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One of your friends is going to immigrate. Persuade him(her) not to do it. Give as many reasons as you can.

Example: Russia is your native country, you were born here.


8. In groups of 5-6 people think out (выдумайте) a country of your own and describe it. Use the plan below:



-size (big or small);



-political system;

-head of the state;

-currency used( the rate in rubles);

-language (-s) spoken.


Unit II.

Great Britain

Give some information about Great Britain. What can you say in connection with?:

a) London;

b) Oxford;

c) Manchester;

d) Elizabeth II;

e) Shakespeare;

f) The Thames;

g) The Beatles;

h) Big Ben;

i) Margaret Thatcher;

j) The Tower of London.


Situation: the British Isles

Total area: 244, 000sq km

Population: 62, 000, 000

Capital: London


1.Read the words using a dictionary: an isle, official, a kingdom, Northern Ireland, Europe, area, a queen, London, the Thames, ideal, scientific, an achievement.


the English Channel Ламанш
the United[ juˈ naɪ tɪ d] Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
the British Isles[aɪ l] Британские острова
a head [hed] глава, голова
a monarch[ ˈ mɒ nə k] / monarchy монарх, монархия
power сила, власть
coal mining [’maɪ nɪ ŋ ] добыча угля
machinery [mə ’ʃ i: nə rɪ ] машиностроение
textiles[ˈ tekstaɪ l] and clothing легкая промышленность
favourable [’feɪ və rə bə l] благоприятный
a pear [peə ] груша
widespread [’waɪ dspred] распространенный

2.Read and translate the text:

1.Britain has several names: Britain, Great Britain, the British Isles, but its official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK). It is situated on the British Isles lying to the west of Europe and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the North Sea in the east and the English Channel in the south.

2.The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The total area of the country is 244 thousand square kilometers, the population is 62 million people.

3.Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the head of the state is a monarch but his power is limited by the Constitution. English queens or kings do not rule the country, it is done by Parliament.

4.The capital of Great Britain is London, the seventh biggest city in the world. It is situated on the river Thames not very far from the sea, and it is an important seaport.

5.Britain is a highly developed industrial country. Its main industries are coal mining, machinery, textiles and clothing, shipbuilding, electronics, etc.

6.Agriculture is a highly developed branch of the British economy. The temperate climate of Great Britain is favourable for vegetable growing. Vegetables are grown in many parts of the country, potatoes are grown everywhere. The south of England is often called “Garden of England” because it is the main area for growing apples, pears, cherries and other fruits and flowers. The most widespread arable crops grown in Great Britain are wheat, barley and oats. The climate of Great Britain is ideal for cattle breeding. England and Scotland have many sheep and cattle farms, where meat, milk, butter and cheese are produced. Pig farms are numerous in the country.

The application of scientific and technological achievements has made the economy of the United Kingdom highly productive.

The text is divided into 6 passages. Choose the best title to each passage. Prove your answer.

a) agriculture of the UK;

b) parts Great Britain;

c) industries of the country;

d) one country-many names;

e) London;

f) political system of Great Britain.


4. Find the equivalents for: официальное название, общая площадь, конституционная монархия, править страной, портовый город, высоко развитый, кораблестроение, отрасль экономики, умеренный климат, овощеводство, пахотные культуры, скотоводство.

Find in the text all the proper names. Fill the table. Read all the proper names correctly. Use the dictionary if necessary.

cities/countries water reservoirs others

6. Say in English:

a) Великобритания находится на Британских островах.

b) На юге Британия омывается Ла-Маншем.

c) Лондон-столица Великобритании. Он находится на реке Темза.

d) Великобритания - высокоразвитая промышленная страна.

e) Великобритания состоит из Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии.

f)Умеренный климат благоприятен для овощеводства.

g)Британские фермеры выращивают овощи, фрукты, пахотные культуры.

h)Экономика Великобритании является высокопроизводительной.

Review the topic “The Russian Federation”. Compare two countries – Great Britain and Russia. Divide into 2 groups. Find as many differences between these two countries as you can (5 minutes). Think of which ones are not mentioned in the text.

Example: The official language of Russia is Russian.

The official language of the UK is English.

Say what you like and don’t like about Great Britain.


1. Read the words using a dictionary: Kingdom, monarchy/ a monarch, a sovereign, to reign, to execute/executive, authority, constituency, a majority, to inherit/ hereditary, judicial/judiciary,


the House of Lords Палата Лордов
the House of Commons Палата Общин
Lords Temporal Светские Лорды
Lords Spiritual [’spɪ rɪ tʃ uə l] Лорды духовенства
Archbishop [ˌ ɑ ː tʃ ˈ bɪ ʃ ə p] of York Архиепископ Йоркский
Archbishop of Canterbury [’kæ ntə berɪ ] Архиепископ Кентерберийский
a bishop Епископ
Church of England Англиканская церковь
Lords of Appeal [ə ’pi: l]/(Law Lords) Судебные Лорды (члены Палаты Лордов, составляющие высший суд Великобритании)
life peers[pɪ ə ] Пожизненные пэры
Lord Chancellor [’tʃ ɑ ː nsə lə ] Лорд Канцлер
Westminster Abbey Вестминстерское Аббатство
an MP/MPs (a member of Parliament) член парламента
a majority (majority party) большинство (партия большинства)
hereditary peers [hɪ ’redɪ trɪ ] наследные пэры
appeal court [kɔ: t] апелляционный суд
to appoint/an appointment назначать/назначение
a constituency [kə nˈ stɪ tjʊ ə nsi] избирательный округ
i.e.(читается “that is”) то есть

3.Read and translate the text:

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. Constitutional monarchy is a form of government that has a monarch, but his powers are limited by law or by a formal constitution. It means that in Great Britain sovereign reigns but does not rule.

Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws. In theory, the constitution has three branches: Parliament, which makes laws, the government, which “executes” laws, i.e. puts them into effect, and the law courts, which interpret laws. Although the Queen is officially head of all three branches, she has little direct power.

Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has true power. Members of the House of Commons are elected by the voters of 650 constituencies. They are known as Members of Parliament, or MPs. The Prime Minister, or leader of the Government, is also an MP, usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons.

The House of Lords consists of the Lords Temporal and the Lords Spiritual. The Lords Spiritual are the Archbishops of York and Canterbury together with twenty- four senior bishops of the Church of England.

The Lords Temporal consist of hereditary peers, life peers and the Lords of Appeal (Law Lords). Hereditary peers are those who have inherited their titles. Life peers are appointed by the Queen for various services to the nation. The Lords of Appeal become life peers on their judicial appointments. They serve the House of Lords as the ultimate court of appeal. This appeal court consist ------------------------------------of nine Law Lords presided over by the Lord Chancellor.

The monarch serves formally as head of state. But the monarch is usually politically neutral and should not make political decisions.

The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. She was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.

4.Give English equivalents to Russian words and phrases: конституционная монархия, форма правления, писанная конституция, свод законов, три ветви власти, непосредственная власть, самый важный орган власти, избиратель, политическая партия с большинством, унаследовать титул, заслуги перед страной, юридические назначения, окончательный апелляционный суд, принимать политические решения.

5. Give definitions to the following words from the text:

- a constitutional monarchy is…;

- Parliament is…;

- the government is…;

- the law courts are…;

- the House of Commons is…;

- the House of Lords is…;

-a majority party is…;

6. Say who these people are:

- the Prime Minister is…;

- Members of Parliament are…;

- the Lords Temporal are…;

- the Lords Spiritual are…;

- hereditary peers are…;

- life peers are…;

- the Lords of Appeal are….



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