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Английский язык для специальности «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет»

Д.Г. Симонян

Английский язык для специальности «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет»

Рецензент: Большакова Е.Е., преподаватель английского языка высшей категории.

Симонян Д.Г., Английский для специальности «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет. – СПБ, 2016. - 28 с.

Методическое пособие для средних профессиональных и высших учебных заведений экономической направленности



Учебное пособие «Английский для специальности «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет.»» является предназначена для обучения английскому языку студентов экономических специальностей СПО и высших учебных заведений экономической направленности для очной и заочной формы обучения.

Пособие предназначено для аудиторных и внеаудиторных занятий по английскому языку. Данное пособие направлено для развития навыков чтения, изучения профессиональной лексики, расширения знаний по экономической специальности.

Пособие содержит иллюстрации для оживления материала и повышения к нему интереса у учащихся.

Учебное пособие включает 8 текстов. Каждый текст снабжен индивидуальным тематическим мини-словарем, который способствует более легкому пониманию текста, а также заданиями, направленными на проверку понимания, на усвоение нового лексического материала.

Тексты всех уроков тематически связаны с экономическим профессионально ориентированным материалом.

Пособие также оснащено ключами к заданиям, которые могут вызвать наибольшее затруднение в выполнении.



Большакова Е.Е., преподаватель

Английского языка высшей категории.



Text 1. Difference Between Bookkeeping and Accounting…………………………………..5

Text 2. Types of bank accounts…………………………………………………………….....7

Text 3. How Does a Cash Register Work?..............................................................................9

Text 4. What is the difference between salary and wages?....................................................11

Text 5. How to Make an Invoice?..........................................................................................13

Text 6. Assets vs. Liabilities & Revenue vs. Expenses………………………………………16

Text 7. What is Money?.........................................................................................................19

Text 8. What Does a Bookkeeper Do on a Daily Basis?........................................................24


Text 1

Difference Between Bookkeeping and Accounting


Bookkeeping and accounting are both relevant tool in communicating the financial activity, performance and condition of a business entity.

The important role of bookkeeping and accounting in every business has increased the demand for bookkeeping and accounting job or services worldwide. Because of the high demand, it made bookkeeping and accounting as two of the most profitable and rewarding profession in the world.


Bookkeeping vs Accounting

It is very common for non-accountants to think that bookkeeping and accounting are of the same thing. Although they both involve the process of recording the financial transactions of a business, bookkeeping and accounting are two different topics.


Bookkeeping is the process of recording, in chronological order, the daily transactions of a business entity. It forms part of the accounting information system.


On the other hand, accounting is an information system – includes the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, reporting, analyzing and interpreting the financial condition and performance of a business – in order to communicate it to stakeholders for business decision making.



To provide a clear understanding of the difference between bookkeeping and accounting, take a look at this sample illustration.

Imagine there’s one piece of apple pie divided into 6 slices. Each slice was given a corresponding name as recording, classifying, summarizing, reporting, analyzing, and interpreting. The whole one piece of apple pie is called the accounting information system which represents accounting. On the other hand, bookkeeping represents one slice of the apple pie which is recording.

Bookkeeping is an important part of the accounting information system because it serves as the groundwork of accounting. Bookkeeping is a branch of accounting which is responsible in recording the financial transactions of the business. It is the starting point of the whole accounting process. The person responsible on the bookkeeping process is often referred to as bookkeeper or accounting clerk. They are the one who ensures the recording of business transactions in the book of accounts, such as journals and ledgers, in chronological manner.

Bookkeepers are responsible in safeguarding the completeness and accuracy of the book of accounts. They assist accountants in preparing reports, like financial statements or tax returns, by providing summary and supporting documents of the recorded business transactions. Bookkeeping is only limited to the recording process, although in cases of small businesses, bookkeepers may also do the preparation of reports. As such, bookkeeping can be performed by non-accountants who gained relevant trainings and experience in bookkeeping.

Accounting, on the other hand, represent the whole accounting process, from recording until interpreting business financial information. Accounting is one of the most diversified professions because professional accountants have different options in which area of accounting they want to focus their career – such as financial accounting, managerial accounting, tax accounting, auditing, etc.


