This appeal court consist ------------------------------------of nine Law Lords presided over by the Lord Chancellor. The monarch serves formally as head of state. But the monarch is usually politically neutral and should not make political decisions. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. She was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953. 4.Give English equivalents to Russian words and phrases: конституционная монархия, форма правления, писанная конституция, свод законов, три ветви власти, непосредственная власть, самый важный орган власти, избиратель, политическая партия с большинством, унаследовать титул, заслуги перед страной, юридические назначения, окончательный апелляционный суд, принимать политические решения. 5. Give definitions to the following words from the text: - a constitutional monarchy is…; - Parliament is…; - the government is…; - the law courts are…; - the House of Commons is…; - the House of Lords is…; -a majority party is…; 6. Say who these people are: - the Prime Minister is…; - Members of Parliament are…; - the Lords Temporal are…; - the Lords Spiritual are…; - hereditary peers are…; - life peers are…; - the Lords of Appeal are…. Title the text. Then, divide into two groups. One group will find all the differences and the other one will find similarities between the state system of Russia and that of the UK. Then, make up two charts reflecting the political systems of Russia and Great Britain.
Unit III Parliament The Palace of Westminster with Elizabeth Tower and Westminster Bridge viewed from across the River Thames 1. Before you read the text below, remember what you have already known about the British Parliament and then, answer the following questions: 1. What branch of government does Parliament represent: the executive, the legislative or the judicial? 2. How many chambers does British Parliament consist of? What are they? 3. Which of the two chambers is more powerful? 4. What is the main function of Parliament? Vocabulary The House of Commons
1.Read the following words using a dictionary: bicameral, nobility, to represent/a representative, a community/-ies, a council, a retirement, the Foreign Secretary, financial, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to specialize, an immunity/-ies, a duty/-ies, an access, to exclude, vacant, a proceeding, Strangers' Gallery, Parliamentary procedure. Vocabulary
Translation grammar
6. Find all the verbs used in the Passive Voice in the text. Then, read these sentences and translate them into Russian. The House of Lords
1.Review the information about the House of Lords and answer the questions: a)What kinds of Lords can you name? b)Who are the Lords Temporal/Spiritual/Law Lords? c)Whom do the Lords Spiritual consist of? d)Who is the Lord Chancellor? e)What is the role of the Lords in the law-making process? Vocabulary
Unit IV Vocabulary
I. The Privy Council. 1.Read the following words using a dictionary: an adviser, a sovereign, a kingdom, senior politicians, executive authority, an issue, although, a dependency, Commonwealth, an official. Vocabulary
II. The Ministry. Vocabulary
2.Read and translate the text in writing (15 minutes): Government Departments are responsible for implementing Government policy. Each department is headed by two people: a political head who is usually the minister, and an administrative head from the Civil Service, called a permanent servant. They are responsible for a permanent stuff which is part of the Civil Servants. There are many such departments: the Home Office, the Department of Education, the Ministry of Defence, etc. The most important is the Treasury. As well as government departments there are government agencies formed to operate public services, e.g., the Post Office, British Rail, etc. Most agencies are subjects to the control of one of the government departments. Government departments are either ministerial departments or non-ministerial departments.
3.See the list of some British Ministries and Departments. Choose one of them and make a presentation about it and about its head on behalf of the real person. Use the plan below: 1.My name is… 2.I’m the head of the… 3.I accepted the office in… 4.I am…years old. I’m married/not married. 6.I have… (don’t have) children. 7.I live in… 8.I belong to the…party. 9.The functions of my Department are… (Provide a picture of the real person). Ministerial departments · Attorney General's Office · Cabinet Office Department for Culture, Media and Sport · Department for Education · Department for Transport · Department of Energy and Climate Change · Department of Health · Foreign and Commonwealth Office · Her Majesty's Treasury · Home Office · Ministry of Defence · Ministry of Justice Non-ministerial departments
Unit IV ELECTIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN 1.Read and translate the text: When speaking about General Election, election to the House of Commons is meant. The party that has won the General Election makes up the majority in the House of Commons and forms the Government. The leader of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister and the leader of British Government. The party with the next largest number of members in the House forms the official Opposition, and the leader of the Opposition is a recognized post in the House of Commons. The British Government is elected for up to five years. The Prime Minister chooses the date of the next General Election. About a month before the election the Prime Minister meets a small group of close advisers to discuss the date which would best suit the party. The date is announced to the party. The prime Minister formally asks the Sovereign to dissolve Parliament. Once Parliament is dissolved, all MPs are unemployed, but government officers continue to function. Then party manifestoes are published and campaigning begins throughout the country. It is covered by press, radio and television. Voting takes place on Polling Day usually on Thursday. The results from each constituency are announced as soon as the votes are counted, usually the same night. The national result is known by the next morning at the latest. As soon as it is clear that one party has a majority of seats in the House of Commons, its leader is formally invited by the Sovereign to form a government. 