Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Разработчик: Гарипова Флюра Мавлитовна

Семестр: 1

Форма обучения: очное/заочное

Форма аттестации: зачёт

Тема 1. Чтение.

Базовый уровень.

1. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

When I was little I believed that Father Frost and Snow Maiden were real. I was so upset when I learnt that they were only actors. I like New Year Parties at home, too. Father buys a New Year tree. In the evening we decorate it together. There are many shiny balls, flags, lamps on the New Year tree. Mother usually cooks a holiday dinner. There are so many tasty things on the table.

Утверждение I learnt that Father Frost and Snow Maiden were not real является

R истинным

J в тексте нет информации

J ложным

J преувеличенным

2. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I want to tell you a short story about a greedy lion. Once he caught a hare and wanted to eat it. But then he saw a deer, of course a deer is a bigger dinner than a hare, so the lion let the hare go and ran after the deer, but couldn’t catch him. Now the lion had no dinner at all. Some times it is wiser to be pleased with what you have. People must remember fables and the lessons they teach us.

Утверждение A greedy lion ate both a hare and a deer является

R ложным

J в тексте нет информации

J истинным

J преувеличенным

3. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

You can hardly find a boy or a girl who is not fond of reading. Books open a wonderful world to us. Many people have their own libraries at home. But still they go to public libraries to get one or another new book. Fairy tales and war stories, poems and novels, science fiction and fables. You can come and choice a book to your liking.

Утверждение Books open an unbelievable magic world to us! является

R преувеличенным

J в тексте нет информации

J истинным

J ложным

4. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

People like to do different things, sometimes hobbies are very unusual. Extravagant people prefer to collect some special things. I remember a film about a girl whose hobby was to collect echoes. She lived in the Crimea. She used to explore mountains on the shore, and she found different echoes there among the cliffs.

Утверждение Human beings like hobbies является

R истинным

J в тексте нет информации

J преувеличенным

J ложным

5. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Most people like animals. They keep animals at home as pets. Pets may be different. People like dogs and cats, birds and hamsters, rabbi and hedgehoge, some people even like snakes. But you can’t keep any animals as a pet even if you like him very much. Can a crocodile make a good pet? Or a lion, or a tiger, or a bear? You may love them, but will they love you? Some day when they are big they may become dangerous.

Утверждение I know it is strange but I like snakes является

R в тексте нет информации

J истинным

J преувеличенным

J ложным

6. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

It’s hard to imagine our lives without books. We learn a lot of interesting things when we read books. Books are our great friends and teachers. When you read books you find yourself in different lands. Together with the characters of the books you climb high mountains, go by ship in the stormy sea, fly into space. In a word, you have a lot of adventures.

Утверждение While reading you find yourself in different lands является

R ложным

J истинным

J преувеличенным

J в тексте нет информации

7. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Mother: Ann, would you kindly help me to lay the table?

Ann: Of course, mother dear. Where are the things?

Mother: The table-cloth is in the upper drawer of the sideboard. Spoons, knives and forks are there too. Dinner plates are in the kitchen.

Ann: Where is the breadbasket?

Mother: It's on the kitchen table. Cut some brown and white bread, will you?

Ann: Ready. What else must I put out?

Mother: Don't forget to put out the mustard-pot, the salt-cellar and the pepper-box. Ann: The napkins are in the sideboard too, aren't they? Do you want me to do anything else?

Mother: No, thank you, dear. So the table is laid, isn’t it?

Ann: Sure it is.

Текст относится к теме...

R Meals

J Shopping

J Travelling

J Seasons


Средний уровень

8. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My family is not very big. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. We live in Ufa in a nice three – room flat. My father is 40 years old. He is an engineer and works at a factory. My mother is 38, she is a teacher of literature at school. My sister is 20 years old, she is a student and she is going to be an economist. My mother cooks very well. She does the house – work, but we all always try to help her as much as possible.

I also have two grandfathers and two grandmothers. They all live in the country. They often call us and we regularly go to see them. I have got four uncles and four aunts, and fifteen cousins. They live in different cities and countries, during our vacations we come to see each other. We all like to celebrate our family holidays. On the birthdays of my grandparents and of my parents all the relatives come to congratulate them.

My parents and I often go for walks in the nearby park on weekends, sometimes we go to the country – side. We also like to go to theatres and cinemas. Everybody says our family is very nice.