Unlike bookkeeping, accounting jobs are performed by accounting graduates or licensed professional accountants. Accounting involves more technical understanding and procedures compared to bookkeeping.



relevant – важный, значимый

communicating – установление связи, сообщение

business entity - субъект бизнес-деятельности, предприятие

accounting information system - система обработки учётных данных

‘ledger – регистрационный журнал

financial statement – финансовый отчет

tax return – налоговая отчетность

diversified – разнообразный, многоплановый


Exercise 1.

Types of bank accounts


Learn the types of accounts that are available and how to determine which ones you need.


When you go to a bank to open a new account, you will have a variety of account types and features to choose from. Should you choose the basic checking option or an account that earns interest? Do you want the convenience of a bundled checking and savings account or the higher returns of a money market account?

To make these decisions, it’s helpful to first understand the differences between the most common bank account types. Here are some definitions to help you navigate your banking needs:

Checking account: A checking account offers easy access to your money for your daily transactional needs and helps keep your cash secure. Customers can use a debit card or checks to make purchases or pay bills. Accounts may have different

options or packages to help waive certain monthly service fees. To determine the most economical choice, compare the benefits of different checking packages with the services you actually need.


Savings account: A savings account allows you to accumulate interest on funds you’ve saved for future needs. Interest rates can be compounded on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. Savings accounts vary by monthly service fees, interest rates, method used to calculate interest, and minimum opening deposit. Understanding the account’s terms and benefits will allow for a more informed decision on the account best suited for your needs.


Certificate of Deposit (CD): Certificates of deposit, or CDs, allow you to invest your money at a set interest rate for a pre-set period of time. CDs often have higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts because the money you deposit is tied up for the life of the certificate – which can range from a few months to several years. Be sure you do not need to draw on those funds before you open a CD, as early withdrawals may have financial penalties.


Money market account: Money market accounts are similar to savings accounts, but they require you to maintain a higher balance to avoid a monthly fee. Where savings accounts usually have a fixed interest rate, these accounts have rates that vary regularly based on money markets. Money market accounts can have tiered interest rates, providing more favorable rates based on higher balances. Some money market accounts also allow you to write checks against your funds, but on a more limited basis.


Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): IRAs, or individual retirement accounts, allow you to save independently for your retirement. These plans are useful if your employer doesn’t offer retirement benefits or you want to save more than your employer-sponsored plan allows. These accounts come in two types: the traditional IRA and Roth IRA. The Roth IRA is popular because the funds can be withdrawn tax-free in many situations. Others prefer traditional IRAs because these contributions are tax-deductible. Both accounts have contribution limits and other requirements you may need to discuss with your tax advisor before choosing your account.

Once you understand the types of accounts most banks offer, you can begin to determine which option might be right for you.



feature – характеристика, свойство

bundled – комплектный, связанный

secure – защищенный, застрахованный

waive – [weiv] – отказываться от, отложить на определенное время

service fees – плата за пользование услугой

compound – рассчитывать, рассчитывать по формуле сложных процентов, составлять

draw on – заимствовать, использовать

withdrawal – снятие со счета

money market account - счёт по вкладу с процентами по ставке денежного рынка

tiered - многоуровневый

individual retirement account - индивидуальный пенсионный счёт

tax-deductible - подлежащей обложению подоходным налогом


Text 3


opportunist – авантюрист

key in – вводить, печатать

manually – вручную

swipe – проводить

adjust – упорядочивать

stock inventories – товарные запасы

buy in - закупать

tally – сверка, подсчет

vast – огромный

all in all - в общем и целом


Exercise 4.

Text 4


be entitled to – иметь право на

in regard to - относительно, по поводу, в части

through – вплоть до

prior to – до момента, перед

accrue [ə ’kru: ]– накапливаться, начисляться, добавляться


Exercise 2.

Text 5

How to Make an Invoice?

Whether you’re an independent contractor or a small business owner that specializes in selling services and equipment, odds are that you will need to know how to create an invoice to outline services rendered and payments due. Invoices act as a form of business transparency and instill a sense of confidence in the buyer. When a company they regularly purchase services from sends an invoice with a breakdown of activities performed and the costs associated, consumers can be assured about what they’re being charged for and how they can pay the balance.


Indicate document purpose

Clearly specify that this is an invoice for the collection of an outstanding balance for services rendered. To get money as quickly as possible, ensure the recipient knows this isn’t for recordkeeping and requires immediate payment.


