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Получение информации о текущем проекте
To obtain inформатion on current status of active project select " Info " from " File " menu or use " Project inформатion "
Appearing Inформатion window contains the following pages: · Files - setting of working filesIDH_SetW · Camera - setting of camera parametersIDH_Camera · AOI location - setting of location and size of orthoimage (AOI)IDH_Loc · Topo - setting of topocentric system locationIDH_Topo · Output CS - setting of coordinate system and pixel resampling typeIDH_CoordS · Model - setting camera modelIDH_Direct
Active project is not automatically saved to your hard disk. If some changes are made to active project, the inформатion window will display them rather than project inформатion stored in the project file on the hard disk. To store the changes in the file, save active project (see Note to the section " Opening an existing project" IDH_Open above).
Редактирование проекта Задание рабочих файлов
Select item " Define Raw Image " from " Edit " menu to define source image file using common " Open file" dialog. Or you can click line “ Input file ” on page “ Files ”.
Select item " Define Ortho Image " from " Edit " menu to define name and directory path of output orthoimage file. Or you can click line “ Output file ” on page “ Files ”.
Select item " Define DEM " from " Edit " menu to define DEM file name (not used for transформатion to mean plane) using common " Open file" dialog, also can be used to remove the DEM from the project. Or you can click line “ DEM file ” on page “ Files ”.
On this page you can define Project title and give some Comments for this project.
If you have control points in separate GCP file, then you can import them into project. Select item " Import points " from " File " and select file name using common " Open file" dialog. When you save project, control points will be saved in file with name of project file and ‘.gcp’ extention. The GCP file contains inформатion determining location of each control point on image in pixel coordinates and on the ground in geographic coordinates. GCP file формат described in section " Форматs of Files" IDH_Fgcp.
Задание параметров камеры
Select " Camera" from " Edit" menu. Camera parameters setting window is displayed.
Select camera type from " Camera type " listIDH_INTRO. Then the parameters " Focus ", " Aperture " and " Altitude of flight " are automatically set for selected camera type. Each parameter can be changed separately. For other cameras select camera type " Unknown" then enter the camera parameters manually.
The required parameters are the following: · Focus - camera focal length (in millimeters); · Aperture - scanning aperture (in microns per pixel); · Altitude of flight - average altitude of shooting (in kilometers).
To save the changes in camera parameters, save active project (see Note to the section " Opening an existing project" IDH_Open above). To discard changes press " Cancel" button.
Задание координатной системы и метода интерполяции пикселовIDH_CoordS
Select " Coordinate system " from " Edit " menu, then select required coordinate system from two available (Gauss-Kruger on Krasovsky spheroid or UTM on WGS-84 spheroid). Or you can simply click on lines “ Spheroid ”, “ Datum ”, “ Projection ” and coordinate system changes.
Select " Resampling type " item from " Edit " menu, then select necessary pixel resampling type from the list. Current resampling type is marked in the list. The best choice for “black and white” imagery is “ Bilinear interpolation ”, but it can change colours for multispectral (RGB) images. " Nearest neighbour " resampling method is faster and does not change colour of RGB images.
Note. All coordinates in the system are to be specified with zone number as first digits in Easting coordinate. For example: 12356800 – 12 zone 356800- coordinates in zone
Задание положения и размера ортоизображения
To set location and size of orthoimage select item " Ortho Image Location " from " Edit " menu.
Output orthoimage is oriented along Easting/Northing axes of specified coordinate system, so orthoimage location is determined by one point - North-West corner of orthoimage corresponding to output file coordinates 0: 0 (upper left corner of the output image). For transформатion of the image to mean plane of the required area average height of the area must be specified.
Attention! Average height is also used for the pixels of the required area beyond DEM area. It may lead to image distortions at the DEM / average height border area if difference in heights is significant. To avoid this, control orthoimage and DEM area sizes carefully.
Orthoimage size and grid step are specified in meters.
To process the whole input image use " All Image " button. In this case the coordinates of North-West corner, output pixel size corresponding to input pixel size and orthoimage size corresponding to the whole input file are determined from the parameters of exterior orientation corresponding to the set of ground control points. These values are used as orthoimage location.
To process the image within DEM borders use " DEM " button.
Use " From GCP " button to define the mean plane with the height determined as average of the heights of control points. Use " From GCP " button to define the step of output image from ground control points.
A local Cartesian topocentric systemIDH_topo is used for production of orthoimage. Using " Calc Topo" button the origin of the topocentric system is located in the center of orthoimage area (the option " Auto topocentric" is automatically turned off). For most tasks this way of location of topocentric system is recommended. An advanced user can specify the location of the topocentric system manually.
Output orthoimage file pixels outside the image area will be filled with " Null Value" (for 8-bit grayscale 0 is black, 255 is white).
Задание положения топоцентрической системыIDH_Topo
Topocentric coordinate system is the Cartesian system in which exterior orientation will be done. It can be defined by its origin and azimuth. To set location of topocentric system select " Topocentric System " item from " Edit " menu. Or select page “ Topo ” of project window.
Radio buttons If selected Auto topocentric Origin of topocentric system defines in the centre of control points (default) User defined Origin of topocentric system can be defined by user
Button Calc Topo origin of topocentric system defined in the centre of area of interest (AOI) Auto Azimuth azimuth of topocentric system sets from camera definition according to the pass of satellite
ComboBox Ascending pass ascending pass of satellite orbit Descending pass descending pass of satellite orbit
For most tasks “ Auto topocentric ” location of topocentric system is recommended. An advanced user can specify the location of the topocentric system manually. You can specify latitude and longitude of the origin of topocentric system on Topo page of Project window. The coordinates are entered in the following формат: ddd: mm: ss.ss N|S|E|W where: ddd - degrees; mm - minutes; ss.ss - seconds with decimal fractions; N|S|E|W - North, South, East, or West.
" Auto Azimuth" button is used for automatic setting of azimuth of the topocentric system according to the camera type and taking into account ascending or descending orbit (option " Ascending pass" ):
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