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Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, где это необходимо.

1. The UK is strongly associated … tea drinking ceremony.

2. There are plentiful seafood dishes appearing … menus … Great Britain … now.

3. “Fish and chips” is one … the most popular British meals, that can be eaten … home or … the street.

4. “Fish and chips” consists … deep-fried fish … deep-fried chipped potatoes.

5. You can have salt, vinegar and tomato ketchup … your chips.

6. Five o’clock tea is still served … many of British restaurants.


Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму причастия, и переведите предложения.

1. Tea drinking traditions (appearing/appeared) in the 19th century is strongly associated with Great Britain.

2. Toasts with marmalade (making/made) from oranges are popular for breakfast.

3. Englishmen like to drink tea (adding/added) cold milk.

4. British students can have sandwiches (bringing/brought) from home.

5. In cities there are many sandwich bars (locating/located) near offices.

6. “Fish 'n' chips” is a popular food (appearing/appeared) on menus in many top restaurants.


8. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. The UK has many…

2. In seafood restaurants you can taste…

3. There are also more exotic…

4. “Fish and chips” is one of…

5. This dish consists of…

6. The restaurant serving “fish and chips” is called…

9. Найдите неверные утверждения и исправьте их в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. The UK is famous for abundant seafood restaurants.

2. There are a lot of seafood restaurants in the South of England.

3. Many exotic varieties of fish appear in restaurant menus.

4. Deep-fried fish is one of the most popular British meals.

5. “Fish and chips” is a quick and cheap food.

6. The chips are usually served with salt, vinegar and tomato ketchup.

7. “Fish and chips” is a popular dish at high-class restaurants.

8. Leading chefs make their own version of high-quality fish and chips.


10. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию теста.

1. What is the UK famous for?

2. What dishes can you taste in the seafood restaurants?

3. What are the exotic varieties of fish?

4. What is the most popular British meal?

5. What does the most popular British meal consist of?

6. Where can you buy “fish and chips”?

7. What is “fish and chips” served with?

8. Why is “fish and chips” popular in some of the top restaurants?


11. Расставьте предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. One of the most popular British meals is “fish and chips”.

2. “Fish and chips” is also very popular in some of the top restaurants.

3. High-class chefs create their own version of “fish and chips”.

4. “Fish and chips” is a quick, cheap food bought in a Fish-and-Chip Shop.

5. There are many seafood restaurants in the UK.

6. It consists of deep-fried fish with deep-fried chipped potatoes.

7. The chips can be eaten with salt, vinegar or tomato ketchup.

8. The United Kingdom is strongly associated with the sea and plentiful seafood.

Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей видовременной форме. Письменно переведите следующий текст на русский язык.

The First Fish-and-Chip Shops

“Fish 'n' chips” (to become) a popular British meal in the 19th century. The small family business traditionally selling various foods in the streets of London and other big cities of Northern England (to be) a base of its successful advancement¹. The first Fish-and-Chip Shop (to be opened) in London in 1860 by Jewish proprietor² Joseph Malin. He (to combine) “fish fried in the Jewish fashion” with chips. The food then (to spread) all over the country. By 1900 there (to be) already more than 30, 000 CHIPPIES in Great Britain.


Пояснения к тексту:

successful advancement¹ - успешное продвижение

Jewish proprietor² – владелец еврейской национальности

13. Составьте устное сообщение по теме, используя следующий план.

1. Abundant seafood restaurants.

2. The most popular British seafood meal.

3. The first Fish-and-Chip Shop.


Составьте короткие диалоги из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.

1. Would you like some more chips? 2. Could you pass me the salt, please? 3. Could I have a glass of water, please? 4. How would you like your chips? 5. It’s tasty! Can you give me the recipe? 6. Do you like the food wrapped? a. Yes, of course. Here you are. b. With tomato ketchup, please. c. Yes, please. They’re delicious. d. No, I’ll stay here. e. Yes, of course. I’m glad you like it. f. Do you want mineral or still?