Your company information

Include your logo and company information at the top to clearly signify who is sending the invoice, along with relevant information needed to contact you should the recipient have questions. This includes phone number, website address, physical address and email.


Buyer information

Specify the billing information of the buyer to indicate who is expected to pay the invoice amount.


Invoice reference

Include additional reference information for proper bill tracking, such as an invoice number and date of billing.


Bill amount

Indicate the full amount of the bill, along with tax and additional line item information.


Payment options

Tell buyers what methods they can use to pay outstanding balances and whether you’ll accept partial payments. Indicate when full payment is expected, such as 30 days after the original billing date.


Specifying payment total & terms

The entire purpose of the invoice is to identify the cost of services and how the recipient can pay the balance. Invoices should break down the entire cost of a bill into line items, or the individual services or product purchases that make up the final cost. Each line item indicates the service performed or product purchased and then lists the cost associated with it. At the bottom of the invoice is the payment total, which sums up the costs of each individual line item, along with tax.


In addition to indicating the service rendered and the cost associated, some invoices also include additional information, such as the date services were performed, hours spent on the job, and hourly or per item cost influencing the total line item cost.


If you charge for services by the hour, indicate the hourly rate and then multiply it against the total hours spent performing the service. Selling items would work in a similar fashion, though with a per item cost.


For example, a lawn care company would invoice a commercial property for the cost of ongoing lawn care. Instead of simply stating the flat fee of $250 per visit, they’d also break down that cost to indicate that mowing took eight hours of work at $20 an hour, for a total of $200. In addition, five pounds of fertilizer was applied to the lawn at a cost of $10 per pound for a total of $50. The final total then equals $250.


Invoices also include a statement above or below the payment total indicating what forms of payment are acceptable. Identify the acceptable forms of payment and provide information on how to pay for each method. Some invoices include a removable section at the bottom or top of the document where credit card information can be written on the paper and mailed back to the vendor for charge.


Invoice templates

Creating an invoice from scratch is time consuming and may not look as professional as you’d like. Rather than creating your own invoice, many templates exist online for free download. After obtaining a template, enter data where specified to create a fully finished invoice. Microsoft Office’s website contains many free invoice templates with a wide range of layouts and designs to appeal to most any company. Templates can also be found on Google Docs and Open Office.


Invoicing software

If working off a template is still too time consuming or your company processes numerous invoices in a given day, billing and invoicing software proves a more cost- and time-efficient solution. These applications create professional invoices in large quantities and also allow for email invoicing, automatic billing, partial payments, recurring transactions and credit card processing. Software that supports each of these functionalities includes BillQuick, kBilling and Quicken Home and Business.


independent con’tractor - вольнонаёмный работник, независимая договаривающаяся сторона, независимый контрагент

odds – вероятность, шансы

outline – кратко изложить

rendered – оказанный

instill – внушать

breakdown – деление на категории, разбивка на части

straightforward - простой

letterhead - печатный фирменный бланк

submission - предоставление документации

outstanding balance - непогашенное сальдо задолженности

Specify – указывать, устанавливать

Lawn care - содержание газонов

flat fee – фиксированная комиссия, абонентская плата

mowing – покос травы

fertilizer – удобрение

vendor – фирма-поставщик, торговец

template – шаблон

layout – схема, план

recurring transaction - операция оплаты по постоянному платежному поручению


Text 6

Assets vs. Liabilities & Revenue vs. Expenses


Anyone going into business needs to be familiar with the concepts of assets and liabilities, revenue and expenses. If your business were a living organism, these would be its vital signs. Assets and liabilities are the fundamental elements of your company's financial position. Revenue and expenses represent the flow of money through your company's operations.


Assets vs. Liabilities

Accounting standards define an asset as something your company owns that can provide future economic benefits. Cash, inventory ([‘invə ntri]), accounts receivable, land, buildings, equipment - these are all assets. Liabilities are your company's obligations -either money that must be paid or services that must be performed. A successful company has more assets than liabilities, meaning it has the resources to fulfill its obligations. On the other hand, a company whose liabilities exceed its assets is probably in trouble.




