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Предложения с вводящим there, конструкция there is (there are)

Перевод предложений с конструкцией there is (there are) следует начинать с обстоятельства места, если оно есть. Сама конструкция there is (there are) переводится есть, существует, находится:

There is some discrepancy in the results obtained. В полученных результатах есть расхождения.

Примечание 1. В данную конструкцию, кроме глагола be, могут входить и некоторые другие непереходные глаголы, например: exist — существовать, come — приходить, наступать и другие, а также глаголы в страдательном залоге:

1. There exist many different ways to liquify gases.
Существует (есть) много способов сжижения газов.

2. There has been recently developed a new method in the Laboratory
of Ultra-Sound.

В лаборатории ультразвука недавно был разработан новый метод.

Примечание 2. Если в предложении с конструкцией there is подлежащее определяется причастием I, то это причастие перево­дится личной формой глагола, т. е. сказуемым:

There is come force acting on the particle.

На эту частицу действует какая-то сила.

Примечание 3. Если в предложении с конструкцией thsre is подлежащее определяется инфинитивом, то инфинитив переводится личной формой глагола, т. е. сказуемым с модальным оттенком:

There are many measurements to be made. Следует сделать много измерений.


Запомните значение сочетания

There is no question of... — He может быть и речи о...

Упражнение Переведите следующие предложения:

1. There is no certainty that molecules in a gas must
behave in the same way as in a liquid.

2. There are a few points I would like to make specially
about the first paper.

3. There are believed to exist some other species of the
same type.

4. There seems to be considerable disagreement between
observations of the same phenomenon by different authors.

5. As the solid is further heated there comes a time when
the molecules break away from their neighbours.

6. Inside of a metal box, Faraday " cage" as it is called,
there will never be found any free electrofication.


7. There are three factors to be kept in mind when
evaluating the records.

8. There must be some force operating to keep there
bodies moving in the way they do.

9. The fact that heat could be absorbed without there
being any temperature evidence of its presence was a fact
that centuries ago astonished its discoverers.


10. Between any two points in the circuit carrying the
current there is said to be a potential difference, the total
e. m. f. being the algebraic sum of all the potential differences.

11. There is no question of anything solid or liquid or
living surviving on the incandescent surface of the sun.

Местоимение it, заменяющее

Предшествующее существительное

Или целое высказывание

1) Личное местоимение it (мн. число they) заменяет предшествующее неодушевленное существительное и пе­реводится личным местоимением 3-го л. в именитель­ном или косвенном падеже:

I. have read your paper and found it very interesting. Я читал вашу статью и нашел ее очень интересной (нашел, что она очень интересна).

2) Местоимение it заменяет все предшествующее вы­сказывание и переводится местоимением это:

The temperature is rising slowly. It means that... Температура медленно поднимается. Это означает, что...

Примечание. В английском языке в качестве заместителя высказывания чаще выступает местоимение this — это.


Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите, где местоимение it заменяет предшествующее существительное, а где — целое выска­зывание:

1. The pressure of a gas is the force per unit area which
it exerts on any body.

2. If you yourself try these experiments, you can verify
everything we have described. It will take patience, however.

3. We take germanium first, it being a typical semiconductor.

4. Chemical bounds can be attributed to attraction be­
tween anions and cations. It is one way of explaining, but
not the only one.

5. Because a gas molecule is so tiny, its size can often
be completely neglected and it can be said to be at a particular

6. Watery solution of ammonia, strong and irritant as it
is to eyes and nose, is only a weak solution of the vapour
of ammonia.


Переведите следующие предложения.


I. Переведите следующие неопределенно-личные предложения со сказуемым в действительном или страдательном залоге:

1.! t remained for Anderson to prove the hypothesis
suggested by Dirac.

2. It is well to introduce a new concept at this point.

3. It is believed the method described should be of most
utility in the determination of atomic transition types.

4. By this " modus operandi" it is hoped that the reader
will find new and exciting directions of research.

5. If two molecules repel each other very strongly when
a short way apart, it takes an enormous force to push them

6. From the above discussion it does not follow that life
is impossible on other planets.

7. It was suggested by Bush to apply the method of
spectroscopic analysis.

8. It was noted by several physicists that the phenomenon
in question could not be explained by the statistical theory.

9. It occurred to Becquerel to investigate a uranium salt
which he had prepared fifteen years before.

И. Переведите следующие предложения, где сказуемое выражено глаголом-связкой be + прилагательное:

10. It is encouraging to note the rapid advance in
knowledge and techniques.

11. It is appropriate to remind the reader that the liquid
should solidify in this case.

6 Зак. 105 161


12. It is rewarding to try to make the experiment at still
lower temperatures.

13. It was not long before two additional particles were

III. Переведите следующие предложения, где сказуемое выражено глаголом связкой be + существительное:

14. Little wonder it is that earlier cultures saw in
thunderstorms the activities of gods.

15. When dealing with a gas it is common practice to
consider it under a pressure of 1 atmosphere.

16. In quantum mechanics, it is a good procedure to
discuss arbitral angular momentum.

17. Among practical designs it is common occurrence to
find a shaft varying in diameter between bearings.

18. It is the aim of our work to check the reliability of
the experimental interpretation of the above-mentioned

19. From the very earliest time it has been a favourite
hypothesis that all matter is really composed of one
substance. — Air, Fire, Earth and Water have all been
suggested in the past.