Утверждение Unfortunately we haven't got any relatives является

J в тексте нет информации

R ложным

J истинным

J преувеличенным

9. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I was born in UFA in 1970. When I was eight I went to both secondary and musical schools. Being a child I dreamt of becoming a teacher. That is why after finishing my schools, I entered pedagogical college. After that I was working in the kindergarten during eleven years as a manager of music. Besides, at the same time I worked at school as a teacher of music. In 1993 I entered Birsk State Pedagogical Institute at the extra-mural department.

I have worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Pedagogies and Psychology for two years. Also I am a postgraduate. I am going to pass my exams on English and Philosophy this year, in May. The working theme of my research work is «Medical abilities of development of pre-school children." I have great experience in communicating with children. I know their psychology and their peculiarities. Based on this experience I'd like to reflect my practice in my research work and publications.

Unfortunately, I haven't got my articles published yet, but there are a lot of thoughts and ideas. Also I haven't got my supervisor yet but I consult some scientists. As for my hobbies, I like classical music. I often play piano for my relatives, friends and myself. Also I am fond of active rest; it is skiing in winter and going away from the city in summer.

One may say that I am happy because I've got good friends and a favourite job. But still I'd like to do something in science. It will help in my further pedagogical work. I used to work in kindergarten and at school and now I'd like to work with students.

Утверждение Well, I don't work at the moment является

J в тексте нет информации

R ложным

J истинным

J преувеличенным

10. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My family and I live in a big multistoried block of flats not far from the centre of the city. There is a supermarket on the ground floor and it's very convenient. In front of our house there is a big yard with the playground. Our flat is on the sixth floor. We have all modern conveniences in it: cold and hot running water, central heating, electricity, gas, chute for refuse, telephone. Of course, there is a lift in our block of flats. There are three rooms in our flat: a living - room, my parents' bedroom and my room. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and a hall. The rooms are not very large but light and comfortable.

The largest room in our flat is the living - room. You can see a sofa, two arm-chairs, a TV - set with a video tape - recorder and a table in it. There is a carpet on the floor. There are also some pictures on the walls. In the evenings we like to sit in this room, watching TV or just talking. My parents' bedroom is not large but it is very comfortable and cosy. There is a large wardrobe, two beds, a night - table and a mirror in this room. My room is the smallest in the flat. It has one window and a balcony looking out on the yard. When my friends come to see me I invite them into my room. We listen to music, talk or play computer games there. Our kitchen is rather large and light. There is a cupboard, a table with four stools and a basin there. The kitchen is well equipped with many electric appliances: an electric cooker, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a toaster and a coffee - marker.

We like our flat, keep it clean and do our best to make it comfortable and cosy.

Утверждение It's rather difficult to live in such a flat является

J в тексте нет информации

R ложным

J истинным

J преувеличенным

11. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Our sitting room is quite a big room, about 20 square metres. As my mother doesn't like much furniture in the flat so in the sitting room there are two comfortable chairs and a sofa, a coffee-table, a television set and a video in the corner of the room and a piano. Of course there is a carpet on the floor. We usually

watch television in the sitting-room or have dinner on special occasions. We have two pictures on the wall of our room. They are nice copies of my favourite painting by Levitan. They make the room comfortable.

I am happy to have a room of my own. It's the smallest room in the flat but I try to keep it tidy and cosy. There is a single-bed, a desk, a personal computer, a big bookcase and a wardrobe in my room. There is a little rug on the floor. There are some posters of my favourite pop star above the bed.

You may be surprised to hear when I tell you that the most popular and favourite place with all of us is the kitchen. We spend most of our time in the kitchen, not eating in fact, we like just to sit and talk there. Our kitchen is comparatively large and looks like usual modern kitchen you can see in many other homes. There is a cooker, a fridge, a washing machine, a dishwasher, a microwave, a kitchen table with four stools and some cupboards in it. There are some lovely pictures on the walls. We have regular meals in the kitchen. But I have to bring a chair and take it away when the whole family is at table. But it's not much trouble.

Утверждение We all like our kitchen является

J ложным

R в тексте нет информации

J истинным

J преувеличенным

12. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My family and I live in a three – room flat in an apartment of twelve floors. Our flat is on the fifth floor. There are two bedrooms, a living – room, a kitchen, a hall, and a bathroom in it. There is a balcony, too.

