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Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму причастия, и переведите предложения.

1. British cuisine (including/included) regional dishes is the specific set of the UK’s cooking traditions.

2. The Sunday roast (serving/served) on Sundays is a traditional British meal.

3. The main ingredients of the Sunday roast are (roasting/roasted) meat and potatoes.

4. The chef used a lot of butter (roasting/roasted) meat.

5. The sauce for the steak and kidney pie is rather thick (flavoring/flavored) with salt, pepper and parsley.

6. You can make the sauce richer (thickening/thickened) it with flour or cornstarch.

7. Bangers and mash are often served with (frying/fried) onion.

8. Cheshire is the English county (producing/produced) British famous Cheshire cheese.

9. Yorkshire pudding (making/made) from batter is a world famous British meal.

10. (Smoking/smoked) haddock is used for Arbroath Smokie.


7. Выберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов, и переведите предложения.

1. Side dishes served with the Sunday roast (may/must) include Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy.

2. Vegetables (can/must) be thoroughly cleaned before cooking.

3. For steak and kidney pie beef steak (can/must) be diced.

4. Englishmen (can/must) serve Cheshire cheese for lunch.

5. You (may/must) flavor the broth with pepper if you want.

6. The haddock (may/must) be smoked for Arbroath Smokie.

7. Welsh cakes (may/must) be served hot or cold.

8. Meat (can/must) be washed before cooking.

Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.

1. The Sunday roast

2. Steak and kidney pie

3. Bangers and mash

4. Arbroath Smokie

5. Yorkshire pudding

a) includes diced steak and kidneys in a thick sauce.

b) is prepared from smoked haddock.

c) consists of roasted meat, potatoes with side dishes.

d) is cooked from batter.

e) consists of mashed potatoes and sausages.


9. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. British cuisine includes…

2. The regional varieties of British cuisine are…

3. The Sunday roast consists of…

4. The filling of the steak and kidney pie includes…

5. Bangers and mash are also called…

6. Bangers and mash are made of…

7. Cheshire cheese is…

8. Yorkshire pudding is made from…

9. Arbroath Smokie is…


10. Найдите неверные утверждения и исправьте их в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. British cuisine has several national and regional varieties.

2. The Sunday roast is a traditional British meal which is served for Sunday lunch.

3. The Sunday roast consists of roasted meat with vegetables.

4. Steak and kidney pie is prepared from diced beef steak in a thick sauce.

5. The sauce for steak and kidney pie is rather thick.

6. Bangers and mash consists of mashed potatoes and meat sausages.

7. Cheshire cheese is produced in the English county of Cheshire.

8. Yorkshire pudding is often served with meals including gravy.

11. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию теста.

1. What dishes does British cuisine include?

2. What are the varieties of British cuisine?

3. When is the Sunday roast served?

4. What does the Sunday roast consist of?

5. What are the ingredients of steak and kidney pie?

6. What sauce is used for steak and kidney pie?

7. What does bangers and mash consist of?

8. Why is Cheshire cheese so called?

9. What is Arbroath Smokie made from?


12. Расставьте предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. A traditional British dish made from diced beef steak with meat kidneys in a thick meat sauce is called steak and kidney pie.

2. A typical British main meal served on Sundays is the Sunday roast.

3. Yorkshire pudding is made from batter and most often served with meat dishes with gravy.

4. Bangers and mash includes mashed potatoes and pork or beef sausages.

5. A pâ té of smoked haddock called Arbroath Smokie is a specialty of the town of Arbroath, situated in the north-eastern Scotland.

6. Traditional British dishes include such dishes as fish and chips, the Sunday roast, steak and kidney pie, bangers and mash.

7. British cuisine consists of English, Scottish and Welsh variations with their own regional or local dishes.

8. It consists of roasted meat, roast potato with side dishes and gravy.

9. In the English county of Cheshire the famous Cheshire cheese is produced.


13. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие задания:

а) постарайтесь понять содержание текста, используя пояснения, данные ниже;

б) письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за текстом.

