Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

What is the best advice you can give to a new trainee to get through their first year?

Don't expect too much of yourself! No-one is expecting you to be perfect straight away and when you first start teaching, not every lesson you plan will be completely fantastic and inspirational. The PGCE year is all about learning how to improve and become the best teacher you can be for your pupils. So just keep on trying your very best and take all feedback on board.

[49]CPE, 2016

Study the list of discourse phrases and complete the sentences with your own information.

1. My current placement for this half-term is……………. 2. I am based in …………. 3. This half-term I will be teaching ……. 4. I love teaching because …………... 5. One thing that I’m really enjoying about working with …….. is 6. I think the best reason to go into teaching is ……………. 7. This really helped to ensure that ………………... 8. The best advice I can give to a new trainee to get through their first year is ………………………….. 1. ……………………….. 2. ……………………….. 3. ……………………….. 4. ……………………….. 5. ……………………….. 6. ………………………... 7. ……………………….. 8. ………………………..  

Role play the interview with a teacher trainee.


1 Task 1: Watch the video about teacher trainees’ routes into teaching and summarize its main idea in a paragraph (50 words). https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=bYLcPpsPoXs [50]

Task 2: Watch the video and answer the following questions.

  • How many speakers are talking? What could you tell about them?
  • What do Liam and Laura say about starting their work as teacher trainees?
  • Why did they choose ‘School Direct’ for their placement?
  • What kind of support did they get at ‘School Direct’?
  • What range of pre-training options does the narrator mention?

Task 3: Based on the information from the video, describe your own experience as a FL teacher/ teacher trainee and say what opportunities for in-service training prospective FL teachers have the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Read the information provided and create a concept map of the text.

Experience Translation: Professional Development Courses

One of the main strategic directions of the AEO " Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" is the translation of Intellectual schools’ experience to the education system of the country.

The translation of Intellectual schools’ experience is organized through the professional development of teachers of the country, training of students of pedagogical universities, online lessons and seminars for students and teachers of secondary schools, organizing and holding annual international conferences, training seminars on the study and implementation of innovative approaches and international practices, the master classes on interactive and active learning methods and techniques in the classroom.

Much preparatory work has been carried out in preparation for the pilot implementation of the renewed content of secondary education and the draft of the new Compulsory state standards for primary education to 30 pilot schools.

In general, the work is being done in three ways:

1) professional development and training of teachers;

2) sharing the best educational experience;

3) renewal of the content of secondary education.

Professional Development

Understanding the key role of the teacher on the renewal of the content of school education, in the period under review a huge amount of work on professional development of teachers of the country was carried out.

Further professional development is conducted on the basis of Centre of Pedagogical Excellence (CPE) by:

1) multilevel programmes of professional development for the teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed in conjunction with the AEO and the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (hereinafter - multilevel programmes);

2) professional development programmes for the heads of educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed in conjunction with the AEO and Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (hereinafter - managers program);

3) professional development programmes of the staff of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its subordinate organizations in the frame of renewal of the content of secondary education;

4) professional development programmes for the development of functional literacy of students in the framework of conduction an international study PISA;

5) professional development programmes for graduate students of pedagogical specialties and faculty members of universities;

6) professional development programme " Managing conflicts and stress in school" for pedagogical staff of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools.

The Exchange of the Best Teaching Experience

In order to promote best teaching experience during the reporting period the work was held in the following areas: (1) Publication of information and methodical journal " Pedagogical Dialogue"; (2) The publication of methodological literature; (3) Workshops; (4) Electronic methodical thrift box; (5) Movies on the implementation of professional development programs; (6) Interaction with the media; (7) Supporting a community network; (8) Online courses and seminars; (9) International Conference. [51]AEO ‘NIS’, 2016


2 Study the report on experience translation by AEO ‘NIS’ at http: //nis.edu.kz/en/edurenew/ pov-kval/, then summarize the information in a paragraph (about 200 words).

Role play a press conference with the Minister of Education of the RK, the representatives of six programmes of the Centre of Pedagogical Excellence (CPE), the teachers and students of the Republic, concerned about the issues of modern FL education in Kazakhstan.


1 Read the following information from the website ‘Study Abroad’ and state your opinion on teaching Foreign Languages abroad.



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