My room is not too large. There is a sofa, a writing-table and a chair, several book-shelves with many books on them, and a wardrobe in the room. My room faces the South and is very light. The floor is covered with a carpet.

My parents' room is a bit larger; there are two beds, a big mirror and a little table. The living – room is large. There is a dining – table with six chairs, two cupboards, two armchairs and a sofa. There is a color TV – set, a tape recorder and a record – player. There are also several book-shelves. We have a few plants at the windows. My parents and I like to gather in the living – room in the evening to watch TV and to talk.

In the kitchen we have running cold and hot water, a gas stove; there is a kitchen – table with four chairs, a cupboard and two shelves, and a radio, too.

We often invite guests to our place. Everybody agrees that our home is very nice and hospitable.

Утверждение A gas stove isn't in my room содержится в абзаце...

J 3

R 4

J 1

J 2

J 5

13. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

The usual meals in Russia are breakfast dinner and supper. As a rule people have breakfast at 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning. Russians like fried or boiled potatoes with some sausage or ham or a chop (cutlet). Sometimes we prefer an omelet, boiled or fried eggs or just some porridge (a plate of boiled rice, semolina, buckwheat porridge), or vermicelli (macaroni), fruit -dumplings or curd-fritters.

Children and grown-ups are fond of pancakes and fritters with butter and jam. Then you have a cup of tea with milk or lemon or coffee (strong, weak, black, white, with cream) and a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches or slices of bread and butter. At about 1: 00 or 2: 00 p. m. we have dinner. It often consists of 3 courses.

For the 1-st course we eat chicken soup or cab­bage soup (shchi), or beetroot and cabbage soup (borsch), noodle soup or just broth. Some people choose mushroom soup or fish-soup. In spring and summer when it's hot it's so nice to have the so-called “okroshka”, a traditional Russian dish (cold kvass soup with chopped vegetables and meat or fish), a kind of hodge-podge.

Текст относится к теме...

R Meals

J Shopping

J Hobbies

J Seasons

14. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My name is George. I'm a businessman. Our family is large. My father's name is Fred. He is an engineer. My mother's name is Jane. She is a doctor. My parents are not old but they are not very young.

My grandfather and grandmother are rather old. They are on pension. I have a brother and a sister. My sister is a student. Her name is Ann. She is not married. My brother is an interpreter. His name is John. He is married. His wife's name is Kate. She is an economist. John and his wife have no children.

Утверждение My grandparents still work является

R в тексте нет информации

R ложным

J истинным

J преувеличенным


Высокий уровень


15. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I have a friend. His name is Vladimir. Vladimir is thirty-five. He is married and has a daughter. They have got a large and comfortable flat in Moscow.

Vladimir is an economist. He works at the Ministry of Economics. He is in Rome. He is at an international conference.

Vlad's wife is thirty. She is an office clerk. She is at work now. She is very busy.

Vlad's daughter is at school. Vlad's parents are at home. They are pensioners.

I like my friend. He is always friendly and helpful.

Утверждение Vlad's grandparents still work является

J в тексте нет информации

R ложным

J истинным

J преувеличенным

16. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Hunt: Good afternoon. Is this the Beardsley Hotel?

Receptionist: Yes, this is the Beardsley.

Mr. Hunt: Good.I'm Mr. Hunt. We've got a reservation.

Receptionist: Just a minute, please... Yes, you've got a reservation. It's for five people.

It's for three weeks. Three single rooms and one double. Am I right?

Mr. Hunt: No. You're not right. We'd like two double rooms and one single room.

Receptionist: I'm sorry. Two double rooms, numbers six and seven.

One single room, number nine.

Mr. Hunt: Where arc the rooms?

Receptionist: On the second floor.

Текст относится к теме...

R Travelling

J Shopping

J Meals

J Seasons

17. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My name is Alexander, Sasha for short. My middle name is Ivanovich. My surname is Petrov. I am 17 years old. I live in Moscow. I was born on 20 November in 1990 in Moscow. My father is a doctor, he works at a hospital. My mother is the scientific secretary of Nature Conservation society. She has much work to do about the house too. We are five in the family. I have a younger sister and brother. They are both pupils. Alla is in the fifth form and Boris is a pupil of the ninth form. Our family is very united.

In June I finished school. I always did well at school and I learned with interest. I also took an active part in social life.

My favourite subject at school was English. My teacher of English was a well-educated man with a broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subject.