Welsh cakes are traditional Welsh snacks. They are usually cooked on a cast iron griddle which is about 1.5 cm thick. The griddle is placed on the fire or cooker. Welsh cakes are made from flour, butter or lard, eggs, sugar, and currants and/or raisins. They are roughly circular, a couple of inches (4–6 cm) in diameter and about half an inch (1–1.5 cm) thick. Welsh cakes are served hot or cold dusted with caster sugar.


Пояснения к тексту:

a cast iron griddle – специальная чугунная сковородка с ручкой

on the fire or cooker – на открытом огне или плите

inch – дюйм (=2, 5 см)

dusted with caster sugar – посыпанный сахарной пудрой


1. What are the ingredients of Welsh cakes?

2. How are Welsh cakes cooked?

3. How are they served?

14. Составьте устное сообщение по теме, используя следующий план.

1. British cuisine.

2. British typical dishes.





Переведите названия следующих продуктов на русский язык.











Переведите следующие прилагательные на русский язык.














3. С помощью суффикса –ly образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных и переведите их на русский язык.





4. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания с существительными в функции определения.

agriculture nation

milk production

fruit dishes

family vegetable gardens

fast food restaurants

fast food industry

fast food chains

fast food ingredients


5. Повторите §2, 3. Заполните таблицу, образуя причастия от следующих глаголов. Переведите причастия на русский язык.

Инфинитив Причастие I Причастие II

Определите видовременную форму и залог подчеркнутых в предложениях глаголов. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The USA has a lot of fast food restaurants.

2. Russia has recently been supplied with Turkish fruits and vegetables.

3. In Fish-and-Chip Shops fish is served with French fries.

4. Modern fast food industry lacks healthy dishes.

5. French fries have been very popular in Russia in recent time.

6. Americans have brought their fast food chains all over the world.

7. Fast food restaurants offer a wide variety of meals that have been fried.

8. Englishmen have their own types of fast food.


7. Изучите §7 и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Modern people have to eat healthy food.

2. Fast food ingredients have to be precooked.

3. A modern British breakfast does not have to be very big.

4. English ladies do not have to dress up for tea drinking ceremony.

5. You do not have to use too much salt in your dishes.

6. Fresh milk has to be boiled.

7. Seafood restaurants do not have to cook only fish and seafood dishes.

8. Steak and kidney pies do not have to be cooked on the open fire.

9. Arbroath Smokie has to be prepared from smoked haddock.

Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

American Food and Drink

The United States of America has two strong advantages if we speak about food. The first is that America is the leading agriculture nation. The country has always been well supplied with fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables at relatively low prices. American beef, for example, comes from grain-fed cattle¹, not from cows that are raised mainly for milk production. As a result, American beef is tenderer and tastes better than an “American steak” offered in Europe. When sold abroad, the simple baked potato that is served hot and whole in foil often lacks the most important element, the famous Idaho² flavor. This potato has different texture and skin coming from the climate and soil in Idaho.

The USA is a country with widely different climates and many fruit and vegetable growing regions. Such items as fresh grapefruit, oranges, lemons, melons, cherries, peaches, or broccoli, lettuce, avocados, and cranberries do not have to be imported. This is one reason why fruit dishes and salads are so common. Family vegetable gardens have been very popular, both as a hobby and as a way to save money, from the days when most Americans were farmers. They also help to keep fresh food on the table.

The second advantage is that immigrants from other countries have brought their traditional foods. The variety of foods and styles in modern American cuisine is simply amazing.


Пояснения к тексту:

grain-fed cattle¹ – крупный рогатый скот, вскормленный фуражным зерном

Idaho² – Айда́ хо, штат США на Тихоокеанском Северо-Западе

Словарный минимум к тексту:

advantage, n – преимущество

supply (with), v – снабжать (чем-либо)

raise, v – выращивать

offer, v – предлагать

foil, n – фольга

lack, v – нуждаться, недоставать

flavor (syn. taste), n – вкус, привкус

skin, n – кожура, кожица

soil, n – почва

item, n – единица, каждый отдельный предмет

way, n – способ

save, v – беречь, экономить



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