Balance Sheet

Your company's assets and liabilities are reported on its balance sheet. Assets go on one side of the sheet, liabilities on the other. The difference between them is the owners' equity in the company - what the owners would take away if they sold all those assets and paid off all those debts. The " balance" is the fact that the total value of the company's assets always equals the total value of its liabilities plus the total owners' equity.


Revenue vs. Expenses

Revenue is money your company earns from conducting business. If you owned an ice-cream stand, for instance, revenue is what you get from customers who buy ice cream. Expenses are the costs you incur to generate that revenue. The ingredients you buy to make the ice cream, the wages you pay your employees, the rent and utilities you pay for your stand - these are all expenses. To remain viable, a company's revenue must exceed its expenses.


Income Statement

Revenue and expenses appear on your company's income statement. Revenue minus expenses equals your operating profit - the profit your company made in its business. Revenue and expenses are distinct from " gains" and " losses, " which represent money made or lost on the sale of company assets or other activities outside the day-to-day operations of the company. When an ice-cream shop sells an ice-cream cone, for example, the money it gets is revenue. But when that shop sells, say, a piece of equipment it no longer needs, any profit it makes from the sale is a gain. That's because the company is in business to sell ice cream, not equipment. Gains and losses appear on the income statement separate from revenue and expenses.



asset – [‘æ sə t] – актив, имущество, запас

liability - долговое обязательство, задолженность

vital signs - жизненно важные функции, основные показатели жизнедеятельности

accounts receivable - дебиторская задолженность

owners' equity - доля собственников, собственный капитал, акционерный капитал, уставный фонд

conduct business - заниматься предпринимательской деятельностью

stand – киоск, ларек, стенд

incur – нести (costs расходы)

income statement - отчёт о прибылях и убытках

day-to-day operations – повседневная/текущая деятельность

cone - рожок



1) capable of developing and surviving independently;

2) income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature;

3) the state of being forced to do something because it is your duty, or because of a law, etc.;

4) to be greater than a particular number or amount;

5) the fact or process of losing something or someone;

6) the costs incurred in the performance of one’s job or a specific task.



1) a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something;

2) a written statement showing the amount of money and property that a company has and listing what has been received and paid out;

3) a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply;

4) a thing of value, especially property, that a person or company owns, which can be used or sold to pay debts;

5) a thing for which someone is responsible, especially an amount of money owed;

6) a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building.


Text 7

What is Money?

Definition of Money

Money serves three purposes. It is a medium of exchange, a store of value and a unit of account. It is used to pay debts, purchase goods and services and is accepted by the government for taxes. Legal Tender laws are enacted to require people to use the government's money in payment of lawful debts among private citizens.


Four Types of Money:

Commodity money

Receipt money

Fractional money

Fiat money


Commodity Money

Commodity money started as barter. The exchange of cattle and sheep advanced to one of gold and silver because metals are not perishable, their purity and weight can be measured easily and they can be traded for any good or service. Unlike diamonds, metals can be melted down and reformed into smaller quantities for smaller purchases without losing value.

In 2100 BC, gold cubes were used in China. In 600 BC, the Lydians used precious metal coins in Asia Minor. In 400 BC the Greeks began minting coins. From about 300 AD to 1100 AD, the Byzantine empire (Eastern Holy Roman Empire) used a coin called the Solidus. One could not file or chip the coins or issue a false coin under the penalty of chopping off your hand. As a result, the Byzantines never bankrupted, never went into debt and never devalued the currency over a span of 800 years. The Byzantine Empire had a perfect monetary system: the best in history.


The Western Roman Empire, on the other hand, used every imaginable means to devalue their currency and plunder the people. As a result, it collapsed in 476 AD long before the Byzantines who eventually succumbed in 1453 AD for reasons having nothing to do with the stability of their currency.


Nota Bene: It should be noted here that the amount of gold in the world does not affect its ability to serve as money. As the world economy grows, only the quantity that will be used to measure any given transaction will change. After a time, it might take a very small amount of gold to buy something, but gold can be effectively traded in small quantities. In addition, transactions may also be accomplished with other metals such as silver, nickel or copper. We come to the startling truth that it does not matter how big the supply of real money (gold) is: Any supply will do. The free market will simply adjust by changing the value of gold. More money does not supply more capital, is not more productive and does not result in economic growth. Our " elastic" monetary system, is just a clever way for bankers to make money and Congress to take your money and spend it without your knowing about it.