Утверждение Alla is a schoolgirl является

J в тексте нет информации

R истинным

J ложным

J преувеличенным

18. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Businessmen who are going to do business with Japanese firms must know that the Japanese are very sensitive people and not impressed by what is popular in Europe and particularly in the US, like back-slapping, hand-pumping, and the European and American sense of humour.

The Japanese are very serious about business and any attempt to brighten the atmosphere of business talks with a joke or an anecdote will almost certainly be interpreted as improper.

Westerners often make the mistake if handing Japanese highly colored cards, which are off-putting to the Japanese.

In Japan it is considered proper that the cards should be simple and the individual name should be in smaller letters than the name of the company.

Exchanging gifts is a part of everyday Japanese life and foreign visitors should come around with a number of souvenirs of their country or company. The space they occupy in the suitcase will be filled, on the return journey, with similar souvenirs from the Japanese.

Утверждение Japanese like exchanging gifts является

R истинным

J в тексте нет информации

J ложным

J преувеличенным

19. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

For the 2-nd course Russians eat different kinds of salad (meat salad, fish salad, vegetable salad), fried, boiled or stewed meat or fish. At times we cook a roast chicken, especially on holidays.

For the 3-d course (for dessert) we have a glass of juice, a piece of a cake or a pie (cookies) if we aren't on a diet. A lot of people eat ice-cream, fruit and berries for dessert (pineapples, tangerines, ap­ricots, cherries, mangoes; strawberries, raspber­ries, gooseberries and etc.). In summer everybody adores to have a piece of melon or a water-melon).

In the evening we have supper. Some people prefer mashed potatoes with pickled or fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions (leek). Others eat stewed cabbage with a beefsteak or fried liver or kidneys. Russians also like stuffed peppers, tomatoes, squashes, potatoes. A special Russian dish is “pyelmeni”, a kind of ravioli - small cases of pasta containing chopped meat.

After that we have a glass of milk or stewed fruit with biscuits, crackers, or sweets (candies). But if you are thirsty you drink a coke, lemonade, some beer or even champagne.

Текст относится к теме...

R Meals

J Shopping

J Hobbies

J Seasons

20. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Gardening is English national favourite pastime and hobby. Most English people love gardens, their own above all, and this is probably the reason why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than flats. Particularly in suburban areas it is possible to pass row after row of ordinary small houses, each one with its neatly-kept patch of grass surrounded by a great variety of flowers and shrubs.

Although the task of keeping a garden is so essentially individual, for many people gardening is the foundation of social and competitive relationships. Flower-shows and vegetable-shows, with prizes for the best exhibits, are immensely popular, and to many gardeners the process of growing the plants seems more important than the merely aesthetic pleasure of looking at the flowers or the prospect of eating the vegetables.

The gardening industry in Great Britain is growing. Gardeners are spending more and more on garden furniture and barbecues.

Текст относится к теме...

R Hobbies

J Shopping

J Meals

J Seasons

21. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

For breakfast Englishmen often have porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, jam with buttered toasts and tea or coffee. For a change they can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or fish.

English people usually have lunch about one o'clock. At lunch time in a London restaurant you can have a mutton chop, or steak and chips, or cold meat or fish with potatoes and salad, then a pudding or fruit.

Afternoon tea can hardly be called a meal. It is a sub­stantial meal only in well-to-do families. It is between five and six o'clock. It is rather a sociable sort of thing as friends often come for a chat (поболтать) while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit.

In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. But in great many English homes, the midday meal is chief one of the day, and in the evening there is usually a much simpler supper — an omelette, or sausages, some­times bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

Текст относится к теме...

R Meals

J Shopping

J Hobbies

J Seasons


Тема 2. Лексика

Базовый уровень.


1. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Let's stop at this restaurant for a quick ….

R meal

J menu

J smile

J walk

2. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I have a friend. His name is Denis. He is a student of the second course. He is a lovely boy with dark hair and brown eyes. He is 19. My friend is a clever and industrious boy. He studies well. Besides he is fond of basketball. He plays the basketball very well. My friend knows a lot of interesting things. Denis has a sweet nature. He is attentive and thoughtful to people. He helps his parents about the house. He washes the dishes, tides up the flat and goes shopping. Denis has a pet. It’s a dog. He takes good care of it and always goes for a walk with it.

