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АНО ВПО «Омский экономический институт»

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Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений специальности 260501 «Технология продуктов общественного питания», овладевших основами нормативной лексики и грамматики и приступивших к изучению английского языка, как языка специальности, а также может быть рекомендовано всем желающим получить знания на английском языке в области приготовления пищи, столового этикета, умения сделать заказ в ресторане.

Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с действующей программой и рассчитано на 300 аудиторных часов и самостоятельную работу студентов.

Учебное пособие преследует общеобразовательные, практические и развивающие цели. Основная практическая цель пособия – обучение английской разговорной речи, чтению и извлечению информации в рамках отобранной тематики профессионально направленных текстов. Достижению общеобразовательных целей способствует обращение не только к языку, но и к культуре, традициям, обычаям и кулинарному искусству Великобритания и США. Большое внимание уделяется развитию навыков самостоятельной работы, что позволяет реализовать развивающие цели обучения.

Основными задачами данного пособия являются:

- развитие навыков беглого чтения, умения излагать содержание текста в сокращенной форме;

- умение вести беседу в пределах узучаемой темы;

- формирование умений и навыков письменной речи.

Учебное пособие состоит из семи разделов, в каждом из которых отрабатывается определенная лексическая и грамматическая тема:

1. Основы здорового питания. Диета. Инфинитив. Инфинитивные конструкции.

2. Предприятия общественного питания. Герундий.

3. Национальная кухня. Причастие.

4. Меню. Сервировка стола. Сложное предложение.

5. Кулинарное искусство. Условные предложения. Сослагательное наклонение.

6. Технология приготовления блюд. Предлоги. Словообразование.

7. Хлебобулочные и кондитерские изделия. Местоимение. Артикль.

Разделы включают: основной текст и дополнительные тексты для самостоятельного чтения; вопросы к текстам, лексические и грамматические упражнения; диалоги с использованием типичных речевых образцов и лексических единиц по теме; задания, нацеленные на развитие навыков речи в рамках изученной тематики.


Введение………………………………………………………………..   Unit I. Foods and Their Constituents.Human Diet Grammar: The Infinitive. Forms and Functions………………………… Complex Subject. Complex Object Vocabulary and Word Study …………………………………………… Text: Diet………………………………………………………............... Text: Minerals…………………………………………………..………. Text: Vitamins………………………………………………………...… Text: We Are What We Eat…………………………………………….. Тext: “The Diet Checkup”………………………………………………. Text: Junk Food………………………………..……………………….. Practice……………………………………………………..................... Text: Problems of School Nutrition…………………………….............. Text: Meals and Wheels………………………………………..………. Text: Sunberry – The Culture of the XXI Century………………………   Unit II. Public Catering Establishments Grammar: Gerund…………………………………………….................. Text: Basic Types of Catering Establishments……………….................. Text: Restaurants of Quick Service At McDonald's…….………............ Text: Eating out in Paris………………………………..……………….. Text: Pubs? – Pubs! ................................................................................. Vocabulary and Word Study……………………………………………. Text: At the Bar…………………………………………………………. Practice………………………………………………………………….. Text: Getting Something to Eat…………………….…………………… Text: Restaurant Business of Siberian Capital………………………...... Text: Public Catering System in Russia…………………………………   Unit III. National Cuisine Grammar: Participle…………………………………………………….. Text: English Cooking…………………………………………………... Text: British and Food………………………………………………….. Text: Food Around the World………………………………………….. Vocabulary and Word Study………………………………………......... Text: British Food in History…………………………………………… Text: Eat Your Heart Out … in the USA……………….......................... Text: Caucasian Cuisine………………………………………………… Text: Oriental Cooking…………………………………………………. Practice……………………………………………………….................. Text: Russian Cuisine…………………………………………………… Text: Communication of Cultures and Culture of Communication……. Text: The Swedish Board……………………………………………….. Text: Traditional Diet for Healthy Generation…………………………..   Unit IV. Menu. How to Lay a Cover Grammar: Compound and Complex Sentences………………………… Text: The Menu…………………………………………………………. Text: How to Lay a Cover………………………………………………. Cutlery and Tableware …………………………………………………. Text: Appetizers………………………………………………………… Text: Canapes…………………………………………………………… Menu…………………………………………………………................. Vocabulary and Word Study………………………………………........ Text: Tandoor Indian Restaurant………………………………………. Text: American Food…………………………………………………… Lobster Hut Menu……………………………………………................. Text: Creation of Healthy Food Stuffs with Cowberry and Cranberry… Unit V. Methods of Cooking. Culinary Art Grammar: Conditionals and “wish”…………………………………….. Text: Methods of Cooking………………………………………………. Vocabulary and Word Study……………………………………………. Text: Cooking in Early Times…………………………………………... Text: Modern Cooking……………………………………..................... Practice…………………………………………………………………. Text: Unthickend Soups. Thickend Soups……………………………… Text: Rainbow of Food………………………………………………….. Culinary Characteristics………………………………………………… Unit VI. Nutrition Technologies Grammar: Prepositions. Word Formation……………………………… Text: Meat and Meat Products………………………………………….. Text: Products of Meat Processing……………………………………… Text: Tenderized Fresh Meats………………………………………….. Text: Dairy Products……………………………………………………. Vocabulary and Word Study……………………………………………. Text: Commercial Processing of Milk………………………………….. Text: Pasterization………………………………………………………. Text: Cultured Milk Products………………………………………….. Text: Concentrated and Dried Milk Products……………….................. Text: Margarine and Butter…………………………………………….. Practice……………………………………………………….................. Text: Methods of Food and Vegetable Preservation…………………… Text: Canning……………………………………………………………   Unit VII. Breadmaking. Confections Grammar: Pronouns. Articles. Prepositions………………..................... Text: Technology of Breadmaking……………………………………… Text: Methods of Mixing Dough………………………………………... Vocabulary and Word Study……………………………………………. Text: Breadmaking Ingredients……………………………..................... Text: Confections…………………………………………….................. Practice…………………………………………………......................... Text: From the History of Chocolate…………………………………… Text: The Manufacture of Chocolate…………………………………… Text: Chocolate – Like Falling in Love……………………………….. Discussion……………………………………………………………… Text: Creams……………………........................................................... List of Originals ……………………………………………………….                              


