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Тема: The traditional economy
Раздел: Чтение Средний уровень 69.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement: People who live in a traditional economy don’t have money because they don’t need it. They live lives of subsistence. That means they hunt, gather or grow only enough food to live. There is almost no surplus in the traditional economy, and there is almost no property. Families may own simple accommodation, but land is shared by all the tribe. Economic decisions are taken according to the customs of the tribe. For example, every family may need to give some of the crops they grow to the tribal leader, but keep the rest for themselves. They do it because the tribe has always done it. It’s simply a custom. R. People in the traditional economy don’t obtain a lot of food. J. People own much property in the traditional economy. J. The chief of a tribe owns most land. J. Families don’t give any of the crops to their leader. 70.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement: Custom, also, decides what jobs people do in the traditional economy. People generally do the jobs that their parents and grandparents did before them. Anyway, there aren’t many jobs to choose from in the traditional economy. Men are hunters, farmers or both. The woman’s place is at home looking after children, cooking and home-making. This division of labour between men and women is another characteristic of the traditional economy. Whatever the work is, and whoever does it, you can be sure it’s hard work. This is because traditional economies have almost no technology. Physical strength and knowledge of the environment are the tools for survival. R. Women work as housewives in the traditional economy. J. There are lots of jobs in the traditional economy. J. People don’t have to be physically strong in the traditional economy. J. Men and women do the same jobs in the traditional economy. 71.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement: The traditional economy has its benefits and drawbacks. Probably the biggest benefit is that these are peaceful societies. People consume almost everything they produce and own practically nothing. They are equally poor. For all these reasons, war is almost unknown in these societies. People who live in traditional societies are among the poorest people in the world. Because there is no technology, people depend on nature to survive. They have no protection from environmental disasters like droughts and floods. They are always in danger of hunger and disease. R. People in the traditional economy don’t own anything. J. The traditional economy is perfect. J. People are often at war in the traditional economy. J. People in the traditional economy are never hungry or ill. Раздел: Лексика Средний уровень 72.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Translate
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Высокий уровень 78. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Although we can buy meat in the shops, some people still like to … animals as a hobby. R. hunt J. chase J. eat J. make 79. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer … is another word for extra things that are not needed. R. surplus J. goods J. shortage J. technology 80. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer There are still … of people living traditional lives in the rainforests of South America. R. tribes J. customs J. pygmies J. benefits 81. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer In most modern societies, … like celebration and dances have disappeared. R. customs J. patterns J. parties J. tribes 82. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Corn and wheat are two … that farmers grow in their fields. R. crops J. animals J. foods J. customs 83. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct One the of … of playing sports is that you keep fit. R. benefits J. goods J. disadvantage J. drawbacks 84. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer One of the … of living in a city is the noise. R. drawbacks J. goods J. customs J. benefits 85. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Many African countries suffer from regular … when no rain falls for months. R. droughts J. floods J. hurricanes J. shortage 86. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Heavy rain causes … in many parts of Europe each year. R. floods J. droughts J. hurricanes J. crops 87. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer East Asian countries are well known for their … industries such as computers and cameras. R. technology J. agricultural J. heavy J. foods 88. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Exercises and sports at school are sometimes called … education. R. physical J. mental J. fun J. humanities
Тема: The market economy Раздел: Чтение Средний уровень 89. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and answer the question: The market economy is sometimes called the free market. It is not controlled in any way by a government. It is also free from the influence of custom or tradition. In a free market, the only reason why things are bought and sold is because there is demand for them. Prices for goods and services are simply what people are prepared to pay. The market economy is not really controlled by anyone. It controls itself. Why do people buy and sell things in a free market? R. People need these things. J. People control the market economy. J. It is a tradition. J. People like the prices. 90. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement: Competition exists in a free market because, theoretically, anyone can be a producer. This means that companies have to compete with each other for a share of the market. Competition is good for consumers because it helps to control prices and quality. If customers aren’t happy with a product or service, or if they can’t afford it, they will go to a competitor. R. If a company wants to be successful it has to be competitive. J. Competition cannot control prices. J. Companies don’t need a share of the market. J. Customers go to a competitor when they like a product. 91. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement: Technology exists in a free market because producers need ways to reduce their costs. They cannot buy cheaper raw materials. Instead, they must make better use of time and labour. Technology is the use of tools and machines to do jobs in a better way. This helps companies produce more goods in less time and with less effort. The result: more profit. R. Companies don’t need much time to produce lots of goods. J. Producers don’t want to reduce their costs. J. Technology doesn’t help to do jobs in a better way. J. Producers try to buy cheaper raw materials. Раздел: Лексика Базовый уровень 92. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Translate
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Средний уровень 99. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Every Saturday this road becomes the local … where people come to buy fruit and vegetables. R. street market J. role J. afford J. selfish 100. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Businesses … their products in the media to attract more customers. R. advertise J. afford J. imagine J. bay 101. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer My … in the business is to meet customers and find out what they want. R. role J. profit J. market J. stall 102.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Making money is the main … to work. R. incentive J. profit J. market J. role 103. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer I bought this old camera for? 50 and sold it for? 75. That’s? 25 …. R. profit J. market J. role J. drawback 104.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer If there’s only one producer in the market, there’s no …. R. competition J. costs J. limit J. profit 105. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer Production … are the amount of money companies spend to make a product. R. costs J. market J. profit J. economy 106. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer The idea that life exists on the other planets is …. Nobody knows for sure. R. theoretical J. practical J. selfish J. temporal 107. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer A … economy is one where a government decides what can be bought and sold or how it is done. R. controlled J. theoretical J. market J. Street 108. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer The speed … on this road is 90 kilometers per hour. R. limit J. raise J. costs J. rule 109. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer When there is a demand we … prices. R. raise J. reduce J. afford J. supply 110. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer We … prices if we want to sell something quickly. R. reduce J. raise J. set J. bay 111. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer I can’t … that car – it’s far too expensive. R. afford J. exist J. yell J. incentive 112. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the correct answer People are … to pay a lot for services if they are of a good quality. R. prepared J. supply J. limited J. controlled
Тема: The planned economy Раздел: Чтение Средний уровень 113. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement: The planned economy is the direct opposite of the market economy. In the market economy, the forces of supply and demand decide everything: what is produced, how much is produced, the methods of production and the price. In the planned economy, all of this is decided by the government. In every way that the market economy is free, the planned economy is controlled. R. The government controls the planned economy. J. The planned economy is the same as the market economy. J. Demand and supply are not important in the market economy. J. The market economy cannot be free. 114. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement: In a planned economy “workers” wages depend on the service they provide to society. If people can live without service, you get paid less. This is very different from the free market. In the free market, someone’s salary mostly depends on the demand for his or her work. If people like what you do, you get paid more. The planned economy has many drawbacks. One of these drawbacks is problems with supply. It is difficult for governments of planned economies to know exactly how much to produce to meet demand. R. Governments of planned economies may not know how much to produce to meet demand. J. Your salary depends on the same things in both economies. J. The planned economy is a good economy. J. It’s impossible to live without service in a planned economy. Раздел: Лексика Базовый уровень 115. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Translate
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Высокий уровень 120. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Match the words and phrases with the definitions
