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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите, является ли подчеркнутая форма инфинитивом, причастием или герундием. Переведите письменно предложения на русский язык.

1. Heat is a form of energy, that is, it is capable of doing work. – Герундий.

2. Early computers using vacuum tubes could perform computations in milliseconds. – Using – причастие, perform – инфинитив.

3. The process to be treated subsequently in more detail is known as ionization. - to be treated- причастие, known-причастие.

4. You should have changed the current strength at all points of the circuit.- Причастие.

II. Раскройте скобки, используя Participle I или Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The first transistor ( develop ) was junction transistor. - The first transistor developed was junction transistor.

2. The transistor is a semiconductor triode ( possess ) the characteristics as thermionic triodes. - The transistor is a semiconductor triode possessing the characteristics as thermionic triodes.

3. Computer components ( produce ) should be very clean. - Computer components producing should be very clean.

4. Crystal valves ( use ) silicon crystals were found to be more efficient for the very high frequency signals. - Crystal valves used silicon crystals were found to be more efficient for the very high frequency signals.

III. Перефразируйте данные сложные предложения, употребив независимый причастный оборот. Переведите письменно полученные предложения.

1. As the quantity of kinetic energy depends on its mass and velocity, any moving object can do work. - The quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity, any moving object can do work.

2. Since the method of preparation is the best of the methods described, we used it in our work. - Since the method of preparation is being the best of the methods described, we used it in our work.

3. When reports were generated and files updated, new tapes were made. - When reports being generated and files being updated, new tapes were made.

IV. Прочитайте и перепишите следующие предложения. Определите, к какому типу условного предложения относится каждое из них. Переведите письменно предложение.

1. The measurements will be correct if the necessary instruments are used. -Условное предложение 1 типа.- Измерения будут верными, если будут использованы надлежащие инструменты.

2. If you applied your theoretical knowledge to your work, it would lead to better results. - Условное предложение 2 типа. - Если бы ты применил свои знания в своей работе, то это поможет получить лучшие результаты.

3.If the transistor hadn’t been developed, it would have been possible to produce integrated circuits. - Условное предложение 3 типа. - Если бы транзистор не был бы изобретен, то было бы невозможно производить интегральные схемы.


Работа над текстом


I. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Telecommunications Key Concepts

1. Telecommunication is the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. In modern times, this process almost always involves the sending of electromagnetic waves by electronic transmitters but in earlier years it may have involved the use of smoke signals, drums or semaphore. Today, telecommunication is widespread and devices that assist the process such as the television, radio and telephone are common in many parts of the world. There is also a vast array of networks that connect these devices, including computer networks, public telephone networks, radio networks and television networks. Computer communication across the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging, is just one of many examples of telecommunication.

2. The basic elements of a telecommunication system are: a transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal for transmission; a transmission medium over which the signal is transmitted; a receiver that receives and converts the signal back into usable information.

For example, consider a radio broadcast. In this case the broadcast tower is the transmitter, the radio is the receiver and the transmission medium is free space. Often telecommunication systems are two-way and devices act as both a transmitter and receiver or transceiver. For example, a mobile phone is a transceiver. Telecommunication over a phone line is called point-to-point communication because it is between one transmitter and one receiver, telecommunication through radio broadcasts is called broadcast communication because it is between one powerful transmitter and numerous receivers.

3. Signals can either be analogue or digital. In an analogue signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the information. In a digital signal, the information is encoded as a set of discrete values.

A collection of transmitters, receivers or transceivers that communicate with each other is known as a network. Digital networks may consist of one or more routers that route data to the correct user. An analogue network may consist of one or more switches that establish a connection between two or more users. For both types of network, a repeater may be necessary to amplify or recreate the signal when it is being transmitted over long distances.

4. The shaping of a signal to convey information is known as modulation. Modulation is used to represent a digital message as an analogue waveform.

However, modulation is also used to boost the frequency of analogue signals. There are several different modulation schemes available to achieve this — some of the most basic being amplitude modulation and frequency modulation. An example of this process is a DJ's voice being superimposed on a 96 MHz carrier wave using frequency modulation (the voice would then be received on a radio as the channel “96 FM”).



involve включать, вовлекать
array массив, множество, совокупность
instant мгновенный
broadcast вещать, передавать
point-to-point communication двухпунктовая прямая связь
router маршрутизатор


II. Укажите какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. Telecommunication is a short-distance communication. (False)

2. The basic elements of telecommunication system are a transmitter and a receiver. (True)

3. Telecommunication over a phone line is multipoint communication. (False)

4. A network is a collection of transmitters, receivers and transceivers. (True)

5. Modulation is used to shape a signal. (True)

III. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. What devices assist the process of telecommunication?

a) antennas;

b) television, radio, telephone;

c) computers and printers.

2. How are two-way telecommunication systems called?

a) receivers;

b) transmitters;

c) transceivers.

3. What is modulation used for?

a) To amplify signals.

b) To boost the frequency of analogue signals.

c) To transmit signals.

IV. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. Telecommunication is the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication.

a) Телекоммуникация – это передача сигнала на расстояние для осуществления коммуникации.

b) Телекоммуникация – это передача сигналов на расстоянии для осуществления связи.

c) Телекоммуникация – это передача сигналов на дистанцию с целью осуществления связи.

2. Telecommunication over a phone line is called point-to-point communication.

a) Телекоммуникация по телефоннной линии называется прямой связью.

b) Телекоммуникация посредством телефонной линии называется прямой связью.

c) Телекоммуникация через телефонную линию называется связью от точки к точке.

3. A collection of transmitters, receivers or transceivers that communicate with each other is known as a network.

a) Совокупность передатчиков, приемников и трансиверов, которые связаны между собой называется сетью.

b) Коллекция передатчиков, приемников и трансиверов, осуществляющих связь между собой, называется сетью.

c) Известно, что совокупность передатчиков, приемников и трансиверов, осуществляющих связь между собой, называется сетью.



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