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Decide which of the alternatives (A-F) each speaker is talking about. Write the letter of your answer in the box at the end of the sentence. You may have to use an alternative more than once.
Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a circle around the letter, А, В or C, of the word you choose. ‘I am very worried about next week. I am doing a (1)…...... presentation about our new advertising campaign. There will be about 30 people in the (2)………. - mainly regional sales managers. The (3)……… is a big hotel in London. They have excellent (4)…….. so. I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve prepared the (5)…….. of my talk but I’m still working on my visual (6)……... I’ve tried to (7)……….. the main parts of my talk so I won’t have to read from my notes. On Friday, I’m going to (8)……… the whole thing in front of a few friends from the department."
Write one word in the gap to complete each sentence. The first two or three letters are given. 1. I have planned the str…….... of my talk. 2. First I will in…….….. myself. 3. Then I will out…….….. what I’m going to talk about. 4. After I’ve given the presentation, I will invite people to ask qu..……... 4. Complete the ‘Five Rules for Presenters’ below. Use the notes to find the missing words. The first letters have been given.
5. Do you know the English names of these media and tools used in presentations? When, if ever, do you use the above media and tools in presentations? Which do you find the most effective? Why? Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a circle around the letter, А, В or C, of the word you choose. ‘Here is some advice for making a presentation. People want to hear you, so (1)…… your voice to the hack of the room. If you are using a (2)…..…. make sure you know how to turn it on. Speak in a natural (3) …….. and not too quickly. Don’t speak in a monotone - vary the (4)……. of your voice. Try to gain your audience’s (5)……... from the beginning. Start with an interesting (6)…….. In the main part of your talk, use some surprising (7)……… And don’t forget to leave time for participants to ask (8)…….….
The statements below were made in a presentation. Write one word in the gap to complete each statement.
1. “OK. To begin with, let’s…….….. at what makes a good leader". 2. “‘I’m digressing. Let’s…………… to the point that Julie raised.” 3. “That’s all I’ve got time ……….….. now. We’ll continue after lunch.” 4. “What does this mean in …….….… to leadership skills? ” 5. “Now I’d like to …….… to the issue of bullying at work.”
Closing and questions The statements below were made by presenters responding to questions from the audience. Write one word in the gap to complete each statement.
1. ‘That’s a fair p_ _ _ _. This model does assume that inflation is below 2%.’ 2. ‘I can’t tell you the bid price because that’s с_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ information.’ 3. ‘That’s not really my f_ _ _ _, but I think that my colleague Simon will be able to help you.’ 4. ‘Ah. That really goes b_ _ _ _ _ the scope of this presentation. Perhaps we can talk afterwards? ’ 5. ‘I’m afraid we’ve run out of t_ _ _ _. We can return to that after lunch.’ 6. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t c_ _ _ _ the question. Were you asking about stagflation? ’ Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a circle around the letter, А, В or C, of the word you choose. ‘OK. Let me (1)…….. up what we’ve done today. (2)……..., we looked at what makes a good leader. (3)…….…we looked at key leadership skills. Then, last, but by no means (4)…….., we talked about the consultation process. Are there any final (5)………. that you’d like to ask? No? Well then, that’s a good (6)……. to stop. (7)…......you for listening’.
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