Переведите следующие словосочетания.

national and regional varieties

regional or local dishes

a traditional British main meal

a traditional English dish

2. Повторите §3 и переведите следующие пары слов.

Например: to serve – served подавать - поданный

to roast – roasted

to dice – diced

to flavor – flavored

to thicken – thickened

to make – made

to fry – fried

to produce – produced

to smoke - smoked

3. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие задания:

а) определите видовременную форму и залог подчеркнутых в тексте глаголов;

б) переведите текст на русский язык.

British Cuisine

British cuisine includes a great variety of dishes, such as fish and chips, the Sunday roast, steak and kidney pie, bangers and mash. British cuisine has several national and regional varieties, including English, Scottish and Welsh cuisine, which have developed their own regional or local dishes, such as Cheshire cheese, Yorkshire pudding, Arbroath Smokie, and Welsh cakes.

The Sunday roast is a traditional British main meal served on Sundays (usually in the early afternoon for lunch). It consists of roasted meat, roast potato together with side dishes, such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy.

Steak and kidney pie is a typical British dish with a filling of diced beef steak and beef’s, lamb's or pig's kidneys in a thick sauce. The sauce typically consists of beef broth, flavored with salt, pepper and parsley, onions, and thickened with flour, or cornstarch.

Bangers and mash, also known as sausages and mash, is a traditional English dish made of mashed potatoes and sausages made of pork or beef. The dish is usually served with rich onion gravy. It can also be served with fried onions.

Cheshire cheese is a dense and crumbly cheese produced in the English county of Cheshire, and four neighboring counties, two in Wales and two in England.

Yorkshire pudding is a dish that originated in Yorkshire, England. It is made from batter and most often served with roast beef, chicken, or any meal in which there is gravy.

Arbroath Smokie is a pâ té of smoked haddock – a specialty of the town of Arbroath, situated in the north-eastern Scotland.

Словарный минимум к тексту:

cuisine, n фр. кухня (поваренное искусство)

include, v – включать

such as – такой как

roast, n – жаркое

roast, a – жареный

roast, v – жарить

steak, n – кусок мяса или рыбы (для жарения); бифштекс

steak and kidney pie – запеканка из мяса и почек

bangers, n, pl– сосиски

mash, n – картофельное пюре

mash, v – раздавливать, разминать

develop, v – развивать, разрабатывать

Cheshire [tʃ ɛ ʃ ə ] – Чé шир, графство на западе Англии

Cheshire cheese – сыр Чé шир

Yorkshire – Йоркшир, графство на севере Англии

Yorkshire pudding – Йоркширский пудинг

Arbroath – Арброт, город в северо-восточной Шотландии

Arbroath Smokie – паштет из копченой рыбы

Welsh cakes – Валлийские лепешки

side dish – гарнир

stuffing, n – начинка

filling, n – начинка, фарш

dice, v – нарезать в форме кубиков

kidney, n – почка

thick (syn. rich ), a – густой

thicken, v – сгущать(ся)

broth, n – мясной бульон

flavor (with), v – приправлять чем-л.

parsley, n – петрушка

onion, n – репчатый лук

flour, n – мука

cornstarch, n – крахмал

dense, a – плотный, густой

crumbly, a – рассыпчатый

county, n – графство

neighboring, a – соседний

originate, v – возникать, происходить

pâ té [ˈ pæ teɪ ], n фр. паштет

smoke, v – коптить

specialty, n – особенность

Найдите в следующей таблице пары синонимов.

cook, v food, n
include, v filling, n
made, part II rich, a
roasted, part II traditional, a
stuffing, n produced, part II
meal, n consist of, v
typical, a prepare, v
thick, a fried, part II

Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания, содержащие причастия.

Основное блюдо, подаваемое по воскресеньям; жареное мясо; нарезанный в форме кубиков кусок говядины; говяжий бульон, приправленный солью, перцем; блюдо, приготовленное из пюре и сосисок, сделанных из свинины или говядины; обжаренный лук; сыр, сделанный в английском графстве Чешир; копченная пикша.



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