Утверждение My friend is a kind boy является

R в тексте нет информации

J истинным

J преувеличенным

J ложным

3. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My friend and I spend much time together, and almost never quarrel. On days-off we go to the cinema, and when the weather is fine we like to play outdoors. What I like in him is that he always keeps his word and never boasts. There is a proverb: a friend inneed is a friend indeed. And I may say, that these words are about my friend. Because he is always ready to help me, when I am in troubles. I think Denis is a very good friend.

Утверждение We often go to the cinema является

R истинным

J в тексте нет информации

J преувеличенным

J ложным

4. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My family is not very big. I have got a mother, father and sister. We live in Ufa in a nice three-room flat. My father is 40 years old. He is an engineer and works at a factory. My mother is 38, she is a teacher of literature at school. My sister is 20 years old, she is a student and she going to be an economist. My mother cooks very well. She does the house-work, but we all always try to help her as much as possible.

Текст относится к теме...

R About myself and my family

J Shopping

J Travelling

J Seasons

5. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I have two grandfathers and two grandmothers. They all live in the country. They often call us and we regularly go to see them. I have got four uncle and four aunts, and fifteen cousins. They live in different cities and countries, during our vacations we come to see each other. We all like to celebrate our family holidays. On the birthdays of my grandparents and of my parents, all the relatives come to congratulate them. My parents and I often go for walks in the nearly park on weekends, sometimes we go to the country-side. We also like to go to theatres and cinemas. Everybody says our family is very nice.

Текст относится к теме...

R About myself and my family

J Shopping

J Travelling

J Seasons

6. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Our family is neither large nor small. There are four of us: my mother, my father, my brother, and me. It is an average Russian family. My father is 48 years old. He is an engineer. He works in the office of an engineering company. He is always busy. He has very little free time. He likes his job. My mother is a teacher of biology. She works at school. She does her house-work and I always help her. My brother is 23 years old. He is a post-graduate student of the Economics Faculty. He is not married yet and has no family of his own.

My father was... years old two years ago.

R 46

J 47

J 48

J 44


Средний уровень

7. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I have two grandmothers and two grandfathers. I love them very much and often go to see them. My grandmothers are on pension now. One of them was a teacher, another was a doctor. My grandfather has not retired yet. When he has free time he likes to work in the garden. We have many relatives. My aunts, uncles, and cousins live in different parts of Russia. On holidays they often come to our place. We have a very good time together. At the week-end my family usually go to the country-side to ski in winter and to walk in the forest in summer. But most of all I like family feasts. We are happy to be together and we wish one another only the best our of the best.

... live in different parts of Russia.

R My relatives

J Only my aunts

J Only my uncles

J Only cousins

8. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Let me introduce myself. My full name is Kate Semenova. I was born on Semtember 20, 1990 in Ufa. I descend from the family of the office-workers. I live in a good flat in Ufa. I have a mother and a father, but I have neither a sister nor a brother. I am not very tall and thin. My hair is black. My eyes are brown. I have a straight nose. I like to dress in a modern style. Music is my hobby. I am fond of dancing at the disco. I like to buy and read books, too. In the evening I like to watch TV. Sometimes I go to the theatre or to the concert. When the weather is fine, I like to go for a walk. I like animals and I have a dog. I like it very much.

R I am the only child in my family

J I have a sister

J I have a brother

J I have both a sister and a brother

9. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

A human being can't live without friend. A friend is a person whom you advise with whose opinion is impotent for me, whom you share you problems and success, who is always help soul. I have such a friend. Her name is Kate. She is 20. She is a student. But she is a student of other faculty. She is also from Ufa. She is communicative, kind, helpful, merry, attentive, honest, and generous. She is just a good girl. She likes to go to the cinema or to the concert, read books and listen to music. There is a father, a mother, a sister, and she in her family. I respect Kate very much and I am proud of her.

