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Travelling. Holiday-making. Environmental protection

The Generation Gap


Books and readers


Children’s books – книги для детей

Adult’s books – книги для взрослых

Travel books – книги о путешествиях

Biography – биография

Romantic – романтический

Historical novel – исторический роман

Thriller – триллер

Detective stories – детективы

Science fiction – научная фантастика

Fantasy – фэнтези

Non-fiction – документальный


Answer the questions

1) Do you like reading books?

2) What do you prefer to read: books, magazines or newspapers?

3) Which books are you reading now?

4) Where is your favourite place to read?

5) Who is your favourite novelist?

6) What is your favourite poem?

7) Who is your favorite character?

8) Which character do you hate most?

9) Which contemporary author do you most admire?

10) Which is the first book you can remember reading?

11) With which character would you most like to have an affair?

12) What is your favourite children book?

13) Which book would you like to see filmed?

14) What is the worst screen adaptation?

15) Which book would you make compulsory reading?



Define the genres of the texts

Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.


Once upon a time as a merchant set off for market, he asked each of his three daughters what she would like as a present on his return. The first daughter wanted a brocade dress, the second a pearl necklace, but the third, whose name was Beauty, the youngest, prettiest and sweetest of them all, said to her father:

" All I'd like is a rose you've picked specially for me! "


Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive. Mr. Vernon Dursley had been woken in the early hours of the morning by a loud, hooting noise from his nephew Harry's room.


In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.


The Jedi Padawan jumped to a sitting position in his cot on the starship, his eyes popping open wide, sweat on his forehead and his breath coming in gasps. A dream. It was all a dream.



Absorbing – захватывающий

Ambitious – честолюбивый

Amusing – забавный

Controversial – спорный

Brilliant – яркий

Depressing – унылый

Delightful – восхитительный

Disturbing – волнующий

Dull – скучный

Fascinating – очаровательный

Gripping – захватывающий

Hilarious – веселый

Outrageous – оскорбительный

Powerful – мощный

Wise – мудрый


Read and translate the text

Graham Greene

He did not plan on a long life. As a boy, he toyed with suicide, employing, among other means, a dull knife, hay-fever drops and a mild dose of aspirin; he also survived several sessions of Russian roulette. Grown older, evidently in spite of himself, he left his native England as often as possible to court danger and disease, wherever and whenever they might prove most virulent: Africa, Mexico, Indochina, Cuba, Haiti, Central America. None of these places killed him; instead they furnished material for many of his more than fifty books, including novels, short story collections, travel writings, plays, essays autobiography, biography, children’s tales. So Graham Greene’s death last week, at 86, prompts not only sadness and tributes, but also a question: What would be contemporary world look like if he had got his wish and not lived to describe it?


What is your view about this writer? Try to describe him using this extract


Paperback – книга в бумажной обложке

Hardback – издание в твердом переплете

Binding – переплет

Cover – обложка

Jacket – обложка

Title – название

Epigraph – эпиграф

Preface – предисловие

The contents list – содержание

Fly leaf – форзац, чистый лист в начале или конце книги

Bookplate – экслибрис, книжный знак

Blurb – рекламное объявление на обложке книги

A beautifully printed book – отлично напечатанная книга

A tome bound in leather – кожаный переплет книги

With gilt edges – с позолоченными углами

Dense print – плотный шрифт

With loose pages – с оторванными страницами


Using the words above describe your favourite book


Speak about children’s books. Consider the following:

  1. What do children like to read about? Is the borderline between “an innocent pastime” and “an adventure” easy to define? Should the books offer young readers imaginary worlds (“magic places where summer days are forever sunny”)? Should the books always have happy endings?
  2. A toddler of three is sure to love flap-books, pop-up books and picture books. But what about comics and graphic books for older children? Can they become the stepping stones leading to adult literature? Should they be banned?
  3. It’s a fact that young parents don’t read enough for their children. They know it’s supposed to be a great joy, but sometimes it’s the last thing they want to do. Is there any alternative?
  4. Do you think that parents should read children “naughty” books with mischievous characters “to increase their appetite for reading”?
  5. They say it’s very difficult to hit exactly the right age for a particular book. For what age group would you recommend the epic fantasy novel by J.R.R. Tolkien The Lord of The Rings?
  6. How early can a child be given books in foreign language?
  7. Should girls and boys be given the same books to read?
  8. Are children insensitive to poetry? Can they appreciate comic verse and comic stories, nursery rhymes and limerics?
  9. Reading should be a normal, easy thing. Children brought up on an early diet of television, video and computer games are reluctant readers. How to make reading a pleasure and not a chore for a boy who views reading as wimpish? Is it possible for television watching not only to discourage but actually to inspire reading?


Make up a list of books (top ten) you’d like to suggest for National Year of Reading if it were launched in Russia


Translate the text

Экслибрис (от лат. ex libris «из книг») — книжный знак, наклеиваемый владельцами библиотек на книгу, преимущественно на внутреннюю сторону переплета. Разновидность экслибриса, оттиснутого на корешке или сторонке переплётной крышки книги, называется суперэкслибрисом.

Обычно на экслибрисе обозначены имя и фамилия владельца и рисунок, лаконично и образно говорящий о профессии, интересах или о составе библиотеки владельца. Родиной экслибриса считают Германию, где он появился вскоре после изобретения книгопечатания. В России экслибрис появился при Петре I.

Простейший экслибрис представляет собой бумажный ярлык с именем владельца книги (иногда в сочетании с девизом или эмблемой). Художественные экслибрисы представляют собой произведения печатной графики. Они создаются различными техниками гравюры — гравируются на меди, дереве или линолеуме, выполняются цинкографским или литографским способом. Среди авторов художественных экслибрисов можно назвать таких выдающихся художников, как Альбрехт Дюрер, В. А. Фаворский, и многих других.

Среди художественных экслибрисов различают

  • гербовые, которые воспроизводят герб владельца и характерны главным образом для XVI—XVIII веков;
  • вензелевые с орнаментально разработанными инициалами владельца;
  • сюжетные, которые стали наиболее популярными в XX веке и представляют собой изображения пейзажей, архитектурных мотивов, различных эмблем, образно отражающих вкусы, интересы и пристрастия, профессию владельца библиотеки.




To form a reading habit early in life – формировать привычку к чтению с детства

To read silently – читать про себя

Incessantly - постоянно

Avidly - жадно

Voraciously – жадно, ненасытно

To read curled up in a chair – читать свернувшись в кресле

To read a child – читать ребенку

To read oneself to sleep – читать кому-либо перед сном

To be lost in a book – погрузиться в книгу

To devour book – проглатывать книгу

To dip into a book – погрузиться в книгу

Glance over – быстро прочитать

Pore over – углубиться, пристально изучать

Thumb through - пролистывать

To browse through periodicals – неспешно просматривать периодические издания

To scan – бегло просматривать

To skim – просматривать, поверхностно знакомиться

A bookworm – книжный червь

An avid reader – жадный читатель

Alert - внимательный

Keen - проницательный


What can you tell about your own reading habits? Where do you prefer to read? Could you read in the buses? Do you need a special atmosphere for reading?

Try to tell about your favourite book. Use the given plan or your own ideas:

1. Title

2. Author and his/her contribution to literature and influence on it.

3. Plot.

4. Your favourite part.

5. Your favourite character.

6. What would you add to this story?

7. General impression.




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