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Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих английских слов.

Englishmen, n, pl

food, n

kind, n

popular, a

result in, v

fast, a

5. Прочитайте предложения и выполните следующие задания:

а) найдите в каждом предложении сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог:

б) переведите предложения на русский язык;

в) сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1. A traditional English breakfast means a very big meal.

2. In the 19th century English ladies dressed up for tea drinking ceremony.

3. During the Tea Break Englishmen drink tea and eat small sandwiches, scones and cakes.

4. English tea is still served in special tearooms in some hotels.

5. Early tea cups were imported from China.

6. English porcelain became world famous.


6. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. For British people “tea” means two things…

2. The Tea Break in Britain is a formal meal where…

3. The special tearooms still serve…

4. Early tea cups were originally imported from…

5. The popularity of tea drinking led to the rapid growth of …

7. Найдите неверные утверждения и исправьте их в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. For British people “tea” is not only a drink.

2. Today tea drinking is a proper, formal, “social” occasion.

3. Nowadays Englishmen don't dress up to “go out to tea”.

4. The Tea Break is a formal meal where you have tea with small sandwiches, scones or cakes.

5. Nowadays many British people have the Tea Break at home.

6. Tea drinking traditions have grown in popularity.

8. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию теста.

1. What does “tea” mean for British people?

2. What do Englishmen eat with tea?

3. What tea drinking traditions did Englishmen have?

4. How do British people follow their tea drinking traditions nowadays?

5. Why is English pottery and porcelain industry world famous?


9. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие задания:

а) постарайтесь понять содержание текста, используя информацию страноведческого и исторического характера, данную ниже;

б) озаглавьте текст;

в) письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за текстом.


Tea drinking traditions in Great Britain are connected with the Victorian era of England. It was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. Queen Victoria was fond of drinking tea and made it a court tradition. She even created “Tea Moralities” — English rules of tea ceremony which served a base for modern European tradition of tea drinking.

One of the world famous British traditions is “five o’clock tea”, which appeared in the 19th century. In 1840 Anna Russell, the duchess Bedford, the court lady of the queen, decided to arrange additional tea drinking between lunch and traditionally late dinner. Anna Russell asked her butler to bring her tea with bread and butter, as she always felt hungry waiting for evening meal. Soon she began to invite her friends to visit her sitting room and to have a cup of tea. And a simple tea drinking ceremony became a socially important event. Some time later this tradition grew in popularity among the middle class Englishmen who tried to imitate rich people’s habits. Besides tea drinking was a rather inexpensive way to bring several friends together and entertain them without spending too much money. Thus, tea drinking ceremony quickly became an English tradition.

Пояснения к тексту:

the Victorian era - Викторианская эпоха (1837—1901)

Queen Victoria's reign - период царствования Виктории, королевы Великобритании и Ирландии, императрицы Индии.

court - королевский двор

“Tea Moralities” - английские правила чайного этикета

Anna Russell, the duchess Bedford, the court lady of the queen- Анна Рассел, герцогиня Бедфорд, придворная дама королевы

butler - дворецкий

the middle class Englishmen – англичане, принадлежащие к среднему классу


1. When did the tea drinking tradition appear?

2. Who made a tradition to drink tea in Great Britain?

3. Who made a tradition to have “five o’clock tea”?

4. How did tea drinking ceremony become popular in Great Britain?

Письменно переведите следующий текст на английский язык.

Чаепитие для британцев больше не является формальной церемонией. В наши дни английские леди не одеваются перед чаепитием так изысканно, как в Викторианскую эпоху. Но до сих пор во многих домах Великобритании в пять часов вечера подают традиционный чай с бутербродами, пирожными и ячменными лепешками.

11. Составьте устное сообщение по теме, используя следующий план.

1. “Tea” for Englishmen.

2. Tea drinking ceremony in modern Great Britain.

3. The Tea Break.

4. The reasons for rapid growth of the English pottery and porcelain industry.

5. The appearance of tea drinking traditions.

12. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык нижеследующий диалог и выполните следующие задания:

а) отчитайте диалог в парах;

б) составьте подобный диалоги, сказав, какие продукты любите Вы.

Tom: I don’t like tea.

Alice: Oh, I do. Well, sometimes with milk. And with sugar, of course.

Tom: Yuk! I don’t like milk at all. But I’m fond of coffee, instant coffee.

Alice: Do you like it with sugar?

Tom: Yeah. I like sweet coffee with cakes or biscuits.

Alice: What about juice? Do you like apple juice?

Tom: Yeah. I like all fruit juices: apple, orange, cherry and, certainly, pineapple.

Alice: Pineapple… Mmmm… It’s delicious. I like fruit juices too!


С помощью словаря переведите следующие прилагательные на русский язык.











2. Изучите §2, 3. Заполните таблицу, образуя причастия от следующих глаголов. Переведите причастия на русский язык.

Инфинитив Причастие I Причастие II
associate associating associated

Переведите словосочетания с причастиями на русский язык.

A country associated with the sea; restaurants located around the coastline; exotic varieties of fish appearing on menus; deep-fried fish; deep-fried chipped potatoes; food wrapped in paper; leading chefs.


Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.


Fish and Chips


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country strongly associated with the sea and its abundant seafood. There are many seafood restaurants located around the coastline where you can taste plain but delicious cod, plaice or haddock. However, there are popular regional variations with whiting in Northern Ireland and Scotland, and skate in the South of England. You can also find some more exotic varieties of fish such as red snapper, hoki and even shark now appearing on menus.

One of the most popular British meals is “fish and chips” (sometimes written " fish 'n' chips" ). It consists of deep-fried fish (traditionally cod, haddock or flounder) in batter or breadcrumbs with deep-fried chipped (slab-cut) potatoes. This is a quick, cheap food bought in a Fish-and-Chip Shop, which is sometimes called “CHIPPY”. The food, usually wrapped in paper, can be eaten at home or in the street. The chips usually have salt, and vinegar and sometimes tomato ketchup on them. “Fish 'n' chips” has also become very fashionable in some of the top restaurants and pubs as leading chefs create their own version of high-class “fish and chips”.

Словарный минимум к тексту:

seafood, n – морепродукты

coastline, n – береговая линия

cod, n – треска

plaice, n – камбала

haddock, n – пикша

whiting, n – мерланг

skate, n – скат

red snapper, n – красный луциан

hoki , n – хоки, синий хек

shark, n – акула

fish and chips – рыба с картошкой-фри

flounder, n – морская камбала

batter, n – жидкое тесто, кляр

breadcrumbs, n, pl – хлебные крошки

potatoes, n, pl – картофель

salt, n – соль

vinegar, n – уксус

create, v – создавать

chef, n – шеф-повар

Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих английских слов.

plentiful, a

simple, a

tasty, a

famous, a

aristocratic, a

high-quality, a

variations, n, pl

prepare, v

make, v


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