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Ex. 1 4 . Write an essay at least 250 words. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


It is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Unit 7. World of nature. Environmental protection


Ex. 1. Work in groups. Answer these questions.


1. What is the climate like in your country?

2. Are there any problems with the climate in your country?

3. What is your favourite type of weather?

4. What kind of weather do you dislike?

5. Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country?

6. What is the best/worst weather for travelling in?



Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps in the diagram with these words/phrases about the environment.

the environment     the world population   food pollution        rainforests             the cost of living        oil and gas floods            green energy          wildlife           global warming the planet            climate change             the Earth

Ex. 3. Link each word on the left with a word on the left with a word on the right.


EXAMPLE: 1 f global warming

1. global 2. recycling 3. greenhouse 4. environmentally 5. light 6. endangered 7. genetically a. gases b. pollution c. species d. modified e. friendly f. warming g. waste


Ex. 4. A) Look at these sentences. Tick the ones that you think are true for your country.

1. The cost of living is increasing.

2. There is more pollution than there was 10 years ago.

3. Most people want to protect wildlife and the environment.

4. My country produces most of its own food.

5. There are more floods than there were 10 years ago.

6. Our country produces more green energy than it did 10 years ago.

B) Work in groups. Discuss the sentences.


Ex. 5. You are going to hear a woman talking on the radio about a new book. Before you listen, read through the notes below and try to decide what kind of information you need to listen for.


Complete the notes below.


Saving the Planet Approx. amount of money that each household could save a year: 1 US $________________ Main topic of book: 2 __________________   Ways to prevent global warning: 3 use modern types of __________________ 4 put your __________________ in a cool place 5 turn off _____________________________ 6 only shower for _______________________ 7 unplug your __________________________  
type of energy saving amount saved
· keeping tyres inflated · eating less 9 __________________ · buying food in 10 __________________ 8 US $ _________________ US $ 109   US $ 293


Ex. 6. Read the text. Make up 5 questions to the text and discuss them with your partner.

The little Ice Age

Western Europe experienced a general cooling of the climate after the year 1150 and a very cold climate between 1560 and 1850 that brought dire consequences to its peoples. The period from 1150 to 1850 is sometimes called the Little Ice Age.

During this time, the cooler air of the Arctic began to spread southward. Together with other changes in the atmosphere over the North Atlantic, this directed a higher number of storms into northern Europe. The sea level seems to have been increased by ice melt during the preceding Medieval Warm Period (from about 900 to 1150), contributing to the flooding which caused the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Additionally, hail wiped out farmland and killed great number of livestock over much of Europe, due to very cold air during the warmer months. Glaciers in many parts of Europe began to advance, destroying farmland and causing massive flooding.

The climate change of the Little Ice Age had a serious impact on agriculture, as it reduced the growing season by up to two months. That is enough to affect almost any type of food production, especially crops highly adapted to use the full-season warm climatic periods. Varieties of seeds that can withstand extreme cold or warmth, wetness or dryness, were not available in the past. The impact on agricultural output was significant, with poor harvests leading to high food prices and families. In one of the worst famines, millions of people died in France and neighbouring countries in 1693. Food prices reached a peak in the year 1816 – ‘the year without a summer’.

The cooler climate during the Little Ice Age had a huge impact on the health of Europeans. Malnutrition led to a weakened immunity to a variety of illnesses, including bubonic plague – the Black Death – which killed a third of the population of Europe in the late 1340s. cool, wet summers led to outbreaks of an illness called St Anthony’s Fire, which caused terrible suffering, hallucinations and even death. This was due to a fungus which develops in grain stored in cool, damp conditions. Used to make bread, the grain passed the illness to whole villages.


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