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Camera type KVR-1000 TK-350 KFA-1000,MK-4 LandsatTM AerialPhoto
Ascending orbit 115 25 8 98 0 Descending orbit 245 155 172 98 0
Задание модели камеры
The source image can be described using various models. There are 7 models for image orientation in OrthoMap: · Polynomial (Conformal). · Polynomial (Affine). · Polynomial second order. · Frame (central projection); · Simple Dynamic; · Panoramic Static; · Panoramic Dynamic; You can choose geometric model of image which will be used for external orientation on page “ Model ” of Project window.
Задание направления системы координат изображения
The source image file has left coordinate system, but to solve the task of orientation it is necessary to use right coordinate system. It is possible to transform left coordinate system to right one in several variants. In OrthoMap it is possible to select the direction of image coordinate system. Select Edit -> Orientation, then select one of the four possible directions of coordinate system in Orientation window.
Окно внешнего ориентирования, окна снимка и картыIDH_Exterior
You can do external orientation by pressing “ Exterior orientation ” Will be opened two windows: · Exterior orientationIDH_Ext – with list of control point (if were imported or defined in previous run). · Image window - with input image.
On image window you can use commands: Select - select conrtol point closest to cursor position; All image - fit image to window (keyboard grey *); Zoom in - increase image in window (keyboard grey +); Zoom out - decrease image in window (keyboard grey -); Zoom mode - cursor in zoom mode (left click – select in image central point of window, drag cursor – new zoom); press key ‘Shift’ and you will be able to change pixel coordinates for current control point (instant Arrow mode ); Arrow mode - left click changes pixel coordinates for current control point Auto histogram stretch - increase brightness of image. All command are available from popup menu (right click on image).
“Open raster map”
Общее описание
The window " Exterior Orientation " contains the table of GCPs each of which can be in two modes: On/active (" Yes" in column On/Off) and Off/passive (" No" in column On/Off). Switching of modes can be done by left mouse button double click on the cell " On/Off" of the row with required point. Active points will be used in orientation process automatically. Position errors in X and Y will be shown in columns " Rxy, m", " dX, m" and " dY, m". The aggregate result of orientation (RMS) will be shown in status line in the bottom of the window. The GCP table has the following fields: · Name - point name (without blanks); · On/Off - point status, only active points will be used in orientation and pixel calculation; · X, pixels - pixel values of X coordinate in image file; · Y, pixels - pixel values of Y coordinate in image file; · Easting, m - geodetic coordinate West-East in meters; · · Northing, m - geodetic coordinate North-South in meters; · Height, m - point height in meters; · Rxy, m – RMS on x, y; · dX, m – X error on point; · dY, m – Y error on point.
There are the following buttons in this window: Undo - undo last changes; Add point - add point after the current one; Delete point - delete current point; Solve - solve external orientation according current geometric model; RMS w/o - RMS is calculated for each point (shown in column " RMS w/o" ) in assumption that this point is passive. In this mode we can find the worst point (with the minimal value in the column " RMS w/o" ) and turn it off. Calc pixels - calculate pixel coordinates for current point with known geodetic coordinates, first order polynomial is used, its coefficients are calculated for all active points, not less than two active points with known pixel and geodetic coordinates are required; Calc pixels for all “No” points - calculate pixel coordinates for current point with known geodetic coordinates, first order polynomial is used, its coefficients are calculated for all active points, not less than two active points with known pixel and geodetic coordinates are required; Calc map - calculate geodetic coordinates for current point with known pixel coordinates, first order polynomial is used, its coefficients are calculated for all active points, not less than two active points with known pixel and geodetic coordinates are required. Geometric model - ComboBox for geometric model selection
Редактирование существующей точкиIDH_Edit
For editing of existing point you must select the row with this point in window " External Orientation ". The point becomes current and will be shown in the table and on image in appropriate color. In normal state the image window is in zoom mode (cursor ). For current point you must find its position on image and holding Shift key (the window mode changes to arrow mode and cursor image will be ) click left mouse button in selected location on image. Pixel coordinates in GCP table will be changed for the current point.
To add a new point press button " Add point ".
You can define point geodetic coordinates from map. Press button
There are three help modes for user (buttons " Calc Pixels", " Calc Map", " RMS w/o" ).
Внешнее ориентирование
The source image can be described using various models. There are 7 models for image orientation in OrthoMap: · Polynomial (Conformal). · Polynomial (Affine). · Polynomial second order. · Frame (central projection); · Simple Dynamic; · Panoramic Static; · Panoramic Dynamic; In order to achieve maximal accuracy in orthorectification it is necessary to select the image model correctly. The following table shows default settings of orientation model for different types of cameras (these settings can be changed by operator):
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