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Тема: The mixed economy Раздел: Чтение Средний уровень 125. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement Economies mix government control and free market values in different ways. One way is to let privately owned businesses exist alongside state run industries. The economy becomes divided between the state sector and the private sector. The state sector often includes industries that the government thinks are important and need protection from the risk of the free market. These could include large industries that are important for a country’s economic health, such as oil, steel or agriculture. These are sometimes called primary industries because they provide basic materials to manufacturers. R. Agriculture is one of the primary industries. J. Government control and free market values are combined in the same way. J. The state sector doesn’t include industries that need protection from the risks of the free market. J. Oil industry doesn’t provide basic materials to manufacturers. 126. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Read the text and choose the right statement Another way in which economies today are mixed is that governments put limits on free enterprise. For example, governments may decide to ban trade in certain goods if they are dangerous. They may also create laws to make sure companies trade honestly or to prevent monopolies. If a company has a monopoly, normal market forces do not affect it. This is bad for consumers and the economy in general. Governments may also regulate methods of production. They do this to guarantee that products are safe for consumers and to protect the environment. R. A monopoly is bad for consumers. J. Governments don’t ban certain dangerous goods. J. Governments don’t regulate methods of production to guarantee that products are safe. J. Governments never make sure companies trade honestly. Раздел: Лексика Средний уровень 127. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Translate
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Высокий уровень 134. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence … is when businesses are able to trade without control from the government. R. Free enterprise J. Ban J. Trade J. State sector 135. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence … industries belong to and are run by the government. R. State sector J. Monopoly J. Trade J. Agriculture 136. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence Buses, trains and planes are examples of …. R. public transports J. private sector J. agriculture J. monopoly 137.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence … industries belong to and are run by independent businesses. R. Private sector J. State sector J. Monopoly J. Ban 138. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence … is another word for farming. R. Agriculture J. Monopoly J. Trade J. Manufactures 139. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence … produce new goods from raw materials. R. Manufactures J. Agriculture J. Public transport J. Trade 140. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence When a business works …, it runs successfully without wasting resources. R. efficiently J. free J. enterprise J. ban 141. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence Telephone and Internet systems are part of the … industry. R. telecommunications J. agriculture J. monopoly J. state sector 142. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence … is what drives businesses in the market economy. R. Profit motivation J. Public transport J. Trade J. Free enterprise 143. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence When the government puts a … on a commodity, people are not allowed to buy or own it. R. ban J. trade-off J. stocks J. profit 144. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence If only one company controls part of the economy, they have a …. R. monopoly J. trade J. ban J. agriculture 145. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Complete the sentence When companies …, they do business with each other. R. trade J. monopoly J. queue J. yell Раздел: Грамматика 7.1. The Present Simple Tense of “be” Базовый уровень 146. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” Where … you from? R. are J. be J. is J. am 147. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” My brother … a worker. R. is J. are J. am J. be 148.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” I … a student. R. am J. is J. are J. be 149. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” … they at home? R. Are J. Be J. Is J. Am 150. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” … your aunt a doctor? R. is J. am J. are J. be Средний уровень 151. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” … you busy? – No, I … not. Mike … busy. R. are, am, is J. be. am, are J. am, are, is J. is, are, am 152. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” Where … Lisa and John? – They … at college. R. are, are J. is, are J. am, are J. is, is 153. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” It … ten o’clock. She … late again. R. is, is J. are, is J. are, are J. is, am 154. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” How … you? – I … not very well today. – I … sorry to hear that. R. are, am, am J. is, am, am J. am, am, am J. are, is, is 155. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Choose the right verb form of “be” I … sorry. They … not at the office at the moment. R. am, are J. be, is J. are, are J. am, be 7. 2. The Past Simple Tense of “be” Cредний уровень 156. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Use the right past form of “be” My aunt … very depressed last Sunday. Правильный ответ: was 157. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Use the right past form of “be” The weather … terrible yesterday. Правильный ответ: was 158. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Use the right past form of “be” Her children … not at school last week. Правильный ответ: were 159. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Use the right past form of “be” It … cold and rainy yesterday. Правильный ответ: was 160. Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Use the right past form of “be” … she happy to see him? Правильный ответ: Was Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Use the right past form of “be” There … many people in the shop. Правильный ответ: were 161.Задание {{ 1 }}ТЗ 1 Use the right past form of “be” There … no vegetables for dinner yesterday. Правильный ответ: were |
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