R Kate is communicative

R Kate is kind

R Kate is generous

J Kate is ugly

10. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I got my salary for two weeks. It is my…

R two-week salary

J a ninety-dollar dress

J a ten-minute walk

J a five-year-old girl

11. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

The dress costs ninety dollars. It is …

J two-week salary

R a ninety-dollar dress

J a ten-minute walk

J a five-year-old girl

12. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I walk to school. It takes me 10 minutes to walk there. It is …

J two-week salary

J a ninety-dollar dress

R a ten-minute walk

J a five-year-old girl


Высокий уровень


13. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

The girl is five years old. She is …

J two-week salary

J a ninety-dollar dress

J a ten-minute walk

R a five-year-old girl

14. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

The voyage lasted two weeks. It takes …

J two-week salary

J a ninety-dollar dress

J a ten-minute walk

J a five-year-old girl

R a two-week voyage

15. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

We live in a (1) society. How does the internet affect our lives? It can be very helpful to people who (2) choose websites that they visit. The Internet can (3) our knowledge of the outside world: there is much (4) information that can help us understand many fields of study. In this global network you can find high-quality information in a few minutes.




16. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

5 November 1605

The fifth of November is notorious as the day a group of fanatics tried to blow (1) the Houses of Parliament in 1605. (2) the conspirators was Guido Fawkes, whose name has since been taken to commemorate (3) attempt. Guy Fawkes' or Bonfire Night is now marked with bonfires and fireworks (4) the country.




17. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

The Pilgrims were people of England who (1) to the relationship with God and religious services used in the Church of England. King James (2) all who (3) to (4) the laws and traditions of the Church of England and to give money to support it.



18. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

May I have a …, please?

J bad

J mood

J meals

R glass of water

19. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Would you mind my …?

J smoke

J to smoke

J smoked

R smoking

20. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Will you go …with me?

J smoke

J walking

J sweets

R to the theatre

21. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

An … a day keeps a doctor away

R apple

J sweets

J flower

J book


Тема 3. Речевой этикет

Базовый уровень.


1. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

How do you do? -...

J Not too bad.

J Fine, thanks.

R How do you do?

J Very well, thank you.

2. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

I'm sorry I'm late. -...

R That's OK.

J I'm all right.

J That's nothing.

J Very well, thank you.

3. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения.

Thanks very much. -...

J All right.

R You're welcome.

J Fine, thanks.

J Very well, thank you.

4. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения.

How would you like the money? -...

J All right.

J I like fives, please.

R In fives, please.

J I want them in fives, please.

5. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Can I help you? -...

J All right.

J Yes, you help me look.

J No, I'm looking.

R No, I'm just looking, thanks.

6. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Are they right size? - No, they're …

J all right.

J not big enough.

J not too big.

R big enough.

7. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

How much … - They're 5.95

R do they cost?

J All right.

J are they costing?

J are they cost?

8. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Is Chris there, please? -...

J All right.

J No, I'm afraid not there.

R No, I'm afraid he isn't.

J No, I'm afraid so.

9. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Can I speak to Ben, please? -....

J All right.

J Yes, this is me.

R Yes, speaking.

J Yes, it is I.


Средний уровень

10. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

…to Piccadilly, please?

J Are you

R Does this bus go

J Is this bus

J This bus goes

11. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

I've got an idea. … to the beach.

J Are you

J Why we not go

R Let's go

J Let's to go

12. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Can I help you? -...

J No!

R No, I'm just looking, thanks.

J No, I only look, thanks.

J No, I just look, thanks.

13. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Can I … these jeans please?

J move

J test

R try on

J prove

14. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Is it … if I come home late tonight?

J bad

J well


J fine

15. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

He left without …goodbye.

J say

J well

R saying

J said

16. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Do you think they'll win? - Yes, I …

J say.

J hope it.

R hope so.

J hope that.

17. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Will she pass the exam? -...

J No!

R No, I don't think so.

J No, I don't think.

J No, I don't think it.

18. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Would you like a cup of coffee? -...

R I'd love one.

J No!

J Yes, please.

J Yes, I do.

19. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

It wasn't a bad weekend, was it? -...

J Yes, it wasn't.

J No!

R No, it wasn't.

J Yes, it was.


Высокий уровень


20. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Would you wait half an hour, please? -...

R All right.

J Yes, I would.

J No!

J No, I can't.

21. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Will you be here tomorrow? -...

J No, I'm not.

J No!

R No, I won't.

J I expect so.

22. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Guest: “…”

Hostess: “Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it”

J The meal wasn't as bad as I expected.

J No!

R The meal was absolutely delicious.

J The meal was rather good.

23. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Shop assistant: “Can I help you? ”

Customer: “…”

J Oh, good. I'm so glad to have met you.

J No!

J No, that's not necessary.

R No, it's all right, thanks, I'm just looking.

24. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Student: “Have you had time to mark my composition? ” -...