2.Give Russian equivalents to English words and phrases: всеобщие выборы, распустить парламент, программа партии, предвыборная кампания, голосование, день голосования, подсчитать голоса, сформировать правительство. 3.Put the events preceding General Election into logic order: a)The date of election is announced to the party. b) The Prime Minister chooses the date of the next General Election. c) All MPs are unemployed. d)Party manifestoes are published. e)The Prime Minister meets a small group of close advisers to discuss the date which would best suit the party. f)The Sovereign dissolves Parliament. g)Campaigning begins. 4.Give definitions to: - General Election; - majority party; - Prime Minister; - official Opposition; - party manifestoes; - election campaigning; - Polling Day. Vocabulary
1.Read and translate the text: British elections are usually fought between political parties, not individuals. Therefore, people who want to be elected to Parliament need to be nominated by one of the main political parties. There is nothing to stop candidates from standing for election. A candidate has only to pay a £ 500 deposit which is lost if he gets less than 5% of the total votes. He or she also must collect ten signatures from residents in the constituency where he wants to stand. Any man or woman, who is a British citizen, or a citizen of another Commonwealth country may stand as a candidate at an election whether or not he or she belongs to a political party. He or she must be aged 21 or over and not disqualified in any way. Those disqualified from election are the following: -Members of the House of Lords including those bishops who are Lords Spiritual gone bankrupts. -people sentenced to more than one year’s imprisonment; -persons convicted of illegal or corrupt practices at elections; -people holding offices listed in the House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975. This includes judges, civil servants, some local government officers, members of the regular armed forces, some members of public corporations and government commissions, and members of the parliaments or assemblies of countries outside Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland. -‘idiots’ and ‘lunatics’ (in their non-lucid periods) as legally defined. 2.Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases: выдвигать свою кандидатуру(номинироваться), баллотироваться на выборы, взнос, местный житель, гражданин, коррупционная деятельность, занимать должность, гражданские служащие, правительственные чиновники. UK Political Parties Vocabulary
2.Read and translate the text: The main parties in the UK are the Conservative party (right wing), the Labour party (left wing) and the Liberal Democrats (centre). The Conservative party goes back to the Tories, who originated in King’s Charles’ reign (1660-1685). The Tories were the party that supported Church and King. The other main party at that time were the Whigs, who were a group eager for political reform. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834, and was one of two dominant parties in the 19th century, along with the Liberal Party. The Conservative party believes in free enterprise and the importance of a capitalist economy, with private ownership preferred to state control. Conservative prime ministers led governments for 57 years of the 20th century, including Winston Churchill (1940–45, 1951–55) and Margaret Thatcher (1979–90) and the current Prime Minister David Cameron who assumed his office on May 11, 2010. The Independent Labour Party was founded in 1893. The Labour party believes that private ownership and enterprise should be allowed to flourish, but not at the expense of their traditional support of the public services. Since 1868 there has been a Liberal Party in Great Britain, when the name was adopted by the Whig party. The Whig party was formed after the revolution of 1688 and aimed to subordinate the power of the Crown to that of Parliament and the upper class. The Liberal Democrats are the alliance of the Social Democratic party and the Liberal Party. The Liberal Democrats believe that the state should have some control over the economy, but that there should be individual ownership. 3.Answer the following questions: 1.What are the origins of the main political parties in Great Britain? 2.What political priorities do the main political parties in Britain have? 3.If you were a British voter, which party would you vote for and why? Divide into 2 groups and think of a party you could organize. Name this party, think of its emblem and choose the leader of your party. State some of the problems you want to figure out as members of this party. Unit V Monarchy of the UK
Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith .
The Royal Family Vocabulary
Unit VI About the Commonwealth Commonwealth - a nation, state, or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good. The Commonwealth has been existed for 60 years yet and it is a remarkable organization in the world today. The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 54 independent countries, almost all of which were formerly under British rule. The origins of the Commonwealth come from Britain's former Empire. Many of the members of the Commonwealth were territories which had historically come under British rule at various times by settlement, conquest or cession. The administration of such colonies evolved in different ways, to reflect the different circumstances of each territory. After achieving independence, India was the first of a number of countries which decided that, although they wished to become republics, they still wanted to remain within the Commonwealth. To reconcile these aims, the 1949 London Declaration recognized King George VI as Head of the Commonwealth. Following his death, the Commonwealth leaders recognized Queen Elizabeth II in that capacity.