Receipt Money

During the days of the Roman Empire, goldsmiths maintained vaults where they stored their gold. It followed logically that they might also store gold for other people for a fee. Thus, the first banks were born. The goldsmiths gave their depositors receipts for gold deposited and because the receipts could be redeemed by a bearer at any time, they had intrinsic value and were traded as money. Goldsmiths also loaned money from their reserves and collected interest just as is done today.


Fractional Money

Of course, goldsmiths quickly realized they only needed a small portion of their stockpiles on hand for redeeming customer receipts for " their" gold. So it logically followed that to collect more interest, they could loan more money than they had on hand by using receipts backed by nothing except the goldsmith's knowledge that all their depositors would not come to collect their gold on any given day. Thus was born fractional receipt money, the precursor to our present day banking system. As long as these illegal and fraudulent loans were repaid, no one was the wiser. But if the loans failed (flood, drought), the goldsmith was caught short. This began a " run on the bank" and only the first in the door were made whole. The rest lost their money and " hung" the goldsmith. Without the crime of loaning more money in receipts than the goldsmith had on hand in real gold, there would never be a run on the bank to redeem the receipts. Of course, at the time this was considered a serious crime because it was recognized clearly as fraud. The money did not exist and everyone understood it.


Fiat Money

Fiat money is money that has value only because a government says it has value. It is not backed by anything. Fiat money has two characteristics. a) It does not represent anything of intrinsic value. b) It is decreed to be legal tender (laws that require everyone to use it in settlement of private debts). These two characteristics always go hand-in-hand because fiat money is worthless and it would be rejected by the public without the government's threat of fines or imprisonment for failure to accept it as money. A review of the history of money and banking shows that manipulation of fiat money by governments has failed every time it has been tried.



legal tender - законные средства платежа, национальная валюта

commodity money - товарные деньги

fractional money - разменная монета

receipt money – кредитные деньги

fiat money - неразменные бумажные деньги, безэквивалентные деньги – [‘faiæ t]

perishable - скоропортящийся

Lydians – лидийцы

Asia Minor - Малая Азия

Byzantine empire- Византийская империя – [b(a)i’ zə tain]

plunder – грабить, расхищать

succumb - не устоять, погибнуть, умереть - [sə ’kʌ m]

Nota Bene - примечание

vault – хранилище – [vɔ: lt]

intrinsic value - внутренняя стоимость

be backed by - базироваться на, быть обеспеченным

fraudulent - мошеннический

precursor - предшественник – [pri’kɜ: sə ]

be caught short - быть неподготовленным, быть застигнутым врасплох

run on the bank - наплыв в банк требований о возвращении вкладов

fraud - мошенничество в деловой сфере, махинация – [frɔ: d]

decree – постановить, определять, решать


Text 8

Maintain Financial Records

Maintaining and updating financial records is a daily task for most bookkeepers. This usually includes balancing and updating bank accounts to ensure that all payments and deposits have been accurately reported. Part of a bookkeeper's daily responsibilities include figuring out which payments need to be remitted, if any, then submitting the payments and recording them in the financial ledger. Many bookkeepers also receive payments from clients, patients or customers. They make the deposits at the company's financial institution and record them in the financial ledger.

Communicate with Coworkers

Maintaining financial records is often a time-consuming task. Bookkeepers interviewed by Durham Technical Community College reported that the most difficult part of their job was not maintaining financial records, which accounted for 50 percent of their time. It was communicating with colleagues. Bookkeepers must maintain and balance financial records daily, including transactions from coworkers. It can be difficult to record those daily transactions if they don't communicate well with staff. Most bookkeepers need to get receipts for company purchases made by coworkers, reimburse employees for expenditures, create travel vouchers, disperse petty cash and record receipts for all transactions. An organized system of receipt submission, expense account reimbursement and cash distribution can improve the lines of communication.

Inventory and Budget Needs

As a liaison between departments, a bookkeeper interacts with department heads on a daily basis to discuss inventory needs. If merchandise, products or office supplies are running low, the bookkeeper must order more. If the company doesn't have department heads or employees who are responsible for tracking and maintaining inventory, it might be the bookkeeper's job to record these inventory levels. Many bookkeepers also meet with department managers to discuss budget needs and budget constraints. Since a bookkeeper is responsible for balancing the books, she must make sure funds are appropriately allocated for each expenditure.