20. In our case it is a usual procedure to heat the
substance to a high temperature and then to quench it.


Переведите следующие предложения с местоимением it, предва­ряющим дополнение:

21. The law makes it easy to understand the relation of
the two values.

22. Galileo's experiment made it clear that all bodies fall
with the same acceleration.

23. The samples taken with the new apparatus make it
possible to give geological and hydrological investigations a
considerably greater accuracy.

24. Anyone seeing Socrates for the first time would have
found it hard to believe that this was the famous philosopher.

25. Light molecules tend to find it harder to leave a hot
region than to enter it.

26. Rutherford's picture of an atom as a miniature solar

system made it no easier to explain away the equipartition difficulty.

Повторение функций местоимения it


Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на то, заменяет ли местоимение it предшествующее существительное или высказывание или предваряет последующее высказывание:

1. While evaluating the automatic computors, it is very
helpful to keep two basic facts in mind.

2. Heat that seemed to disappear was said later to have
become latent, since it was found it could be recovered.

3. After the substance had been thoroughly examined it
had been shown to contain НзSiO4-ions, and it was concluded
that the precipitate had the composition Са(НзSiO4)2.

4. The complications mentioned make it difficult to make
a comparison between the compounds in question.

5. The wast amount of water on the earth makes it a
huge reservoir for the storing up of excess warmth.

6. The scope of the book does not make it appropriate
to deal in detail with gas thermometry.

7. The fact that we did not primarily design our hypothesis
to explain previously obscure matters makes it all the more
effective. It appears to contain more than we put into it.

8. The design of the telescope will be discussed in some
details. It is not the object of this paper to analyze a mirror's

9. With so many molecules in the air it is small wonder
that we cannot perceive them separately as they hurtle
into us.


10. It is not entirely out of the question that certain
intensity fluctuations were due to scintillation.

11. It is encouraging to note that continued improvement
in the mechanical properties is being obtained by the
development of new agents.

12. The explanation to be given is the best currently
available but it is well to bear in mind that it will probably
be considerably modified in the years to come.

13. The species has been collected in Massachusetts and

6* 163

Ohio where it is thought to have been introduced with plants imported from warmer regions.

14. It remained for twentieth century science to discover that electricity was not a fluid at all.


Переведите следующие предложения с обобщенно-личным мес­тоимением one:


1. One should take the precautions mentioned.

2. One believes that the procedure described above will
simplify the experiment.

3. One may well ask why the two sheets of paper fly


4. It takes one much time to make all the necessary

5. The evidence provided by the author makes one believe
that his hypothesis rests on sound foundation.

6. The figures presented involve one in the problems of
modern statistics.


7. One is to make a lot of experiments to make sure
that his observation is adequate.

8. When making experiments of this kind one is faced
with still another difficulty.

9. The computer allows one to make calculations in a
short time.


10. One cannot fail to observe that the advance in
technique grows more rapid.

11. If one is caught in the open without any protection
from a storm that promises to be of considerable electric
violence, there is little to be done or that need to be done
in the way of protection.

12. One can still make meaningful measurements, if he
stays in the region where he knows how to correct for the
effects of collision or magnetic fields.

13. In order to apply the method mentioned one needs
to know the location and shapes of the singularities, hence
one is almost always restricted to analytic models.


Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите функцию слова one:

1. Instead of numbers one might use symbols for
numbers — algebra instead of arithmetic.

2. Even the fastest of the heavy molecules move slowly
compared with the light ones.

3. The steady state of the gas is supposed to be one
which gives no one direction preference over another.

4. One may well ask why the number b and a are not
identical, since they arise from much the same kind of

5. A moment's reflection is enough to convince one that
the speeds found are not only possible, but reasonable.

6. Fast molecules do not diffuse through the rest as fast
as their speed would lead one to expect.

7. If one wishes to know whether or not a certain
compound is present, one simply looks for a peak from that
compound which would be expected in an otherwise clear
region of the spectrum.


Найдите в следующих предложениях существительное, которое заменяет слово-заместитель this (these), и переведите:

1. There are two methods of measuring the conductivity
of semiconductors. The first of these, which is used more
commonly, has a number of advantages.

2. The elements of the Periodic Group IA are called the
alkali metals. These are alike in having a single electron on
the outermost shell.

3. The rate of rotation is fixed by the angular
velocity w. This is treated as a vector quantity, its direction
being taken as the direction of the diameter about which the
sphere turns.

4. Similar anomalies are found in some synthetic specimen,
though none of these appear to be identical with the Loch
Egnert material.

This (these)


Переведите следующие предложения, выделив предварительно ме­стоимения-заместители и те существительные, которые они заме­щают:

1. There are many kinds of potential energy besides that
due to the force of gravity.

2. The assertion is one which can be justified by a detailed

3. The chief use of diffusion and thermal diffusion results
is to determine the forces between unlike molecules. These
can also be determined by methods like those used earlier
for like molecules.

*Однако в значении последний обычно используется слово the latter, в значении первый — the former.

4. The experiment indicates a fairly strong attraction, and
one which makes the neglect of attraction in viscosity work
appear rather dubious.

5. Two other very suitable temperatures are always
generally available, those of melting ice and of boiling water —
the former, constant under all conditions, the latter depending
on the atmospheric pressure.

6. If the original avalanch is a strong one, it leaves behind
it a large number of positive charges; these may be enough
to attract the electrons of some of the new avalanches into
their tube.

7. Fahrenheit's construction is the one most often used
for the household thermometers.

8. The speed of fast molecules means that they slip past
the molecules which they meet without these having time to
deflect them in their course.

9. If a gas molecule imparts energy to a wall molecule,
this passes it on to other wall molecules.




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