Unit I


Foods and Their Constituents. Human Diet


Language Focus: The Infinitive. Forms and Functions.

Complex Subject. Complex Object

Define the form and the function of the Infinitive and translate the sentences.

1. It is better not to eat last thing at night and not to swim or take a bath just after a meal.

2. The problem is to improve quality.

3. I want to recommend you berry beverages.

4. It should be pointed too much meat can be harmful.

5. He wants to be informed as soon as the dinner is over.

6. The main target is to orientate national cuisine as much as possible towards being more various.

7. A point to remember is that most people eat too much sugar.

8. The system of self-service catering establishments seems to be improving.

9. The procedure to be followed-using more vitamins and minerals.

Say forms of the Infinitive.

to produce, to buy, to reduce, to receive, to promote, to sell, to divide, to determine, to predict, to deliver, to develop.

Choose the best form of the Infinitive.

He speaks English well. He must have studied it for a long time.

They are laughing. They must be having a good time.


1. Nobody answered the phone. They must ___________ out. (go)

2. The line is busy. He must ___________ the phone. (use)

3. You made a long distance call. It must ___________ expensive. (be)

4. I need more money. I should ____________ my job. (change)

5. I got the wrong number. I may ____________ incorrectly. (dial)

6. What is he doing? He should _____________ the report. (type)

7. Mr Smith didn’t return my call. He might ___________ busy. (be)

8. I couldn’t make my call. I must ____ to put a coin in the slot. (forget)

9. There is somebody in the office. It might _______ Miss Cooper. (be)

10. You’ve given me a letter. Shall I ___________ it? (send)

11. He is out. He must ________________ his dinner. (have)

12. There were five of them. It must __________ one of them. (be)


4. Complex Subject. Translate the following.

1. Food is known to be essential to the nutrition of any human being.

2. They are sure to provide new services to the customers.

3. Vitamins and minerals are expected to be engaged in developing new products.

4. Customers were supposed to buy new soft drinks.

5. The café is reported to have gone a bankrupt.

6. Proteins are considered to build and repair the body.

7. This process seems to ignore the objective conditions.

8. The restaurant is believed to be of national fame.

9. The situation appears to be more difficult.

10. The first reference to English pub is known to have been made in the 12th century.


Complex Object. Translate the following.

1. He ordered the mixture to be heated for five minutes.

2. Mrs. Black wanted her niece to make some tea.

3. I believe you to know that British cuisine is boring and tasteless.

4. The menu allows the customer to choose the number and type of dishes.

5. I assume business lunch to have 3 or 4 dishes in each course.

6. He ordered them to finish the work as soon as possible.

7. He was not going to believe too soon what they wanted him to believe.

8. He watched his daughter cook breakfast.

9. This recipe seems to ignore various ingredients.



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