J No!

J Oh, dear, you look awful, what's the matter with you?

R Yes, it was quite good, and I've underlined the mistakes you've made.

J Yes, I have.

25. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения:

Boss: “Do you see what I mean? ”

Employee: “…”

J I don't think so.

J No!

R Yes, but I'm not sure I quite agree.

J Yes, do, please.


Тема 4. Грамматика.


Базовый уровень


1. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

What's your date of birth?

J July twenty, 1972.

J The twenty of July, 1972.

J Twentieth July, 1972.

R The twentieth of July, 1972.

2. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

What's the date?

J The eleven of June

J June the eleven

R The eleventh of June

J The eleventh June

3. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

7.35 is

J seven and thirty-five

J thirty-five past seven

R twenty-five to eight

J eight less twenty-five

4. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

12.57 is

R three minutes to one

J three to one

J twelve and fifty-seven

J three before one

5. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Eleven o'clock sharp.

J около одиннадцати часов

R ровно одиннадцать часов

J наверное, одиннадцать часов

J двенадцать часов

6. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Five minutes past three.

J без пяти минут три

R пять минут четвертого

J без пяти минут четыре

J без четырех минут три

7. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Ten past two.

J без десяти минут два

J десять минут второго

J без двух минут десять

R десять минут третьего

8. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

A quarter past twelve.

R четверть первого

J четверть восьмого

J без четверти двенадцать

J четверть двенадцатого

9. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Two thirty.

R половина третьего

J половина второго

J два часа

J три часа

10. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Half past eight.

J восемь часов

J половина восьмого

R половина девятого

J девять

11. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Twenty-five minutes to four.

J двадцать пять минут четвертого

J полночь

R без двадцати пяти минут четыре

J половина четвертого


Средний уровень

12. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Three fifteen.

J без пятнадцати три

R пятнадцать минут четвертого

J без трех минут три

J без пятнадцати четыре

13. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

A quarter to nine.

R без пятнадцати девять

J пятнадцать минут десятого

J без пятнадцати десять

J пятнадцать минут девятого

14. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Room 725.

R room seven-two-five

J room number seven hundred and twenty five

J room seven hundred and twenty five

J room seventy two and five

15. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

House 235.

R house two-three-five

J house two hundred and thirty five

J house number two hundred and thirty five

J house twenty three and fie

16. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Contract 405.

R contract four-o-five

J contract number four-o-five

J contract four hundred and five

J contract forty and five

17. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

My telephone number is 8-9273155555.

J eighty nine twenty seven thirty one fifty five fifty five and five

J eight hundred ninety two seven hundred thirty one five hundred fifty five and fifty five

J eighty nine twenty seven thirty one five five five five five

R eight-nine-two-seven-three-one-five-five-five-five-five

18. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Today is...

J The twelve of November

J November the twelve

R The twelfth of November

J The twelfth November

19. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

The Independence Day is on...

J The four of July

J July the four

R The fourth of July

J The fourth July

20. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1


R thirty four

J three four

J thirteen and four

J three and four


Высокий уровень


21. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

What's your date of birth?

J November twenty three, 1978.

J The twenty three of November, 1978.

J Twenty third November, 1978.

R The twenty third of November, 1978.

22. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

10.35 is

J ten and thirty-five

J ten-three-five past seven

R twenty-five to eleven

J ten less thirty-five

23. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Twelve past two.

J без двенадцати минут два

J двенадцать минут второго

J без двух минут двенадцать

R двенадцать минут третьего

24. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Eleven o'clock exactly.

J около одиннадцати часов

R ровно одиннадцать часов

J наверное, одиннадцать часов

J двенадцать часов

25. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

Ten minutes past three.

J без десяти минут три

R десять минут четвертого

J без десяти минут четыре

J без четырех минут десять

26. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

A quarter to two.

R без пятнадцати два

J пятнадцать минут второго

J без пятнадцати три

J пятнадцать минут третьего

27. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

I live on

J floor third

J three floor

J three floors

R the third floor

28. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1

A quarter past nine.

R четверть десятого

J четверть девятого

J без четверти девять

J четверть девятого

29. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1


R nineteen forty five

J one thousand nine hundred and forty five

J one-nine-four-five

J nineteen fourteen

30. Задача {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1


R nineteen ninety nine

J one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine

J one-nine- nine-nine

J nineteen nineteen



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