Members of the Commonwealth
There are 54 member countries of the Commonwealth. Countries members of the Commonwealth have different constitutional status. 'Realm' indicates a Commonwealth country which has The Queen as Sovereign, while 'monarchy' indicates a Commonwealth country which has its own monarch as Head of State. Nauru is a Special Member which does not attend meetings of Commonwealth Heads of Government. Since membership of the Commonwealth is voluntary, any member can withdraw at any time. The Republic of Ireland did so in 1949, as did Zimbabwe in 2003. The largest member of the Commonwealth is Canada, at nearly 10 million square kilometers.The most populous Commonwealth country is India, with nearly 1.1 billion people.The smallest member is Nauru, with only 13, 000 inhabitants. The Commonwealth also includes the world's driest and most sparsely populated country: Namibia.
State system of Canada
Canada is an independent federal parliamentary state. The Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, is the official head of the state, but the Governor General acts as her representative. The current governor general is David Lloyd Johnston , who has served since 1 October 2010; Prime Minister Stephen Harper recommended him to succeed Michaë lle Jean. Canada combines the American federal form of government with the British cabinet system. As a federation, Canada is made up of ten provinces and two territories. Canadian central government in Ottawa represents all the people of Canada. Each province has its own government and parliament. Parliament of Canada consists of two houses, the Upper House called the Senate, and the Lower House called the House of Commons. The Senate has 104 members. Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Senate has less power than the House of Commons. Members of the House of Commons are elected for a term of five years. The cabinet system of Canada unites the legislative and the executive branches. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are usually members of the House of Commons, which is the highest authority in the government. The Cabinet consists of 20 or more ministers, chosen by the Prime Minister from leaders of the majority party in the House of Commons. The current, and 22nd, Prime Minister of Canada is the Conservative Party's Stephen Harper, who was appointed on February 6, 2006, by Governor General Michaë lle Jean, following the general election that took place that year. Canadian prime ministers are styled as The Right Honourable (French: Le Trè s Honorable), a privilege maintained for life. Today most of the Governor General’s powers have disappeared and he follows the directions of the Cabinet. The two leading political parties in Canada are the Progressive Conservative Party and the Liberal Party. The New Democratic Party is also rather influential. The Constitution of the country was only adopted in 1982. Political System of Australia
Australia is a constitutional monarchy, with the Queen of Great Britain at its head. It consists of six states and two territories. The queen is represented by the Governor General, who is appointed by the Australian government. The Governor General appoints members of the Executive Council, his advisory cabinet. The main legislative body in the country is Federal Parliament. It consists of the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The members of the Senate are elected for a six-year term. There are ten senators from each state and two from each territory in the Senate. The House of Representatives is elected by general direct vote for a three-year term. The executive power belongs to the queen and the government. It is headed by the Prime Minister. The ministers are chosen from members of Parliament and the Executive Council. There are two major political parties in Australia: the Australian Labour party and a coalition of the Liberal and the Agrarian parties. Till the 1930s Australia mostly depended upon Great Britain in its political affairs. But in 1931 Australia became fully independent from Great Britain. The United Kingdom and fifteen other Commonwealth monarchies that share the same person as their monarch are called Commonwealth realms. The terms British monarchy and British monarch are frequently still employed in reference to the shared individual and institution; however, each country is sovereign and independent of the others, and the monarch has a different, specific, and official national title and style for each realm.
Part II TheUSA
UNIT I US GOVERNMENT 1.See the dictionary and read the words correctly: Presidential, legislative, Congress, to declare, executive, to sign, to enforce, judicial. 2.Make up phrases using the words below: legislative/executive/judicial: ветвь, власть, орган; to sign: законопроект, документ, международный договор; to enforce: закон, законодательство. Vocabulary
1. Read and translate the text: The USA is a presidential republic. The legislative branch of the US Government, or the Congress, represents all of the American states. It consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state has two senators, who are elected every 6 years. The job of the Congress is to make laws. The President can veto a bill. The Congress can pass the law anyway if it gets a two-thirds majority vote. The Congress can also declare war. The House of Representatives can also impeach the President. This means that the house can charge the President with a crime. In this case, the Senate will put the President on trial. The Senate votes to approve the justices that the President appoints to the Supreme Court. The executive branch of the government puts the country laws into effect. The President of the United States is a member of the executive branch. The President is elected every four years and cannot serve more than two terms. The Vice-President of the USA is a president of the Senate. When the President receives a bill from the Congress, he must sign it, and then the bill becomes a law. However if he disagrees with the law, he can veto it. The President can also ask the Congress to declare war. He also appoints the justices to the Supreme Court. He must do his job according to the Constitution, or he may be impeached. The judicial branch of the government is the system of courts in the United States. Its job is to enforce laws. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. It consists of 9 justices: one Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices. The President appoints justices but the Senate must approve them. The judicial branch works together with the legislative and executive branches to protect the Constitution and the rights of people. 2.Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases: издавать законы, принять закон, получить большинство голосов, объявить войну, обвинить в преступлении, приводить законы в действие (2), назначать судей, система судов, защищать Конституцию. 3.Based on the content of the text complete the phrases: 1) The USA is… 2) Congress is… 3)There are …senators in the USA. Популярное:
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