Education & Salary

The Princeton Review reports that even though bookkeepers are financial record keepers, they aren't required to obtain certification through any organization or institution. However, some employers prefer to hire bookkeepers with a college degree in finance, record-keeping or business. In addition, the increasing simplicity and availability of accounting software has made formal accounting training less significant to employers. Familiarity with the double-entry accounting procedure might be required for a bookkeeping job. According to a 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the median pay for bookkeepers nationally was about $34, 000 per year.


balance accounts - подводить сальдо, подвести баланс

remit payment- переводить платеж

submit – предоставлять

financial institution - финансово-кредитное учреждение

Durham - г. Дарем – [‘dʌ r(ə )m]

reimburse – возвращать сумму, возмещать, компенсировать – [ri: im’bɜ: s]

travel vouchers – проездной билет

petty cash - деньги на мелкие расходы

disperse – распределять, разгонять

liaison – связь и взаимодействие – [li’eiz(ə )n]

merchandise – сопутствующие товары, ассортимент

balance books – подбить балансы

double-entry accounting - двойная система бухгалтерского учёта

Princeton – г. Принстон



Text 3. Exercise 2


r s u g c h g e l a
e t r i f a n s e s
m o e t l o s p i m
o c k s a n r e t e
t s v a n i m r e c
c u q a l a t b t u
n a u t o m n a e r
t i t y t o u r d r
a s p e c c i c o e
c h t a c e r p t n


Text 6. Exercise 3


          v i a b l e  
p                 i    
r e v e n u e     a    
o         t       b   i
f   o b l i g a t i o n
i     a   l   s   l   v
t     l   i   s   i   e
      a   t   e   t   n
      n   i   t   y   t
  e x c e e d         o
      e   s           r
  l o s s             y
      e x p e n s e s  


Text 7. Exercise 3

№1 - devalue

devalue a currency - проводить девальвацию валюты

devalue accord - преуменьшать значение соглашения

devalue the exchange rate - девальвировать валютный курс

№2 - coin

bad coin - поддельная монета

coin recycling system - система рециркуляции монет

genuine coin - неподдельная монета

copper coin – медная монета

№3 – issue

issue a bill - выставлять предварительный счёт;

issue a binding mandate - издать обязательный к исполнению приказ

issue a bonus - выдавать премию

issue a license - выпустить лицензию

№ 4 - redeem

redeem a debt - заплатить долг

redeem a loan - выплатить заём

redeem a promise - выполнить обещание

№5 - depositor

major depositor - крупный вкладчик

runs by depositors - бегство вкладчиков из банков

bank depositor - вкладчик банка

depositor's book - депозитарная книжка

№6 - law

adopt a law - принять закон

be at law - судиться

break the law - нарушить закон

cancel a law - аннулировать закон

№7 - measure

measure up to task - быть способным выполнить поставленную задачу

measure a piece of cloth - отмерить кусок материала

measure by eye - определить на глаз

measure a diameter - измерить диаметр


get into debt - войти в долги

pay off a debt - покрыть долг

get free of debt - выплатить долги

run up a debt - влезть в долг

№9 - froud

commit a fraud - совершить мошенничество

election fraud - мошенничество на выборах

fraud resistant - защищённый от подделок

marriage fraud - фиктивный брак

№10 - bankrupt

go bankrupt - становиться банкротом

certificated bankrupt - лицо, объявленное банкротом по суду

bankrupt bank - обанкротившийся банк



Интернет ресурсы:


http: //misscpa.com/difference-between-bookkeeping-and-accounting/

https: //www.wellsfargo.com/financial-education/basic-finances/manage-money/options/bank-account-types/

http: //www.expertmarket.com/How-Does-a-Cash-Register-Work

http: //www.accountingtools.com/questions-and-answers/what-is-the-difference-between-salary-and-wages.html

http: //www.businessnewsdaily.com/5636-how-to-make-invoice.html

http: //smallbusiness.chron.com/assets-vs-liabilities-revenue-vs-expenses-52855.html

http: //www.stopprintingmoney.com/Learning/What_is_Money/

http: //work.chron.com/bookkeeper-daily-basis-6595.html



Д.Г. Симонян

Английский язык для специальности «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет»



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